Chapter 10: No matter what

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Nanon was so pissed off. 

He just had a phone call with Ohm, where the latter told him that he met with Pluem. He also rubbed it on his face that he was no match for the doctor as he would surely win Chimon's heart in no time.

Why did he meet him, and why did Ohm seem to be taking his enemy's side? Nanon couldn’t think of an answer. He was just so irritated with the fact that he went behind his back.

How many times had he already told him how he hated that guy. When they were still studying, Ohm became his ear who always listened to his rants about Chimon and the way he’s still letting Pluem influence his life. For him, the guy was just a jerk, which Ohm shouldn’t concern himself with. Yet, he still went to him and met him. Just what the heck was he trying to achieve?

So the next day, Nanon ignored Ohm all throughout the day although the latter kept on trying to talk to him. He wanted to let him feel that he’s pissed off, disappointed, and felt betrayed by what he did. They had known each other for a long time. He should have always been on his side, and not on the side of some jerk who just came and went whenever he wanted. 

He worked as always, but every time Ohm would approach him, he would turn to the other side, expecting that the latter would be persistent in approaching him, then apologize for his mistakes. However, Ohm. ended up ignoring him, too. Both became irritated with one another… They became like children who were sulking to one another.

The employees were all puzzled by the cold shoulders they were showing to each other, but they didn’t dare to ask them. Hence, the usual working area that was full of teasing but happy remarks, laughter, and light atmosphere despite their hectic day, was turned into an arctic place— freezing and wary.

And it went for the following days…

Honestly, Nanon just wanted Ohm to apologize for not telling him beforehand that he would meet Pluem. If he really wanted to meet the person out of curiosity, there’s nothing much he could do. It’s just that he should have given him a head’s up, and not told it to him ‘after’ their meeting. It was just so unfair on his part as his friend. And now, Ohm even had the guts to get sulky with him, too. He should have, even just an ounce, a conscience. He should have coaxed him more.

This way of treatment was also new to Nanon. He didn’t want it to be longer, especially since they were business partners. Thus, though he shouldn’t have done it first, he decided that he would talk to Ohm after their work.

However, before he could even talk to him, his phone rang.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

Despite the bustling customer and clattering of the kitchen utensils, Nanon wouldn't miss hearing that ringtone he specifically set for one and only person. So, he quickly fished out his phone from his pocket to answer the call.

"Chimon!" he answered, his voice raised a lot which startled the staff in the kitchen and turned towards his direction. Ohm also heard that name, but he didn’t turn to his direction. Rather, his grip on the pot just tightened a bit.

Nanon showed an apologetic smile, then passed the whisk to the person beside him, telling that he would be in the employees' room for a while.

"Aww! Chill, 'Non. I could hear you well. You don't have to shout," Chimon complained on the other line.

Nanon's knees almost gave up and fell upon finally hearing that voice. The voice he was so familiar with, like a music to his ear he wished to hear everyday, forgetting the other things. He missed him so much that he almost cried, but quickly stopped himself from bawling. Chimon would surely tease him for the rest of his life if he would cry.

“Ya! Where have you been? What are you doing? Are you okay? Who’s with you? Are you alone? Why aren’t you answering your phone? You are making me worry," he said, trying to sound normal.

But the person on the other line just chuckled. Seemed to be not taking him seriously, yet he knew better. Chimon was just trying to lighten the mood, showing as if he was no longer affected by the previous events since he also didn’t want to make things awkward for the both of them. However, the fact that he finally reached out meant that he’s already ready to talk about it. 

“I just went back to our hometown,” Chimon answered, his voice a bit dreamy. “It felt strange to be there. Like a lot of things have changed, but not really. The school we went to in elementary and high school were still there. Some of our teachers were still teaching there. But, there were new buildings, and new faces I could no longer recognize.”

“Why?... Why did you go there?”

“... I’m not sure, either… I just felt it… Are you free today?”

Today was actually a busy day for Nanon. Two company dinners were scheduled, and right now, they were preparing for the dishes that they would be serving in a few hours. The resto bar was not that big so they only had a few employees, too. It really couldn't help him to be in the kitchen as well… 

Nevertheless, Chimon would always be his top priority.

"I am free! Where are you? I'll go there."

Suddenly, the door opened. It revealed Ohm who had his forehead knotted.

