I Promise, I Will

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+Black Army Base+

Tord sat in Black Leader's office after five soldiers were once again assigned to be able to hold against his struggles until they got to their destination. Now, here he is, tied down to his chair securely.

Black Leader, Ian, sat across from him behind his desk with a smug smile on his face.

"Finally gonna let me go you low living son of a-"

"Ah- Ah, Red Leader... I'm doing you a favor and letting you see your loving fiancé again."

Voice dripping in honey like poison, Tord felt his skin prickle in warning while something in his stomach boiled distastefully. The Red Leader narrows his expression darkly at Ian warningly dangerous. "What did you do?! I swear- if you hurt him-"

"Now why would I do that to such a person you treasure the most? The man has worth after all, and lots of it." Ian looks to his two guarding soldiers by the door and snaps his fingers. "Let him in."

The soldiers by the dark brown double doors take a handle and opens it up. Tord could hear one set of footsteps walking up from behind him as the doors sounded close after the person walks pass them.

"To-" Tord's pupil dilated at the sight of his love.

Tom completely ignores Tord to stand to the side obediently next to their enemy's desk. The tied leader took notice of Tom's stoic expression. He's also dress in black and grey skin tight two piece suit to Tord's internal displeasure. Not a spot of blue on him which made Tom seem so dull to see without his usual colors on him. The top part of the suit had cut sleeves have way down his upper arm while the collar of the top covers Tom's neck. His pants hugged his curves in all the right places to show off his figure while a black belt hung a bit loosely around Tom's waist holding necessary tools for fighting and taking notes.

"Thomas, why don't you greet Red Leader."

Like a puppet following his master's strings, he complied with no hesitation. "Hello Red Leader. It's a pleasure to see you."

Tord looks to Ian wanting answers to what he's done to his boyfriend. "What did you do to him?!"

The Black Leader laughs, "Nothing much but used his goggles to rewire his memory a bit. Without those useful memories, he's just a mindless puppet who follows all my commands." Ian didn't even have to worry about saying these kinds of things out loud while Tom's in the room too. The brunet would merely stay standing until told to do something without a second thought.

"Those blueprints of your are truly fascinating by the way Red Leader. It's a good thing my spy was able to obtain them from right under your nose." He pulls out the flash drive Jessica gave him days before the attack. Waving it simply in front of Tord's face without care, "Although, trashing your memory storage of animated porn from your work device took some time for me to actually retrieve the actual files I needed."

Tord groans, if Tom ever found out about the saved amount of hentai in his work laptop, he'd get his ass kicked to the lobby section's couch of their living quarters for who knows how long.

"Tom-" Tord says now trying to reason with his love, maybe strike something familiar to wake him up from his brainwashing. "You have to remember me!"


"Thomas, remember everything we'd done together... Remember our soldiers, our fights, or sweet moments together..." Tord notice a small twitch from Tom's finger that one could easily missed in a second.

"Give up Red Leader, he's under my control." Ian says rolling his eyes as he stores the flash drive away. He waves his hand for the soldiers to take Tord back to his cell.

Tord looks left and right of him as two soldiers pull him up to his feet when they had finished untying him from the chair. He struggles as he presses on, "Remember our kids!"

Hearing Tord say those words strung a cord with Tom that Ian could notice. The Black Leader went by Tom's side, keeping his arm out in front of his body to keep him from moving forward.

"Our sons!" Tord struggles saying as he gets dragged back to the door. "Tomi! Our sweet little boy!" He struggles again, rightfully elbowing the soldier to his right. "Torm! He's the one who makes us proud in every way!"

Two more soldiers appear in the now open doorway of the office to assist bring Tord back to his cell. At this point Tom is holding his head feeling dizzy as Tord is now just outside the doorway.

"Our daughter-!?" Tord was quickly gaged by the fifth soldier who had joined the fray. His words now muffled by the gag, preventing him from saying anything more.

"Hurry and get him out of here before he causes anymore damage!"

Tord watches Tom pressing his hands to either side of his head while is now dragged out of view.

