Findings bring Surprises

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~+Morning: Camp Outside the remains of the Black Army Base+~

Torm woke up looking at the clear blue sky. He sat up on the back seats of the Jeep and stretched his arms up while yawning.

"Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes."

The teen opens looks to the voice to see Asher resting at the side of the vehicle with his arms propped up to rest his head on. Torm rolls his red eyes at him, "I can't say the same Blackie."

Asher has white bandages wrapped around his wrist from where Torm's mother was holding onto him tightly when they were on the roof. He moves aside when the devil moves over to him to jump out of the car to stand on the ground.

"Is anyone else up yet?"

"From what I know, just us and a few of the soldiers, but some of them went down to the explosion site." Asher says as he starts walking along side Torm heading for the medical tent. "If you want to know about your parents, they're still sleeping."

"Well it's time for them to wake up. We need to finish a lot of things before heading back to the Red Army Base." They make a quick walk to the tent and push the drapes aside so they could walk into the covered area.

Asher and Torm walk down inside the large tent to go all the way to the end were curtains covered a private area for the two leaders in healing. Torm grabs one of the curtains and pushes it aside with force.

It sheds some light on the sleeping pair sharing the same bed when there's clearly another one across from the one they share is empty. Tord hugging his lover from behind with care around the man's lower abdomen. Tom seems to be sleeping peacefully as he's hugging Tord's metal right arms close to his chest.

"Seems like they're alright."

Torm sighs and goes over to his parents and shakes his Father's shoulder. "Father... Father you need to wake up."

Tord makes a disturbed expression in his sleep until he opens his good eyes open. He turns his head a bit to see Asher and Torm standing next to their bedside. "Torm?" He says tiredly from waking up.

"There's much to be done before we head to base."

"Alright, let me just get up." Tord lets go of Tom, but the brunet still sleeping holds on to his love's right arm down in his sleep. He bends down and kisses Tom's cheek softly, "Wake up Thomas, it's morning."

Tom is usually the one to wake up early but because of the days they went through at the Black Army Base, he thinks he deserves to sleep in for a bit more. "It's too early Love, let me sleep in a bit more."

"Thomas come on, please."

The man still wishing for sleep sat up, letting go of Tord's arm willingly. He looks at Torm with a raised brow, "Storm dear, do you mind closing the curtain for a moment and waiting outside. You're Father will join the both of you shortly."

"Yes Mother," Torm responds without questioning what the other man was about to do to his father. He immediately closes the curtain and then starts pushing Asher out of the medical tent.

The raven doesn't say anything until they're out of the tent. "What was that for?" He asks confused.

"You don't question my mother when he uses your full first name or full name in general. It's either when he's really mad, irritated, worried, or worse." Torm tells Asher to prepare him a bit for what's to come when staying at their home base.

The two wait for a moment for Tord to come out of the medical tent, when he does they see him all dazed out and without Tom by his side.

"Your Mother will be joining us later in the afternoon during lunch." Tord says with a sigh, seriously how could he say no to Tom in little petty arguments. He should know by now that it ends up with him breathless and teased in the worst way possible. Although it's not like he doesn't want to heatedly make out with his lover even for just a few minutes.

"Uh huh... Well first order of business from what I heard from the soldiers yesterday is to check the remains of last nights explosions of the Black Army Base. Reggie should already be up over there with a team of soldiers right now."

Red Leader pats his son on his head with a soft smile. He really can see a mix of himself and Tom with their eldest.

"Then we should head out and meet them. I'll call back the camp later to send more troops later if we need them." He glances back at the medical tent.

"And I'm sure Thomas can take care of things here while I'm away."

~Heading to the Explosion site~

The three of them met with Reggie down at the remains site of the used to be Black Army Base.

"How's clean up and inspection so far?"

"Everything's going swell Red. Everyone's making progress, we should be able to leave mid afternoon." Reggie says smiling before he notices his leader missing from Tord's side. "Where's Blue?"

"He decided to sleep in, he'll be joining us around lunch." Tord informs with a sigh. Then he looks around and notices there were actually a little less soldiers of what he was told last night at the med tent to be sent out early. "Where's the rest of the soldiers?"

"Oh, Zack took some of the soldiers to scout out the surrounding area just incase there were a few strays who got away. They should be radioing anytime soon to check in."

