Chapter 14: Damn lucky

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Once Nanon was able to calm his emotion, he recounted the events when he was rejected. It felt like just yesterday when it happened, the memories of that night were still vivid in his head. Even the feelings, the hopelessness, and the regrets came back, haunting him down.

Fortunately, it was New he was talking to. The older one just listened to him, not interrupting nor invalidating his emotions. He made it easier to share all his thoughts.

"So what is your plan now?" New asked after a moment of silence once Nanon finished his story.

What am I planning now? he thought.

Honestly, he never got into that part. He was busy trying to overcome the pain of the rejection that he never thought of the things he was supposed to do after it. He seemed to lose his directions so how could he able to think about those things? He could only shake his head at that question.

"I don't know. I have no idea what to do next."

"Do you want to see Chimon?"


"I want to see him… but not now. I don't know how I could face him. What am I supposed to say after what I have done?"

It would be too awkward for the two of them. He already said that he didn’t want to be just friends with him. Kiss him even. If he saw him again, what was the guarantee that he wouldn't do stupid things?

Seeing how the younger one was struggling in his thoughts, New could only let out a big sigh. "You're right. It's not the time for the two of you to see each other. I believe Chimon wouldn't be comfortable as well. But, I want you to know that he worries about you."

Nanon turned to him.

New explained, "He actually asked me to visit you because he was worried you would be all alone. Not that it didn't cross my mind. I was really about to see you when he called me. I guess he was a bit regretting what did. Yet still, it's the right decision rather than letting you hope for nothing."

Nanon could imagine the worried look of his best friend. He almost picked up his phone to call him, but reminded himself that things were different now, and quickly brushed off the idea of contacting him.

"I know," he replied, pressing his hands together. "He just did what he thought was right... Perhaps, I would do the same if I were in his position."

New nodded at his response. They fell silent until New remembered the scene a while ago.

"Anyway, what about your issue with Ohm?"

Nanon relaxed his hands as he leaned his back on the couch. "...What about it?"

"Why are you bothering him?"

His forehead was knotted by that question. "Excuse me, phi? He's the one bothering me." His defense. "He keeps on following me everywhere I go like my shadow."

The senior gave him a boring look for a while before a teasing smile crept on his lips. "Oh, really?"

"Yes! Everyone can be my witness!"

"Sweety, that's not what I meant. You know how Ohm might be playful and seem to not take things seriously. But in reality it's just his way of showing how he cares a lot."

Nanon pouted. Of course he knew about it. If that annoying person didn't care, then he would never waste time with him. He would rather ignore and move on with his own life. Thus, Ohm bothering him was actually his way of comforting him. If Nanon would just be honest, he was glad for his presence despite his stubbornness. But he wouldn't say it, of course.

"I guess you have to be kind to him even for a little. He's been bearing with your attitude for a long time."

"I…!" He was about to defend himself, but stopped upon realizing that it was true. "I…"


"I don't tell him to do that! If, if he's annoyed with me then he can leave me as well!"

"But you know he won't. You're an important friend to Ohm."

He's important to him, too. That's why he agreed to build a business together because next to Chimon, Ohm was his most trusted friend despite their constant argument. They might have clashes of ideas, nevertheless at the end of the day he knew that he could always run towards him when he's in trouble.

Am I that opportunistic? Nanon suddenly asked himself. Ohm could lean on him, too, but why did it sound like he got the most benefits in their friendship.

He pulled his hair, and felt like screaming. Just what the hell was he doing?

"Ya, what are you doing?" New asked at the same time, seeing his distraught face.

"Punishing myself, phi."

He heard the older one giggled. "You're crazy, 'Non." Then playfully hit his shoulder. "Instead of doing that, you should stop giving Ohm a headache. Come on. Don't be a brat."

"I'm not a brat. It's Ohm."

"It's both of you." New couldn't help laughing at his junior. At least, for now, he seemed to forget his worries about his broken heart, and was replaced by what he called a child's tantrums. It's better this way, he guessed.

"You know what, I'm hungry. Let's eat something," he suggested.

"Oh, right, Phi. I am sorry. I forgot to serve something on you."

"No worries. I was eating when we arrived. So I was technically full a while ago. But not now." It seemed like he burned all the food he had eaten with everything he had witnessed today, though it hadn't been long since they had talked. His stomach just worked so fast.