Ian pats Tom's back with misleading comfort. He pulls out his radio to get his scientists to check on Tom.

"Assistance in my office, now."

+Over to The Red Army+

Torm stood in front of the door disclosing him from his brother's sleeping space. He took a breath and let it out heavily.

The observation room was fully empty for the time being for a short while until the assigned scientists and medics finished helping out pack for departure to Black Army Territory.

The devil teen inputs the code into the lock and the door buzzes as the door slides open. He walks into the room with his footsteps echoing around him as he makes his way to his sleeping brother.

Tomi slept peacefully, so undisturbed by the continual reality around him. Torm wanted to stay rooted by Tomi's bedside until he was sure things were okay. He wanted his little brother smiling happily again for him and their sister.

But not everything can come easily...

Torm moves his hand to hold Tomi's hand gently. He brings it up to press against his cheeks softly.

"Tomi... I'll be leaving soon."

No response from the boy on the bed, however it's okay for now.

"I'll be bringing Mom and Dad home soon." He closes his red eyes and gives a reassuring squeeze to his brother's hand. "Just wait a little longer."

Torm moves his brother's hand to his lips to kiss Tomi's knuckles.

"I promise."

He sets his brother's hand down back by his side and turns his back to him. Torm exits Tomi's room and returns to the observation room where he's greeted by the voice of his brother.

"Haha! Stay safe Tormy!"

The way his head quickly looks towards the sound of his brother's voice makes it look like he cracked his neck. His eyes land on the dream monitor to see Tomi's gaze on his dreamself. His brother's arms wrapped around his neck while more childish giggles escape from him.

It made Torm clench both of his hands into fists.

"Of course Tomi..."

Without another word, Torm leaves the empty room with a lot on his mind.

~Small Time Skip~

Tika met with her brother when he came walking outside from the front of the base. She ran up to him with concerned eyes.


Her older brother merely pulls her close for a hug, then kissing her forehead. Tika's eyes widen with surprise but she lets her brother's actions be as her hands grip the fabric of his shirt.

"Tika, please watch over our brother while I'm gone. I'll be joining the rescue team to bring our parents home."

"But Torm-"

He places his hands on her shoulders firmly, bending down a bit to look her in the eyes. The eyes from their parents looking back at him with worry... "Tika, I have to go help them." Torm didn't want to back down, he wanted to help, be useful rather than being a child who needs to be held back and be protected.

Tika took a step back from her brother's embrace and looks at him fully. His clothes were changed out of his black and checkered sleeve shirt. He changed into what looked like their father's old apparel from when he was younger.

Torm dawned himself in his father's red hoodie and blue military jacket, wearing black pants, and black knee high army combat boots. Tika thinks to herself that her brother really could be mistaken for their father if it wasn't for those goggles on his face.

"I just don't-" She covers her mouth with both of her hands. "I don't want to lose my family..."

The older brother expression softens when he sees his sister on the brink of crying. He brings her into a hug again, both hugging each other tightly.

"You won't lose us Tika, my beloved little sister." He pats her head as he whispers those words for her. His sister is such a delicate little flower like the meaning of her name. Thinking back a bit, he does remember telling their mother when he was little that he wanted his sister's name with the meaning flower. "I promise I'll come home soon with Father and Mother. Until then, someone has to take care of the base and Tomi while I'm away."

Without anymore will to fight with her brother, she give a humming response of confirmation.

He lets go of his sister and gives her one last kiss this time on the cheek. After the kiss, Tika brings her hand up to pull at the string of her brother's necklace. She pulls the necklace out front in display of its magnificent red teardrop charm.

"You're a Lawson, Torm. Show them your strong."

The corner of Torm's lips pull up into a smile.

"I will."

Reggie and Patryk come over to the pair of siblings and salute Torm. All soldiers have been doing this since the boy had taken up the plate to lead them for the time being.

"We're ready to depart when you are."

Torm faces them with a leading expression similar to his father's. "Once everyone is on their assigned rides, we move out. Where are Uncle Edd and Matt by the way?"

