Chapter 7: Stay this way

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Sipping on his soda, Ohm couldn't help but shake his head at Nanon's foolishness. At the same time, he admired him for his undying loyalty. 

When he first met Nanon, he thought he was a pushover. Later on, he realized that he was a total pushover, especially when it came to Chimon. He actually had no intention of befriending him, since their personalities were like the total opposite. There were a lot of things they couldn't agree upon, which often led them to arguments. 

Nevertheless, the way Nanon looked at his best friend had picked his interest and, whether it's a pity or others, it made him approach Nanon. Then as if it wasn't enough, he just found himself trying to protect him.

Yes, protect him. And he couldn't understand why.

Honestly, Ohm was supposed to not care. He had a lot of friends, and had seen them battling for the 'love' of their lives. Usually, he would be on the sideline, watching. He didn't even bother to give advice since most of them never considered it so why wasted his time? He would listen, then forget, then move on with his own life. 

He had been into different relationships, but never once had made him serious to the point of crying over a break up. It was the main reason why his 'lovers' left him, yet still he just really did not care. People come and go. Instead of investing in fleeting emotions, Ohm would rather just go with the flow, and when it ended, it ended. No need to wallow over those events. 

If the person liked him, he liked that person, too. If that person stopped liking him, then he would stop liking him, too. As easy as that. It was the reason why he became known as a carefree person. 

So when this desire to protect this pushover Nanon arose within him, he was conflicted. 

Why would he do it for someone he barely knew? Perhaps, it’s because Nanon looked so pathetic with the way he could only stare at Chimon with those loving eyes. Perhaps, it's the way he smiled so lovingly yet the other person could barely notice it. Or perhaps, it's the way he tried so hard to hide his feelings, yet it spilled out with his every action. Unfortunately, the subject of his affection barely noticed it. Hence, being unable to take it any longer, Ohm decided to stay as if his presence would change the fact that Nanon could only have an unrequited love. 

Now, it's been seven years since they’d met. Nanon often complained about being frustrated with Chimon, not realizing that he was also the same for Ohm. Sometimes, he could only brush him off by telling some jokes, yet at the end of the day, Ohm would try to cheer him up, and temporarily divert his attention to other things. 

…Something Ohm had never done to any of his past relationships. 

If Ohm would be honest, even if only to himself, his initial interest and curiosity might have bloomed into deeper feelings. If not, then why the hell would he choose to stay beside this pushover and witness him run around again? 

Looking at Nanon immersing himself in planning to court his best friend, something within Ohm seemed to itch, if only he could knock the sense out of this man. But since he couldn't do it, he was thinking of ways to lessen Nanon's pain if ever he would get rejected.

Why did he even bother? Again, he was trying to figure it out himself.

"If I couldn't reach Chimon, it's most probably the same with Pluem, too. They shouldn’t meet again. He's the biggest bane to my plan," Nanon muttered while nibbling on his right thumb. "It's good that Chim is confused, right? It means I have hope."

He's not actually talking to Ohm, but more on to himself. His way of self reassuring.

Ohm sighed for the nth time. Whatever he said at this point, he knew that Nanon would never listen, especially now that he had glimpsed a tiny bit of hope. 

"What do you think I should do?" Nanon turned to him.

Ohm was currently sipping on his soda when Nanon suddenly turned to him, catching him by surprise. Not that he never thought that the latter would be actually asking him. Rather, it's the way the moonlight was illuminating Nanon's face, creating this vague impression of a deity. 

If his hopeless self when it came to his unrequited love would be set aside, Nanon was honestly one of the most handsome men Ohm had ever met. Of course, he was confident with his own look so he never bothered to compare himself with others. Nevertheless, there were so many times he would be caught off guard by Nanon's since it was actually his ideal type. 

"Hey, what do you think?" Nanon asked again. A little impatient.

What do I think? Ohm thought. I think you should stop with your hopeless quest. 

But, of course, he couldn't say it.

