How Old Do You Think We Are?! This Can't Be Happening

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~+2 years pass: Early Morning: Red Army Base+~

Tord didn't expect to wake up to his wife throwing up into the trash can. To be honest it's been happening for a few weeks now.

"Min kæjre?"

Tom hugs the small trash with a tired look in his digital eyes when he looks at him. "Go back to sleep love, I'm fine..."

Not believing a word from his wife's mouth, he gets off the bed walking over to him. He hugs the male in his arms carefully.

"Come on Tom, I'm gonna take you to the blue Medical Ward to get you checked." Tom doesn't resist as he lets his husband carry him to his medical ward. He rests his head against Tord's chest with closed eyes.

Red leader made his way down the hall of the leaders' section and out down to the blue Medical Ward. Soldiers he passed we're surprised to see them still in their sleeping wear but the red leader paid no mind to them. He was simply focused on getting Tom checked and giving the proper care if he was sick.

Upon entering the ward, he's met with Grace and Lizzie who had been radioed along the way by a passing blue soldier who saw them.

"What's wrong Red?" Grace asks looking towards her sick looking leader.

"Thomas here has been throwing up for the past few weeks already. Can you see if he caught the flu?" Tord asks worriedly.

Lizzie leads Tord to a private room where he is able to lay his wife on the bed gently. The taller woman starts preparing Tom with an IV and hooked up to a heart monitor.

Grace keeps asking Tord questions about the things her leader did the past few weeks to get more information on what could have happened.

"I could be possible he has the simple flu, but him throwing up about that much...." The doctor looks to her sleeping leader who seems to breathe easily at the moment. "I'll run some test in a bit after I get some preparations made."

"Do you mind if I stay here with him?"

Grace shakes her head, "Of course Red, stay as long as you need too."

Tord thanks her and pulls a chair over to Tom's bedside. He holds his hand before softly kissing the back of it.

"I'm here min kjære... I'm here..."

~+Morning: Red Army Base: Dining Halls+~

The Lawson siblings sat at their usual tables all dressed and ready for the day. The three of them eating their breakfast with content. Although they're not alone as they are actually eating with Asher and their resident guest for the week, Bryon.

Bryon got to come over to the Red Army Base due to Edd and Matt handling heavy work for the Rebellion. They said something about being the neutral party between two fighting parties going on in England. They didn't want Bryon to handle the stress and tension going on so they asked Tord if he could stay over for the time being until everything settles down.

Of course, Tord said yes... Much to Tom's appreciation that his husband accepted willingly.

Torm finished his breakfast while his boyfriend is happily hugging his left arm. "Ash I'm almost done, can you let me finish?"

"Hmm, I will if you give me a kiss." The raven says making a deal with his devil boyfriend.

Tomi fumes at the action when his brother complied with his long term enemy that is his brother's boyfriend. "I would like it if you didn't bother my brother."

Asher side glances his way as he lays his head against Torm's shoulder. "Excuse me if I'm bothering you, Short Stack. I'm just trying to be affectionate with my boyfriend." He remarks with a sly smirk.

The demon squeezes his fork tightly in his grip glaring at Asher.

"Now now you two let's get along. It's too early to be fighting so early in the morning."  Torm sighs as he loosely rests his left hand on Asher's right hip. "I'd like it if you two would just get along already."

For two years now, Tomi and Asher's progress to get along hasn't moved up at all. They still fight, not physically, but more with their words and glares at one another. The devil himself had tried to make a compromise with the two but the issue never got resolved into an agreement.

Bryon could feel a cold sweat go down his neck, "Well it seems things have gotten lively since last time I was here."

"You don't know the half of it Bryon," Tika says laughing awkwardly.

As for Bryon and Tika, they've become closer over the last two years. Tika got in touch with Bryon on the radio to see if he had a phone, which was great because they could text or call each other any time they needed to.

They continue eating their breakfast until Tomi's noticeable getting the table's attention with the happiest grin they've seen so far.

Bryon and Tika, who are sitting on Tomi's side of the table, could see who Tomi is looking at. Asher and Torm, on the other hand, are confused as to what the demon is looking at behind them.

Torm is the first to look behind him to find a young lady who he well respected and treated with the utmost care. "Ah, Tamori." He says with a soft smile to his female counterpart.