"They're riding one of the helicopters with Paul, they'll be handling the attack forces from the sky." Patryk answers this time with a calm look.

"Then get on your rides, I'll joining with mine shortly."

"Yes sir." Reggie and Patryk salute him and go to their rides. Patryk went to join his husband aboard the chopper which no later took to the sky as Reggie joins the car with Zack.

Tika held her brother's hand tightly.

Torm holds his sister hand one last time and leaves to join Reggie and Zack. Once seated, he raises his left arm in the air to signal everyone to move forward to Black Army Territory.

Tika watches with the other soldiers who were left behind to watch the base and Tomi.

She clasps her hand around the charm of her necklace tightly.


The young leader looks back from his seat to see his sister waving her arm in the arm as the distance grows longer between them.


Her voice fading just like herself from his view.


It warms his heart to hear his sister say those words.

Reggie looks back in from his seat at Torm with a soft smile. "Happy, Torm?"

"They're my family Reggie." The devilish young leader smiles back at the blond soldier. "Nothing makes me happier than the love and support of my family."

Zack chuckles and holds the steering wheel tightly.

"Make sure you're strapped in guys, I'm gonna speed up our drive."

~+Two Days Later: Black Army+~

It's been two days since Tord's seen Tom as Ian's Secretary (puppet). He felt so useless now, he couldn't escape his cell like he intended to all this time. His wrists were bounded with two handcuffs making escaping a bit trickier.

He misses Tom... He misses his family...

Deep down, Tord really hopes the soldiers and his parents are keeping them away from trouble. If possible, Edd and Matt may be planning a rescue for them sometime soon.

He cover his face to conceal a dark look on his face. 'When I'm free, the first thing I'm going to do is burn everything here down to the ground. Then I'll have the soldiers try and see if they can delete every saved data of whatever survives the fire.' Tord thought to himself with a bit back anger quelling in him. Tom has lost memories him and the kids so many times already that he's getting sick of it.


The Red Leader uncovers his face to see his enemy's son standing across from him on the other side of the bars.

"What do you want?"

Asher looks at the other leader's state. His clothes were ripped in most places, dirtied in some... the red tie around his neck undone completely.


The raven hair teen comes back from his staring to see Tord looking at him sternly now. "How are you?"

Well Tord wasn't expecting that question from the boy. He crosses his arms, "Irritated is a good word to say my mood."

Asher hums in response.

Tord sighs and faces away from the teen seeing there wasn't much to say. "Look, I'm not in the mood to talk. Just go away."

Without a word, Asher did what the Red Leader asked.

Meanwhile Ian is going over some plans in his office to take over Tord's reigning soldiers stationed at other countries.

"Thomas, which attack do you think will be best efficient for the Black Army take over? Be honest will you." The man says in sickly sweet voice.

Emotionlessly, Tom steps close to Ian's desk and scans each plan do to detail. He sets he papers down and shakes his head.

"None of these plans will be efficient sir."

A hum sounds from the Black Leader questionably. "How so?"

"Plan A has a strong opposing force to start with which may work for about 5 minutes, not a lot of time when Red Leader's soldiers are sufficient in taking control with their weapons and hand to hand combat taught to them once they first enter the army. Your soldiers will easily lose from the data I've gathered from their training regimen and expirence training with weapons." Tom shuffled the paper in his grasp and sets the first plan on the table when he's done.

"Plan B isn't enough in any way of strategic planning. Take defense while approaching hostile, offensive forces is suicide especially if you send a small group. Red Leader has many, and I mean many soldiers backed up in their stationed area. They can be clearly hiding in the city as citizens while most of their troops bear the symbol as statue heads." Ian guesses Tom had a point. Red Leader could be hiding many tricks up his sleeve to keep his reign intact in any way possible.

Tom clears his throat as he sets Plan B down on the desk as he prepares to tell Ian why Plan C won't work either. "Most of all Plan C..." He looks at the Plan with distain. "Whoever thought of this strategy should be moved to a different department Black Leader. They clearly don't have the skills to lead an attack properly."

