Chapter 8: Have no match

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"Dr. Purim, someone is looking for you."

Pluem stopped taking down notes of his analysis of the chart of his latest patient. So far, nothing serious could be seen on his patient's condition, hence he could accommodate a few visitors for a short time.

It's been a month since he had come back from abroad, and started working in one of the prestigious hospitals in Thailand. His credentials and recommendations made him known in the medical industry, yet he never bothered to reconnect with his previous friends as he became too hectic with his work, as well as in trying to win back Chimon. That's why he had really no idea who the visitor was. But, if there's only one person he wished to be visited by, it was Chimon. 

However, he was greeted not by the familiar eye smile he could always see in his dream. Rather, the person in front of him did not register in his memory. He didn't know the man.

"How may I help you?" Pluem asked politely.

The man looked around his office, then sat on the couch as if he's at home and not visiting a doctor in a hospital.

"You're Pluem Purim?" He did not wait for his answer as he continued. "You look ordinary. I thought you would be as handsome as hell just like what I am always hearing. But, you didn't even meet my expectations. Well, at least you seem smart. The bookish type of smart."

Pluem frowned. It was the first time he met this man, yet he was already insulting him. Not that he cared about his looks. He heard a lot of people praising him for his appearance, but since he was focused on his goal, he never really cared about those trivial things. It's the least thing on his mind. Yet, he still felt offended by this stranger's words. After all, it wasn't nice of him to say those things to the person he had just met.

He removed his eyeglasses, and looked straight at the man.

"Who are you? What do you want?" He asked. The politeness in his voice that he had a while ago was gone. Since this fellow was being rude, then there's no point in showing politeness. "If you're not here for a consultation, I suggest you leave."

The stranger smirked, but flinched a little when Pluem changed his tone. "My name is Ohm. Nanon and Chimon's friends." Ohm quickly brushed off the uneasiness he suddenly felt.

Hearing that name made Pluem freeze for a moment.

Ohm continued, "we met in college, and became best buddies. I don't really know you since they never talked about it until after Chimon's birthday. I am honestly not supposed to meddle since it's not my business. But Chimon has been missing for weeks, and Nanon was such an annoying mess. So, I thought I might pay you a visit to see the person who caused all this chaos."


"It turns out to be just an ordinary jerk who thought he could make everyone dance on his palm any time he wanted."

Pluem clenched on the pen he's holding, and narrowed his gaze at this offensive bastard. Meanwhile, Ohm slightly tilted up his head as if to tell that he's up for a challenge, and would never back out.

It's irritating, Pluem thought. The arrogance of the man irritated the hell out of him. Yet, since he's Chimon's friend, he had to tolerate him.

"As what you've said, it's none of your business so stop sticking out your nose," Pluem said, maintaining the little calmness he had.

Snorting, "what's your point of coming back anyway? Are you tired of having fun abroad? That's why you decided to return here and play with Chimon's heart instead."

"I. never. play. with. Chimon's. heart," he uttered the words one at a time as his gaze toward the man became harsher. "You never know what I truly feel."

Pluem loves Chimon. He truly does and It never changes with the passing of time. He was always the happiest when they were together…

Pluem was in his second year of high school when he met Chimon as a freshman. He was one of the student council officers who facilitated the freshmen's orientation, and was fortunate to be assigned to Chimon's group.

Of course, in the beginning, there's nothing about the teenage boy that could make him catch his attention. He looked just like the others. However, among the people in the place, even with his friends, only Chimon dared to stare right into his eyes and asked, "are you okay?"

He had no idea how he was able to recognize the pain he was trying so hard to hide from others. Despite the smile Pluem was showing to everyone, he was actually suffering from abuse at home. He couldn't tell anyone since his abuser was a 'respectable' assemblyman. He was just hanging by a thread, and almost at the point of breaking when Chimon reached out to him, and pulled him back to his sanity.