Once Nanon had fixed himself, making it look like he didn’t bawl his eyes out although his eyes were obviously swelling, they decided to leave the little office then look for their companion. They found Tay and Ohm at the back corner of the resto, having their own chit chat while sipping a coffee

“Hey, that’s unfair. You’re eating here while I’m almost starving to death,” New complained the moment he reached them.

He sat beside Tay and quickly had his fill with the food on the table.Meanwhile, Nanon was forced to sit beside Ohm who even tapped the seat.

“You cried,” Ohm murmured once he was seated.

Nanon just gave him a side glance and didn’t say anything.

“It’s not our fault you chose to hide from us. We’ve been waiting for the two of you to come out for a long time. I thought you’re dead,” Tay said, shrugging his shoulders.

“Then why didn’t you knock on the door to check us out?”

“Ohm went,” he gestured to the person seated adjacent to him. “He said you would kill him if he disturbed the two of you.”

The mentioned person was nonchalantly sipping on his coffee as if he did nothing of it. It made sense how he immediately noticed his swollen eyes, and didn’t ask a question but rather stated the fact that he cried because he might have heard him when he went to the office. Nanon wondered how many times had Ohm witnessed him cry already. Perhaps, it was also the mere reason he was so annoyed with him.

“So… what did you two do?” turning his attention to the younger.

“Fucking Tay, you’re so nosy,” New said while picking all the food on Tay’s plate and shooting it into his mouth.

Ohm called the waiter and asked to bring more food for them.

“Aww. I’m just asking. You were gone for two hours. We already talked about the evolution of the man, yet still you’re inside the office, locked. Then, you’ll come back starving while Nanon has this disheveled look.”

“We talked, okay?”

“What did you talk about?”

“You asked Nanon. If he wants to say it, then he’ll say it. If he doesn’t want to, then don’t freaking try to force him.”

Tay looked at him, waiting. Nanon wanted to share their conversation with this senior. Just like New, he’s like a brother to him, too. It’s just that, he suddenly felt awkward, especially with the way the person seated beside was staring at him.

“Uhm, well…” he took a side glance at Ohm, then quickly turned to the seniors. How was he going to start?

“Should I leave? Am I making you uncomfortable?” Ohm interrupted.

“Huh? No!” he said, rather loudly. “Uhm, I mean. I’ll talk to you separately.” Ohm never made him uncomfortable. It’s quite the opposite, actually. He didn't want him to get the wrong idea.

It's just that Nanon felt like he already knew a lot of things about unfortunate love life. Ohm already saw his most pathetic side, and he didn't want him to see another pathetic side of him.

"Okay," Ohm said. Fortunately, he's sensible enough to back off this time. "I have some work to do, anyway. P'Tay, P'New, I'll leave you first." Before he left, he tapped Nanon's shoulder and squeezed it a little.

Intended or not, the three of them followed Ohm with their eyes. When he disappeared from their view, Tay and New turned back to him.

"What was that?" Tay asked, baffled.

"W-what?!" Here Nanon went again with his defensive voice.

"You shooed him away."

"I don't!"

"Why are you raising your voice?"

"I am not!"

"Ya, Tay. Stop torturing 'Non. He's already having a hard time," New butted in, food in his mouth.

"I know. I know. I was surprised with the way they acted."

"Hmm? Like what?" He reached out for a soda, feeling thirsty all of a sudden.

"Like lovers who had a quarrel, but will eventually make up right away because you can't be mad at each other for a long time."

Nanon almost choked on the soda he was sipping.

"What the heck, phi!" He knew how Tay could be so outspoken, never filtering his words. He was supposed to get used to it. Nevertheless, he would always catch him off guard.

Meanwhile, New, who was so busy with his food, laughed at his friend's remarks.

"You have a wild imagination, P'Tay," he uttered.

"I know. That's why you have to tell me what is happening to the both of you."

"Aren't you supposed to know about me and Chimon? And not me and Ohm."

"Well, I already have an idea about what happened. It must still be painful for you. If you're ready to tell, then I'll be listening. If not, then I'll wait for you to be ready. Anyway, I bet you already told New about it."

A warm feeling spread in Nanon's heart which made him more relaxed. He was so glad to be surrounded by good friends and good people who tirelessly supported him. It was really such a shame that he almost forgot about them.

He might not have been fortunate in terms of love, but he was so damn lucky in terms of friendship.

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