Ian felt an imaginary arrow stab him in a few places. Yes, the plan Tom was looking at in distain is the one he made.

"The attacks and defenses aren't even properly distributed. This plan is right to the bottom insufficient for anyone." Tom takes the paper with both of his hands and rips it up, letting the shreds fall into the trash can next to the desk. "You should consider hiring more strategist Black Leader."

"I'll take the recommendation into account."

Tom sighs and decides to leave his Leader be to his own devices. He took up a duster and decided to just go around the room to clean a little.

Ian picks up one of his folders and watches Tom with a careful eye. Just as he thought, Tord's Secretary/Second in command had a good eye for leading others into victory. If he could only find a way for the  man to work himself into leading his own squadron of soldiers like he did before, it would be a major help. As it may be for now, Tom is assigned as a secretary, he couldn't quite lead like he used to with his previous soldiers.

Something seems to be missing for him to lead properly. Until Ian can figure it out, Tom is best as a secretary by his side.

He has all the time in the world now that what is left are the minors such as the Rebellion.

It'll be a piece of cake.

~+Night: Outside the Base+~

Just outside Black Army Territory is an awaiting squadron of jeeps with Red Army symbols and helicopter stationed on the ground until further instructions.

Medics were already scattered out to their positions around the forest surrounding the base. The scouts who went a few days earlier to survey the area made a good surrounding map area for them to follow with ease.

The squadron of soldiers were split into their groups and getting into position to wait for their signal.

"Do you really want us to stay with the air force Torm?"

"Please Uncle Edd, they'll easily recognize the Rebellion leaders and know a rescue team here. If I go in I could be mistaken as my Father who escaped from his cell, not alerting them of the rescue group." Torm says surely, "If I do managed to get caught, I'll tell them I came alone. I came out of my own will in hopes of saving my parents by myself."

Matt places his hand on Edd's shoulder in comfort while he looks at Torm. "Then at least alert us as soon as possible if something goes out of plan."

"I won't let you down, I assure you."

Edd and Matt step away to go speak to Tord's parents about he plane for the helicopters when they're needed.

Torm turns around and goes to his group to lead into the base. All of them sported black suits while Torm was changed into a replica of his father's wedding suit with a few rips and dirt to make it seem like he struggled to get out of the cell he 'escaped' from.

"Everyone ready?" He asks looking at his soldiers to lead. Thankfully enough to two soldier, Reggie and Zack, they had been assigned to their Leader's son's team. It makes it easier for the two skilled soldiers to keep an eye on him properly.

"Yes sir." The group replies.

Torm nods, his digital eyes narrowing at them, "Stick to the plan unless ordered otherwise. If I somehow get captured, retreat as quickly as possible to inform my Uncles and keep your safety on line. Do I make myself clear?"

Another affirmative response no matter how badly they wanted to say no. They would risk their lives to protect their Leaders's son.

"Let's head out."

They all ran to the base with the lightest steps they could possibly make. Torm spreads his wings, using the unnoticeable cut openings Opal made for him to use instead for ripping the suit. He flaps them a couple of times to get himself in the air, swiftly dodging trunks with quick turns and twirls.

His eyes kept a looks out for the most unnoticeable things like trip wire, just like now. He sped up to the red soldier close to tripping a wire, Torm grabbed him under his arms and carried him over the trap to the safety ground where there are no wires.

"Watch where you step Carlos."

The brunet nods feeling relieved to be saved from danger and the possibility to give their rescue away. The soldier continues running towards the base while Torm takes the air once again.

Reggie and Zack took care of the patrol around the base with two other soldiers named Lana and Ben. They knocked them out quickly while some of the sharp shooters shot them down with silences attaches to their guns from their assigned positions.

Zack pressed the button on his ear piece, "Ready to infiltrate the Base."

Torm replies back after pressing against his own ear piece. "Zack's team, take your positions, keep an eyes out for any other soldier wandering about your area. Reggie, how's your team doing?"