Just then Reggie's radio goes off.

"Uh, Reggie, we've come across something within the five mile radius of the Black Army Territory. You might want to send Blue or Red, possibly both of them here asap." Zack says through the radio.

Reggie and Tord met eyes as they become concerned. The blond takes the radio off the side of his belt and holds it up. "What did you find?"

"Well I didn't find it exactly, but one of soldiers did. He found a secret trigger than opens to a secret underground shelter. We're unsure if we should proceed entering for further search."

Tord motions for Reggie to give him the talkie to speak up. When the radio is in his hand he presses the side button to answer. "Listen Zack, whatever you do, don't let your team go any further. Just stay there and be cautious, I'll get Tom and a couple more soldiers for back up. We'll come over once you give us the coordinates to check it out with your group."

"Understood Red."

Red Leader looks at Reggie with a stern expression making it clear there were cautions to be called. "Have everyone on alert until we come back, Torm and Asher here will be under Pau and Pat's care for the time being while in charge of clean up around here."

"Yes sir." Reggie responds giving a solid salute after placing his radio away.

Tord turns around to look at his son with a smile, "Looks like your mother needs to get up a bit earlier from his sleep. Mind flying over to the camp and getting him and a team of soldiers over here?"

He just wanted to avoid getting in trouble for trying to wake him up early again, in a way knowing he won't be receiving kisses if he tries a second time. The safest bet was sending one of the kids to wake the Blue man up.

Torm nods and lets his wings spread out from under his skin and slide out of their openings of Tord's old red hoodie. "I'll be back in a moment."

During the time Torm went to get his mother and more soldiers, Tord and Asher helped with the clean up inspection. Asher was given items that may contain sensitive information, all collected in a metal box and locked away for further research back at Red Army Labs. Tord told him to place it in the jeep with the others that have a chain cover over them to keep them from falling off for the drive later.

As soon as Torm came back with Tom, as well as a group of soldiers, they went over what to do when they got to the area of interest.

"So I heard from Torm that Zack found something around the area." Tom walking up to Tord gives him as kiss on the lips.

Red leader shows a loving gaze to his partner, "I specifically told him to stay put and cautious until we come over min kjære." He kisses his lover's cheek and smoothly holds his hand with care. Man would he give to have some quality time with Tom to make him feel so loved. "I got their coordinates just before you got here. They're to the north, five miles."

"Then we should get a move on so we can keep up with the schedule." Tom says as he looks back to the soldiers who came with him. "We'll be heading north, five miles. Fill up three jeeps and the rest of us will be walking. The Asher and Torm can sit in one of the jeeps."

"But I already told Reggie the boys would be staying here with my parents."

"I'm just worried about them because of last night." Tom pats his lover's chest lightly. "I want to keep them close to reassure myself that nothing's wrong."

"Alright then..."

Torm looks to Tom, "Mother I can fly on the way over there, it'll also give me the ability to scoop any danger ahead of us on the trail there." He adds in lifting his wings up and down, plus it gives him a reason to not sit next to Asher.

"I know honey, but are you sure?"

"I don't mind at all." Torm smiles at his mother glad to have him back. Then he can continue to support his parents to the best of his abilities while he's with them out on the field.

Tom nods, "Alright then, I'll get you equip with a radio." He looks at raven teen with a smile, "Asher here can be your ground man. He'll take your calls through the radio and inform us on what you see. A job just for the both of you."

"Sounds good to me." Asher says with a smirk as he glances at Torm who looks unamused with him.

Two soldiers lead Asher and Torm to one of the jeeps they were going to use. They equipped an small radio earpiece to Torm's left ear. They gave a similar device to Asher, but with a more visuals microphone hovering in front of his mouth.

"Okay kid, you can sit in the back seat of this Jeep. Torm here will be flying just ahead of us so make sure to keep us update and talking so he doesn't get bored up there." Chris tells the raven as he jumps into the back seat of the vehicle.

"Okay." He responds glancing over to Torm as he starts taking flight into the air. Asher clicks the side of his ear piece once he sees the devil teen at a good altitude. "Hey Devil."

Torm hovers in the air and flicks his tail. "Please tell me your just testing the connection."