Asher looks back as well to find a young woman wearing a red crop top with a black jacket. She wore black shorts stopping mid thigh while her boots came up to her knees. She even had the same eye set as his boyfriend.

The devil moves away from his boyfriend's side to get out of his seat. He holds his hand out to Tamori who places her hand on his so Torm could do his usual gentleman greeting to her.

Asher watches with slight jealousy as Torm kisses the back of her hand.

"Welcome back to our side."

"It feels good to be back," Tamori says with an amused laugh. "I'm not the only one here you know."

They could hear a gasp of surprise and a happy shout coming from the other side of the table.

Tomi beams at the hug he receives from behind, hearing his female counterpart's happy giggles. "Tami!" He exclaims placing his hands at the arms hugging around his neck.

"Yo Tika." Tika's male counterpart, Tiko, slipping to sit beside her in between Tomi and herself.

Tika smiles too at the greeting from her best friend, returning the fist bump Tiko offered to her. "It's been awhile Tiko."

"Torm, Love, who is this?" Asher asks trying to hold back his jealousy by showing a strained smile. He feels like an incubus just walked in to steal his man.

Torm smiles as he starts introducing the three newcomers. "Asher, Bryon, meet our female counterparts. This lovely lady here is my female counterpart, Tamori."

The young woman gives a slight bow of the head, still never moving away from her close proximity of Torm. "Nice to see my girlfriend's male counterpart."

Then Torm gestures to his sibling's counterparts, "Over by Tomi and Tika are their opposite gender counterparts like Tamori. The young lady hugging Tomi is Tami while the young one next to Tika is Tiko."



Tami pulls her counterpart up by the arm to stand, "Anyways, enough about all this formal stuff! Let's play!"

Tomi giggles as he turns around to hug Tami around the waist to spin her around. "Play! Hahaha!" Their melodious laughs ring throughout the hall warming the soldier's hearts, unlike the two older siblings.

Torm and Tamori are basically melting on the spot by their favorite sibling combo.

"Okay you two, why don't you go find something to do. Some of us are still trying to eat breakfast." Tika suggests trying her best not to laugh at the way her older brother looks.

Tiko's the same way as he gazes upon his older sister's similar expression of pure bliss. "I couldn't agree more. You two should move to another room before our older siblings decided to cuddle you for who knows how long."

Last time it happened, the younger sibling duo had a hard time prying their older brother/sister from the middle Lawson Siblings.

"Let's go?"


Tomi grabbed his tray to drop it off with Tami following after him. While the two of them left, Tamori took a seat on the other side of Torm once the devil had taken his seat again.

Tiko was able to easily hold a conversation with Tika and Bryon, unlike Tamori who seems to be challenging Asher in some silent form of eye contact while Torm is playing the oblivious card to keep himself out of the war zone that is his female counterpart and his boyfriend.


Back in the medical ward, in Tom's private room, Tord held Tom's hand. The brunet just walking up from his sleep to find his boyfriend looking at him with relief as he woke up.


"Oh thank goodness... Tom, I was so worried about you." Tord scoots his chair closer to the bed and leans down to kiss Tom's forehead.

Tom looks around seeing as he's in a familiar blue Medical private room. "The Medical Ward? What happened?"

Tord looks at his love with sad eyes as he starts to explain. "You woke up last night in pretty bad shape, you started throwing up in the trash can again." He squeezes Tom's hand, "You've been throwing up for weeks Tom... I'm starting to get worried about your health."

"Sorry Tord..." He groans as he turns on his side to properly look at his husband. "Maybe I should've gone to see Grace earlier for a checkup."

Red Leader pats his partner's cheeks with a small smile. "My Blue Leader..."

"My Red Husband..." Tom says back with a light hearted chuckle following after making Tord smile more.

Knock knock

"The door's open," Tord says loud enough to be heard through the door.

The door opens so Doctor Grace and her leading nurse, Lizzie, can come into the room. They come over with small smiles happy to see their Leader is awake and slightly better.

"Hey Blue."

"Good morning Grace, what brings you here?"

Lizzie hands the clipboard over to the head blue doctor to give Tom's medical report. She briefly scans it over before giving the report to both leaders before her.

