Dreaming Alone

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*Warnings of child harm*

~+Red Army Base: Observation Room+~

Tika sat by Tomi's bed side watching him sleep peacefully at the moment. Ever since Torm left with their uncles and most of the soldiers, she followed her older brother's wish and remained by her other brother's side. She'd wake up sometimes when Tomi was experiencing a nightmare but she takes control the moment she wakes up to order the scientists at the control board to force change his dream. Sometimes Bryon would come check up on her when he's taking a break from doing rounds around the base and they'd talk to keep each other company.

Right now she's half laying at her brother's bed side seated on a foldable chair running her fingers through Tomi's hair. Seth laying on the floor next to her chair waiting patiently for any of his mistress's troubles, ready to calm her at any given moment if necessary.

She wished she could let her brother wake up, just so she could hear him and see his smile. However, the smile would only fade when he hears Torm went to go get their parents dangerously without them.

"Tomi, Torm's going to be out for awhile..." She says almost quietly like a whisper. "I don't know if they're even going to come home alright."

Here she has taken on the burden of fear for herself and brother if their parents and older brother will ever come back. It hasn't even been a full year yet since she came back and Tika did not want to lose anyone in her family any time soon.

She takes her brother's hand and holds it tightly, giving it a squeeze. "But I can't lose faith."

Memories of their older brother's leave still fresh in her mind.

"I told Torm we'd be waiting... they'll be safe."

Tika sniffs and wipes away a tear from the corner of her eye. She had to stay positive for the both of them.

"May the angels watch over them."


Tomi opens his eyes to the sight of a dark metal floor. It's cold against his pale skin and makes his body shiver all over, so he questions in his mind, where was his warmth? He remembered falling asleep next to his brother in front of the lobby's fireplace.

He gets up from the floor slowly and holds his head feeling dizzy. His steps stumble over to cold bars he found connected to the metal floor. "Uggh..."

His body presses against the cold bars as he slowly slides down to sit on the floor, half lidded eyes looking around pass the gaps of where he's held in. Tomi could see rows of cages separated a good distance away from each other with something inside each of them that he couldn't quite make out.

"Tormy?" He says weakly, calling out for his brother.

No answer.

His eyelids felt heavy and he couldn't quite keep them open. 'I should sleep for a little bit longer, maybe I'll wake up from this dream...' Tomi thought as he lets himself drift to sleep once more.

He'll wake up soon enough and find himself in his brother's warm embrace in front of the lobby's fireplace. Then they'll go see their parents as usual and eat dinner together as a family.

Only when Tomi opened his eyes again he was greeted by the sound of panicked shouting that woke him up.

"TOMI!?" Something bangs against the sound of bars. "TOMI WHERE ARE YOU?!"

Tomi opened his eyes fully this time not feeling any lingering dizziness. He got to his feet in the middle of his cage and looks around for the source of his brother's voice.

"Tormy?! I'm over here!" Tomi responds now scared seeing as his dream wasn't actually a dream.

"Tomi, I see you! I'm over here in the cage a few cages down across to your left!"

The demon child looks to his left to see his brother really in a cage a few other cages away. From what he could see, as much as his view allowed, were his brother had his monster appendages out such as his wings, his tail, and horns.

"What going on? Where are we Tormy?"

It pained Torm to see his brother scared and alone in his cage, but it may be for the better if he's alone in that cage. There could be a possibly one of the occupants in any one of these cages could be dangerous.

"I'm not sure, however I assume we got kidnapped judging by where we are." Tomi watched as his brother tried kicking the bars but they didn't break. "Try prying the bars open Tomi."

Tomi nods and puts each of his hand on two bars. He tries prying them to make room for him to escape and help his brother, yet to no avail he couldn't move them. Then he lets his monstrous appendages come out too so he could struck the bars with his tail. Still not helping, not even a dent.

"That's not good either..."

Just then they heard a click and buzz sound. The sound of a door opening with footsteps coming through caught their attention.

"Well it's good to see our new pieces to our collection for the market awake now!"

Torm and Tomi watch as a young man, at least 18 years old, with slightly messy blond hair and red dyed streak at the front of his bangs to makes show of himself to them with a group of ruff looking men behind him. He's clothes in black pants, dress shirt, black sheakers, and finally a white lab coat over his dark clothing.

"Who are you?! Where are we?!" Torm questions heatedly with a fierce glare.

"Calm down little devil," The mysterious man says soothingly, but it only fuels Torm's anger.

