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Ohmygosh he sits next to me in maths!!!

Dear Dan,

Sorry it's a crazy start, but I am legitimately in love with Dan on the register. He smells so good, and his speech is articulate; he sounds like Winnie the Pooh! He has two types of laugh: a giggle and a really loud, obnoxious and sexy laugh. He has two little moles (?) or whatever you called them, on his cheek. They make a sad face when matched with his dimple that occurs when he smiles.

He's in all my classes except for music, where he does art. He asked to sit with me in maths because I looked "umm approachable and c..cu- cool and friendly". I think he was gonna say cute, and my mind kept dwelling on that short, cut-off sentence.

His hand brushed against me in class, and I was instantly silenced. His touch was soft, sensitive and caring, and he was so gentle. He didn't mean to touch me, but he excited me lots. He's perfect, Dan. I wish you could meet him. He's so similar to you, and you guys would be great friends.

He's not straight; he's bi, like you! I was so happy to find this out, too. He sets off mine, Chris' and Pj's gay-dar whenever he comes near.

I, uh, guess he sets something else off with me, but that's too... um... shocking to write down, I guess.


It was nice writing to you, Dan. I hope your sitting somewhere, really caring about my life. Even if you're not, it's nice to know that I have some way of privately expressing my feelings.

Yours truly,

Phil Lester (only 15 for 94 more days)


Dear Phil

I do read your letters, and I'm truly entranced by this "Dan" you speak of. He sounds hot as hell, and hell is on fire (unlike myself).

I moved schools recently, as you know. It's amazing, and I met a boy there. His friends are slightly crazy, but they fit my "vibes". I sit next to this boy in several lessons, and I really want to kiss him. I want to invite him around to my house, too, but I can't, because he's a fan.

Yes, you're right. I do have colour contacts. I can't tell you my real eye colour, but I feel like I can trust you with this secret.

At this new school, I immediately fell for this boy that I've told you about. His nose crinkles slightly when he laughs and smiles, and his face is radiant. I just want to take it in my hands, and kiss it. I want to have him, Phil, and I want to be with him. He couldn't love me, even though I'm certain he's not straight. He's either dating a guy called Christopher, or a girl named Lou.

Lou is super attractive, and she's really funny, too. We get on like a house fire, even though that goes against my channel. Christopher is chill, and so's his mate, Pasquale Jordan (nicknamed Pj).

Don't you have a mate called Pj? I guess it's just a common nickname, and it's unlikely that they'd be the same person.

What if they were?! We might have met, without realising!

That'd be wonderful, right?

Seeing that you sent me a picture of yourself in your first letter, I think I'll do the same.

Here. Have a b&w emo pic of me. Value it!

Welp. Imma go.


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