"So we did all medical tests from Blue's blood and the urine sample that we were able to take from last night. My team of doctors tested on the two, the blood is fine, but the urine sample came out differently...." Grace says drumming her fingers on the back of the clipboard.

Lizzie clears her throat as she tries to say this with the straightest face possible. "In the last few weeks, have the both of you had sexual intercourse?"

Tord jaw drops while Tom is holding his head trying to process what Lizzie said. "Wait, Wait, are you say-"

"Yes Blue, we are inferring what you think." Grace pulls up a little clear baggie from the pocket of her lab coat to place on the table near the two leaders. Innocently enough there is a positive pregnancy test inside the bag. "You're pregnant, again."

"What?! I mean this shouldn't be possible!" Tom said as he comes to sit up from his place on the bed quickly. Tord is still trying to unlock himself from his surprise as his eyes lock onto the test. "How old do you think we are?! This can't be happening..."

Lizzie looks unsure of her leader's frightened state. "Blue, the child... What are you going to do?"

"Obviously me being me..." Tom says with a sigh as he comes to calm down after taking a few breaths, "I'm going to have him or her. There is no way I'm just going to give them up."

Tord finally shook his head out of stupor and basically pulls Tom over to him in a tight yet, cautious hug. "OH MY FUCKING GOD, WE'RE HAVING ANOTHER KID!!!" He shouts with joy with the biggest grin ever.

Most of all happy he'll actually be able to see this one be birthed into the world and he'll be able to hold them in his arms.

Tord smothered his wife with kisses while Grace and Lizzie giggle at the loving pair. Tom chuckles as he hugs his husband back with joy as well.

"We're having another baby."

~+With Torm+~

Torm pulls his counterpart to the side after telling Asher he needed to speak with her privately. Yet unknowingly, the raven had followed the two until they came to a secluded area where soldiers hardly pass by.

"Tamori, how are you?" Asher hears his boyfriend ask the young woman with the gentlest tone he's ever heard.

The she devil smiles lightly as she keeps holding Torm's hand. "I'm fine... As long as Tami's fine I am too. Just like you to Tomi, right?"

Asher peeks around the corner slightly to catch sight of Torm sneaking his hand under Tamori's black jacket at the lower back. The female devil shivering a little at the cold touch from Torm.

Torm hums in agreement, his hand tracing down her back, hidden behind the jacket.

"Try not to overdo everything alright?" The devil tilts his head down a bit to kiss Tamori's forehead. A feeling of jealousy hitting him seeing the affectionate action.

"I should be saying that to you dummy," Tamori says back to her male counterpart. She hides her face against his chest, hugging him around the waist. "Between us, you would take the most for all of us."

Torm runs his fingers through her hair with care. He and Tamori would always fight about things like this, but she was right. He would always take the damage no matter what... all for the people he loves.

Tamori lets go of Torm as he removes his hand from under her jacket and takes a step back. During this Asher slips away to go back to their shared room in a gloomy mood.

"I should be rounding up all my siblings now Mr. Devil." She pecks a kiss on his cheek. "It's about time we leave."

A chuckle leaves from Torm's lips, "You could only stay for so long Ms. Devil." Torm offers to help her get her siblings but she already knows her way around. Not to mention her assumptions of where they are will not fail her.

Torm waves her off although he feels the need to go after her. He shakes it off, Torm's protectiveness needs to time done with his counterpart.

"Now then..." He says heading in the direction his mosey boyfriend went. "I need to have a talk with him."

~+Leader Section: Torm and Tomi's shared room+~

Asher walks into the room and flops onto Torm's bed in a sour mood. He hugs a fluffy white pillow close to his chest in comfort.

It's been two years, Asher and Torm have always been close to one another as the days progressed. To the point where this room is almost called His room with Torm. The only reason it isn't called Torm and Asher's room is that Tomi would kick the raven out on most occasions to have brotherly sleepovers every now and then.

Brought out of his thoughts by the sudden dip in the bed and a presence hovering over him. He turns his head slightly to look at two red eyes looking back at him, a soft smile on his lips.


"Hmph," Asher looks away from his boyfriend obviously showing he is jealous. "Why would I be jealous? She is you after all in female form."

Gently, Torm moves his hand to hold Asher's jaw to make him face him again. "Exactly..." Torm leans down and presses his lips against Asher's in a loving kiss.

