Don't Cry/Your Choice

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~+Past: Red Army Base: Training Grounds+~

Wen has been a part of the Blue Group under Tom's leadership ever since she first joined. She aided in the patrol as her chosen department after thinking about it during recruitment at the Rebellion Base.

She grew and grew in both knowledge and combat.


The blond straightens up after throwing her training partner, a Red Soldier, over her shoulder.

"It looks like you need to brush up on your defense skills." She says looking down at the man.

"I suppose so Wen." The man responds in return as he grins up at her.

"Hey Karter! Stop flirting and get your ass over here, we need help with a soldier."

The blond man rests his legs back and uses the force to jump back on his feet standing. He hand pats Wen on the shoulder keeping his confident look. "Excuse me for a moment Wen, I'll be back soon enough."

Wen watches the man leave to go deal with his fellow red soldiers on the other side of the field. The man, Karter, is a very different person than what she suspected him to be due to her observations. He's friendly, confident, and most of all mischievous if he wants too.


She turns around at the call of her name.

Her hazel color eyes meeting digital green ones belonging to her leader.


The man she respects and dearly treasures simply standing a few feet away from her is smiling. She wasn't sure of his expression, this smile seems different to her.

"Would you take a walk with me?"

She nods, taking a step and then another towards her leader until she's standing by his side.

Her blue leader leads her around the building of the base. Walking around the forest line taking in the greenery and lake nearby.

They talked on their little walk around until Wen noticed her leader start to pick up on a serious tone.

"Hey, Wen?"

"Yes Blue?

Tom tunes around with his hands held behind his back. The lake glistening behind him making his appearance glow.

"Would you provide me your aid?"

Wen looks at him confused as he stops her steps. A slight wind blowing at them. "Aid, sir? I already help you... don't I?"

"Of course you do Wen... It's just I wish to provide more help for this place we now call home."

The Red Army's Main Base is basically Home to them now. Sure they have their playful fights and arguments here and there, but they've become close like one big family.

"How? ... How do you plan to help even more with my help?"

Tom walks over to her and holds her hands in his own. "First you have to promise me you won't speak a word about any of this to anyone. Not even your fellow soldiers, Blue or Red, this stays between us."

The blond woman nods, "I understand."

"I've been secretly working with a side group I had created for a few years now," Tom tells her in a soft voice after checking their surroundings after he lets go of her hands. "They're a group of people I trained personally and are based in a few locations around the world already. They've been watching over the Red Soldiers in secret protecting them."

"Only a few years since you've created this group and they're doing this?!" Her voice sounding shocked. Wen knew her leader was a good man but she didn't think he was this well directed. "How did you get so many people already? How did they even agree to help you?"

"Most of them knew me from the Rebellion Base, the survivor children staying with us. They were able to return back to society once the war in their areas had calmed down." Tom smiles remembering them now as young teens who had come up to him asking if they could still join them even if he worked with the Red Army now. Just like a certain worker in the blue uniforms department he knows.

"You don't plan to tell Red?"

Tom shakes his head a little. "They like the idea of being secretive protection group... And I kinda do too," He chuckles. "If anything they're mischievous little children like one of my babies."

"I assume you mean Tomi." Wen didn't interact with Tomi much, but she knew the demon child has that side to him. When it comes to Blue and Red he doesn't do anything, his brother, absolutely nothing as well. He only plays mischievous acts on soldiers when he gets really bored as she has observed from time to time.

"Ah, that's another thing I want to talk about." Tom pulls out an envelope from his inner vest pocket and holds it out to Wen to take.

Wen takes the letter reading the front of the paper. "To Tomi." She looks up to see a sad expression on Tom's face. "Blue, what's this?"

"Wen... before I continue explaining anything further, I have to ask. Will you be willing to be a double agent for me and my predecessor?" A serious expression stays on Tom's face while her eyes widen. "I know it's sudden asking you this but I have to do this now or else it will be too late later."

She wants to know, she wants to help her leader. The envelope in her hands the deciding fate.

"I accept."

Wen should have known at that moment, something wrong would happen in their future.

~+Present Time: Time Skip 9 months: Red Army Base+~

The weeks flew pass month after month until it nears the arrival date of the newborn.

Tom has been getting check-ins by Grace and Duke every month or so. The one who checked the baby's gender was Dr. Grace. Although Tord and Tom decided they would wait until the baby was born to know their gender so the doctor didn't breath a word about what gender they could be.

As the time neared towards this month Tom realized his health wasn't keeping up with him. At one point he would be throwing up, but it wouldn't be vomit. He'd get a really bad case of a migraine another time.

He felt weak to his knees while carrying the baby sometimes by simply taking a walk around.

"Thomas, are you okay?" Tord asked a couple of times before like now.

Tom merely smiles at his husband. "I'm fine love, don't worry about it. I think I may be coming down with a cold but that should be it. It'll pass." He tries to assure his partner he's fine.

Another time his children caught him leaning against the wall, he was sweating a lot and his breathing deep.

"Mom are you okay?"

"Mother I'll get you some water alright?"

"Take a seat mom, it looks like you're about to pass out."

His dear children were so kind and comforting to see. Any day is like a treatment to this illness he may have caught while on the job.

Tom tries and tries to be strong for himself and the baby. He has too... even if knows that it's becoming late.

