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Dear Dan,

You haven't replied to me in ages. I don't want to lose you like I've lost everyone else. I've lost Pj and Chris, thanks to you. They saw that you were in with the popular lot, and assumed that we were still friends, and so they left me. Louise left me too, because she "didn't want the attention".

I was friends with Luke and Emma for a while, but they broke up, and went their own separate way without me.

I have two close friends now: Tyler Oakley and Connor Franta. Jack and Mark are still there, but it isn't the same.

Prom's coming up soon, too, and I don't have a date. I'm going to be alone on prom night, and my parents are gonna be so disappointed. I wanted to ask Dan, but he's apparently got someone else...

I'll make a list to calm myself down... It's about who's dating who on prom night...

Connor - Tyler
Pj - Chris
Alfie - Zoe
Caspar - Joe (mates)
Luke - Emma (mates)
Me - No one
Louise - No one (she thinks it's "tacky") You - No one (to my knowledge...)

The king and queen bee of school, Felix and Marzia, are obviously going together. They're also going to get Prom King & Queen, but everyone's known that for years.

You got after-school detention all next week... Why did you start yelling in English? I heard my name mentioned, so I'm going to go ahead and assume that you just don't want to sit near me anymore.

I'll go now; I need to get to school.

Yours truly,

Phil Lester (I'm still free if you want to meet up tomorrow, seeing as today is the 10th)



This is going to be short and sweet (like your dick haha I'm sorry I'll let myself out).

There are 3 things.

1) I'm sorry. I didn't want to leave you, but getting in with "that lot" is the only way I can prevent... well... bullying. I can prove that being gay isn't something that only uncool people are, and that being gay is normal.

2) I loved meeting up with you yesterday. It was amazing. I never knew you were such a passionate person, and my god you're such a good kisser.

3) Phil Lester. Will you be my date to prom?

Dan xx (your boyfriend)


Dear Dan,

I actually cried when I read your letter. I... I think I love you, Dan Howell. I don't know yet, but I feel like we're "meant" for each other, y'know?

Do you want me to answer the several points you made?

1) I guess that's okay... I mean... it still hurts, but I get that it's hard for you sometimes, especially when people don't accept you...

2) I liked meeting up with you, too. I... you have a nice face. I... I mean– oh you know what? That's exactly what I meant...

3) Dan Howell. There's nothing I would like more.

Now I have to change my list of who's taking who to prom! Damnit!

Are we really dating, or did you ironically add "your boyfriend" at the end of the letter?

If we aren't dating, Dan, I want you to be my boyfriend.


Yours truly,

Phil Lester (16)



You weren't at school yesterday, and you aren't here today. What happened to you Phil? I'd love to be your boyfriend, but I wanted to tell you in person! You've missed so much, Philly, and I miss you.

Yesterday we got scores back from our mocks, and I was told to look after yours.

I'll attach the letter for you.

Maths – B
English (Language) – A-
English (Literature) – B+
Science – C+

Geography – B-
Art (Graphic Design) – A
German – C+
Music – A

You did pretty great! I didn't; the highest mark I got was a B+, and my lowest was a D. Oh well... I'll pass them, and go do some other stuff as a job. I don't know what, but I know it'll be good.

I've just been to the school office to ask where you are. Phil Lester. Why did you do it?

You're the happiest person I've met, and you're at home, crying over Jack and Mark? They've been together for a while, but I guess it's really hit you now, eh? I've decided that when I don't have detention, I'm coming round to your house and staying until you're better. I don't care if I have to enter in via a fucking window. I will get to you, and do all the lovey-dovey bullshit I need to do to make you smile.

That is a promise.

I'm getting a hair cut soon, too. It's gonna be a lot shorter, and it'll generally look better.

I need to go now; I have Art, and I'm need to drag my grades up.

Dan xoxo

P.S. Get well soon, Philly


Dear Dan,

I'm soooooooooooo sorry I was off for a few days! I m so glad you came round to cheer me up: you're the best boyfriend ever.

Was I really necessary to try and climb down the chimney, though? As romantic and as cool as it was, my mum thought we were being robbed...

You're getting a haircut?! So am I! I want to see yours so that I can have a similar one, seeing that our faces are similar (except you're not ugly).

Have you figured out what to wear to prom yet? I don't know, but I think that it'll be fun no matter what.

I'll see you at school tomorrow, unless it's a Friday or Saturday...

Yours truly,

Phil Lester (<3)



Guess who had a haaaaiiiiiircuuuuuut?

Me. It was me.

You like? I like, so if you no like, then tough.

So, Phil, I was thinking. I think I love you too, Phil Lester.

Also? What was wrong with climbing down the chimney last week? It was pretty darn awesome, and your mum was surprisingly okay about it! She even baked cookies, and let me lick the spoon! She a legend!

I haven't thought about outfits for prom, but I had something in mind...

Let's go shopping for a suit for me and a dress for you! Haha I'm joking, of course, but you'd look good in anything~*

How about next Tuesday after school? I don't have detention, and (for you) I'll make a special effort to keep Tuesday free!

I'll see you at school tomorrow!

Dan xx


Dear Dan,

This is a short letter.

This is ma new hair cut <3

Anyways... love ya!

Yours truly,

Phil Lester (love ya)

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