A Doctor's Gift

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~+Red Army Base: Red Leader's Office+~

The two leaders stayed next to each other while the children were seated on the couch across from his desk that faced the Tv. The only ones not present with them, in this family meeting, is Tomi since he's with Will at the moment. Although they were in sight because they were just in view through the window behind Tord's desk.

Asher, on the other hand, is taking a tour around the base with Bryon to keep him busy for awhile while they talk about the important stuff.

Tord sat in his usual seat behind his desk while Tom stood by his side. The Blue Leader looks confused and ready to ask questions while Red Leader looks strictly serious.

"I want the full story Torm, please. You seem to somehow know about... Will..." Tom says looking unsure as he says the new experiment's name.

Tika, sitting by her brother's side, lays her head on her brother's shoulder while loosely hugging his arm in comfort.

"I just remember little parts of me seeing that experiment's container Mother." Torm rests his head against his sister and closes his eyes. He could faintly remember waking up sometimes and hazily seeing Will's containment unit. "It had to be because of William..."

"Well I'd like to know more about this William character better before you start talking about Will." Tord says trying to be calm for his lover. "You and Tomi have never mentioned him before."

"I never said anything about him because Tomi begged me to not say anything about his caretaker," He didn't understand why his brother would beg him to keep William a secret though. He was the bad guy, why keep him in the dark from their parents. "but now it looks like I have to." He remembers his little brother holding his hand tightly with tears in the corner of his eyes.

"I just don't understand why Tomi would beg you to do that. We could have tracked this man long ago and taken him down. Who knows where he might be now!" Tord taps his fingers against his arm impatiently that Tom had to place a hand on the man's shoulder to quietly tell him to stop.

Torm sighs and opens his eyes to look at his Father and Mother ready to explain. "William was Tomi's caretaker during the time of our capture, both a trained doctor and scientist. I was always assigned two other people, one scientist and one doctor, although they changed regularly because Tomi always cried to his caretaker they were injuring me a lot. I'm sure the both of you remember the many cuts along my skin."

How Torm was saying it calmly had Tom shiver as a chill went up his spine. He remembers seeing those cuts and he had broken down crying to Tord about it. Never again does he want that to happen to any of his babies. The two parents nod a bit stiffly.

"He was the one to dress my wounds all the time whenever Tomi asked him." The devil blinks as he realizes how much William has actually done for his brother without complaint. "That's another thing actually... William always did what Tomi asked besides letting us leave or escape. Most times he would call Tomi his Jewel which none of us came to understand." Torm fiddled with his sister's fingers a he continued to talk as a way to brush away his nervousness about the topic of the blond doctor. He's just glad his sister isn't questioning about his small actions.

"Finally, he was assigned the head doctor and scientist of where we were for someone so young. So he worked with the people equivalent to his status from what Tomi told me as he got to know the doctor more."

"Then what about Will? Asher mentioned to us before we left to have this talk that you said the tank looks familiar."

Torm then looks annoyed at the floor, "I should have never have said that around him." He says quietly but enough for his sister to hear.

Tika made no comment when hearing him say those words. "Back when I was there, there were times I woke up on and off. I slightly recognize the tank because I would see it sometimes with William checking it every so often when he brought me into a separate lab room. I think he would bring me in from time to time to see if he was doing his experimentation right."

The Devil teen looks pass his parents after lifting his head up from Tika's. Looking pass them he sees his little brother now sitting next to Will quietly with his hands on his lap. The blond experiment patiently waiting for any words that may come from Tomi to respond too. "Now I know why... He was making an experiment just like us."

Tika looks between her brother and parents, "Is there a possibility Dr. William made Will for a reason. Like keeping his promise?"

"Promise?" Tord questions as Tom looks at their daughter confused. Then the Red Leader remember's the holographic message.

'Good luck finding him, be sure to tell him I'm sorry for breaking my promise... please.'

Tika covers her mouth, "Whoops..."

"Tika." Tord says firmly in a way to ask his daughter to come out and tell him what she knows. She may have some pieces to their puzzle assuming Tomi would tell her something about the situation.

She uncovers her mouth and sighs defeatedly. "Tomi told me a few days ago about William. He told me William made a promise to him before he left the base of where Torm and himself were kept. The doctor promised Tomi he would come back, but he would be different..."