"I thought our connection was better already." Asher playfully teases with another smirk coming into his lips.

Scoffing, Torm decides to play along to with the raven's little game. "Oh Blackie, our connection was never good to start out with~"

The two of them let their faces flush with heat. They didn't know if that was going too far but it was a tease for Asher.

"A-Anyways, yes I'm testing the connection. The soldier down here said I should continue talking to you even if you don't have any updates. It's mostly to keep you company since you won't be around anyone up there." He leans back in the seat and continues to look up at Torm with a lingering blush on his cheeks.

Just yesterday Torm was wearing a replica of his Father's wedding suit, and the next he's sporting a casual wear of a red hood and black pants with combat boots. He wondered where that fashion sense came from since it doesn't look like something Torm would usually wear.

"Okay everyone! Let's start moving out!" Tom says gaining his group's attention.

There really is much to be done before they leave.

~Time Skip~

"Over here!"

The group went over to Zack's party where they were stationed at an open underground entrance. Zack already waving them over with his arm raised in the air.

Two of jeeps parked while the rest of the soldiers who walked joined their friend over by the secured area. Tord and Tom walk over to Reggie to get more information on the situation.

"Everything okay Zack, you and the other soldiers are okay, right?" Tom says concerned as he's coming over to the raven haired male looking him up and down for any injures.

Zack laughs, "I'm fine Blue, don't worry okay." He ruffles Tom's hair which he pouts too. Tom's the older one yet he still looks like he's young in his mid 20s, same with Tord. How? He doesn't know. "So how do you guys want to search this shelter? It seems pretty big by the sound of a pebble we dropped in earlier."

"I'll head down there with a couple of soldiers. Tom will stay here just in case anything goes wrong and he needs to take charge of the situation." Tord tells him. He already discusses the plan with Tom in the Jeep so there would be no further arguments.

They started preparing for entering the underground entrance while Torm finally decides to join everyone on the ground. Asher comes over to him a bit curious about earlier.

"So this is the thing they found."


Tord and at least five soldiers start their way down the entrance. He's the first to reach the under ground shelter which to his surprise is not actually a shelter but some sort of lab.

"Whoa..." One of the soldiers says in awe.

The walls were lined with wires or colorful cords. Lights off as it leads them to a glow in the center of the room away from the shelves and power controls.

They come over to a containing unit filled with a sea green glow from the light with something inside. Tord comes close and feels the glass. "It has a privacy screen over around the glass so we can't see inside."

"What should we do sir?" Joseph asks ready to help since he was the closest to his leader.

"I want two scientist down here, who do we have up there right now?"

"Shara and Collin."

Tord nods, never talk his eyes off the containment tube. "Get them." Jospeh with another soldier by the entrance goes up the ladder to go inform them of the situation that had occurred.

Red Leader walks around the containment tube and finds that the tube unit is portable, it's just sitting on it's charging place ready full charged waiting to be moved to its next unit. He comes to the main control panel for more details.

His finger pick up a holopad laying on top of the panel and he opens it up. The screen only showing words of greetings and instructions.

Humble greetings stranger, welcome to my secret lab.

Tord raises a brow, the lab is abandoned but the owner who used this place suspected someone would eventually find this place once they're gone.

As you can see this lab is no longer in any use and I'll be long gone by the time anyone has found this place. The only thing left here is a special gift I made for my Jewel.

"This person's Jewel?" Tord questions quietly to himself as more words are typed into the screen.

The containment unit is functional for self support during transportation to where ever you need to bring it. It's fully capable of charging by itself too for convenience that my creation does not die or else it would be a waste of my efforts to create such a gift.

More words are typed onto the screen.

The only way to open this containment tube with my experiment inside is to look for my Jewel to have him open it. He has the key to open his gift that I left for him.

The scientist come over from the entrance and start checking the progress of the tube while Tord continues reading the text.

Good luck finding him, be sure to tell him I'm sorry for breaking my promise... please.

Tord looks up from the screen and goes over to the containment unit where the silhouette of a being is curled up in a fetal position. He finds the lock to see a voice recognition lock, he presses a blue button where a robotic voice sounds.

"Voice recognition on, state your name please." A female voice asks.

"Tord Lawson."