"Don't call me that!"

Tomi holds onto the cells bars tightly, "Tormy..." He whines scared about their predicament.

Hearing Tomi's quite whine, the blond man comes over to his cage quite interested.

"Stay away from my brother!" Torm exclaims as he presses himself against the bars to try and look at the man fiercely with warning.

The guy ignores Torm and makes his way to the front of Tomi's cage. The younger brother quickly running away to the back of his cage. "Of course here we have the crown jewel of our market. I must say you are a sight to see!" He opens his arms wide as of to say welcome in glee to have to boy in his presence.

The demon child looks at the smiling man with hesitance. Pearly white teeth all straighten to perfection to never show a crooked smile.

"Who are you..." Tomi asks in a quite meek voice.

The male on the other side places his left hand over his heart and bows his head as he gives Tomi a proper introduction. "My name is William Axel, my Jewel."

Tomi looks at him confused as why he was just called to be this man's jewel.

"I like that look my little Jewel! Pure confusion~" William says in a cheerful tone when he looks up from his bow. He extends his hand out through the cage bars, keeping his smile on. "I'll be you caretaker starting as of today."

The demon child could hear his brother growling from his cage a little ways away from his sight. He felt hesitant to go closer to William who offered a friendly hand to shake.

"It's there is anything you would like my Jewel, please tell me. I'd love to make you comfortable as possible!" His closed eye smile opens so the brunet could see his sky blue eyes. He pulls his hand back seeing that Tomi won't be coming closer to him. "But sadly I cannot let you out of your cage unless it's for examinations and treatments."

Tomi got a bad feeling hearing those two words, 'treatment' and 'examinations'. Nothing less he tries to ask William something for both his brother and himself. "Um, could I see my brother better?"

"Of course my Jewel." William faces away from Tomi to look at the ruff looking group of men who came in with him. "Move the devil's cage in front of my charge's cage, now."

Torm got a glimpse of those piercing blue eyes as the blond commanded the men cheerfully, yet dangerous if one focuses closely. He then watched as those ruff looking men went around his large cage, one went to a operation panel giving a clear sign. The men undo the locks around the cage and take a step back.

The man at the operational panel lets a crane claw over Torm's cage and picks it up. The devil boy felt cautious as his cage went into the air, to be moved in the open space across from Tomi.

Tomi got up from the floor from the back side of his cage and made his way to the front, ignoring how William was still there. "Tormy!" His hands grip to the metal bars in front of him tightly.



Tomi looks down slightly at William due to the cage being placed on an elevation of a platform. Light blue eyes look closely at him happily as the blond man gently brings his hand up to touch Tomi's hand holding the cell bar.

He shivers upon contact, his hands are cold.

The demon child slides down to the floor of his cage, sitting on the back of his legs as William gets a better look at him. The blond moves his hand from Tomi's hand to cup the child's cheek. The demon child's eyes fall half lidded at the gentle soothing touch.

Torm couldn't believe what he's seeing in front of his eyes. His hyperactive brother was just stopped by no means of a touch.

"Don't touch him!" He says when he shakes his head out of his surprise.

William looks over his shoulder with a calm smile that seems to hide something more behind his smiling persona.

"Don't worry yourself Storm..." He says smoothly as he gets Tomi to purr and close his eyes while leaning into the blond's touch more.

"I'll take good care of your brother."

~time skip~

Torm and Tomi lost count of how many days have pass as the days went on. When it came about time for those treatments and examinations, Torm was the first to go.

Tomi would sit in his cage wondering what was going on just beyond the door his brother went through. He kept his mind busy by counting until he sees his brother comes back.

He did stop counting when the doors opened, thinking his brother is finally back. Sadly enough, he is met with the sight of their captor, the one who calls him 'his jewel'.

"Hello my Jewel." Williams says showing a perfect white smile with his hands behind his back.

Tomi looked into his light blue eyes to see he means his greeting with happiness. He scoots back at bit in his cage with some fear running through his blood.

"Aww don't be scared Tomi." He pulls something out from behind his back. "I brought a gift for you."

Tomi looks at what he's holding and his eyes widen a bit at the doll in his hand. "Tomee Bear!" Without thinking, he stand to his feet and comes to the front of the cage again. He reaches pass the bars for his mother's doll that was given to him as a gift, but William holds it out of his reach.