She looks out the window to look at William and his form. "Considering how the two look similar, I assume this was what he meant. William knew he wasn't going to live forever so he made Will to stand in his place if something were to happen to him."

Torm wondered why his brother didn't tell him of this promise before. They tell each other everything after all...

"Well I'll have the soldiers keep an eye on him while he's out and about with Tomi. He'll be staying away from Tomi when it's time for bed though. I can't have that copy of the doctor be trusted at night with your brother." Tord says as he reaches for his radio to contact the soldiers.

Tom on the other hand keeps his eyes on their two kids. "Please watch over your brother just in case too. It'll take sometime before we can even fully trust Dr. William made Will as a possible body guard for him."

"We'll try mom." Tika says as she gets up from her seat, Torm following along with the action so they could head out the room.

Torm stayed quiet with only one thought in mind.

Tomi kept a secret from him.

+With Tomi and William+

Tomi kicks his legs back and forth while Will quietly sits beside him not saying a word. Mother of the two have said a word to each other since their interactions from earlier. Tomi has so many questions, so he asks:

"Why did Will make you?"

It's a question that stuck with the demon teen for awhile now since he opened the containment unit.

Will looks to his left, slightly looking down to meet Tomi's gaze. "As I said before Tomi, Dr. William created me for you as a gift."

"Specifically for what? What reason?" Tomi questions on as he slows his legs from kicking back and forth.

The blond experiment brings his hand over to hold under Tomi's chin. He gently guides the teen's head to tilt up so he could look at him eye to eye. Tomi feeling a little lost looking into those sea green colored eyes.

"To protect you, to keep you safe..." Will softly leans in to press his forehead against Tomi's. "And yet I can be anything you want me to be for your own purpose. All Dr. William wanted for you is happiness and your safety."

"Then why did he leave me?" Tomi continues to ask with a wavering voice. He could feel slowly as tears collect in the corners of his eyes. "Why did he leave me in that room all alone? Why did he leave me after he promised he wouldn't?" The demon wanted so many answers on why the doctor had left him. He was desperate to know.

Memories built upon memories, Will had been given these memories from Dr. William himself to give answers to provide Tomi with the truth. The doctor had done this knowing his Jewel wanted answers as soon as they met.

Tomi may not know this or rather learn of it soon enough, but Will is an experiment holding of Dr. William's memories. He is his own separate person from the doctor, yet he holds memories that were transferred to him years ago. Will has all the knowledge of the man who lived until the end.

"He had to keep you isolated in that room because his colleagues and boss were beginning to doubt him. They thought his trust was wavering because he wouldn't hurt you to find out what made you tick."

Tomi had moved to hugging Will tightly around the trunk of his body. Will moves him to sit comfortably on his lap while petting his head in a gently comforting matter. "So he used the less hurtful method he thought would beneficial for the both of you, but it seemed to have backfired seeing as how you turned out from the isolation treatment."

Tomi lets the tears slip from the corner of his eyes. Will wipes them away with the swipe of his thumbs before the demon hides his face against the fabric of his white skin tight suit.

"He made me during the process of your isolation. Quick to work knowing his bosses were coming to fire him soon enough and find someone else to handle the treatments and examinations that would have broken you even more." Memories of Dr. William arguing with his colleagues flashes through his mind. The doctor fought so hard until he could provide the perfect way to help the two brothers locked up, especially for Tomi.

"Dr. William had to make the choice to leave seeing there wasn't enough time." He remembers waking up during his resting process to see said young doctor with worry expression on his face as he furiously types on the operation panel for his tank. Behind the man, a few feet away is the young version of the Devil teen he saw earlier. "So he left after deciding to give your parents a lead on where you and your brother are."

Tomi opens his eyes wide.

The lead his parents got anonymously was from William.

"He did all of this for you."

Tomi shuts his eyes and loosens his hug around Will. The blond experiment keeps petting his head in a soothing rhythm that he can't deny.

'He did everything for me...'

+With Torm and Tika+

The older brother and little sister pair met up with Bryon and Asher again along the way out. Given the rundown, Asher got acquainted with the base layout but the room assignment for him was to be determined.

"So what did your parents say about blondie?" Asher asks looks towards Torm for an answer.