"Our grounds are completely clear now. My group is scattered about and can't see any black army soldiers. Should we start entering?"

"Enter with caution, you too Zack. I'll be entering from the rooftop entrance." Torm lands softly onto the rooftop and walks over to the door while his wings retract to hide back under his skin.

Torm opens the door which is thankfully not locked. He cracks it open a bit and looks around to find no camera thus letting him enter with caution.

He goes down the staircase with careful steps as to not make too much noise. The devil teen makes it to first floor on the top level of the base building.

"I've reached the top floor of the base."

"We hear you sir." Zack and Reggie confirm as they take over the bottom floor with their groups.

Torm continues forward as he lets the soldiers down below do their work. He halts at the corner of the hall when he hears footsteps, he presses his back against the wall and waits for the steps to fade away.

When they're gone Torm continues. He can only assume his father and Mother are some where where the cells are located. What he remembers from the base map one of the scouts had drawn, the Black Army Base consist of three buildings connecting to the main base. One of those buildings should hold cells containing his parents.

Where Torm had landed, he came into the west building. A report had given him hope that they were hear because the soldiers saw prisoners of war coming through here by capture.

He runs down the hall and goes down more stair cases.

"How are you holding up Torm?"

The teen stops in his tracks and steps to the side in a blind spot. He presses the earpiece, "Uncle Edd, I'm doing fine."

"That's good, I wanted to check on you is all. You've been quite on the radio." It's true, Torm's been listing to all the talking passing through the radio about sending in more soldiers every five minutes to start taking more cover over the base.

Torm knew his Uncles are worried about him, but this just has to be done.

"Stay safe Torm, okay?"

The devil teen nods even if his uncle can't see him. He holds onto the charm of his necklace tightly.

"I understand, I'll find my parents soon and all this will be over." Torm says lastly and continues his search for his parents. He ignores the voices in his earpiece and keeps his eyes roaming around for any signs.


His footsteps once it steps on the ground. He looks to his left when he hears a click coming from that directions. Out of caution, Torm pulls out his tranquilizer gun from his holster. Sure he has his own dangerous guns that his Father personally created for him in the past, but he's pretty sure his Mother would kinda throw a fit about it if he saw him using one on a rescue mission.

Then again, just in case, he kept one of his red guns hidden in his tux jacket.

Torm, with light steps, heads to the door that clicked open. He steps into he room when he pushes the door open slowly with a resounding creek from the hinges.

"Who's here?" Torm questions quietly as he comes further into the room. The lights were pretty dim much to his dismay, but it'll have to do.

Unaware to Torm, quite steps of an unknown person approached him from behind. Then grabs his arm to Torm's surprise.

Now Torm has to fight, if he's held down, it's all over.

Punches and kicks were exchanged with the unknown attacker since his visors couldn't focus his vision properly while fighting. Something he'd have to talk with his father about when he gets out of this situation.

The attacker kicks the tranquilizer gun out of Torm's hand and pushes him up against the wall. The attacker holding the teen's wrist tightly to restrict movement to attack again.

"Let me go!"

"Hold it Devil."

Torm listened to the attacker who finally spoke up. He gave a questionable gaze now that they were face to face. "Asher?"

"The one and only." Asher says looking at the other teen up and down at the new attire. "Lights, up." The dim lights brighten up to make the room more seeable with the voice command, from the looks of it, it seems to a bedroom. More specifically Asher's bedroom.

Torm rolls his red eyes seen the bane of his existence. "Let me go Blackie, I don't have time to play around with you."

Asher let's go of him with a smirk with his hands raised up in mock surrender. Torm storms passed him only to halt at what Asher says next.

"You're wasting your time looking around this building blindly by the way. Your parents aren't being kept in this part of the base."

Torm standing the door way and looks over his shoulder at the raven hair teen who has moved to stand at the foot of his bed with his arms crossed. "You know where my parents are don't you?" He says ignoring that fact Asher knows Tom is his mother.