"Not yet Tomi, you have to do something for me first." William playfully tells the boy. He takes a ring of keys from his inner pocket of his lab coat, then turning it at the lock. The blond pushes a button at the lock of the cage door. It buzzes for a bit and automatically opens. William places his keys back in his pocket for the time being.

Tomi sticks his head out of the open door and looks around before looking at William. The man holds his hand to him offeringly, "You'll have to come with me."

The boy wanted his precious doll back because of sentimental value it has. So he does what William asks and comes out of the cage with caution. He holds William's hand because the man wouldn't continue if he didn't.

The man closes the cage door and brings Tomi pass the double doors. They slide open and let them out into a hall way. He hums a simple tune during their walk which Tomi finds soothing for sometime to fill the silence between them.

They happened to be passing a room where Tomi caught his brother's scent. 'Tormy?' He lets go of William's hand and stays rooted in front of the door.

"Hm? What's wrong my jewel?" William questions Tomi innocently.

"My brother... I can smell him here."

The blond grabs his key card from the outer pocket of his coat and slides it to grant access to the room. The doors slide open to let Tomi see inside.

Tomi wasn't prepared to see his brother so hurt looking. He had a few bleeding cuts here and there on his body, not large enough to leave scars though. The stains of fresh blood on his medical gown blotching spots on the fabric."Tormy!" Tomi exclaims as he runs to his brother who is surprised to see him.

"Tomi! What are you doing here?" Torm wasn't expecting to see his brother while he was like this.

The ones in charge of the room seem to have notice that someone unauthorized had made it into their lab room.

"Hey! What is one of the new subjects doing unsupervised and out of it's cage!" One of the head scientist in charge said.

"Just go call security to take it back to it's cage Ben." The head doctors tells her partner.

Ben looks down intimidatingly at Tomi who holds his brother scared. "If I could I would ruff up this merch a bit to teach it a lesson May."

Torm hugs his brother and glares at the doctor who had been performing experimental cuts on him before Tomi came into the room. "Leave my brother alone you monsters!"

"You should listen to your charge Ben, May."

The two in charge of taking care of Torm straighten their posture and look at William who comes into the room with a closed eyed smile.

"William, sir."

"It's Dr. Axel to the both of you, remember?" He taps his chin with his forefinger, "Or have you already forgotten?"

The Lawson brothers watch the two head figures in charge of Torm take a step back. "Sorry Dr. Axel." They both said looking down at the floor.

William hums a bit before coming over to Torm and Tomi. "Come now my Jewel, we have must have one of your examinations to be done today."

Tomi looks scared as he looks back to his brother's bleeding cuts. The blond seems to have noticed, "You don't have to be scared, your treatments are different. You won't be hurt."

Torm squeezes his brother's hand not wanting to let him go with the dangerous man.

"But my brother needs to get treated, he's bleeding..."

Blue eyes look at Torm's wounds and he merely hums again. "Would you like him to be treated for his injures?"

"Please? He could get infections or really sick if he's left like this." Tomi looks pleadingly up at the man who's in charge of him while they stay wherever they were kidnapped to.

"If that's what my Jewel wishes, than I shall provide to keep him happy." The blond Doctor looks to the two people with a different expression Torm notices while Tomi isn't watching. "You two will treat Torm's injuries after every treatment, if failure to do so, you can quickly find yourself in a bubble or worse."

"Yes, Dr. Axel."

"Good, now lets get a move on to my lab Tomi." William says in a chipper tone while walking to the door. Tomi looks at his brother one last time and gives him a tight hug.

"Be safe Tormy."

"Stay strong Tomi."

Torm didn't want to but he lets his brother go so Tomi can quickly catch up to the blond doctor who is waiting in the hall. The doors slides close behind the demon child once he's out.

William takes Tomi's hand in his hand again and leads him down a series of halls. They eventually come to a double set of doors where he pulls his key card out once more to open them.

They go inside when the doors sides fully open.

The room seems high class and simple that resembles Tomi's doctor. In the middle of the room is a medical chair, one would find at an dentist office, off to the side is a medical bed as well. Along the walls are cabinets and two sinks on either side of the room. A fish tank is resting on the ledge of a window still to give the room decoration.

"Have a seat on the chair Tomi. I have a few things to get before we can start." William goes over to a sink and opens the cabinet above it.

Quietly, Tomi follows William's words and takes a seat on the chair stationed in the middle of the room. The lights above him shining down on his body.

He kicks his legs back and forth waiting patiently for the blond doctor. Tomi looks to the fish tank to let his eyes follow the fishes swimming inside.

