Chapter 9: Escape

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Once his unwanted visitor was gone, Pluem sat back on his chair, feeling quite heavy. He closed his eyes to ease the sudden pain in his head as his mind drifted toward his lover.

Before he lost connection with Chimon, he was able to talk to him for a bit. Back then, he was so happy to receive his call, thinking that he would finally give him a chance to be back to his life. Nevertheless, the latter just called because he was asking to give him time to think about the series of events that just happened. 

Apparently, what Nanon had blurted about loving Chimon more than just a friend was true. In addition to Pluem's sudden appearance, it threw Chimon into confusion. Hence, he would like a momentary peace where he could think things through clearly before he faced the both of them and gave his answer.

He understood what Chimon meant as hearing Nanon confessed his feelings baffled him as well. Everyone knew how the two were like attached at the hip since their childhood. Although their parents were not on good terms since Nanon's were a bit homophobe, it didn't stop them from becoming closer. Actually, he admired their friendship. That's why, although he could feel that there was something more with the way Nanon was looking at Chimon, he just brushed it off as he chose to believe what Chimon had said— They were just friends.

But now that he found out the supposedly best friend of Chimon had romantic feelings for him, of course it threatened him. He wasn't able to count on that possibility, thus ruining his plans.

On the night he took Chimon, trying to win him back, he was ready to face the wrath of his lover. Afterwards, calm him down and sincerely talk about them — the possibility of being together. However, because Nanon said those three words, all throughout the night that they were together, he could see how distracted Chimon was. 

He said it was a joke. That Nanon didn't mean it. But Pluem didn't think so. He knew those eyes as it's also the way he was always looking at Chimon. Nanon truly loved his best friend. And it was confirmed after they met again.

Actually, Pluem was so grateful that Chimon was so straightforward with everything. He was so honest and willing to tell the whole story, though they had some issues they needed to settle themselves. Because of it, a part of him felt guilty for creating this chaos, seeing the confusion in Chimon's heart. But the thought that if he had just been late for a day or even a minute, Nanon could have freely confessed, then taken Chimon away. Though he doubted, the latter would accept him right away. Still, it made him realize that he really shouldn't leave Chimon. He's a lovely person, anyone could fall for him. 

And he couldn't bear it to happen.

Seeing him with another person, that’s the worst thing that could ever happen in his life.

So why did he leave him in the first place?

Pluem couldn just laugh at his own stupidity.

If only he became braver… if only he was strong enough… if only he didn't become too greedy… then perhaps none of these things would have happened…

But it was already in the past. No matter how much he blamed himself, and acted like a total loser once again, nothing would change, unless he would do what he's supposed to do to make up for his mistakes.

He respected Chimon's decision to be alone for a while. He didn't want to do things that would make him uncomfortable. However, he didn't say that he couldn't check on his condition, at the same time, didn't tell him that he should also stay away from his parents.

Hence, despite being exhausted after his almost 18 hours shift in the hospital, Pluem headed straight away to Chimon's house.

He already visited Chimon's parents when he came back. They were the second he met after Chimon. And despite the hostility they showed which was already predictable because of what he did, he still kept coming. Afterall, they also became his refuge every time he was beaten badly in the past.

"You're here again," Off said the moment he saw him, a little bit irritated. But at least, his hostility towards him seemed to lessen a bit compared to their first meeting where he was almost thrown into the nearby sea.

He showed a smile, then offered the flavored chicken he had brought from their favorite store. He always made sure to bring something every time he was visiting, though it was always rejected.

"Good evening, sir. I hope I was just in time to join you for dinner, if you don't mind."

"Hmpf! We mind, and we just had our dinner. So you can go."

Ohm was about to close the gate, but Pluem put his foot in between before it was shut.

Ouch! He thought as he bore the consequence of his action. 

Nevertheless, his smile never left his face.

"Then, you may just have this chicken. You may eat it tomorrow, sir."

Off, with a knotted forehead, looked at the chicken Pluem was giving. He was actually tempted to accept since it was his favorite. Its aroma, the buttery savory scent, wasn't even helping him from resisting. But, no! He must be loyal to his son. He might have liked Pluem back then, but after what he did, he wouldn't accept him so easily despite all the bribes he's giving them.

"It's roasted chicken seasoned with butter, garlic, thyme, rosemary, lemon zest, salt, and pepper. It was roasted until golden brown and crispy on the outside, but juicy on the inside. I also asked them to add more butter, because I know you love the buttery taste," Pluem said while sweetly smiling.

Off couldn't help swallowing the saliva that was on the verge of dripping from his mouth. 

A, this cheater… he really did know how to coax him. 

He remembered how this young man always took into consideration what they liked and hated. He was always courteous, making sure not to step on the line. Sometimes, they wondered how their son was able to bewitch him because he was just too perfect, opposite to their child who could be so childish and immature. But, Pluem would only smile fondly, telling them that their son was the most precious human being he met. Clearly, he was head over heels to Chimon. That's why he gained their trust right away. They were so fond of him to the point that when they heard of their break up, they became heartbroken as well… 

Yet, there was still a lingering fondness that they felt for the man.

Honestly, it's just a matter of time before the walls they built against him collapsed. 

Just like at this moment.

"Uhm… since it would be a waste if it would not be eaten, then I'll just have it. BUT! that doesn't mean I have forgiven you for what you did to Chim! You're still banned here!" Off said, reaching out for the chicken with his head held high.

It’s just that, before he could get it, it was stolen… received rather by the person behind him. Gun even lightly smacked him on his shoulder.

“So this is what you meant by not being swayed, huh?” Gun asked sarcastically.