Asher presses his hands against the devil's chest to push him off in order to break their kiss. Torm leans back to pull away from those sweet lips that belonged to his boyfriend.

"Don't kiss me. After what I saw you're all over her... hands and all..."

The devil thinks for a moment trying to understand what Asher told him. He snaps his fingers once it clicks at what his raven hair boyfriend saw. Torm holds the end of his black shirt, stripping it off.

"Hey! Torm!" Asher exclaims blushing as he watches his boyfriend stop his shirts off.

Once the black shirt is off, Torm unbuttons his white dress shirt with checkered pattern sleeves. Asher pink to the tips of his ears as more skin from his lover is revealed.

Torm grabs his boyfriend's hand to place it on his chest as Asher proceeds to keep turning red. A chuckle rises from the devil once more, "You're gonna turn into a strawberry soon enough if you keep getting any redder Ash." He hums as he looks his lover over with a small sly curve at the corner of his lips. "Not that I mind, you'd be a sweet strawberry for me."

"I-It's not my fault!" His blush darkening more.

The devil continues to move Asher's hand up his chest to his face to cover his mouth lightly. "Tell me Asher... my body... what do you see?"

Asher hesitantly gazes over at Torm with red still dusting his cheeks.

"Come on Asher, tell me... do you see anything?"

Blue eyes catch sight of a small discolored mark by Torm's hip. His blush settles down as he becomes curious as to the discolored mark.

"Torm, could you turn around?"

Torm smiles a little more as he does what he's asked. Asher's eyes widen at the sight of Torm's back, so full of scars that are healing slowly, all of them were old by the looks of it. Looking properly enough he could see a scar carved diagonally across his back.


The word itself looked painful by the image of the scar's cutter pattern like rips.

"I try to comfort Tamori to the best of my ability to bare her scars. As you saw before, she wears a red tubed crop top with a black jacket to cover up the rest of her back." Torm rubs the back of his neck and trails down feeling the healing scars. His voice never shaken but smooth with hints of no regrets. "She never likes wearing her jacket, yet she has too because she's self-conscious of her scars like mine."

Asher was afraid to touch them fearing they may trigger his boyfriend's memories of them. "W-Why? Where did you get these horrible scars?"

Torm looks back at his boyfriend smiling. "Why? Because I care for my little brother so much when we entered a time of pain... in that horrible place..." Flashes of memories hit his sights of the undefinable Base that had kept them trapped from their parents. Doctor William being the only one to clean his wounds after each treatment.

Nothing could ever erase those memories from his mind. He remembers hearing those words that only made him want to take all the pain away for his little brother.

"When you care for your love ones, you put yourself before them in protection."

He turns around to face Asher who has tears escaping the corners of his eyes and tears running down his cheeks. His hand cups his boyfriend cheek as he leans forward so their face to face.

"You included love."

His lips met Asher's once again in a comforting kiss. Asher wraps his arms around Torm's neck where the devil doesn't mind at all. Torm holds his boyfriend with care and love.

Torm's no stranger to the two large scares stationed forever on his dear raven's back. Asher never told him the story nor showed him those scars, but he can feel them through the other young man's shirt when he holds him close enough. Politely he would keep quiet until his love decides to tell his story of the two large scars crossed to form a large X on his back.

There was always time, they have each other after all with his family as support.

Asher breaks the kiss pulls Torm's head down to rest against his chest. Torm closes his eyes and simply listens to Asher's heartbeat.

'As long as all my loved ones' heart beats, I am fine... and there is never pain.'

~+With Tomi+~

Tomi laughs as he brings Tika and Bryon to the Blue Medical Ward where a few soldiers told them where they could find Tom and Tord.

Tika felt worried at first hearing of their parents in the medical ward, but the soldiers seemed really happy, no- excited was the better word for it.

The tall brunet next to her carefully takes her hand in his to hold while they walk together side by side. "Tika? Something on your mind?"

The young lady of the base blushes feeling her hand being held by her courting crush. That's right, Bryon is courting Tika with Tom and Tord's permission. However, Bryon had promised her father confidently that he would not do anything out of line until she is of proper age to be considered for marriage.

Of course, Tika's Mother was more of the lenient of the two to allow decent acts of affection like kissing and holding hands. Tord was against it a first, but then again he could deny his wife when he gave him the look.