The device took a second to process the name. "Voice unauthorized." Then there's a buzzing sound to signal error.

Tord hums and looks to the scientists. "What's the status for the containment tube?"

"We can't get much Red Leader, it seems what ever this person did locked all information tightly. We can only retrieve the given information it shows us." One of them says as she comes to stop her fingers from hacking the system.

"I've already recorded what we can get, but it's not much." The second scientist adds looking up from his clipboard.

Tord then looks to his soldiers serious, "Alright, I want this containment tube brought up to the surface then carefully and securely strapped to one of the jeeps. We're bring this thing back with us to base for further inspection." One of scientist stops the soldiers from proceeding further so the female scientist, Shara, could make sure their leader wanted to do this.

"Sir is that a good idea?" The female scientist asks uncertain glancing at the unit. "We don't know if it's something dangerous that could possibly harm us."

"As long as it's contained in the tube we'll be fine. The creature doesn't even seem like it's awake, just dormant."

"Alright sir, if you're sure." Collin let's the soldiers come over and proceed to carefully take care of moving the containment unit.

Up above on the ground level, soldiers started preparing to help lug the device up the entranceway. Tom watching over the situation and telling the soldiers to be careful as to watch their steps too.


Asher looks at Torm who seems to be staring hard at the containment until as it fully comes to view. "What's wrong Devil?"

"I don't know why, but that containment unit looks familiar." The devil teen couldn't help but notice the familiarity of the device. Where had he seen it before? He's unsure, Torm merely shakes the feeling off even if the sense of familiarity is still lingering. "Maybe I'm overthinking, Father does have the same thing in the labs when he takes care of Tomi and I if something were to happen to us."

The raven looks back to the tube crossing his arms.

"Whatever you say dude."

~+Two Days Later: Red Army Base: Torm and Tomi's Room+~

Inside the shared bedroom, Tomi is rummaging the back of his closet looking for something. That something being his special keepsake box. It's filled with all the items Tomi's kept as important and close to his heart.

Anything in there is rare, mostly because the special box Tomi keeps is small and fits a small amount things.

"Where did I put it?" Tomi wonders aloud to himself, poking his head under a pile of dropped clothes on the floor of his closet, butt stuck up in the air like the child he is at heart.

He eventually found the box when his hand accident pulled down a few more hanged up sweaters.

"I found it!" He exclaims popping out of the pile of blue sweaters and dress shirts. Tomi sets the box on his lap while staying in his spot in the closet.

He inputs the lock number that no one knows, not even his family. Then he flips the latch open and looks through his things. The first object inside he pulls out is a red paper crane, the first one Torm ever made for him. He keeps in a special plastic cube container his father gave him to use to preserve its form.

The next one he gets is the folded drawing of Torm and himself back when they were younger. Their mother drew them when neither of the brothers could decided who should draw the both of them. He really did love the brotherly picture and decided to keep it after they left the workout room that day.

After that one is something from his dad, a family picture Tord had taken unknowingly. His dad had given him a photo of himself, Tika, Torm, and their mom. Tom's hugging them while laughing while the kids in his arms are smiling or laughing. This was Tomi's latest piece to his collection.

He loves all of them and they're very close to his heart. The teen couldn't part with these beloved items even if his life was on the line.

When he puts them all aside he take out the final item. A red collar with a dog tag and a blue key with a gold rim around it. The same one that was wrapped around his neck during the time he was held captive by the poachers with his brother.

His fingers fiddle with the key and tag lightly as he remembers questioning William about them.



"Yes Tomi?" The blond doctor turns in his seat to look at his charge with his usual smile.

Tomi holds the tag to show William, "What's this say?"

"Hmm~ It says 'Subject #998, Holding Area A. Caretaker: Dr. William Axel'." He says after coming closer to the demon child by rolling over with his movable stool. Then he watches Tomi switch to the key with his fingers.

"What's this one for?"

"That one's a secret my Jewel..."

Tomi tilts his head to the side questionably, "But-"

"Now that questions are over, let's proceed with today's examination!"

~End Of Flashback~

The young doctor would then avoid any questions relating to the blue key. Tomi remembers always puffing his cheeks at the doctor for doing that.

"Tomi?" He hears his sister call from the entrance of the bedroom.

