Chapter 6: How

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His ex came back, asking for a second chance. 

At the same time, his best friend confessed his love for him...

Anyone who would hear that would instantly think that it's a plot in a typical romance story. A story that would be aired noon time while some folks were having their break after a morning full of work. Sometimes, it would be the topic of the gathering of some old maidens as they passed their time. Meanwhile, it would be perfect material for high school chitchats. Although some parts were predictable, this common plot would never be out of favor. Everyone was still looking forward to its next scene until the end.

However, the people who suddenly became the main characters of this narrative couldn't find time enjoying it. A love story where three people were involved was a headache and a total roller coaster. 

That's why Chimon wasn't fond of these kinds of events. He believed in simplicity. If he wanted something, he would get it. If he hated something, he would avoid it. He was known for being straightforward, too. He spoke out whatever he had in mind despite clashing his ideas with others. Anyway, people had different opinions, so why would he hold himself back?

But, this situation was something he never thought of getting involved in. 

When his first love, Pluem, left him to pursue his career, Chimon admitted that he hoped that one day, Pluem would come back. He waited day and night. He never minded how seasons changed so quickly, yet Pluem never returned. Until he felt that he could no longer wait for him and had to move on with his life. It was a tireful journey, but when he thought he was able to pick up and fix his broken self, Pluem appeared without a warning, shaking his fragile heart he had tried to rebuild for years. 

Undeniably, Pluem was one of the people who had influenced his life. His mere presence was enough to shake his whole system. He's hopeless when it comes to him. 

On the other hand, Nanon was his best friend. They had known each other since fetus. If there was one person who knew all about his secrets, it would be Nanon. He believed that other people may leave him but never Nanon. They would be best friends forever who could rely on each other. Unfortunately, he never thought that they could be beyond best friends despite their obvious closeness. Hence, blurting those three words had brought chaos to his already chaotic world and suddenly questioned himself, 'Can we be more than friends?'

Chimon didn't know why, but he felt betrayed when Nanon confessed his feelings. He felt that he shouldn't have told him about it. Because of that, the mixed emotions he had when Pluem appeared became more abstruse that no matter what he did, he would be trapped in these tangled situations.

Chimon promised himself not to get affected by Pluem. He had forgotten him. He should forget him. He was supposed not to give him a second chance.

Nanon was his best friend. He knew that he felt nothing romantic towards him. He could be his brother and nothing more. Chimon believed that's what he could only offer to him.

I want you back.

I like you more than just a friend.

Since Chimon hated complexity, he could only give them straightforward answers.

We can never be together again.

I only like you just as a friend.

Yet, why did these words never come out of his mouth? Those were stuck in his throat as if telling them these words were not meant by him. 

What did he really want then?

"You should give yourself time to calm down," Gun muttered, lightly tapping his back as if reassuring him that everything would eventually be okay. "If you made a decision right away, you may end up with the bad choice. You may do things you don't really mean. I understand what you're feeling. But not everything could be dealt with rightly."

"Do you think I am overreacting?"

"Of course not! Don't think about it. It's only natural to feel confused with the sudden turn of events. Nanon and Pluem, you cared for both of them so much. Though, there were obvious differences since Pluem was your past lover, while Nanon is your best friend. Still, your feelings are valid since you don't want to hurt them both."

He looked down, contemplating. It's true that they were both important to him despite saying that he hated his past lover. If it was his past, immature self, he could give his decision right away, not even considering who he could hurt. But it's different now. He couldn't say that he fully matured. But, he wanted to take into consideration every angle of this scenario. 

If he could be honest to himself, yes, there's still lingering feelings for Pluem after all these years. Seeing him made him yearn for the time they were not together. On the other hand, he always felt that Nanon was only a friend to him. Yet, after the confession, it shook his beliefs, flashing back all the memories they had shared and realized that there could be beyond this friendship. It's just that he was used to what relationship they have now, and crossing its line made him uncomfortable because of the possible changes. 

Thus, Chimon didn't know. Didn't know what he should do. Didn't know how to handle this situation...

"But may I remind you, Chim," Gun said. "The more you try not to hurt these two people, the more you would unintentionally hurt them. At the same time, yourself. So, I hope you could be decisive with your decision. Whatever it is, your Papi and I will always support you."