It was only then during a meeting with the Rebellion over a video call that it decided to happen.

"Edd seriously-"

Tord stops immediately when he hears someone fall back against the wall of his and his wife's office. The only other person in this room is Tom.

"Thomas!" Tord ends the call quickly, getting out of his seat to rush over to his partner.

He holds his lover up in his arms, "Stay with me, what happened?"

Tom chuckles weakly, "The baby's coming."

Tord's eyes widen, not wasting time he picks up his wife in his arms then running out the office door. He headed straight for the Blue medical ward where he was sure Dr. Grace would be able to take care of him properly.

Soldiers were quick to step aside as their leader frantically rushed pass them. Obviously worried as the Red Leader ran down the hallway with his wife shouting, "Move out of the way! The baby's coming!"

Tom wanted to laugh but due to the pain and heat, he felt he couldn't.

Tord made it to the Blue Medical Ward where the nurses were quick to provided a rolling bed for Tom. Tord follows alongside the cart while holding Tom's hand tightly.

"It's okay Tom, we're here."

Tom smiles as he squeezes Tord's hand.

"I love Tord... I love you so much..."

Tord didn't know why but his wife sounded so sad when he calmly said those words. That smile on his face and those tears rolling down his cheeks last minute made his heartache.

He didn't get to say the words back as Tom was rolled into the operating room where Tord was told to stay back in the waiting room by another nurse.

+Operating Room+

Dr. Grace looks down at her Leader in pain and crying tears.


Tom smiles up at her while he keeps himself laid back on the operating bed. "Grace, I'm in your hands again."

She holds up an oxygen mask and puts it over her leader's mouth. "Don't worry Blue, I'll make sure the both of you survive this operation." Dr. Grace won't allow her leader's baby to be without a mother.

He brings his arm up lightly touching her cheek in comfort. "Listen to me Grace, you will do what you think is best. Do you understand?" The woman stays quiet as she looks away from her leader's green gaze. "Please do this for me."

Grace's hands are clenched at her sides, "I understand Blue."

Tom keeping his smile returns his arm back to his side. "Thank you Grace... for everything..." He says as he comes to feel the effects of the anesthesia.

Grace looks at her sleeping Leader for a moment, she was determined to at least get Tom up long enough to meet his child. She knew about Tom's ill fate baiting him for months now ever since the man had come to her asking for help. The doctor gave him medicine and a healthy food schedule to follow yet nothing helped.

She shook her head and proceeded to take the visor off her leader's face carefully. When she was done with that, she went over to finally get the baby after the nurses had finished preparing the area to cut open to retrieve the newborn.

'I'll make sure you meet them Blue!'

~+An hour later+~

In a private medical room, Tord waited by his sleeping wife's side with a smile. He couldn't wait to meet their new little bundle of joy.

"Ugh..." Tom sounds as he begins to stir up from his sleep. "What?"

"Min Kjaere," Tord says as the other male looks at him. He takes hold of his wife's hand smiling lovingly.

He picked up the goggles from the nightstand to put it back over Tom's eyes. He attached the straps together behind his partner's head and turns the device on.

The Blue Leader smiles back at his husband after blinking a couple of times, but a small pang of guilt hit at his core knowing he couldn't stay awake long. "Hi love."

Tord kisses his wife on the lips with his partner lovingly kissing him back. They break the kiss as soon as the door was knocked on.

"Come in," Tord says happily.

The door opens to reveal Dr. Grace and Lizzie coming in with a cradle holding their dear baby, or rather babies.

Dr. Grace picks one of the babies up into her arms while Lizzie picks up the other one. They walk over to the other side of Tom's bed. The nurse and doctor show the babies over to their respective mother. One of the babies is swaddled up in a blue blanket while the other is wrapped up in a reddish-pink blanket.

"Look Blue, aren't they beautiful?"

Tom's digital eyes turn blue as he cries tears of both joy and sadness. He takes the babies into his arms holding them close.

"Oh my gosh... twins... I had twins..."

Tord smiles as he stands up to lean closer to his wife to kiss his cheek. Tom leans into his husband's warmth while they fuss over their babies.

"They're beautiful."

Tom kisses the baby's forehead gently while trying to make sure he put so much love into it.

"Our little Law and Luci..."

Tord smiles widely when his wife decides to finally let him hold their newborns. He could see the fair skin Law receives from them while those eyes... oh those eyes... Law's eyes were also a mix of his and his wife's eyes like Tika but the other way around. Tom's eye was to the child's right while his eye was on the left this time.

As for Luci, she has the same styled eyes as her older sister Tika. Her skin fair like theirs once again. Tord loves the way she snuggled up close to him for more warmth.

"Hello Law, Luci," Tord gently smiles at the child in his arms. He sticks one of his gloved fingers to Law who grabs onto it tightly making him happy.

Tom looks at the warming scene with loving eyes.

He looks to Grace and Lizzie, signaling they could leave with the wave of his hand. They both walk out of the room to leave the married couple be to themselves. Grace giving him one last look over her shoulder before the closes behind her.


His husband looks at him with a smile until it drops.

He's looking at that sad smile again.

"I love you."

"I love you too Tom." He responds back with a loving smile that should have washed away his wife's sad smile. "Min kæjre, what's wrong?"

