Understand This Pain

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+Red Army Base+

"Honey, I need some supplies from the Red City..."

"Ah, so it's that time again?"

Tord looks up from his papers over to Tom's desk which is stationed by the door.

Long before Tika got her room, Tord suggested Tom should share his office with him so Tom wouldn't have to keep going back and forth between rooms. So basically, Tom moved into the red hall way of the Leaders section of the base, the red hall way becoming Tom and Tord's area while the blue hallway became the children's area.

"I just a need a few special supplies is all... again." Tom says with a small blush tinting his cheeks.

Tord hums with a smooth smirk gracing his lips, "Pry tell what these items are? You never tell me why you need them nor do you even let your soldier go pick it up for you." His husband [wife] for the past three years has been going to and from the main Red Army dominated city doing something. Tom never showed any physical evidence of what he's doing there either since he never brings anything home, aside from the occasional souvenirs for the children.

"It's a secret." Tom chuckles as he gets out of his seat to go over to his husband. He slides himself onto Tord's lap and gives him a couple of kisses which Tord returns as he holds Tom by the hips. "So can you please give me your permission to go."


"Otherwise I'll take bed privileges away again." Tom said with a sweet smile that promised no hesitation.

At that moment Tord could feel a cold sweat go down his back. "You can go Thomas." There is no way he's gonna deny Tom when he's threatening bed privileges, unless only if the situation is dangerous or dire.

The blue leader wraps his arms around Tord neck and hugs him with love and thanks. "Thanks love, I'll be back as soon as I can." Tom thought for a moment about the teens. "Do you think you can watch over the kids while I'm gone?"

"Of course, I doubt anything could go wrong. I took care of Torm and Tomi before on my own." Tord says with confidence.

"You do know that was when they were still little, right? We have our sons, our daughter, Asher, and Will now." Tom reminds hoping mentally things won't be so bad but... he shook his head. "You know what, I'll just clear your schedule for the next few day while I'm gone."

"Min kajær-"

"No Tord, I want your full focus on the children. You know I do a routinely check up on them throughout the day. I can't do that when I'm over there at the Red City." Tom holds his husband's face with both hands on either side of Tord's face. His green eyes soften a bit with worry, "Please Tord, you also need a break from work. It's about time you spend time with your family."

"What's family when your going to the Red City to do something I'm unaware of?"

Tord brings his hands of his partner's hips to hold Tom's wrists. "How about we do this instead? I book us a place to stay in the Red City for awhile. The both of us, plus Torm, Tomi, and Tika can have family time touring the city. They've never been outside the base to travel, this should be a great opportunity."

Tom smiles at the idea, "You're right! But..." Thinking his husband might try to follow him on the thing he needs to do.

"Don't worry, I won't follow you to see what your doing when you go out to do whatever." Tord leans forward to press a kiss on his cheek.

"I trust you."

Tom can't help but love his husband more if it was any more possible. His eyes turn pink looking at Tord longer.

"I trust you too love."

+With Torm: Blue Medical Ward+

Torm looks at Grace with confusion after being sent directly here by Dr. Duke. "Wait a second, I'm suppose to have my counseling sessions with Dr. Duke."

Dr. Grace giggles behind her hand, "I guess you weren't informed that Duke and I are taking turns for your counseling sessions. Your parents know the two of us have differences with the way we help people, so they factored it would be nice to switch off every session to give you someone to talk to in a different change of atmosphere." Then both doctors would be able to hold conversations about the two brothers to see what fits best for them the next counseling session.

Tord knew his son isn't fond of the new head doctor, but knows Dr. Duke does have his worth in the medical field. So he arranged with Tom to talk to Grace into doing a cooperative counseling between the doctors.

"Is Tomi's counseling going to be like this too?"

Duke nods in response, "I'm seeing him in a few minutes in my office. You came early to mine so I decided to direct you to your right doctor today." He looks to Grace and gives a curt bow, "If you'll excuse Dr. Grace."

"Ah, thanks again for walking Torm all the way over here." Grace smiles happily at her co head on the opposite medical ward. She appreciated the man's help when ever it was offered.

Duke left the blue medical ward to meet Tomi at his own office in the Red Medical Ward.

Torm gives Dr. Grace a suspicious gaze when he looks back to her. If he remembers correctly Dr. Duke should be 29 years old, while Dr. Grace is 34. He remembers him mom telling him that Grace was pretty young when she decided to join his group in the medical field. She was only a minor helping carry supplies and aiding nurses with what they needed. Time passed and she made her way up to Head doctor at a young age surprisingly.