Sounded clichè, but since that moment Chimon had become his light in the darkest times of his life.

The problem was Pluem became too greedy. Too greedy to the point that he thought once he became successful, nothing else would matter anymore. The world would be at his feet and he would be living the best of his life. He would be free from the pain, from his abuser, and could finally have a peaceful life with Chimon. He just needed to sacrifice a little; to distance himself from him so he could achieve his goals.

Yet, everything became senseless. The money and fame he used to chase turned to be a poison that killed his every breath. He was suffocated. He was numb. He threw himself to deep abyss, no longer knew if he could ever return. He missed his light. 

Returning to his homeland and pestering his past lover was actually his last and desperate move. It was wrong of him to think that he could achieve his goals without the person who opened the door for him to dream—dreaming of a better future… it was wrong of him to leave his side…

At the moment, the stranger who claimed to be Chimon's friend was scrutinizing Pluem as if finding a single fault that would be the reason to totally take  his friend away. That was Ohm’s actual purpose for boldly visiting the doctor. He would like to meet him, intimidate him, and show him how he would never be the right person for Chimon.

"It's not for you to decide who's right or wrong for Chimon although you are his friend," Pluem said.

"So you think you have the right to come back to his life?"

“No I don't. I know it’s my fault. I made Chimon cry. I wasn’t in my right mind when I chose my career and left him. It would never be erased, and I was not trying to be forgiven for my mistakes. But, I want him to give me a second chance. I would like to do the right thing. I would like to show him how much he means to me. He…” his voice carck a little as if trying to stop himself from overwhelming emotions. “...He has always been the only one for me.”

Now, it’s Ohm’s turn to be stupefied. 

Despite the rude words he uttered, despite his initial reason for provoking him, he couldn’t shake off the feeling that this doctor was being sincere, especially every time he uttered Chimon's name, his face softened. 

In all honesty, Ohm had already heard the story of the two from Nanon. It wasn’t just a whirlwind romance that ended right away, too. From what he heard, there were even times where Nanon felt like Pluem became more like a ‘best friend’ for Chimon than him. They were together often although Pluem had to come from the opposite building. They would rather spend their weekends together. Until they became each other’s companion and trusted confidante. 

Ohm didn’t care when Nanon was telling it to him with a bitter tone back then. He wasn't interested in someone's love story, anyway. Yet, hearing Pluem talk about Chimon, he couldn't help pitying him. Pluem looked so lonely and desperate despite the so-called success he had at the moment. And it's because he lost his lover.

Pluem stood up, and walked toward him, making Ohm flinch a little. He would like to intimidate him, but there's something with this doctor that although he's trying to remain calm and not resort to any violence, Ohm couldn't help still feeling guarded toward him. He was intimidated instead. But, of course, he wouldn't show it. He still held his head high.

"I don't know what your intention is for coming here. If you're here because you care for Chimon… then I am grateful for taking care of him."

Once again, Ohm was taken aback. The smirk that was playing on his lips was gone as he saw the doctor gently smile at him. His eyes were also pleading. 

"And I would like to trouble you to continue looking after Chimon…" Pluem might hate the arrogance of this man, but he realized that he’s here because he cared for Chimon. And that he was just trying to protect him. At some point, he felt relieved that Chimon had this good friend aside from Nanon.


On the other hand, Ohm stared at him like he’s seeing a ghost. Now, he understood why Nanon was so threatened by this person's presence. And why Chimon was so rattled seeing him again. It's true that for Ohm, Pluem wasn't as handsome as they described him to be. He looked ordinary to him. However, he had this commanding aura despite his gentle face that could make anyone think twice about trying to fight him. And when he talked, he seemed to only spit genuineness, giving Ohm some doubts about his own thoughts on the doctor. 

Ah… you really have no match, Nanon, Ohm thought.

Pluem could win back Chimon.


Late published. Been a hell week at work. Anyway, thank you so much for reading this😊

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