Torm in turn didn't hear him. All he did was stay silent and walked passed him to exit through the doors to go outside.

Tika looks at the teens older teens with some worry. "Sorry about my brother. We're just trying to figure out if we should trust Will or not yet. Our Parents want us to keep an eye on him for now."

Asher hums and goes to follow after the Devil teen to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid.

As for Bryon, the brunet comes over to Tika and places a hand on her shoulder. "You feeling alright?"

"Just tired..." She holds her head as Bryon brings her into a hug.

"I'll bring you back to your room. Now that they're back you can get some proper rest." Tika's sleep schedule was basically staying up the whole time while Tomi was asleep, later checking up on him during the night after his waking up from the dream goggles. "Okay?"


Meanwhile, Torm continued his walk until he sees Will and Tomi by the flower garden. The blue group's medical department thought it would be nice for everyone to enjoy some environmental scene while resting their wounds which lead to this part of the base.

Tomi is looking down at some blue daisies admiring them until Will bends down and plucks one out. Curiously the young experiment looks at Will who holds the flower for a moment until he places it behind Tomi's ear. A soft smile gracing the older experiment's lips as he does so.

Torm clenched his hands into fists by his sides, the red on his visors glowing bright without him knowing.


The devil turns around to see Asher casually walking up from behind him, hands stuffed into his jean pockets and those silver eyes on him.

"What do you want Blackie?"

Asher hums as he comes closer to Torm, "What I want right now is nothing, but what about you? You seem pretty pissed at the moment."

"Nothing." Simple answer for the question. Yet he turns around to look at his brother and the doctor's gift. "Nothing at all..."

Asher's blue eyes glance at the pair just a few feet away from them. He can see Tomi smiling and Will looking pleased that he made the young demon smile. "Your brother seems to be having fun with Will."

"Tomi's just going through a phase with Will. He thinks that experiment is William as a way to cope up with that promise I heard Tika talk about earlier with our parents." It's only Stockholm Syndrome to Tomi, he got attached to his captor during the time of holding and it's still having lingering effects. Will is just a substitute of William to his little brother, for now.

"What if it's not a phase Torm?" Asher smiles as he watches Tomi hold Will's hand happily while pointing to some flowers pass the one in front of them. The demon teen seems to be having a grand time talking a lot to the blond. "They could actually get into a relationship."

"It's a phase." Torm firmly states.

Asher doesn't even have the time to stop the Devil as he makes his way over to Will and Tomi. Torm dead set on keeping his brother's focus somewhere else, other than that doctor's gift.


The demon looks to the devil and smiles happily at the sight of him. Tomi runs up to his brother and hugs him tightly. "Tormy!" He giggles and rubs his faces against his brother's chest.

Torm hugs him back while Tomi doesn't notice his expression towards Will. The dark gaze giving Will the implying underline Torm didn't like him around his little brother one bit. The blond experiment in return only displays a closed eyed smile, similar to Dr. William's smile.

"I was just talking to Will about the flowers Gracie has the nurses doing. The blue daisies are growing healthy too!"

Torm changes his expression smoothly when his brother removes his face from his chest to look at him. A gentle loving smile only reserved for his brother and sister. "Is that so? Maybe you can tell me more about them sometime soon when we're together."

Tomi giggles cutely before he pecks his brother's cheek with a quick kiss.

"Really now, your brother doesn't need to be attached to you 24/7 Devil." Asher cuts in to the cute moment between the brothers.

Torm could feel a vein pop just by his temple. He looks over his shoulder at the raven to give him a warning glare, but at the same time not noticing how his brother froze up at the sound of the other's voice.

"Why don't you go bother someone else. Can't you see I'm busy."

"Honestly you don't seem busy and I'm pretty sure Bryon is busy handling your sister at the moment." Asher shrugs as he smugly grins at him.

Torm lets his brother go and fully turns around to march up to Asher, poking him at the chest. "I swear Asher-"

"Swear all you want, riled up now are you? Haha!" The raven flicks Torm on the forehead playfully. "Now aren't you classic Torm~"

Tomi was left to feel forgotten as Asher had stolen his brother's attention from him once more. He felt alone again. Where is his brother's warmth, the soothing words that would be said to always calm him down or make him feel loved?