Tom reaches out to grab Tord by the front of his coat. He gently pulls him close to let his lips meet his while still being careful of their little loves Tord's holding between them. He then wraps his arms around Tord's neck carefully.

The kiss felt so loving yet so sad and happy at the same time.

"I love you so much, Tord Lawson." Tears continue to flow down his cheeks after breaking their kiss. Blue eyes met with His husband's silver one. "I'm so glad we met and never once have I regretted meeting you." Truly he was admitting everything from the bottom of his heart.

"Tom what-"

He couldn't understand the rush of Tom's words like ever one of them counts towards a dying breath. His wife hugs him more while Tom rests his head on Tord's shoulder in comfort.

"I truly love you to the bottom of my heart Tord."

The arms around Tord's neck weaken as Tom moves away from the warmth of his husband. He lays back down on the bed tiredly, the last drops of his energy fading away slowly. Tom looks at the twins in Tord's arms with a soft smile on his face. The screen of his goggles glitching.

"I'm happy you're alive..."

He pressed the emergency call button by the bed.

"Please... continue to care... for the children..." Every word rung heavy to Tord.

"Tom, don't say that you're fine..." Tord said as he could only helplessly watch Tom start fighting to keep his eyes open on the bed. "Tom... Tom!"

Tom reaches up to swipe a tear away from his husband's cheek who had not noticed he was crying.

"Don't cry, love."

The doors opened and Grace and a couple of nurses run in. One of them taking care of Tord to lead him out of the room with baby Law in his arms who starts crying.



The Lawson siblings and Asher wait outside in the hallway waiting for the news of their mother's delivery.

Tika being excited to be a big sister.

Tomi, happy to have a new playmate.

Torm, joyed by the fact he has another wonderful sibling to care for starting from the beginning.

Bryon and Asher sat by their respective partner holding their hand feeling happy for them. Tomi feeling impatient as he kept his eyes on the door waiting for it to open.

When it did, it's their father walking out with something in his arms. Walking next to him, leading him out, is one of the blue nurses.

"Dad!" Tomi exclaims happily as he jumps out of his seat. He runs over to his dad ready to meet the new family member only to see him crying. "Dad?"

Tord looks at his son tears still rolling down his cheeks. "Tomi? ...."

The rest of his family came over with their partner. They were also surprised to see the man crying.

"Forgive me, I must attend to your mother," Tord says as he holds out the swaddles in his arms. "But first, please look after your new siblings for me."

The young adults look at the two babies in Tord's arms. The female sleeping peacefully at the warmth of Tord while the male is making gurgling noises.

"Your mother gave birth to twins. Meet Lawrence and Lucille T. Lawson. "

Tomi was able to hold Lawrence while his older brother takes Lucille into his arms.

Tord takes a step back the nurse staying close to him. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to check on your mother." He turns his back to them as he heads for the door again.

"Dad, is something wrong with mom?" Tika asks worriedly.

Tord opens the door and pauses at his daughter's words. "I not sure min datter... just let me handle everything, okay?"

Tika never got to respond as her father is already entering through the door again with the following blue nurse. He squeezes her boyfriends hand while Bryon squeezes back trying to reassure her that everything will be okay.

Tomi's looks down at his new baby sibling with a smile after their dad leaves. The baby makes random noises making the demon smother him with light kisses. "Hi Lawy, I'm Tomi one of your brothers."

Torm is gently holding his new little sister with a soft smile. "Hey Lucille... I'm your big brother Torm," he whispers softly to the sleeping baby.

Their sister looks between the twins with a soft smile as she tries not to overthink of her father's worries. "Lucille, Lawrence, I'm your big sister Tika." She comes closer and softly pokes their cheek playfully.

"Welcome home."

~+With Tord+~

Tord storms back into the private med room only to find Tom covers up with the blanket. Lizzie covering her face as she cries softly behind her hands.

Dr. Grace quiet, staring at her leader's unmoving body under the blanket.

"Doctor Grace..."

She looks to Red Leader who has his eye widen at the scene before him. Her voice filled with sorrow as she said the words he never wants to hear.

"I'm sorry Red... He's gone."

"No... nononono!" Tord rushes to the other side of the bed pulling the blanket back to reveal Tom's unmoving body. His eyes closed and relaxed as if he's sleeping. "Thomas, please- you can't be dead!"


"Thomas wake up!"

"Red Leader..."



"Tom..." Tord said weakly as he leans down to sit his wife up on the bed. The head nurse and doctor of the Blue Medical ward watch as the other leader settles down while holding their dead leader with care.

Arms wrap around the brunet in a hug, "You weren't supposed to die before me." What kind of husband was he if he could not protect his wife.

The room stays quiet. No one spoke.

Tord lays Tom back down on the bed with careful care. He didn't want to believe this was happening.

"Did any of you know what happened?"

Dr. Grace eyes shift to the door to avoid Tord's gaze. "Tom was... sick. I couldn't find any records that matched his illness, I even asked a few other doctors along with Dr. Duke." She sighs deeply as her eyes finally look at Red Leader. "No one could understand what he had caught. However, Tom was thankful enough to know it wouldn't affect his pregnancy."

Lizzie sniffs as she tried to recompose herself. "We immediately checked the babies as soon as they came out. Both of them very healthy to confirm."