"I thought we had an agreement that you would take charge of the kitchen?" Ohm said. "We're lacking time, 'Non."

"You're busy?" Chimon.

"Huh?" Nanon didn't know who to answer first. "... I…hold on, Chim. I'll call you later." 

Before he could end the call, Chimon said, "It's okay. If you're busy, we could meet on the other day. You know I hate it when you're leaving your work for me."

"No, no, no! We could meet today. Just wait for my call, okay?"

"Nanon…" Chimon sighed. "Fine. I'll wait for your call. But promise me that you would not compromise anything for me."

"I will." Then the call ended.

He stared at the phone as if he could see the person on the other line. He badly wanted to see him right now. If only he could throw his apron, and run to wherever his best friend is.

"Aren't you done yet?" 

Nanon turned to the intruder of his beautiful dream. Since he was able to talk to Chimon, it became like a magic that healed all the betrayal, and sulkiness he felt the past few days. Instantly, he's okay and no longer wants to argue with the person in front of him.

"Let's go back. There's a lot of things we have to do," Nanon said with a bright smile on his face.

It only deepened the lines on Ohm's forehead. Nanon was about to pass over him, returning to the kitchen, but Ohm quickly held his arm, stopping him from leaving.

"What do you think you're doing?"

Ohm stared at him before he opened his mouth. "You're meeting Chimon." It's more of a statement than a question, as if confirming what he just heard.

"I will. But after work, so you don't need to worry. Chimon would be mad at me if I would neglect my work."

"What if he wanted to meet you so that he could reject you?"

Nanon paused, unconsciously curling his fist. 

It's not that that idea didn't cross his mind. For the past days that he couldn't reach Chimon, of course he already thought about those possible scenarios when Chimon finally showed up and talked to him; like he could accept his confession, then give him a chance to prove it. It didn't matter whether it was only his way to forget his ex or just using him to shoo away Pluem. Or he could just ignore the confession, and act as if nothing happened between them. They could go back to being best friends… 

…But, the most common thought that always occurred was Chimon rejecting him. 

Again, he knew that his best friend had no other feelings for him aside from friendship, yet Nanon still took the gamble. It's better to be rejected, be clear with everything, than always daydreaming of the possible relationship they could have without doing anything. At least, he was able to man up, and tell his feelings. That was enough for him. If he would really be rejected, he knew that Chimon would still accept him as a friend. Though, there might be some things that would eventually change.

Nanon did not answer Ohm’s question. He just smiled at him, then lightly tapped his shoulder. As if he was bestowed by a sudden enlightenment, he realized that Ohm might be acting this way out of concern. Ohm was his crying shoulder when it came to Chimon, after all.

“Thank you for your concern. I can take care of it if ever Chimon will reject me,” he muttered, leaving Ohm afterwards.

“Oh! By the way, I hated it when you met with Pluem behind my back. You know he’s my nemesis… But it doesn’t matter anymore. There’s really nothing I can do with whoever you meet,” he added.

He didn’t turn back to see the other’s reaction. Really, that matter was no longer his concern. After all, Ohm had his own life. He could meet whoever he wanted. He could befriend whoever he liked.

With the thought of finally meeting Chimon, he worked as if there’s no tomorrow. It puzzled the employees more because of the abrupt change (again) in attitude of the two: One, being too enthusiastic and energetic. He even ignored all the simple mistakes by others, being so considerate of them. Meanwhile, the other one was being too grumpy. The dark aura he was emitting was enough for them not to approach or else they might see their tragic demise. Luckily, whatever was happening inside the kitchen did not affect the efficiency of their work. The customers liked their service, the ambience, and of course, the dishes, even recommending the resto to their fellow friends and other colleagues.

At the end of the day, everyone felt so exhausted. They just wanted to sprawl on the floor and sleep. They were all dying to get home.

When suddenly, the bells on the door jiggled. It meant a customer, and they almost cursed the person who just entered during their closing time, but stopped themselves when they saw the person.

“Hello! Long time no see,” Chimon greeted with a smile.

The employees were not new to Chimon. Honestly, the person was like a ray of sunshine who lightened up the atmosphere. His bright smile was too contagious, it also made them smile as they greeted him back.

Only one person was not affected by the light Chimon was showing. They were friends, but he didn’t want to see him at this moment. 

Yesterday was our dearest Pluem's birthday 🎂🥳

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