Black eyes watch as his brother continues to argue with his enemy.

To him, it feels like Torm is getting farther away.


No answer. Torm's too focused on Asher to spare a word or glance towards his brother like he didn't hear him.

White sleeved arms wrap loosely around his neck from behind. The warm feeling returning to his entire body by the one pressed behind him.

"Tomi? Aren't you gonna show me around more?"

Tomi tilts his head back to see Will smiling down at him.

"Huh? Oh... yeah." The demon teen tries to put on a happy face for him. He doesn't want to worry Will about what he's feeling.

Tomi holds out his hand for Will to hold out of habit when it comes to having him look similar to William. After all, William always held his hand any where they went.

Will holds Tomi's hand, "Let's go."

Tomi wordlessly nods his head. They both turn around and start going back to look further into the garden.

It isn't until 10 minutes later that Torm comes to remember his brother after moving his free arms that were not hugging his brother anymore.

He looks back to find Tomi back by Will's side all the way on the other side of the garden. Assuming Tomi is still talking to him about the flowers planted around them.

"Torm, you need to let go." Asher can see how the eldest son of the Lawson siblings is so closely attached to Tomi. Not that it's a secret or anything, everyone can see it just by a glance. From his point of view, it's looks anything but healthy. "Tomi's not always going to be looking up to you for everything. Eventually he'll be more independent as he starts learning more things about himself and what's going around him."

"Tomi needs me Asher." Torm states as he looks back at the raven. He gets into Asher's close space and red eyes are staring down at blue ones. "I told Tomi I would protect him from danger no matter what. I made a promise to myself to be there for him no matter how bad the situation is." To put it simply, Torm wouldn't let anything come with in range of his brother that would hurt him.




Torm storms pass Asher with a frown.

"My brother always comes first."

~ Time Skip: Night~

"So sleeping arrangements..." Edd says in the Leader section lobby of the base.

Tom holds up his holopad and reads the rooming son the screen. "Tika will be sharing a room with Tomi in her room."

"Yay!" Tika and Tomi give each other a high five at the rooming decision.

"As for the next room in the blue hall is Bryon, Asher, and Torm." Tom announces much to Torm's horror.

Torm groans, "Mother, can't I room with Tika and Tomi instead? I rather not room with these two, no offense to Bryon, but Asher on the other hand..." He gave his mother a look of disgust.

"Oh I'm so hurt." Asher feigns hurt at Torm's words,
Only to change his expression to a smirk a few seconds later.


"Sorry honey, I would love to have you room with your siblings, but your father wanted to have at least one of you with Bryon and Asher to watch over them." Tom looks apologetically to his son which was enough for Torm to shut his mouth closed. Having a soft side for his mother really did make him listen to Tom better than his father.

"I guess I'll just have to make due with my roommates for the time being."

Edd claps his hands together. "Then let's all celebrate tonight's reunion with a special feast made by yours truly."

"Wait, where's Will going to stay?" Tomi sounds in question.

"Tord thought it would be better if Will stays quartered in the lab for the time being. He's being cautious of him since we're dealing with a creation made from another scientist who worked with the organization who took you and Torm." Tom answers lightly scratching his cheek unsure of replying to the question.

"Aww... I wanted Will to room with us." Tomi whines lightly. He wanted to show the blond experiment all the cool things about the room he and his siblings have.

Edd chuckles and ruffles Toni's hair. "Let's enjoy the food for now Tomi, then you can visit Will in the lab if you still want to see him."

"Okay." Tomi says defeatedly as his sister pats him on the back once Edd pulls away from the demon teen. He looks to his brother to show him a happy smile which is returned back in the same manner.

They all gather around the large table in the center of the lobby and start picking out some food from the plates provided for them.

Tomi got his favorite grapes while Torm went for the strawberry parfaits without hesitation. The two munching on their meals with content looks on their faces.

Tord soon comes to join them after making sure Will was secured in his room in the lab for the night. He'll have to run a few tests to make sure the blond experiment isn't dangerous to be around, especially for Tomi. If he isn't dangerous then he'll have a talk with Tom to have them both decided what to do with Will.

'If anything, Tom will probably want Will to protect Tomi.' The thought made him think. Dr. William did make this experiment for the purpose of protecting his young son. 'I should get Pau to do a background check about that doctor.'