"Of course, this is my home. I know my way around and where people are located depending on who they are-" Asher felt himself get pushed back. He fell back on his back on the bed while Torm held the teen down looking down at him with narrowed eyes.

"Tell me where they are!"

Asher chuckles, "Now why would I do that Devil?"

"So help me, I swear to the heavens I won't hurt you badly enough to leave a scar and broken bones."

"Then I guess I'll alert all the soldiers in the base. It's only one simple push of a button." Asher says with a smirk, he's bluffing, but Torm doesn't know that.

He looks up at Torm who's red eyes have disappeared leaving a dark screen. "Torm?" He says the other's name in confusion.

"P-Please..." Torm voice had lost its strong tone to turn into a shaken one. Every moment Torm can move forward to find his parents is breaking him inside. "For the love of god, tell me where my parents are."

Quite shaken from seeing this side of Torm, Asher didn't know how to respond. He didn't think the devil teen had a persona like this.

"I need to get my parents... They need to come home, I made a promise."

"A Promise?"

Torm's eyes came back to the screen but they weren't red, but blue. "I promised my brother."

Asher made a bored look as he turns his head to the side. "Everything is always about your brother. I can't think of one time where you two are apart during the times I've seen you." He ignored the feelings bubbling up in his gut, it l'a nothing. "What's that about anyways? You being so close with your brother, huh?"

A flash of memories went through Torm's mind from the very start he met his little brother. The first memory has Tomi trying to get a good look through the bars of his cage. "Tomi was the one who saved my life! Brought me out of the cage where I though I would remain an experiment forever!"

Drip drip

Tears slid down his cheeks and onto Asher's face below him. "Torm."

"I thought I would be caged forever... to be forgotten about." Torm could remember Tomi's face when he first found him in the lab in his cage. He looked so curious yet happy to see him when he revealed himself, which made him feel like he wasn't dangerous at all. He let go of Asher's arms and wiped away his tears while the raven sat up. "Every action I do for my brother is my repayment of freedom, but nothing can pay for the price of his unconditional love for me as his older brother."

He wanted so badly to return home, wake his brother up, and hold him tightly along with their sister. Torm hates being away from them for too long, the same being said for their parents.

His eyes widen when he feels arms wrap around him in a hug. The sudden action caught him off guard, but it was welcomed because of the open comfort from the other teen.

"Listen to me closely..." Asher says still hugging Torm while whispering closely to the devil teen's ear. "Your parents are located in the east wing, right across from this building. I can lead you to your father's cell and you'll need him to help you get your mother back from my father."

"Did something happen to my mother that I would need my Father's help?" The devil teen asks with suspicion.

Asher closed his eyes, "I wish I could say no, but something did happen to your mother because of my father. He used the stolen blueprints from Jessica and learned about your mother's goggles. The scientist were told to hack them and rewire his
memory to have him serve the Black Army instead." He lets go of Torm from the hug to look at him properly. "It's likely your mother has no recollection of your family."

Torm slowly shakes his head, not again. He hates it when his mother loses his memory. It breaks everyone's heart when he forgets about them.

Wiping away the rest of Torm's tears Asher tries to smile. "We can leave when you feel ready."

Torm nods but soon comes to notice he's been sitting on his enemy's lap this entire time. Asher seems to have noticed it as well when he caught the other blushing a bit when he looks down to where he's seated.

The devil quickly gets of Asher's lap and stands turned around from the raven. "That never happened."

"I'm not sure what you're talking about Devil." Asher smirks teasingly from behind Torm even when he's blushing himself.

The taller of the two walks over to tranquilizer gun on the floor and picks it up to place back in its holster.

"Let's just get going Blackie."

~+With Tord+~

Tord sat his cell staring at the ceiling while laying back on his small bed. The thin fabric given to him was hardly even worth the title of being a blanket, so it's draped lazily over his lower torso.

He whistles a simple tune he usually does when ever the kids are around him. They'd like to copy his whistles to see if they can copy him much to his amusement. Other times Tom would join along until he sung a song to his familiar whistling tunes. He loves those memories the most because he can listen to the voice of the person he fell in love with.