Tord clenched his fists by his sides. He couldn't do anything again to keep protecting his beloved wife.

He had lost his wife again and now he couldn't even bring him back this time.

"I want you two to prepare Tom, please... I want to give him the best funeral possible as soon as get everything ready."

Grace nods in agreement but she says something to Tord before he could walk out of the room.

"Red Leader, under the last words that were spoken to me by our leader's dying breath... We soldiers of the Blue Group are now officially under your care."

Lizzie and Grace end up saluting Tord who stares at them with a crushed look on his face.

"As soldiers of Blue, we are deeply indebted to you for all the love you have given to him." Lizzie pitches in as she tries to keep her strong composer. Her voice wavering in and out as she tries not to choke on her tears. "We will continue serving the Red Army until our dying breath."

Tord walks around the bed to stand in front of the two soldiers. He looks between them for a moment.

Mostly surprising them when he pulls them into a hug. The nurse and doctor feeling thankfulness and sadness with the action done to them.

"Thank you... I can never thank you, Blue Soldiers, enough for being by Tom's side all this time."

Grace and Lizzie break on the spot after those words left their new leader's mouth. They hug him back tightly and cry heavily.

They accept the comforting hug of the one who is the father figure of this army.

The man most beloved by their Blue Leader.

~Few Week's Later~

When the children were told the news of their mother's death, they broke down into despair.

The oldest couldn't find the will to talk for weeks since told to them the same day the twins were born. Asher tried so hard to comfort his boyfriend to the best of his ability, only succeeding to a small degree that Torm would stay out of their room more. Yet he wouldn't talk until he was ready.

The middle child cried a river every day, he screamed and shouted in denial until his voice was raw. Tord literally had to keep holding his son in his embrace tight enough to calm him. The boy would not let go of his father unless it was either his siblings, Will, or Ace.

Their sister fell to her knees that day crying behind her hands that covered her face. Bryon kept holding her whispering comforting words which helped slightly. However, she could not find the will to move like all the feeling her body her movements. Bryon has to keep holding her hand so they could walk side by side.

The blue section of the Red Army could only cry in sorrow, working in their departments became hard. Tord had given them weeks off until they felt better to be working again. He understood their statistician the most knowing how his wife had been so good to them from the very beginning. The older soldiers who have been with Tom longer taking the news harder but coming back with stronger wills like Grace and Lizzie.

Now it's the day of the funeral, mostly everyone was present to attend Tom's funeral.

Tord had talked to Edd and Matt to get special permission to let their friend be buried specifically in England.

England is Tom's home after all, he would fight tooth and nail to keep this country safe.

When Edd and Matt heard the new that their best friend had died giving birth to the twins, they immediately had tears streaming down their faces over the video call. The two friends were charging into the British government office demanding special permission for the burial on the spot.

Back to the funeral, only most of the Red Army could come since they didn't want to leave the main base defenseless. So some of the soldiers from the computer department, who had come with, are doing a live video of the procession.

Tom's perfectly black coffin with silver rims rested over the hole they were going to bury him in. The top half of the coffin open for friends and family to say their last goodbyes while seeing him in his deathlike sleep.

Tord stepped up on the stage to walk over to the podium where he would say a few words. The blue soldiers didn't allow Tom to buried until the husband said a few meaningful words before they never seen their dead leader again.

"Ehem." Tord clears his throat. He fixed the black tie of his suit, the funeral suit all sleek black designed by Neva, Opal gave her the honors since it's Tom's funeral.

Everyone gives their attention to Red Leader ready to say his few words.

"Good afternoon everyone... Thank you all for being here on this sorrowful occasion." He starts off, Tord had yet to be comfortable, but who really could be when his wife had died. "We have gathered here today to see a leader, friend, mother, and wife leave us..."

Soldiers lean on other for comfort, Edd and Matt trying to hold back tears for later when Tom is actually being buried.

The Lawson siblings staring at the front of the crowd with downed expressions. Torm holding Lawrence in his arms while Tika's holding Lucille. Tomi right there between them holding onto their sleeves. The boys were dawned on suits like their father while their sister is dressed in an all black cocktail dress.

Behind them were their friends or partners. Bryon's hands rested on his girlfriend's shoulders. Asher behind Torm hugging him around the waist with his head resting on the shoulder. Ace standing behind Tomi watching over him carefully in case he acts out again. Will was supposed to come but Tord had specially given the blond the mission of helping keep the base safe.

"When I tried writing something up, my mind was all over the place trying to find the best things to say about him," Tord remember himself sitting behind his desk, his office filled with less enthusiasm now that his love is gone. "Thomas, everything you've done til now has really been amazing. It would really take me days on end to list out your story..."

Tord spreads his arms open to gesture to the crowd before them. "Look all these people who came to see you off... Look at your soldiers... Look at my soldiers... God our children..." He puts his arms down and puts his hand on his chest. "Would you look at me..."

Tord looks to the casket where Tom lays without movement. "You've done this Thomas. You brought out the best in everyone... I couldn't love you more for the two new lives you brought into this world." He says glancing to their kids caring for the newborns.

"I promise you, I will protect the home we made. I'll protect these people, our friends, and family."

Tears were escaping the corner of Tord's eye.

"Rest your heart min Kjære... Don't worry about us anymore."