Pulled out of his thoughts, Tord looks at his lover. "Yes, min kjære?"

"I wanted to ask you about our wedding plans... because of the interruption we never really got to..." Tom blushes a bit as he fiddled with his fingers, "You know..."

Tord lets a tug at the corner of his lips, he places a finger under Tom's chin and gives him a light kiss on the lips. "Of course, I'll have some of the soldiers get to work on reforming the wedding in the auditorium." He says after pulling back from their kiss. "I love you."

"I love you too." Tom whispers back.

Torm smiles from his seat seeing as his parents are happily close together again. They needed their space and he was willing to help distract everyone from them to give them what they needed. It was easy enough though when his uncles are well off on their own and Bryon being reasonable enough to get the mood from the adults.

He just had to watch over his siblings and make sure Asher doesn't do anything stupid.

Tomi's drawing as usual from the supplies he got from their room. Sitting on the floor while hunched over the table with his tongue sticking out in focus as he draws.

Torm was just about to go over to him when Asher get in his way again. "Blackie, now is not the time."

"Lighten up will you, I just want someone to talk to since Bryon is pretty much all over your sister at the moment." He nods his head over to where Bryon and Tika are, sitting on the couch next to each other very closely and chatting ever so contently with one another.

Torm should be doing his older brotherly duties to see to it his sister his safe, but he's pretty sure Bryon is well enough reasonable to not to do anything that would make him invoke his brotherly rage of protection for his sister.

The devil sighs and looks back at Asher, "At least you have some decency."

"I may have had an interest in your sister at first, but I'm over it. Tika's more like a playful friend with me from what I can interpret." The raven can't help but notice the way Torm's digital eyes kept moving ever so slightly to keep glancing back at Tomi behind him.

"Listen Torm, I say we make an agreement."

Torm's red eyes are back on Asher's blue ones, a brow raised in interest. "What do you mean?"

The corner of the teen's lips curve into a sharp smile. "Well it's obvious I'm going to be living with you and your family from now on. Since we don't really get along that well I say we make some living conditions set that will satisfy the both of us." New place, new rules as Asher likes to think. Without peace their isn't enough fun to go around equally when there is no peace. "You can give me a condition first."

Torm thinks for a moment, "If your bored, don't mess with my brother or sister. Just come find me and I'll come up with something to keep you busy."

"Sounds good to me, as for my condition all I ask is that you tolerate me. Your parents might get a headache if we do actually start fighting day after day." Asher adds in for his condition to Torm.

The devil crosses his arms and thinks it's a reasonable request.

"Then we have a deal."

As for Tomi, he continued to draw in his little spot. He was wondering what his brother is doing since he would usually come over when he sees him drawing. Torm likes to watch Tomi draw all his pieces next to him and they would talk about it no matter how silly the drawing is.

He looks up from his drawing to let his black eyes search the room. He finds his parents get along by the end of the food table, his uncles chatting to one another with smiles just by the other end of the table, and his sister and Bryon holding a conversation on the couch as they ate the food from their plates from time to time.

When his eyes roamed over to his brother, he see Torm talking to Asher. In truth, Tomi didn't like Asher the moment he saw him at the peace party.

Something just struck him, the stuck up position the raven held when he saw him from the ballroom door at the Peace Party, it made him aware to be careful and watchful of the teen.

As Tomi continued to watch them, he could see a smile grace his brother's lips. It wasn't fake.

Smiles were reserved for the family as Torm would usually say to him often, but Tomi like smiling for the people he loves. His parents, his siblings, his uncles, even the soldiers around the base.

So why was Torm smiling truly to Asher?

Laughter rang in his ears from their direction.

Mouth open and laughing came from his brother and soon from Asher too.


Tomi drops his pencil from his grip.


He curls up on himself, hugging his legs to his chest and squeezing his eyes shut.


Tomi held his head, the voice growing louder.

He doesn't need you anymore!

'No, no, NO!!!' Tomi thought fiercely to himself as he brings his hand up to hold his head. 'That's a lie!'

It's true

You just need to see for yourself

Tomi peeks his eyes open.

Asher's grinning while Torm gives him one of those expressions their mother uses with their father out of smugness yet in a close way.

