Chapter 5: He loves me

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Chimon stared at Nanon as if he had grown horns.

He couldn't believe what he's hearing. It's impossible, right? Nanon was just messing up with him because he had vented out to him, knowing how much he hated Pluem since he chose to leave him.

However, Nanon was staring at him intensely as if telling him that he's freaking serious...


His so-called best friend was in love with him!

"No way!" Chimon blurted out, unable to process the scenario. "Is this a prank? Where are the hidden cameras?"

His head turned left and right to look for the cameras which, in reality, he knew were not present. He was just trying to mess around because he had no idea how to deal with it! Not everyday your supposedly best friend confessed his feelings for you, so he's kind of lost.

On the other hand, Nanon was still staring at Chimon with all his seriousness, making him flustered for the first time since they became friends.

He knew how Nanon's dark eyes tended to be sharp when he's serious. It's the type that would directly pierce someone. It's kind of an enchantment that anyone could fall to.

When it was told to Chimon by the girls who were having crushes on his best friend back then, he actually couldn't understand it since it's ordinary for him. He was used to see Nanon almost everyday, 24/7, so he found them odd for describing it that way.

However, because of this weird situation, he somehow regretted not believing them because now he could fully understand those sharp gazes, making him want to run away before he could be a victime of it.

"It's not a prank, okay? I'm telling you the truth. I want you to be my boyfriend, and don't ever think it's because I want to keep you away from the jer-- I mean, Pluem."

"What the heck are you saying, Nanon?! Are you still drunk?!" Chimon was freaking out inside. Outside, his bewildered eyes could barely describe his emotions at the moment.

Nanon sighed, trying to remain calm despite his drumming heart.

"I'm no longer drunk. I'm not a drug addict as well. I'm perfectly sober, thanks to your porridge and appearance. And I'm telling the truth. Do you know how much courage I have to take to confess to you?-- wait! Stay here---" he pulled Chimon back to his chair who suddenly tried to run away. "Listen. I know it's confusing to you, but it's hard for me, too. Before the jerk came, I was actually about to confess my feelings...but his goddamn timing ruined it..." Nanon paused. "I think I should be honest. Actually, the reason I got drunk is---"

"Because I went with Pluem," Chimon continued. Nanon's hand was still holding him as if afraid he would be gone any second, which Chimon really thought of doing.

Nanon scratched the back of his neck, a bit embarrassed for being discovered.

"How did you know?"

"It's easy to follow your story."

"Well... yeah... It was so frustrating, you know. I hadn't slept well for a week. I was so nervous. I started planning a month before it. I even asked P'New and my crew to help me, but your freaking 'ex' busted it. So I got drunk."


Both of them do not know what to say next or how to react...

"Then... Why are you just telling me this? Why didn't you tell me before?" Chimon asked, still lost but now a bit calm.

Nanon took a deep breath. "I'm afraid. I'm afraid that if I would tell you, you'd reject me and leave me. That you'd forget our friendship."

"And how does it differ now?"

"I'll pursue you. No matter what happens, if ever you would reject me, I'll be chasing after you as I prove how much I love you."

Those gazes again. How could Chimon think properly if he would keep looking at him like that!

"You're confusing me," Chimon said.

Nanon froze for a moment with those words. Was it a good sign? Confusing Chimon meant he had a chance, right?

"That's my intention," he muttered, a bit dazed.

Chimon pulled his hand from him, and this time, Nanon let him.

"I think I have to go... I need some fresh air to think." Then he quickly dashed to the door.

"Call me when you arrive at home," Nanon yelled before he could go out.

Pausing, Chimon was debating what he should respond to. In the end, he just nodded and then went out.

Chimon decided to go to Nanon because he wanted to clear his mind regarding Pluem. He's the only person he could talk to about these things. Though his parents belong to LGBTQ+ and expectedly they could help him, he was still more comfortable with his best friend. Perhaps it's mostly the issue between parents and their children. Although you know they would understand you, you still chose to confide with your close friend since you thought they could understand you better...

However, with a sudden turn of events, it's a big trouble when suddenly that friend of yours became one of your problems.