"Tell me Tomi, do you like my fishes?"

"I think they're pretty..." He especially thought the blue angel looks cute.

William comes over with two trays and sets them on the side table by the recliner. One of them contained a syringe attached to a flow tube while the other held five clear test tubes with different colored caps. He pulls over a rolling stool and takes a seat. "I got them from as a gift. So far they're the only ones who have taken up my time, well up until you came that is." He picks up a slim syringe connected to a small tube attached to a test tube.

"Okay, I'm gonna need to borrow your arm. I'd like to collect some of your blood to do some tests on."

The small monster child looks at the syringe with fear. He doesn't like needles, usual Torm would always be by his side when someone needed to collect some of his blood at the base for health testing.

He reluctantly showed his arm to the doctor who places his arm on the armrest. The doctor ties a blue rubber band just above the crook of his arm and prepares the needle for entering.

When the needle hits the skin, Tomi shuts his eyes tightly to hold in the pain. Only for him to feel the needle poke him without breaking through his skin.

Tomi opens his eyes and watches William pull the needle back and hold it across from his face. The metal needle tip is bent to a small degree that has the doc's eyes widen in surprise.

"What in the world..."

"I'm sorry..." Tomi apologizes even when he shouldn't be. "I don't like needles..." He looks down, "I usually have someone holding my hand when stuff like this happens. If I don't then my skin hardens in defense."

"Truly interesting!" William says in fascination with Tomi's defense mechanism. "Does this go for all your skin?" His charge nods in confirmation which makes him smile.

"My brother and I both have this defense mechanism in our body to keep us from harm." Tomi tells the doctor while he fiddles with his fingers.

William tilts his head with curiosity, "Is there anyway to penetrate the skin? I mean I did see your brother bleeding earlier."

"If Torm and I willingly unharden our skin, it should be like normal skin. My brother must of willingly unharden his skin so that the doctors won't question him about it." Tomi knee he shouldn't be saying information like this to the man who's watching over him, but he can't help it given his situation.

"Then will you please unharden your skin for me Tomi? All I ask is for a couple of blood sample from you for now." He reaches into his lab coat and pulls out Tomee Bear. "I'll let you hold your doll if it makes you feel better."

Tomi makes a grabbing motion for Tomee Bear which the doctor willingly gives to the boy. The monster child holds the bear close to him with one arm tightly against his chest.

Once again his other arm is resting on the armrest of the chair after William got a new slim syringe attached to another tube and clear test tube. "Don't be afraid Tomi, it'll be over soon."

The child takes a deep breath to calm himself as he exhales. While he was doing that, William had already started the blood taking process, the boy not even noticing the feeling of the needle. It didn't take long for him to fill up the five test tubes with Tomi's blood.

"And your done, good job."

Tomi opens his eyes surprised by how fast it was. "I didn't even feel it."

The blond chuckles and rolls his seat over to the desk to get something from the mini fridge by the sink. "I had to use a special needle used for people and animals who freak out with these kind of things." He rolls back over to Tomi with a small plate with a bottle of water. William offers them to his charge with his usual smile.

"These are for me?" Tomi says looking at what's on the plate. It's a few finger foods such as a chocolate donut and small assortment of candies.

"All for you, my Jewel. Go ahead and eat some, its to return some nutrients to your body." He places them on the side table for Tomi to pick out what he wants. Then he sets down the bottle of water too.

Tomi takes the chocolate donut and water before picking a few candies to keep for later for his brother.

"Saving those for your brother?" The young doctor asks watching the child pick out certain candies.

Tomi nods his head with a smile on his face. When he's done, Tomi starts eating his donut and takes a few sips of his water from time to time to wash the sweetness down.

William waits for his charge to finish the donut before taking him back to the holding areas. When his charge is finally finished he stands up and offers his hand to the monster child.

"Alright, it's time to head back for today."

Tomi holds the offered hand while still keeping a tight hold of Tomee Bear in the other. They walk side by side through the doors until they go all the way to the holding area for their merchandise.

They came in into the large room with the occupants of the other cages rushing to the back of their cage. Tomi looks around more as they take their time going back to his cell. He could see creatures of rarity and some common from picture books his mom and dad had given to him to learn about.

William unlocks his cage door the same way he did earlier and let's Tomi walk inside on his own. He sat down with his legs under him as he hugged his doll with crossed arms.