Keep watching Tomi

It'll happen one day...

The voice fades from his head which he lets his hands drop to his sides while his palms press against the square carpet covering a small section of the lobby floor.

His body shakes unnoticeably unless someone looks close enough. Tomi slowly gets up quietly and leaves the room while everyone's distracted by their chatter.

He can't handle his emotions, he can't handle the voices in his head.

They're making him want to go crazy.

Tomi makes a beeline down the hall and makes a turn knowing it'll lead him to the science department halls. He needed to look for the lab that's holding Will.

He wants to see him.

The demon hides when he hears voices of soldiers nearby. He simply uses the shadows close to him to sink down into the dark abyss. Using his abilities he floats around and looks through shadow openings to search for Will.

"Hmm... That creation that they found today, Will right?"

He stops and listens to what Amy has to say about the blond experiment.

"He's strange don't you think? Will is just sitting in his room and isn't doing anything." A scientist on her team comments sounding a bit worried.

The pink haired Department chair rubs at her chin but doesn't say a word. "Come on now, let's just turn in for the night. We can worry about him tomorrow after we run some safety tests on him."

"Yes Ma'am."

Tomi in the shadow heads in the direction Amy and her fellow scientist can from. He's greeted with a shadow opening from what he can tell is from Will's cot. He comes out through the shadow opening, not surprising Will at all.

"Tomi?" Will questions confused as he stays seated on the side of his bed.

Tomi looks at Will as he's still adorn in his white skin tight suit. His mouth pressed into a thin line until it wobbles and tears are collecting in the corners of his eyes again like earlier.

Will slowly bring his arms up to place his hands on Tomi's upper arms. He pulls the demon over to him gently and looks up at him with a questionable gaze and a sight of worry.

"Will... I-I-"

"Shhh..." Will tries to soothe the young demon by petting Tomi on the head softly after getting the demon to kneel, then carding his fingers through the boy's soft hair. "You don't have to say anything right now."

Tomi sniffs before hiding his face against Will's left collar bone. His hands wrapping themselves around the blond's neck a bit tightly yet not enough to hurt him.

The doctor's gift can only embrace Tomi comfortingly as he is lost on what happened to his doctor's precious jewel to make him so sad. Will pats Tomi on the back here and there quietly while the teen continues to cry.

"Don't worry Tomi..." Will tries to reassure Tomi back into a state of comfort. "Whatever made you sad, I'm here for you."

Tomi pulls back at bit to look at him.

"You won't leave?"

"I wouldn't dream of it."

Tomi brought his face close to Will's with black eyes staring into his sea green ones.


"I promise."

Will smiles, bring his hands up to hold both sides of Tomi's face carefully. Then moves him back a bit to let Tomi hug him again tightly. He looks up to the glass window of his lab quarters. "You must be tired Tomi, it's about time you head back to sleep."

"But I don't wanna leave you alone..."

Looking around Will's quarters of his lab room holding, it's actually pretty cold and dimly lit like a prison cage if Tomi thought enough about it.

The blond places a soft kiss on the crown of his charge's head. "I'll be fine. You should go join your family before they start to worry about where you are." He chuckles as Tomi slips off his lap to stand on his feet again. The demon hadn't noticed it before but he had slip to sit on his lap during the whole crying moment he had. "I assumed you sneaked your way in here considering you didn't use the door."

Tomi pouts at Will, "I never use the door."

"But my assumption is still correct, isn't it?"

The younger looking experiment loses his pout and looks at Will with a small smile.

"Thanks for cheering me up Will."

"Anytime Tomi, I'll always be here when you need me." Will says in return.

Tomi shyly goes up to Will and gives him a quick peck on he cheek in symbolization of gratitude.

"Good night Will."

Will waves as Tomi leaves using via shadows from his demon abilities again just like how he entered the lab room.

"Sweet dreams Tomi."

Another chapter done!

Hope you guys are having a good week after Labor Day. Initially this chapter was suppose to be for yesterday, but it took me some time since I was heading back to my dorm. ^^'

Again, any questions, I'll gladly answer here if you comment in line on this sentence! Thanks ^^

Now to the Cute Hall of Fanart!




- *cosplay as Torm





-*ahem* Detroit: Become Human if you don't get the ref

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