“I am not! I am just trying not to waste any food!”

“Yeah right. Whatever.” Turning to Pluem whose foot was still in between the gate and its frame, preventing it from closing. This young man was quite persistent, Gun thought.

He pushed Off a little to open the gate, and invited Pluem inside. Afterall, he’s not new to them. Moreover, almost everyday he would be visiting him despite his busy schedule, and despite the obvious unwelcomeness. If he wouldn’t be able to come, he would give them a call as if it was just a normal thing to do.

Of course, Gun would never forget what he did since he broke not only Chimon's heart, but theirs as well. Nevertheless, he appreciated all the efforts he was making at this moment. And he knew that those gestures were not only in the beginning or just an act to get their heart and trust again. Pluem was such a gentleman and well-mannered since the first time they met him. It didn’t even change when he was introduced as their son's lover. Rather, he became more polite and courteous, careful with his every action. He was always genuine with everything he’s doing not only for them, but also for other people. And they personally witnessed it—

—That’s why they really wondered where everything started to go south between them. They wondered how he could leave the person he always described as his true home.

"Since you're here, come and join us for dinner," Gun said.

Pluem was momentarily stunned. For the first time since he had started visiting them, Gun would finally let him inside, inviting him for dinner. Apparently, they hadn't had their dinner contrary to what Off had said to chase him out. He really didn't expect them to let him in their house because he knew that they were still mad at him. However, hearing the invitation made the young man’s face brighten with joy. His heart was even somersaulting. Thus, before they could take back the invitation, Pluem gladly and gratefully accepted it.

"You did not invite him in because of the chicken, didn't you?" He heard Off quietly asked Gun. The latter just pulled his hair.

"I am not like you!" Gun hissed.

The house was still the same as he remembered it. With only minor modifications. Just like the white walls on the receiving area that used to be plain, had now some frames hanging. Looking closely, it's the pictures of the three, which mostly were pictures of little Chimon.

Can he take it away? Pluem thought, staring at the little bean who had the cutest and brightest smile. His cheeks were even plump and pink. If they had met in their childhood, he probably couldn't resist pinching those cheeks. Now, he felt more jealous of Nanon for growing up together with him, though it was said that they became closer in high school.

The pictures showed the kind of household Chimon grew up in, loving and happy. It's no such wonder he grew up to be a lovely person as well. 

Did Pluem deserve a person like him? 

His chest became heavy, but quickly brushed off that idea. He wanted to look more at the pictures, but remembered that he should be helping Gun and Off in preparing their dinner. He could feel that he was still not welcomed, yet he's grateful that they're trying to open up their hearts again to him. So he must repay their kindness.

"This doesn't mean anything. You're still the enemy. The bad guy who ruined our Chim's life. We will never accept you again. He's better off with another man than you," Off said.

The knife that had been on Pluem's heart for a long time seemed to be twisted, creating pain he thought he was numbed already. Even so, his practiced smile showed no hint of it. He's used to those remarks, he thought. And he deserved those.

"Leave it, Off. We invited Pluem to eat," Gun said.

Hence, all throughout their meal, no one uttered a single word about the past nor about the bitter separation of the two. They ate in silence with occasional questions about his work by Gun.

"You must have a good life," Off, then, butted in. "Being abroad, mentored and recommended by well-known doctors, I heard you even have a hundred success rate in your surgery that's why a lot has been looking for you. You must be at the peak of your success…"


Off continued, "If that is so, why did you even come back to this place? No matter how hard you work, you will never achieve what you have there…" staring straight at Pluem. "...And I thought this place was a hell you said you would never return to?"

Prior to Pluem's departure, he met with Off as the older was too devastated and aggrieved with his decision to leave Chimon. He was so ready to punch the living out of him, yet the moment he saw him, his jaw dropped. 

He could barely recognize the young man in front of him as his face and whole body was covered with bruises, both big and small. His left foot was even in cast, broken. The handsome and neat young man he used to see every time he would be visiting them seemed to be just a ghost, and this battered young man was another person.

What caused him to be in that state?

Pluem was in a huge argument with his father. No, the correct term was step-father. The latter didn't want him to study abroad nor leave their place at all. But, Pluem knew that this was his one and only chance. His only ticket to escape this living hell. If he lost this opportunity, he might be chained forever, silenced and helpless. So, he argued for the first time, telling that he would never ask for their money if that was what was bothering the old man. He would rather be on his own than continue living in that hell of a place…

Voices were raised, shattered vases were heard, heavy objects were smashed on the wall, then the next thing the people in the house knew, the young man was on the floor, unconscious and bleeding to death. And the worst was, they were already used to that scene. They already knew how to clean up the mess.

The only problem this time was a few neighbors got involved. They didn't witness the violence that occured, but they saw how the furniture were turned upside down, and how the young master of the house was badly bruised. 

It should be the talk of the town since the household concerned was under a well-known assemblyman. The media was always on his tail, trying to expose the face behind the mask. Yet, the saying money made the world go around was true. It could shut the hungry mouths, and distort a pathetic story. In the end, the supposed household violence, became a burglary with an assault, where the main victim was the teenage son of the house.

But the only good thing about it was, it allowed Pluem to finally escape that hell hole. 

I apologize for not being able to update last week. I was distracted by the election here in the Philippines, and was actually devastated by the result. I wonder when the masses will choose the right person.

Anyway, thank you so much for bearing with me. I'll try to update regularly😉
I want to reply to all the comments, but every time I see the date it was posted, I think it was too late for me to reply😅 Also, I don't know what to say without spoiling too much. But, I do read and appreciate all the comments. Thank you so much💕

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