"Is he even here Tika?" Bryon's voice questions a few seconds after she calls her brother's name.

Tomi shuffles out of the pile of clothes and stuffs his personal items back in the box, not having enough time to put the collar away, he hides it deep within the pocket of his shorts. Then he tumbled out of the closet since he slips on one of his shirts, said shirt now hanging on top of his head.

The sister comes over giggling, lifting the shirt of her brother's head. "Are you okay Tomi?"

"I'm fine!" He laughs back as he gets onto his feet. Tomi hugs his sister tightly and kisses her forehead. "I wuv you Tikky!"

"I love you too Tomi." Tika responds with more giggles as she hugs her brother back. Just the happiness shared between them makes her feel better. She places the shirt the best she could on Torm's bed for Tomi to put away later.

Bryon comes over and crosses his arms, "We came to find you since Torm radioed the towers saying they're rolling in soon. Tika and I thought you might want to come with us outside to wait for them at the front."

Tomi lets go of his sister and nods, surprisingly hugging Bryon as well. "Thanks for thinking of me you two, I feel so loved." He lets go of Bryon but holds the teen's hand as well as grabbing his sister's hand. "Now let's go!"

The three of them walk down the halls of the base and to the main entrance of the base to head out. As usual soldiers greeted them with saying their hellos. Blue soldiers offered candy to the kids, although making sure not to give too much to Tomi.

They all know how he can get on a sugar high.

When they finally got outside, they could see some raised up dust in the distance and the sound of propellers . Tomi smiles as jeeps and helicopters come into view.

"They're back!" Tika joyfully says squeezing her brother's hand.

Soldiers from the base start coming out too when word spreads and the radio receives word from the radio towers. The cars come closer and park just a few feet away from the entrance. The helicopters fly over head to go land on the landing pads out in the back of the base near the hangers where a flight team is waiting for them.

Tomi looks around for their older brother. When he spots him getting out of Reggie and Zack's Jeep, he's running over there. Torm doesn't even get the chance to turn around or speak as his younger brother tackles him strongly to the ground.

"Ugh... Tomi?" The devils teen groans as he tries to sit up. He looks down at his brother hugging him around the waist, face presses again his stomach.

Tomi looks up with a smile Torm's been waiting to see ever since the boy was put to sleep.

"Welcome home Tormy."

Torm places a hand on Tomi's head and ruffles his hair. "I'm back." He smiles back.

Tika runs up with Bryon to the two of them with relieved expression. "Welcome back Torm!"

"Thanks Tika, I did my best and we did it. Father and Mother should be parking soon, they just have some luggage with them."

"Luggage?" Bryon questions.

"They found something around the Black Army Territory."

All of the teens look back to the jeep where they see Asher starting to walk over to them. "Bryon, Tika." He says as he gives a fist bump with the brunet and gives a gentleman kiss to the back of Tika's hand. Then he and Tomi catch each other's gaze. "Short stack."

Tomi growls at the raven with narrowed eyes as he hugs his brother closer. "That's not my name."

"Seems to fit you perfectly though." Asher replies with a smug smirk.

"Enough." Torm looks to Asher sternly, "Try to be appropriate will you."

"Can't promise much Devil." The teen gives playful shrug.

Tika looks back and forth between her brother and the Black Army teen. "What's he doing here?"

"Mother invited him to stay with us before Dad decided to blow up the entire base. It was a live or die situation here and our Mother decided he was innocent enough not to die so he gave him the choice." Torm makes his brother let go of him for a moment so he could get up from the ground. Then Tomi resumes hugging him when they're both standing on their feet. "He also knows we're family, including you Tika."

Now that information had them silent for a moment. Tomi questions, "How did you know?"

"Bryon and the rest of the teens have know for awhile now since the peace party. We just haven't figured out who your mother was."

Torm looks to Bryon with a raised brow, "Did you tell him about our Mother?"

Bryon shakes his head, "No, I haven't really gotten in contact with Asher for some time now since the time we all hung out at the Rebellion Base."


The teens were cut from the topic when they hear the sound of a car coming over to them holding Tom and Tord. The car parks near them and the two leaders get out of the vehicle. Bryon and Tika notice the Jeep holding a large containment tube in the back that looks powered on yet they can't see inside.