Tord steps off the stage and heads to the casket. He picks up a rose from the bouquet they had brought. He places the flower under Tom's folded hands and presses a kiss on the dead man's lips.

"I'll love you forever and always..."

He backs away from the dead man and his coffin.

The guests were soon allowed to grab flowers from the bouquets they had brought for this moment after the top of the casket was closed.

The children were the first to place their flowers on top of the black coffin as they cried. Tord puts his Red Spider Lilly on first, then Tomi adds his Blue Bell flowers, finally Tika with Forget Me Not flowers.

They back away as Tord lets the soldiers in charge of lowering the coffin do their job. Soldiers and friends take turns throwing flowers down the grave.

Tord watches as more tears continue to stream down his cheek. His older children grouping closer to him as they could not bear to watch their mother being buried before them. It was just too hard to watch.

Everyone was asked to leave, except for the family, as some other soldiers start to actually fill in the hole.

"Do you kids really want to stay? I know it's hard to watch..."

Tord silently answers by tightening his grip on his father's sleeve with his free hand not holding Lawrence, Tomi doing the same since he didn't want to leave their side. Tika nods hugging her dad's arm with her free arm that's not carrying Lucille.

So they watch until the dirt has piled evenly from where it had been shoveled away.

"Come on kids... It's time to say goodbye to your mother."

Tika with glassy eyes chokes on her tears.

"B-Bye, mom..."

Tomi lets tears fall, "Bye Bye M-Mommy..."

Tord looks to his eldest only staring at the patch of dirt where under his mother is buried. "Torm... You don't need to say anything if it hurts too much."

Torm immediately shakes his head. He opens his mouth, looking towards the grave, his voice sounding hoarse as if he had been screaming.

"Goodbye, Mother."

It was then Tord ushers them to head for the plane waiting for them back near the Rebellion.

He glances over his shoulder one last time, his good eye glassy one finale time.

"Forever and Always~"

The children heard their father sing softly.

"I could never love another..."

Tomi looks back at dad.

"Please keep my heart safe..."

Tord sighs.

"Until we meet again in the next life~"

~+Week Passes: Red Army Base~

It wasn't until a week later Tomi was pulled aside from the soldiers and family of the base by one of his Mother's soldiers.

If Tomi remembered her correctly, this woman is Wen. Shoulder length hair with brown dyed tips and fair skin. She works for his mother's patrol department and does special missions sometimes by his mother's orders.

"Wen?" He says her name in question as they stop somewhere past the forest line. The demon couldn't understand the point of why she brought him out here.

She turns around and gets on one knee before Tomi with her head down.

"Thomas T. Lawson, or rather going by Tomi. Years before your mother passed recently, I was given a mission and another job."

Tomi looks down at her in surprise that's she's saying all this suddenly. He takes a step back but Wen doesn't move to stop him know everything for him is sudden.

"What do you mean?"

He watches her reach into the inner pocket of her blue best to pull out a letter. She holds the white envelope out to her Leader's son. "You're mother gave me this to give to you when he knew this time would come."

Tomi accepts the letter in his hand gently as he sees his mother's familiar handwriting on the front.

"Please read it out loud for the two of us."

The demon opens the letter and pulls out the folded paper. Unfolding it he reads the words on the paper at a normal volume that he and Wen could hear.

Dear Tomi,

Hello dear... I'm sorry you had to revive this letter a week after my death... I know you and your siblings must have cried as well as your father. Forgive me that I could not stay long with all of you longer, especially with your new sibling. I truly wished I could have been at a better state when I had him or her so I could see all your smiling faces.

Tomi could feel his eyes start to get glassy as he wishes to cry again.

I know this letter may have been sudden to you as Wen must have taken you to a secured spot where no one could hear you for this. As you read I will tell you that I am offering you a position.

However before I tell you of this position, I want you to think long and hard about the decision you are going to have to make.

You can not put your feelings or any hindering thoughts to make your choice about this. Please, I only want you to choose the choice that will make you happy.

Now I shall tell you what I offer to you in this letter.
It's the position of being the new Blue Leader.

Tomi pauses his reading, Wen didn't even look surprised she already seemed to already know.

Wen will explain the rest to you since I have trusted her with all the information of a certain group I made during the time we've spent together here at home.

Remember Tomi, this is your choice.

I just want you to be happy like your siblings in the future that is to come for all of you.

I miss and love all of you so much.

With Deepest Love,
Thomas Thompson Lawson
Former Blue Leader

Tomi holds the paper down and looks to Wen in waiting for more explanation.

"A couple of years ago, your mother made a separate group he kept hidden from your father." Wen starts as she stands up from the ground. "It's a Shadow Group to aid the Red Army in secret."

The soldier looks at Tomi as she crosses her arms over her chest. "You're mother trained all of them personally, that was mainly why he visited the Red City every few years or so. Your choice on the matter is if you want to leave or stay,"

"Leave... or stay?" Tomi says confused.

"The group your mother made is to remain a secret Tomi. They are supposed to be separate from the Red Army in order to operate on the task your mother left for them concerning situation he feels are in need of unknowing support." She takes a step over to Tomi and places her hand on his shoulder.

"If you choose to stay here, at home with the Red Army Base with your family then this information only stay between us. However, given the latter, choosing to take up your mother's title and leading the shadow group then you would have to leave this all behind."