"Should I call my gang and beat the shit out of your rival?" Ohm 'nonchalantly' asked while his eyes closely scrutinized the other's face.

"What the—! I am not like that. I would like to win in a clean and fair way."

"Then dream on. It will never happen."

Nanon pouted. "You're always saying that. Why did you even try to help me back then if you're just going to put me down again?"

"It's not like I have a choice."

"Of course, you have."

"If I have, then I would never invite Chimon here. Why do you even try when the answer is all written all over."

Nanon glared at him. Looking a bit disappointed, but not surprised since it's always the way Ohm talked to him every time Chimon was involved.

"Why am I even listening to you?" He just said, then decided to leave. 

He was about to stand up and walk away when Ohm reached out for his wrist and suddenly pulled him toward him. 

Because of the abrupt action, Nanon could only place his other free hand onto the other's shoulder to prevent himself from slamming to his body. He was staring down at him, perplexed. He also wondered what had got into this man for suddenly pulling him. However, when he met his narrowed, daggerlike eyes, he seemed to forget what he was about to say.

"...Y-you…" Nanon muttered. 

Ohm just cocked his head to his side, and couldn't also understand why he did it. What he only knew was he would like to stare longer at this person's face, so when he turned his back, his hand acted on reflex, stopping him. Now that he's looking at him from a closer distance, nothing else could register to his mind. 

They both fell silent... 

It took a minute before Nanon had recovered and was able to string his words.

"W-what is wrong with you?!"

Ohm finally let him go, pushing him a little bit forcefully that made him almost stumble on his back.

"I thought I saw something. But it's just your pathetic face," Ohm said.

Nanon was originally in a bad mood. With those words, it worsened. He was supposed to leave this man alone, but changed his mind as he tackled him down and met his face with his fist. 

Ohm knew this might happen with the way he's bitching Nanon. The latter rarely showed him patience and would usually either ignore his remarks or let his fist talk to him. This time Nanon chose the latter. Though he saw it coming, he just let himself take the blow. He was already accustomed to his punches, taking a few would not make a difference. 

Nevertheless, Ohm wouldn't let him leave without a scratch. He's a petty person after all. Hence, he returned the punches that landed on him.

Physically speaking, Ohm was more built than Nanon since he was exercising regularly. On the other hand, aside from running after his best friend, Nanon preferred the comfort of his couch. As a result, it didn't take much time before Ohm overpowered him, flipping him on his back and switching their position. Now, he was on top of Nanon. Both were breathless.

Nevertheless, instead of hitting him again, he just flicked his forehead after feeling uneasy with the bruises he caused to him. There was even a cut on Nanon's lips. He would like to wipe that tiny blood, but stopped himself just in time. He flipped to the side, and sprawled on the floor.

"You should save your energy in beating out your rival. Why do you always take it out on me?"

"It's because you're annoying."

"It's mutual."

"You're more annoying," Nanon firmly said. 

He heard Ohm chuckling beside him. Afterwards, they stayed silent for a while, trying to catch their breath, and maybe trying to process their situation.

One, feeling guilty for always taking out his frustrations to this person though he knew he was only trying to help. Honestly, he was so grateful that despite all his shits, Ohm was still attending to him. He was just annoyed because he often voiced out the things he was also aware of, yet having difficulty in accepting. 

On the other hand, Ohm thought he must affirm his own feelings. He liked to jab at how the other was being pathetic with his unrequited love, yet he knew in his heart that he was running away. It's just that, a part of him was telling that nothing would be fruitful, so why even bother? 

For a long time, Nanon had cherished his best friend, Chimon, in his heart. His love was planted deep like a beautiful flower seed that blossomed every passing time until it occupied all the space in his heart. Meaning, no space for an outsider. Everyone who confessed to him always ended up crying, rejected. If magic truly existed, then Nanon fell under the spell of Chimon. He was bewitched with no point of return.

That's why, Ohm, witnessing all of these, would rather watch on the sideline as a friend. He would rather choose to stay the way it is.

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