Torm watched them quietly with a sharp eye to make sure he can do something if William makes one wrong move.

When the cage is locked again, William moves over to Tomi from the other side of the bars. "Would you like me to give the sweets you chose to your brother?" He didn't want his charge to have to throw the candies across the gap.

"You won't do anything bad, will you?"

"For you, of course not." Tomi digs into his medical gown poker and pull out six pieces of candy he chose for his brother. Will opens his hand and the by drops them to the open palm.

William closes his hand around them and heads over to Torm's cage, never lowering his closed hand to show he hasn't done anything to them.

Torm growls as the blond doctor approves his cage.

"I come in peace, your brother has a gift for you." He opens his hand to show six pieces of candies all which are his favorite flavors. William sets them down at the floor pass the bars containing Torm.

Torm comes over and pokes at a piece of wrapped candy and then later looks at the blond doctor. "I swear, if I found out you hurt my brother." His tail flicks back and forth warningly, wings spreading open. "I won't hesitate to attack despite what might happen to me."

The young man's smile never falters. "Enjoy your candy Storm."

~next day~

The next day Tomi actually saw his brother being taken away from his cage by May and Ben. Torm didn't like them and all and didn't want to be held by them, so there was a silent compromise between the devil and his watchers that he would follow compliantly if they didn't hold him.

"See you later Tormy..."

Torm looks over his shoulder to show Tomi a soft smile just for him. That was until he got pushed out the door and it slid close behind the three.

Tomi sat in his cage wondering if William will come again to take him for another treatment of examination. He busied himself with drawing pictures on the floor with a little pebble he found around his cage.

He thought about the Red Army Base and the soldiers.... Tomi even wondered how his parents were doing. 'They're probably worried sick about us, especially Mom.' He thought to himself as he leans against the bars bored.

He hears the doors slide open and turns his head to see William approaching his cage as usual with a smile on his face. "Good Morning my Jewel! We'll be doing a few more examinations today." He unlocks the cage as Tomi comes over to step outside once the door is opened.

He's taken to Dr. Axel's lab room again and seated on the recliner chair. William hums to himself as he prepares a few things on his tray for today's examination while Tomi watches the fishes in the tank.

"So Tomi, did you use the bathroom yet?" William asks looking over his shoulder.

Tomi shakes his head, "No... I don't really have any privacy if I used the bathroom in my cage. So I feel a bit uncomfortable using it."

"Well my first examination for you today is for you to fill this up." He rolls his stool, with himself seated on it, over to Tomi while holding out a small cylinder cup with a purple cap on top.

"With what?"

"What else were we just talking about?"

The thing William wanted Tomi to fill the clear case with popped into the boy's mind and he blushed. "Why?" He whines embarrassed.

"More testing to see what components result through your body, just like you blood. Plus it lets me check how healthy you are." William pointed to the door next to the bookcase. "Bathroom's just over there, you can use whenever you come to my lab if you don't feel up for using the bathroom in your cage."

Tomi blushes as he gets up from his seat. He speed walks to the bathroom after snatching the clear container and quickly does his business in the bathroom. Then he comes out blushing even more now that the small cylinder is caped and filled with yellow liquid.

"You can put it on the tray, I'll take it back to my other lab later for testing." William says chuckling to Tomi's flushed face. He rolls over a machine that has to help him check Tom's eye sight. "Have a seat Tomi, I'll be checking your vision now."

Tomi places the container on the tray on the table side when he returns to his seat. William asks him a couple of questions such as his eyes. The monster child answers that he has eyes, but they're just all black. Deep down he knew those eyes came from his dad's part of the dna because his mother has actual black voids.

Then they moved on to a few psychical activities like running and push up. Jump rope probably had to be Tomi's favorite out of all the examinations.

William is impressed by Tomi's unlimited amount of stamina. He's so fast while doesn't even take him a second to catch a break. "Alright Tomi, let's take a break. It's the afternoon already and we need to eat lunch."

"Can my brother join us?"

"Of course my Jewel." William goes to the door and it slides open. "Wait here while I go get your brother for you, okay?"

Tomi nods, "Okay."

"Good boy." William says lastly as he exits the room.

After the blond doctor left, Tomi got out of his seat and went to the fish tank. He was actually starting to grow fond of the fishes swiping about the tank. His favorite fish, the blue angelfish swims his way which makes Tomi smile. He taps the glass with the tip of his claw lightly with the other fishes swim away while the blue angelfish stays. Tomi cross his arms on the edge of the ledge and rests his head on his arms with a smile.