Right now, Chimon felt like he's in a maze.



Chimon put his shoes on the rack and then wore his slippers for home. He went to his mami and hugged him.

"Mami, I'm home," he greeted, hugging tightly.

Don't get it wrong; his 'mami' was the one who asked to be called it despite being a man. For Gun, Chimon's 'mom', it didn't have to be a woman biologically to be called mother. It's in the person's commitment to being a mother. And when he and Off, his partner, decided to adopt Chimon, he also vowed to be the mother of this child.

"Oi, you're choking me, Chim," Gun, Chimon's standing mother, complained as he lightly tapped the younger's back.

Loosening up, the young one put up a bright smile as he faced his mother.

"I miss you so much, mami! You and papi!" his voice was too cheerful and loud; it could almost be heard outside.

"Miss us? We celebrated your birthday just the days ago, and now you miss us?"

"Yeah, I miss you everydayyy!"

Too cheerful, Gun thought. He was the one who raised this child. No matter how much Chimon tried to hide it with his cheerful facade, he could see that there was something wrong. It's just that, although he wanted to ask his son, he should be waiting for him to tell it them himself. There's a reason why Chimon was taking the pretense.

So, Gun decided to just wait for his son to talk. Chimon might be stalling, but he will tell it to them eventually.

Meanwhile, the younger thought of how he would tell his parents about the recent events.

They were still not aware that Pluem, his ex, had come back. Just like Nanon, they had an unpleasant view of his 'ex' after they broke up. Well, they were his parents, so it's only natural to hate the person who made their child cried, although before that incident, they were pretty close with Pluem.

Then, Nanon's confession...

The previous events seemed to turn his world upside-down. Chimon didn't know how he would be opening it up to his parents. He, himself, was confused. Why did it all have to happen at the same time??!

"Where's papi? Is he still at work?" Chimon asked, fidgeting the hem of his shirt and stalling some time before he told it to them.

"He's at work. It's Monday."

Oh, right. Not everyone was like him, who has no fixed schedule since he's a freelance photographer. Then, most of his friends had their own business, so they managed their own time, too. But, his papi was an office worker who needed to go to work at a given fixed schedule, while his mamii tended to the household chores as he also managed his online business.

"Heheh. I forgot," Chimon awkwardly said.

Gun squinted his eyes to scrutinize him, in which Chimon just playfully avoided. He went to the kitchen to search for any food he could eat. He found some cookies that were probably excess from the ordered baked goods.

"Haven't you eaten? You should eat your lunch first before you eat those," Gun reprimanded.

"I already had my lunch. It's my dessert. Your cookies were really the best, mami!" Showing a thumbs up.

Gun lightly smacked his thumbs up and sat beside him.

Chimon blabbered about several things, saying how Gun's cookies were the best in the whole universe, then how lucky him and his papi had to have him in their lives. He also mentioned the new puppy his neighbor had and wished he could have one, too. However, he worried that he couldn't take care of it because he loved to go outside. He also included the conversation of the lovers he couldn't help but overheard while he was eating in fast food because they're too loud. He felt the second-hand embarrassment on their behalf...

Suddenly, Gun stopped him.

Gun looked at him intently.

"Chimon, I raised you for two decades. I saw your first walk, your first play outside. I knew your first friend. Your first day of schooling. Your first love. And, of course, your heartbreak. I was also there when you got your first job. In short, your papi and I are always beside you no matter what the circumstances are. Now, tell me. What is it that's bothering you?"

Hearing that, Chimon suddenly became frozen in his place. He dropped the cookies he was eating and didn't dare to meet his mami's eyes as he stared down, uneasy...

Gun waited patiently.

The first time Gun saw him like this, Chimon told them that he liked a boy. That he's confused because he's 'different' from others, though he witnessed this 'difference' to his parents. Still, he's confused as to why he felt it.

And now, it felt like Gun saw, once again, that confused teenage boy.

Later, the older realized Chimon's confusion.

"Pluem came back, and he said he still loves me," he said. "Then... Nanon said he loves me, too..."

Double update for this week because I got my new contact lens😊

Kidding, just got an inspiration. Thank you for reading this story💕

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