"Ah... I'm just worried about my parents. When they're in the medical ward it leads me to think something bad happened to them." She loves her parents dearly and would cry if anything bad were to happen to them. "I've come to learned of my family's tended cases of having memory loss or injuries."

"My parents said Blue and Red Leader have a knack for getting into all sorts of trouble." He sighs with closed eyes. He opens them again and looks at his girlfriend with assuring comfort. "The soldiers aren't panicking so I assume everything is alright. They could be getting a checkup you know."

"I guess you're right." Tika smiles now, moving closer to Bryon to hug his arm instead of holding his hand. Her boyfriend blushing at the action while his walking becomes stiff in movement. "Thanks Bryon."

The brunet smiles as he relaxes at his love's soft tone. "It's not problem love."

The group of three soon reaches the blue medical ward where they're greeted by Reggie and Zack. The two soldiers holding their relationship for a stunning three years now. They get into little petty fights sometimes but in the end turn out playful as they come to make up.

"Reggie!" Tomi exclaims running up to the messy haired blond. He hugs the soldier tightly enough not to bend him in two.

The trusted soldier hugs the young man back with a big grin. "Oh Tomi! You've grown a bit since the last I saw you!"

"It's great two see you again Tomi," Zack says as Tomi looks back to him to show him a heartwarming smile. "I remember you used to be a head shorter before we left for America to help the Red Troops."

Zack and Reggie have been stationed at the Red American front lines to help aid the Red Army soldiers on the battlefield. Both successfully helping incredibly just by their duo teamwork as always.

Tomi giggles, "I'm a big boy now!"

"Not until you hit 21, Tomi," Reggie says ruffling up the demon's hair. "Plus your brother's still got some growing to do until hits 25 ya know."

Tika and Bryon catch up and greet the two soldiers as well. The two men saluting the two with smiles.

"It's good to see you two well, Tika, Bryon," Zack says looking at the young couple.

"I can say the same Zack, I'm glad the two of you are back home with us." Tika has been worried about the two soldiers since they left. She would often see her mother wishing for their safe return and hold conversations with them again.

Reggie crosses his arms behind his head looking pretty darn happy. "When I heard Red Leader finally let you be courted I was pretty shocked Tika dear. We all know how your Red Father can be with you, so overprotective." He glances over at Bryon, "I'm also surprised he would let Green and Purple's son permission."

Bryon runs the back of his neck with his free hand looking about the floor. "Well... It wasn't easy..." He still gets shivers when he passes by Red Leader most times when he comes to visit.

Tomi cuts the conversation seeing as his sister is starting to becoming really red from the embarrassment of the spoken topic. "Did you see Mom and Dad?"

"Yeah, we just came from seeing them after hearing they were in the med ward," Reggie replies nodding of his head. Another grin forms on his lips again. "You guys are in for a really big surprise."

"Surprise?" Bryon and Tika voiced in repeat. Zack opens the door for the three to walk in and find out for themselves.

Tomi pulls his sister and her boyfriend to the private medical room which had the door cracked open slightly.

"How do you think we should tell the kids?"

"Maybe we could be blunt about it?"


"Fine, maybe I'll get Sadie and Peter to make a cake with the surprise written on it."

"You do remember Tomi will just take a fistful if the cake and start eating it right? Plus his sugar high will end badly if we don't control it."

"You just don't want to be possessed by you little demon again."

"What I'm saying is that Tomi should be eating too much sugar Commie."

Tika could make out her mother's slightly soft but weak voice. Was her mother in the medical ward because of his health?

"Mom?" Tomi says pushing the door open so the two leaders could see their three visitors.

Tom looks over at them with a bit of surprise. "Tomi, Tika, Bryon, you're here." He smiles as he waves them to come over with a smile.

The three of them come over to the bedside by Tord. The two men smiling at them happily while they were more confused.

"Is something wrong mom? Did you get hurt?"

"Are you sick?"

Tord laughs at their questions as he sets behind his two kids. He places his hands on their heads gently, carefully with his robot as it rests on Tika's head.

"You two have nothing to worry about. Your mother is actually in a very happy spot as we revived great news from Dr. Grace." His single working eye glimmering with excitement.

"May we ask what it's about?" Bryon asks looking at the blue leader who sees calm.

Tom smiles as he places a hand on his stomach.