Tomi looks into her serious hazel eyes, she wasn't joking.

"I know this is sudden to you Tomi so you are allowed to take your time with making this big decision. I'll be around the patrol department if you need me."

The soldier removes her hand from his shoulder and ruffles his hair.

"Choose what makes you happy," Wen says as she walks away from the area back to the base.

"That is what your mother wants for you and your siblings."

~+Weeks Rolling By+~

Tomi has been walking around to clear his mind and think of his choice. He really wanted to stay home with his family when they're going through such a tough time but he also wanted to continue his mother's legacy.

"Son, what do you think?"

He demon pauses and looks to his left. Tomi didn't even notice he had been walking past his dad's office. Also that voice, clearly it's his uncle Patty, no one could be more soft with Tord, other than Tom, than his own adoptive mother.

"It's been weeks since Tom was laid to rest..." He heard his father say. Tomi moves closer to the door to listen, he knew it was bad manners like his older brother said, but he can't help but be curious. "The blue section of the Army is now under my orders from what Dr. Grace told me. It was Tom's dying wish that I take care of them."

"But when you step down-"

"Torm will take over the Army like everyone suspects or already knows. He'll have to manage this big army, but I know he'll be able to do it." Tord interrupts his dad with a stern voice. "He is a mix of Tom and I after all, he'll manage."

"But what about Tomi?" Paul questions.

Tomi held his breath.

"He's immortal like his brother, shouldn't he take up Tom's position as Blue Leader?"

The demon on the other side of the door heard his father sigh. "I can't give him the position. Tomi's still to off in his own world and his classes weren't meant for bringing him into a position of a leader. I was hoping he would be a provided support for Torm with the medical and defense lessons he learned in the future."

"We could always change his classes."

"I'm sure Tom would have wanted Tomi to take his position after him."

Tomi jumped back a bit when he heard a long slam on something. He didn't know it but his father had just hit his fist against the top of the desk.

"I can't allow it... I'm worried about Tomi," Tord says holding back the emotion of hurt.

"I can't lose another person who is so dear to this family."

Tomi places his hand on the door lightly with a sad look. 'Dad...' He thought.

He closes his eyes and makes a determined expression when he opens them back up. Tomi takes his hand off the door and continues walking down the hall to seek out Wen this time.

~+A month passes+~

During the duration of the month, Tomi spent time with his family and the soldiers, not wasting a single moment.

He had fun stealing his brother away from Asher the most to speaks the most time with him. The had talks, made art like usual, read books together, and so much more than Tomi thought would be fun for the both of them.

In between, they'd pull Tika along with them to do these ridiculous activities.

There was a point where they did go swimming at the pool and Torm ended up losing his trunks due to one of the powerful jets shooting water. His trunks made it all the way to the drain on the other side of the pool.

Tomi was laugh while Tika covered her eyes giggling. To make even worse, Asher came over to check in on them but ended up seeing his naked boyfriend trying to pull his swim trunks out of the drain.

Let's say Asher teased Torm about it a lot which would result in a red blushing boyfriend every now and then around the base.

Tomi would then drag his dad out of the office more often even if he was busy with work. He wouldn't listen to his father's protest one bit as he used his super strength to haul him by the back of the man's jacket collar.

To Tord, it was like a deja vu moment since his wife would do it most times when he got too caught in work to not spend time with family.

He would bring his dad to Tika's room where she would be surprised to see their dad, moreover being dragged in by Tomi.

Tomi would then sit his dad at the foot of the bed before going to grab his sister, if she was in the room, thus having a cuddle fest with them.

For Tord, it was just the right remedy for all the stress and pent-up pain in his emotions. They would lay together on the bed, Tomi and Tika on either side of him enjoying his presence and warmth as he either pats their head or tells them little stories about his past with their mother.

The times they spent were warm and tender.

Finally the twins, Tomi would sneak into their nursery room sometimes just to sit in a chair to watch them patiently.

Lawrence, who is actually the youngest twin of the Lawson Siblings, always liked to be awake when Tomi's in the room. Tomi would show the baby boy one of his fingers just so he could feel the strong baby grip of his little brother.

As for Lucille, the oldest by five minutes, she is a princess after their sister. When she's awake Lucille tends to make these cute noises when she sees him. Tomi would laugh and wipe off the drooling mess she makes.

Tomi would then leave the room after kissing their foreheads and wishing them good night.

By the end of the month, the demon of the Lawson Siblings felt ready to leave everything behind him.

+Night: With Tomi+

Tomi quietly retrieved his backpack that he had packed a week earlier for the trip. He left it by the wall slouching so it wouldn't look suspicious to any of his family.

Once he picked it up, he quietly makes his way over to his sister's bed.

"I love you Tika... When we see each other again I hope to see your smile.

He holds her hand lightly.

"Take care of Tormy while I'm gone..."

He leans over and kisses her cheek.

"I'm sure you'll grow up a beautiful person."

His sister smiles in her sleep mumbling his name. She must be having a nice dream.

Tomi uses his powers to cover himself with shadows, allowing him to sink into the dark abyss he was allowed to have to himself. He flys over to an opening in his brother's room.