"Cute fish." He giggles.

It wasn't until a couple of minutes later, William came back with Torm in tow. Tomi went over to his brother and hugged him tightly.

"I missed you Tormy." Tomi says nuzzling his cheek against his brother's when the older boy bends down a bit. It's been so long since he felt close to his brother because of how the cages kept a distance between them.

Torm hugs Tomi back just a tight, "I missed you too."

Tomi pulls back from the hug to look at his brother, his smile dropping when he sees bandages along the place where his skin should be exposed. He holds one of his older brother's arms gently as his fingers brush over the soft white wrapped bandages. "T-Tormy..." His voice says shaken, "What did they do to you?"

The older sibling brings his hand up to wipe the corner of his eye where it's filling with watery tears. "Don't worry about it Tomi."

"How can I not worry!" Tomi exclaims as he starts to unwrap his brother's bandages along his left arm. His brother tries to stop him from seeing but the deed is done.

William stand by the door with an unreadable expression from what Tomi and Torm could not see since they were so focused on each other.

"W-What?...!" The younger brother freezes at the sight of so multiple cuts all over his older brother's arm. This was only one of his arms, Torm's body has bandages visible on his other arm, neck area, and legs. "Tormy what have they been doing to you?! Why didn't you harden your skin to protect yourself from this?!"

Torm bit his lip to keep himself from talking. He only holds his unraveled arm and looks at his brother with a sorry gaze. Tomi shakes his head and puts his hands on his brother's shoulders and shakes him.

"Why aren't you saying anything?!"

Clear watery tears soon change to black inky tears. They slide down his cheeks leaving streaks of black.

The older brother could not bear to see his brother like this. He brings both hands up to his little brother's face and cups Tomi's cheeks gently. His forehead presses Tomi's, "I'm sorry Tomi, I'm so sorry..."

Tomi's ink colored tears stain their white medical gowns. "I'm worried about you Tormy! I don't like it when you get hurt!" He looks into those silver eyes his brother possess like their father. How he wishes so much for their parents to be here to save them, to save Torm.

William finally decides to set himself into their conversation. He pulls out a handkerchief and offers it to Tomi, "Wipe those tears of yours Tomi. I'll treat Storm's cuts while you start eating lunch."

"I don't wanna eat lunch yet without my brother." Tomi sniffs as he takes the handkerchief slowly from William.

"Then I'll treat his wounds first before I bring the food out." The doctor goes to the cabinets to get a tray to place a few treatment items on for Torm.

Tomi brings his brother over to the recliner chair and makes him sit down. He plops down to sit in front of his brother on the chair when he moves his Torm's legs apart gently so he doesn't sit on his lap. He doesn't want to hurt his brother by adding pressure to his cuts.

William comes over and pulls his usual stool by the recliner and places the tray on the table. Tomi could see ointments, new clean white wrap bandages, and some needle and thread.

"Tormy needs stitches?"

"Depending on how severe the cuts I see are." William pats Tomi on he head for a little bit then proceeds to treat Torm. The younger brother watches his caretaker work through the bandages, unraveling them to show how horrible the cuts got.

He wanted to cry again, Tomi really did. The doctor and scientist looking after his brother are making his senses go wild.

William proceeded to treat Torm with care under his charge's watchful gaze. He only had to stitch about three cuts on the older brother's body. One stitching on the shoulder, the other on the thigh, and the last one across his left shoulder blade on the back.

"Let me throw these dirty bandages out and get you two lunch."

Tomi nods and turns to face his brother who looks sad. In hopes to cheer his brother up, he kisses Torm's cheek. The older child looks up slowly at Tomi with a bit of question, only for the young boy to kiss his other cheek.

"Tomi..." Torm hugs his brother from behind. He rests his head on Tomi's shoulder.

A giggle escapes Tomi's lips when he knows Torm is finally responding to him in a positive way. Torm on the other hand relaxing in the sound of his brother's cheerful laugh.

"Please protect yourself Tormy... I don't know what I'd do without you."

Torm closes his eyes and hums.

"No matter what the cost Tomi, I'd do anything to protect you. Nothing is more important to me than you."

Tomi, still young at the time, couldn't understand how important those word were for him.

~skip a few weeks~

Weeks and weeks passed since that horrible day and it still continued on even if Torm got new caretakers. Tomi would always come back to see his brother always wrapped with bandages along his arms and legs, also around his neck, who's not to say they're on his body too.