Smiling, Chimon felt so lucky to have them as his parents. They were the main reasons why he could still go on despite all the problems he encountered, not just about his love life. They were his pillars. He wondered how his life would be without them.

Hence, with the support from his parents, he would like to sort things out.


The number you have dialed is out of coverage. Please try your call later.

Nanon redialed but heard the same lines for the nth time. 

It's been days since Chimon became out of reach. He already went to his home, where he was greeted by Gun but was told to leave Chimon on his own for a while. 

Of course, his parents were aware of what happened. And though they liked Nanon for a long time, they couldn't suddenly accept that the person their son was supposed to be friends with actually had an unrequited love for his friend. Though they didn't hate Nanon for that, they wanted to stay neutral and had no intentions of influencing their son's decision. 

Obviously, they preferred Nanon than Pluem after what he did back then. It was just that it was too difficult to change Nanon and Chimon's relationship overnight. So, after they lightly scolded him, they didn't bother to let him stay longer like they used to do.

"Sorry, Nanon. I know you have good intentions towards our child, but I hope you would give him time to think about it," Gun said.

Suddenly, a cold object touched Nanon's nape that made him back from his reverie. Turning, he saw Ohm with his stupidly bright smile and a can of soda on his hand that he used to distract him from his thoughts. 

Ohm was a college friend who turned to be his business partner when he decided to open the resto bar. He was also aware of his unrequited love and was supposed to be part of the surprise for Chimon, but he had an emergency at home, so he couldn't join them. He just went back yesterday but was already aware of how the events turned out, so he had already made fun of him the moment he arrived.

He took the soda from him and absentmindedly shook it as he returned, having a staring contest with his phone. 

Ohm chuckled as he sat beside him. They were currently on the rooftop of the resto bar, gazing at the dancing city lights. Or at least, that's what Nanon was supposed to do until his mind drifted to Chimon despite telling himself to take it easy.

"Still can't contact him?" Ohm asked.

"...Yeah. It's been three days."

"It's only been three days. You're so dramatic."

His grip with the soda can tightened a little. The devil inside him wanted to throw it to this asshole's face. Fortunately, the angel within him stopped him from committing a crime.

Patience. He took a deep breath. He must be patient.

"Dramatic, my ass. What if something happened to him I wasn't aware of?"

"Why? Are you his parents?"

Nanon side eyed this annoying man, who just shrugged his shoulders and then even had the nerves to offer him some chips he had also brought along with him. 

Ohm had always been a carefree guy. If Chimon was someone who would like to take things in a forthright manner, Ohm, on the other hand, treated things like a simple joke. Ever since he had known him, he had never seen him get serious at all. Though that made him an easy companion, there were still times that Nanon got annoyed by his attitude...

Just like now.

Truthfully, this person was the first to notice his unrequited love when they were in college. Nanon thought he was being discreet with his feelings. Yet, one day, Ohm approached him, telling he should stop ogling at Chimon. 

He was surprised and, at the same time, felt wronged by the accusation. It's just that it wasn't actually baseless. 

Perhaps he truly wore his heart on his sleeves. Everybody could see, except for that dense person.

Anyway, because of it, there were several times when he confided his feelings to Ohm, especially every time he got frustrated with Chimon. Sometimes, Ohm would be sensible enough to help him out when he's being cornered and no longer knows what to do. However, it wouldn't last long as minutes later, he would start teasing Nanon again. 

Ohm never experienced having an unrequited love; never experienced chasing someone whose eyes were turned to another person, that's why he could not relate with him at all, and often thought that it would be easy for Nanon to just forget whatever he felt for his best friend. 

If it's as easy as changing one's clothes, would he choose to suffer like this? 

Many times, he thought of giving up. Of accepting the fact that Chimon and him would be just friends and nothing more. Yet, his heart always craved for something beyond friendship. He regretted the time he chose to remain silent about his emotions. 

If only he were brave enough to confess when they were young, even before Chimon met Pluem, would they have a different outcome?

No one knew. It's already in the past anyway. What's important now is how he would coax Chimon.

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