He climbs out of the shadows, and stand on the solid floor. There he faces the canopy bed where Asher and his brother are snuggled up together sleeping in each other's embrace.

"Torm..." Tomi whispers oh so quietly. He pushes his brother's bangs back and kisses him on the forehead.

Torm groans in his sleep, red eyes open slightly, but his vision is blurry from sleep.


Tomi smiles, he may look like their mom in his sleepy state but he isn't. However, it's nice to dream, isn't it?

"Go back to sleep Torm... I'll be here."

Torm slowly reaches up and slides Tomi's hand down to his cheek.

"I... love you, mom..." He says before falling back to sleep.

Tomi smiles sadly at his brother as he leans back down to kiss him again, but this time on the cheek.

"Be strong Torm, I'm sure we'll meet again."

He smiles a little more with buds of tears in the corner of his eyes. The moonlight from the window shining on him perfectly.

"We're brothers, forever and always."

The demon then disappears again just like air.

Before he knows it, Tomi's in his father's room. He felt saw when he saw the empty space on the left side of the king-sized bed. His father sleeping alone in this lonesome room.

He walks to the bedside where his father lays asleep. He lightly dips the bed when he sits down on the edge.

"You really one deep sleeper like mom says, dad. Mom usually wakes up the moment I sit on the bed." Tomi says to his sleeping father who didn't rouse from his sleep. His breathing patterns when he sleeps is still the same meaning he isn't awake.

"I know you're worried, scared even, to lose me. I know my choice leaving will only cause you more pain."

Tomi acknowledges his choice will cause pain Tom his family but as his mother said, this is his choice. He will not deny the effects of his actions.

"It's only been a month since mom left us but I know he's watching over us."

Tom looks back at his dad.

"I may resemble mother, I may have his name, but I am not Mom."

Tomi leans down and kisses his father's cheek.

"So don't worry about me too much alright? I'll be right behind all of you, supporting each and every one of these people. Our home."

Tomi gets up from the bed and slips away again via shadows. He slides right over to the next room where his little siblings are.

"I come bearing gifts Law, Luci."

He smiles as he comes to stand between the two cribs. Tomi isn't even surprised when his little brother is awake in his presence.

"For Law, you can have Tomee Bear... Mother would have wanted you to have him after me." He snugs the bear up to his baby brother once he had taken it out of his backpack. "As for Luci, you get to have this little token Mom gave me." He puts his backpack on before reaching for the cord of his necklace. Tomi takes the necklace off from his neck and hangs it on the corner post of her crib, easy to see for anyone who comes in.

"Take care of these okay? These were treasures mom had and gave to me."

Tomi smiles at the two of them. He kisses Law on the forehead and Luci on the cheek.

"Until we meet again."

+Outside the Base: Just inside the forest line+

Wen waited for Tomi patiently to lead him to the secret base stationed just at the off skirts of the city. A car would be here soon to greet them and drive them over in the darkest of the night.

Tomi appeared climbing out of the shadows. He's readily dressed in his male clothes, the blue off shoulder sweater with a black tank top underneath, his grey shorts and black shoes.

"You're just in time, we have to walk over to the meeting point."


Wen looks back at Tomi confused.

Tom turns around and looks at the trees surrounding them. He could smell a familiar scent drifting softly in the wind blowing around them.

"Come out here..."

A shuffle of leaves grabs both their attention. Someone walking out from behind a tree trunk dressed in a Red Army uniform.


Ace looks up from the fallen leaves to Tomi with his usual expression. "What's this about Tomi?"

Tomi looks back at Wen trying to tell him not to say a word, but the demon really needed to say something to him.

"Before I tell you.., would you be willing to come with me?"

"That depends on what you tell me." A simple answer Tomi could handle.

"Wen, I'm telling him," Tomi says as he walks over the brunet across from him. Ace was his closet friend back when he first came to the base with his mom. He didn't want to lie to him.

"But Tomi-"

"Just trust me."

Wen could see a familiar look in Tomi's eye that resembles his mother when he was serious. She steps down and keeps her hands behind her back.

"Yes, Tomi."

Tomi begins to explain to Ace what he plans to do, why he's leaving so dead in the night... Ace of course was quiet during all of this as he listens.

"So would you come with me?" Tomi asks again by the time he's done with his explanation.

Ace looks at Tomi before going down on one knee surprising him.

"Tomi," Ace starts looking own to the ground. "Your mother already trusted me to protect you even before he died. Two years after coming to the Red Army Base your mother already asked me to look after you when he could not."

Tomi was shocked, had his mother been planning this all this time.

"I would have followed and listen to your orders even if you didn't want me too." Ace looks up at Tomi showing a glimpse of a rare smile from the neutral man. "I was already your soldier by the time your mother was put to rest."

"Then you know about..."

"I already knew before you Wen," Ace says looking over to the blond haired woman. "Blue has trusted me to keep watch of the progress if Tomi did take up the position of Blue Leader."

Ace stands up from his one knee position and holds Tomi's hands. "Come on now, let's head to the meeting point."

The three of them walk deeper into the forest where they come to find a clearing. Ace keeps holding Tomi's hand providing comfort as they walk alongside each other.

They find a black colored Jeep with blue lines on it. There they find two people who look over to them waving.