Just as he was about to whistle a different tune, another whistle caught his attention, the person copying his whistle previously. When it stopped, Tord whistles again as he hears slow footsteps approach his cell. Once again the person he could not see copies his tune. Tord sits up on his bed and fixes himself on the side of the bed.

The last note is when the person get to his cage to stand in his view.

"Torm..." Tord's eyes widen when he sees his eldest son standing on the other side of his cell with a relived expression.

"Father!" Torm smiles, happy to see his father again.

His dad gets up quickly from the bed and comes over to him. He places a hand on his son's cheek with a caring hand, "What are you doing here Torm?! It's dangerous!" Tord even notices his son wearing an exact replica of his suit.

Torm could tell his father is worried about his safety of being here but he's not alone. "I came to get you and Mother out of here. We all came to rescue the both of you."

"'We'? Don't tell me your brother and sister are here too?!" Tord felt even more worried if his two younger children were here to participate, especially Tika.

The son shook his head, "Tika and Tomi are back at the base waiting for us to come home. They're safe."

It put some relief in Tord's system to know his son and daughter were safely back home away from the conflict, but that still doesn't change the fact that his eldest son is still here on enemy ground. "So who's here with you?"

"Uncle Edd and Matt, Uncle Pat and Pau, and more than half of the blue and red soldiers." Torm informs him promptly. "They're taking care of covering the base little by little while not informing Black Leader that we're here since it's dark out at the moment." He looks at his father focused, "Right now we need to get you out so we can help Mother."

"The cells are locked with special security technology Torm, if I had my tools I would have made this special device look like a piece of-"

Torm stopped his father right there by covering the man's mouth. "Stop right there Father, you know what Mother would say." All he earned was a roll of the eye from the Red Leader. He looks to his right where Tord couldn't see much, "Get over here and unlock the door already."

"Aww but you were having such a sweet father and son moment." A teasing voice says from the sidelines, catching Tord's attention.

Asher comes out from the side and shows himself again to Tord with a teasing smile this time. "Hello again, Red Leader."

"Oh not this kid again," Tord says with a groan, he backs up from the bars and cross his arms at the two teens. "What's he doing here Torm? He's the enemy's son." He points accusingly at the raven.

"Actually, as much as I hate to say this..."

Torm side glances at Asher who looks back at him with a smirk.

"He's here to help."


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter especially since Asher decided to help Torm rescue Tom and Tord ^^

Anyways, the contest about creating my avatar can start now. You guys can draw me in any way you want, like a human, an animal, some magical creature, or whatever else comes to your mind ^^ Here's a brief description of my likes and dislikes:

No pink [please], I usually wear pants [I hate skirts and dresses], I found out I am a fan of tops with collars on them, like dress shirts. I'm a fan of the color Blue, Black, and White. I usually wear checkered board vans (the hightop ones). Also a big fan of hoodies ^^

You guys have all the time until I say Stop in one of my chapters. Then I'll choose among the participants of the contest. Thanks for participating in advance if choose to do this!

As for next chapter, you'll be in for an emotional ride:) #preparetissuesandwater

Side note: Please guys, I ask anyone out there who have read His Favorite and Dear Daughter to not make a similar stories/copies of the books I worked so hard to create for all of you. Even if you add a few different scenes doesn't change that fact you're using similar scenes and using the characters I created along the journey of these books.

I'm totally okay with you guys doing oneshots or drabbles of my two stories. That's honestly fine because I take pride when reader/followers find my stories interesting to make a oneshot about certain pairings they might like or just create small family moments.

But please do not copy, that's all I ask.

*I already found one really similar to His Favorite but with like a few different scenes, but I'll leave it alone even if it makes me a bit sad to see it. I'm not naming them either because I don't want any harassment to the other wattpad user. So please guys, for my sake, don't give this person any trouble and just don't say anything. I really appreciate it.


Now for the Hall of Cute FanArt!











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