"I'm pregnant."

The three young adults pause as they try to process the information like Tord had done earlier.


They look at each other with surprise.


"Did I just hear that Mother is pregnant?"

The group looks to the door to see Torm and Asher standing in the doorway looking very shocked and surprised by the news as well. They heard about his parents in the medical ward, but he didn't think it was for this reason. The couple approaches the bed joining the group at the bedside.

"Wait, so this means I'm not going to be the youngest anymore. I'm going to be an older sister?!" Tika brings her hands up to rest them on top of her cheeks. "Oh my gosh... Oh my gosh..."

While his little sister is trying to process the coming of her new title, Tomi is smiling silly as their family is getting a new member. "This is amazing!"

Torm most surprise laughs as he hugs his boyfriend tightly. Asher hugging him back with confusion since his devil of a boyfriend wasn't the type to express a lot of emotions unless its care, protections, and or anger towards him, family, or really close friends like Bryon.

"Can you believe it Ash, another child born from my mother like Tika."

Then the raven realizes why this makes his boyfriend like this. 'That's right, Torm and Tomi are the only two children made as monster experiments by their father. Having been born is something else to them...' He holds Torm closer resting his head on the young man's shoulder.

"What are you gonna name them Mom?"

"Hmm... I'm not sure as of yet." He smiles at the kids and suggests, "Thought it be another T name?"

Tika hums as she went over the family names. She didn't even realize that their names all star with the letter T.

"Maybe we can change it up a bit." Tord says with a smile as he takes goes back to holding Tom's hand after moving away from behind Tika and Tomi. "Let's go with the letter L this time."

Tom looks to his family for any ideas since he always wants participation on important topics like this. "Any suggestions?"

"Well if it's a boy, I'd pick Lawrence." Torm said after letting go of the raven in his arms.

"I'd go with Lucille if it's a girl." Tika says as she's soon joined by Tomi.

Nodding his head Tomi agreed with his sister, "I second Tikky with her choice. Tormy's choice is really pretty too."

Tom thinks about it, "Lawrence T. Lawson and Lucille T. Lawson... I think the names fit perfectly for either gender." He chuckles squeezing his husband's hand.

The family, friend, and boyfriend happy continue chatting a while more about the topic until the time for bed arises.

Tika takes her brother and boyfriend back to go sleep in her room while Torm leads his boyfriend back to their shared room.

"Do you want me to stay for the night Tom?"

Tom shakes his head with a light laugh. "Don't worry about me Commie, I'll be fine. I'm gonna rest a bit more here in the medical ward for a few days just in case."

His husband leans down and kisses him on the lips briefly. "I can always push work aside if that's what your worried about."

"I'm fine really. I just need some time to rest on my own." He cups his partner's cheek lovingly. Green eyes fixed on Tord as a serious tone makes his way to his next words. "Don't think you can escape your paperwork just because I'm here."

"I get it Thomas, but seriously I worry about you."

"I know." Tom pats the man's cheek after a small mood swing just him. "Just go to bed and get some rest alright? You can see me in the morning."

The married couple kisses each other one last time and Tord departs from the private room.

Tom sighs as his hands rest on his lap on top of the blanket. He lets out a soft cough he's been suppressing for some time.

In truth he's been feeling under the weather for sometime but it will pass assuming it doesn't have anything to do with the pregnancy. He's gotten a cold before but they usually pass fast.

Knock knock

'She's here,' Tom though finally ready to get this talk over with.

"The door's open."

The door parts opens all the way to reveal a woman with shoulder length blond hair with brown dyed tips.

Her hazel eyes meet her leader's green ones. She steps into the room after closing the door behind her. Her dressed blue, black, white form walks over to stand across from the side of the bed, arms held being her back military style.

The woman salutes Tom with a kind smile.

"Soldier Wen, reporting for duty."


You new chapter ^^

Since it a two year Time Skip, here are the children's ages.

Bryon and Asher-20

Yeah I'm planning something, be scared

You'll probably hate me for this but it just has to be done.

Do you think this new kid is gonna be a boy or a girl?

Hmmm so many unexplained things huh?


Again I bid adieu~

Now for the hall of Wonderful and Amazing Fanart! Thank you!








-*You should know who these two beans are *hint Tom's soldiers*

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