"Ace! Wen!" A young looking female soldier calls out to them. From what Tomi could tell, she's dressed in a full black body suit with a gun holster attached to a loose belt and a similar looking patch to the blue group on her left sleeve on the side of her shoulder.

They come closer and Tomi is able to see them properly, both young soldiers in similar suits but decorated differently by their design he guessed.

"Oh! So this must be Blue's son!" The male soldier said with wonder. He sounds so young like he's still a teenager.

Tomi watches him stick his hand out to him, "The name's Witt! I'm one of your mother's special soldiers in the Shadow Group."

He shakes his hand, "Yeah..." Tomi replies shyly.

The other soldier, the female, bumps him to the side while scolding him. "Look what you're doing! You're scaring him!" She faces Tomi with a gentle expression to calm him down. "Nice to new you, I'm Victoria, but you can call me Vic or Toria if you'd like."

Tomi nods squeezing Ace's hand a bit.

"It's nice to meet you both, I'm Thomas T. Lawson, but please call me Tomi."

Witt hums as he looks at Tomi up and down nodding, "You really do look like your mother."

A soft laugh leaves from Tomi.

"Because my Dad loved my Mom way before he figured out his feelings, he made me in his image."

Victoria claps her hands together.

"Well, we can get to know each other more at the base along with the others. Everyone's just dying to meet you Tomi! If we keep talking we might get caught in the light you know." She grins as she tugs Witt over to the car.

Ace helps Tomi up into the back of the Jeep to sit. The Red Soldier, or rather Tomi's soldier, now sitting beside him for the journey ahead of them.

Tomi noticed Wen staying by the side of the car not getting in with them as Ace closes the door next to him.

"Are you coming with us?"

She shakes her head smiling at the young adult.

"My job from your mother is to be a double agent. I work for both the shadow group and the blue group. From here I can gather information of issues needed to be addressed by the shadow group." Wen reaches up and pats the demon's head. She had been doing this job for a long time now so it shouldn't be hard for her. "You'll learn more about it when you get there. Venus and Ace should be able to explain everything to you there."

Wen looks to Ace with a soft expression yet serious.

"Take care of him."

"Of course."

Witt got the car into drive and the vehicle started moving. Wen watches the car drive off into the distance, herself waving them goodbye, the moon being the only witness to this act of leaving.

Ace pulls a package from inside his coat then shows it to Tomi.

"What's this?" Tomi asks when Ace gets his attention by tapping him on the shoulder. The brunet places the package down on his leader's lap.

"A final gift from your mother."

Tomi carefully unravels the gift on his lap, finding new clothes, a plain white full mask on top, along with a letter. He opens the letter up quickly to read what his mother has to say to him lastly with this final gift.

Dear Tomi,

If you got this letter, it means you've decided to take my place as Blue Leader.

You'll be heading to the Shadow Base with your driver Witt and his partner Victoria. Don't worry about them too much, they're good people who would put their lives on the line for you. I assure you they are amazing people just like the others at the new base you are heading to.

Another person I should address is Ace. He will be your guide and protector throughout your time at the Shadow Base. He'll let you go when he knows you can fully operate the base yourself, then you can send him off to do missions that you find capable for him. After all, you did receive this gift from him, right?

Anyways, in this package is a set of clothes I designed and created specifically for you. I tried to make the design to your likening, you can always have Max alter it when you get to the base. (He's the department head for uniforms). The full mask is yours to design to your liking. I assume you would participate on missions sooner or later, but you cannot reveal your face. If you wish to change it to something else please also seek Max for a new design.

Well Tomi, this is my last letter to you.

I hope you are well and happy with your decision.

I'm sorry for leaving you and everyone so early.

I love you Tomi, so so much...

You've always been with me through the good and bad, for that I am grateful.

I am grateful to have been your mother.

You're a wonderful son.

With greatest love and sincerity,
Your Mother:
Thomas Thompson Lawson

P.S. Happy Birthday

Tears fell at the end of the pages.

"I love you too Mom."

Tomi lets the tears from the corners of his eyes while Ace gives him a side hug in comfort. Witt and Victoria feel pity for their new leader.

His mother knows him the best so this choice was the correct one just to read this last letter knowing it would lead up to today, his birthday. He did wish to hear it one more time since his mother left...

"Forever and Always..."


Yes I am causing all of you pain so late in the day, if you live in my part of the world it's night time right now.

And yes I posted this last chapter early since I finished writing it today.

So this marks the end of the second book Dear Daughter!

You have now been introduced to Lawrence and Lucille T. Lawson, the youngest and twins to the Lawson family.

And yes I did cause you all pain by having Tom die. Suck it up because it hurts me too, you're not alone. But I do have some form of an idea for the third book to incorporate Tom so don't give up on me just yet.

The Third book is in the works, but you'll have to keep an eye for it because I'm not giving the name of the book or the day it's coming out.

So don't bother messaging me about what's the name or when it will come out because I will completely ignore it, literally.

So don't try.

Seriously ^^

Thanks again everyone

I guess I'll see all of you in the third book, adieu!


Thanks again to all the artist for their time create fanart for this book as always! I always appreciate all your efforts!

Now for the Amazing, Wonderful, Cute fanart we have for this last chapter! ^^


- Anonymous *just want to point out to the readers that these are not the canon appearances for the series for the twins*






-Local Anonymous

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