Tomi, whenever he got the chance, would cling to his brother's side, being careful not to hurt him or add pressure to his wounds. He kept telling his brother to protect himself, harden his skin, but it was never good enough for his brother to listen to him.

William, on the other hand, continued taking care of Tomi like a precious jewel. Never once has the blond man hurt his charge and Tomi was slowly warming up to him, but his brother always tells him to be careful around him.

Although, Tomi couldn't help the feeling of trust growing for William. It just to continued to grown until he felt so comfortable with the young man.

He learned William is actually the leading doctor and scientist of this place. Despite how young he is, the blond doctor takes orders from his superiors every now and then. Tomi doesn't see him sometimes because William tells him he was having a meeting with his bosses.

Now here he is in William's office waiting for the next treatment of the day. He really had grown a liking to the fish so it kept the demon boy busy while the doctor was out.

"Looking at the fishes again Tomi?"

Tomi nods as he couldn't keep his eyes off the blue angelfish. "I think the blue angelfish is still pretty."

"Ah yes, I remember you telling me you like that particular fish." William shows his hand in the corner of Tomi's vision. "The angelfish can wait to be seen again, for now let's head to today's treatment, shall we?"

Tomi without hesitating, puts his hand on William's. "Okay."

"Good boy." William says patting him on the head with his other hand.

He takes Tomi to the next room where there is a control panel and a window looking into another room. Then he opens the door to the next room, "Take a step inside Tomi."

Tomi goes in without questions and the door is immediately shut behind him. He looks back, hoping to see William through the glass, but he could only see his reflection, himself wearing a white gown, his monster appendages on display, and a red collar around his neck.

The collar had actually been given to all the creatures occupying the caging area. This was so none of them could escape without being tracked down and recaptured. However, Tomi's has been made a little differently, sure it has a tracking device, but there was two things attached to the collar. The first is a dog tag with his name and subject number, then the second is a fairly sized key hanging next to it in a detailed colored blue with a rim of gold around it. He asked about it once but the doctor chose to ignore the question.


The sound of the speakers turned on. "Hello my Jewel, this will be your final treatment and examination."

"Huh?" Tomi was confused as to what's going on.

"You'll be spending a few days in solitary confinement. I already set a date for when the doors will let you go, but if I have to, I can override the system and then let you out myself."

Tomi shakes his head at the one sided viewing glass. "Let me out, please!" His voice taken to a scared and shaken tone. "I don't like it."

"It's alright Tomi, it'll only be for a few days." William says in a positive reassuring voice as he watches Tomi panicky from the other side of the viewing glass. "Until then, I'll be working on a few other projects I need to attend too. Food and water will be avaliable in the right corner of the room. Right across from there will be a bathroom for your use."

Tomi looks to the corner of the room to see tubes along the wall that dropped off a plate of food and filled an empty glass with water. Bathroom right where William said it was, on the opposite corner from the food.

"You'll be fine my Jewel." William chuckles about ready to leave now. "See you in a few days."

"Wait!" Tomi runs up to the glass and pounds on it with his fist. Not even the added monster strength can crack it.

"Don't leave me here alone..."

The next few days were terrifying and lonely for Tomi. He did eat and drink the food provided for him, but there wasn't enough contact he so craved for from anyone. The demon boy is a extrovert, he loves being around people, especially his family.

He thought about Torm a lot, he wonders if he's doing okay. If his brother is protecting himself properly while he's in this place they're being kept in. Then he started think about William, the young doctor wasn't seen since he had placed him in here. Sometimes he wondered if the blond took care of the fishes in the tank in the lab.

The days keep passing and Tomi was starting to lose count of time. The power of the lights was even turned off much to his troubles.

By the time the door did unlock, Tomi's expressionless eyes that used to be so filled with childish excitement were gone, not even a smile could be seen.

Footsteps of the one who put him in here walks up to him with the only light coming from the other room.

"I'm back my Jewel."

There it was, that pearly white perfect smile.

Tomi felt himself being picked up by William and cradled in the man's arms. He loved the touch he had been oh so robbed of. He noses along William's jaw line until he come to nuzzle his face into the crook of the doctor's neck with affection while wrapping his arms around over William's shoulders.

"Please don't leave me alone..."

He feels a gentle pat to the head from the owner of the hand.

"Don't worry, I won't anymore."

"Promise?" Tomi says weakly.

"I promise."