"Mom, Dad!" Tomi happily bounds over to them after letting his brother go from his hold. Tom is happy to greet the happy demon with open arms.

"Tomi!" Tom hugs Tomi tightly and coos loving words quietly into his ear. "I missed you and your brother and sister so much. Are you okay? I heard you were put to sleep because your nightmares got worse."

"I'm fine now Mom, see." Tomi lets Tom go and twirls around to show he's all better.

Tord ruffles his hair which the demon teen giggles to again like when Torm did it earlier. "All that matters is that your safe and well now."

"Short stack's really good at being such a kid." Asher teases with mockery. He laughs until Torm whacks him behind the head, "Ow!"

"Blackie~" Torm sing songs in a dangerous tone like his mother uses most of the time with their father.

Tomi turns around puffing his cheeks red mad while his hands are clenched into fists.

"My name is Tomi! Tomi T. Lawson!"

"Voice Recognized. Welcome Tomi."

The robotic voice caught their attention now. They look at the containment tube along with a few other soldiers in the area. The teens, soldiers, and the leaders walk over to where the tube was doing letting down its privacy screen.

Tomi expression drops and so does Torm's.

"Tomi, don't-" Torm starts to say walking up behind his brother, about to cover his eyes. "Look."

The younger brother moves always from his brother's attempt to block his vision. He only moves forward to the containment tube to place his hand against the glass.


He places one hand on the glass as he looks at the person inside the containment unit. The young man, in white wet suit, looked around to be 21 still curled up, hugging his legs. He had blond hair, pale skin, as Tomi remembers him.

But there's a different color where the red streak at the front of his bangs should be. Instead, the color is blue.

Tord looks to Torm looking for answers. "Who's William, Torm?"

Torm swallows what feels like a huge lump in his throat. God he felt like he needed to sit down as flashes of memories hit him. He knew this containment unit for a reason.

"W-William was Tomi's caretaker... during our kidnapping..."

"What?" Tom says as his green eyes start to widen on his visor screen. "You mean..."

The young devil nods his head as he tries to steady himself. Bryon and Asher could see the way he was unstable, both of them go over to him and hold him by the arms. Just in time as Torm loses the strength in his legs to keep standing.

Meanwhile Tomi is looking around the glass unit while his parents fuss over his older brother. He can't help but ignore everything around him after hoping up onto the back of the trailer that is holding it.

"I promise."

'He promised...' The demon teen thought as he comes to see a familiar shaped lock. His hand slips into his short pocket and feels against the red collar and it's little trinkets. Tomi pulls out the collar, holding only onto the key as he brings it up to the keyhole.

He slips it in and turns it around.


"Access confirmed."

All eyes refocus onto Tomi and the containment tank.

It drains out the liquid, letting it spill out and off the trailer to the grassy ground below. Tomi watched the replica of his captor uncurl from his position while the water drains out, standing up straight with his feet against the floor of his container.

"William?" Tomi said again as he reaches out to hold the man's hand.

The blond standing inside the tank opens his eyes and moves his hand out from Tomi's reach. The young demon looks up at him and sees a difference in eye color too, instead of blue eyes that William possesses, this person has sea green eyes.

"Hello Tomi." Voice ever so gentle and soft to the teen's ears.

Tomi pulls his hand back slowly, but the blond who he thought is William grabs his hand and holds it.

"Who are you?" He asks after swallowing a lump in his throat.

The blond man tilts his head slightly as he looks at Tomi up and down. No smile stretched on his lips nor any emotions at this point.

"My name is Will, I'm an experiment made scientifically by Doctor William Axel."

Will leans down a bit, brings his hand close to Tomi's face to carefully cup his cheek.

"I am his last gift to you."


Hell Everyone! Been awhile hasn't it ^^

Anyways college started for me as you know since my last post so it'll take some time for me to update daily. If I'll feel stressed I'll just retreat here to write some more or read.

In other words, I don't really feel satisfied with this chapter, but the following chapter feels better than this^^

So stay tuned everyone!

If you guys need any explanations for anything about this book please put them down here. I'll try my best to answer all of them and I won't put any spoilers for future chapters regarding certain questions.

Now to the Hall of Amazing Fanart for Today!

Thank you all again for your time to draw these!!!
















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