From that point on Tomi always clung to William's side, unless his brother was within range of touch. He'd cling to his brother arm tightly and Torm wouldn't mind the action without question.

Speaking of Torm, when Tomi first saw his older brother he had a dead look in his eyes like himself. The both of them felt so tired, so drained of who they used to be before.

They were starting to lose hope.

~two days later~

Tomi opened his eyes halfway when he felt someone cup his cheek gently and hold him close to their chest. He could her a rhythmic beat of someone's heart.


"Sorry my Jewel, I didn't mean to wake you."

Tiredly, the demon boy could still recognize the owner of the voice, his vision still blurry from tired eyes. "William?"

"It's me Tomi." The young doctor gently presses his forehead against Tomi's with a soft smile. "I'll be leaving soon."

"But you promised you wouldn't leave me alone anymore." He couldn't open his eyes fully, he still felt so tired. Tomi couldn't see his caretaker properly when he wanted too.

"Don't worry, we'll meet again..." Tomi feels him kiss his forehead with affection attached to the action. He feels so safe. "You'll see me, but I'll be different."

"What do you mean?" A chuckle is heard as William's lays him back on the floor of his cage gently. Tomi feels his head laid on something soft like cotton. "Don't leave me alone again."

A hand runs through his hair and leaves.

"Don't be afraid Tomi," Tomi watched with blurry vision as the blond goes to the door of his cage and steps out. He looks over his shoulder with a perfect white smile, "It'll all be over soon."


The cage door closes behind him.

"We'll meet again in the future. So for now, go back to sleep and wake up."

~+Present Time: Red Army Base+~

At this point of time at the base, it's dark and the stars are out. Full night Patrol is as cautious as ever while the occupants inside are either asleep or waiting for orders from the rescue group. Scientist and Medics are in the middle of verifying who will be switching out for the night, thus leaving he observation room unoccupied.

Only Tika is in the medical room her brother rests asleep in.

Tika wakes up slowly when she felt shifting from where she rest. She had been resting at her brother bedside while using her crossed arms as a pillow. Sitting up, Tika rubs her tired eyes to clear her vision as she feels a blanket around her slowly slide off her. She thought maybe Byron came in while she was asleep and to cover her with the blanket to keep her warm.

She had expected to see her sleeping brother with his dream googles still on when her sleepy vision cleared.

However this was not the case.

Tomi is seated up right on the bed, the straps holding him down undone, with his dream goggles placed on his lap with his hands over them. Tears were escaping the corners of his eyes, sliding down his cheeks and dripping from his chin. His black voids staring straight ahead of him.


She couldn't believe her brother woke up on his own from the workings of the dream goggles. She just woke up and she felt like crying herself after all this time. Tika wanted to hug her brother tightly and tell him everything but she's unsure of how he'll react when he finds out Torm's gone off to save their parents without them.

The demon teen turns his head slowly to his sister, displaying a heartbreaking smile.

"I don't want to dream alone anymore."


Hey guys another chapter! Hope you guys are still finding this fanfic interesting ^^

So what you were just reading is Tomi reliving his memories of the time where he and Torm were kidnapped by poachers, bad guys who steal rare and exotic creatures.

So keep in mind, they were still in their kid forms. Tomi being around 5-6 years old at the time while Torm was 9years old.

I'm just gonna give you guys the run down here. Tomi and Torm were still children at the time, so the ages and appearances they were back in the book 'His Favorite'. Torm was always handled by one main doctor and one main scientist.

Tomi, on the other hand, was handled by Dr. Axel or rather William. The young doctor at age 19 at the time is both a trained doctor and scientist, a prodigy as one would say before the war.

If you haven't catch the hint at what Torm was saying to Tomi, he was basically saying he's do anything to protect his little brother from harm. Even if it meant taking what was suppose to be Tomi's fair share of torture for experimenting.

The main facts you should at least get from this chapter:
- Torm started becoming overprotective of Tomi at this point of time and would do anything to shield him from harm. This led to the older brother making sure Tomi's always happy and safe all this time to the current present.

-Tomi was robbed of affection and touch for quite a period of time where this hurts the demon emotionally and mentally. Which is why Tomi becomes overly attach to those people close to him more than he was before.

Well that should be enough info for now ^^ See you guys next Time!

To the Hall Amazing of Fanart!



-Lost the username of the artist, sorry^^' If your reading please comment here, thanks so much and sorry again.



-Local Anonymous

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