"Don't tell me... you have a crush a Dr. Duke."

Grace lets her cheeks lit up pink answering Torm's suspicion. "Oh please Torm, it's more like a puppy crush. I'm already in my 30s for crying out loud."

The little devil rolls his eyes with doubt. "But your such a pretty lady Dr. Grace. Haven't you thought about settling down before? Maybe have a family of your own?"

The Blue Doctor hums as she taps her clipboard with her pen. A soft smile rest on her lips as the tint on her cheeks slowly fade. "I have my priorities before I wish to settle down. Your mother for example, Blue... I owe him a lot for everything he's done for me. He's a very good person who I would risk my life for." Grace writes something down on her clipboard.

"Don't you have someone like that Torm?"

Torm thought for a moment of he would lay his life for in dire situations. The thought of his boyfriend came along and then... Tomi.

"Tomi..." He mutters, but Grace sure heard what he said yet she didn't say anything since the devil looked so lost in thought.

'I haven't talked to him in awhile, especially this morning.'

He'll have to check on his brother later he thought with a smile. He really misses his brother's hugs and kisses.


His smile too...

Ahh~ Seriously, you spend way too much time with Ashy boy

His doppleganger appears by his side with his hands stuffed in his pockets. He gives Torm a side glance.

Where's our brother now love? You don't keep track of him anymore

'I do! He's-' Torm pauses and brought his hand up to hold his head. 'He's.... somewhere in the base...' He completely forgot where his brother is even if Dr. Duke was just talking about him a few minutes ago.

See? You don't even know where he is

The look alike turns around and folds his arms behind his head.

Some brother you are

Torm's body started to shake a bit when he came to realize that the most important person is slowly starting to fade into the background of his life.

Grace cautiously places a hand on Torm's shoulder, "Torm? Are you okay?"

"I-I-..." He needs to breath. "Tomi- W-Where's my brother?"

The doctor answers but with some confusion. "He should be with Dr. Duke right now... Don't you remember what he said earlier?"

"He- I-..." Torm needed to keep reminding himself to breath. "I-I'm sorry..."

Grace sighs and stands up from her seat across from Torm. "Take a moment to settle down dear. I'm going to go get you a cup of water really quick." She was reluctant to leave the Devil alone, but he looks like he really needs something to cool himself down. "I'll be right back."

When she leaves, Torm is left to his thoughts.

'Calm down, breath...'


Tomi sat across from Dr. Duke in his office for his counseling session today. His curious eyes look around the room to take in the new things that had changed since Dr. Duke became the new Head Red Doctor.

"How are you Tomi?" Dr. Duke asks as he takes a seat in his chair behind his desk.

"I'm ok Dukey." Tomi response not his usual cheery tone but enough to fool the doctor. Than again Dr. Duke is a trained specialist otherwise he wouldn't be head doctor in the red ward for a reason.

A smile decorated his lips, "Oh I see..." He needs to slowly take off Tomi's mask with out him knowing. "By the way this is my first time hearing you call me Dukey."

"Well if I spent more time in the Red Medical Ward you would know I tend to make people's name in my own way." Tomi grins as he starts rambling about turning people's names into a cute way of saying them and from there it lead to other things.

Duke could only awkwardly laugh mentally listening as the little demon is getting off topic. "That sounds amazing Tomi. If I recall you call Storm, Tormy, right?"

At that moment Tomi closes his mouth shut.

'That's... different.' Duke thought since Tomi's usually very talkative about his brother from what the other soldiers have told him, well the older ones who have been in the army longer.


Tomi seemed to have snapped himself back to reality. "Tormy? Yeah, I always call him Tormy..." He lays his hands flat on top of his thighs as his fingers go to fiddle with the hem of his skirt.

Duke rubs at his chin and decides to try something.

"Tomi, how about you tell me about your sister."

"Tikky?" Tomi says sounding confused.

The reddish brunet nods, "I see her around on a rare occasion like if she passes by with Blue Leader sometimes. I never had the chance to talk to her yet to get to know her."

"Well Tikky is the best sister I could ask for!" Tomi says happily as his eyes shine with pride as he talks about his sister. "She the youngest out of the three of us. She's so cute and adorable it just makes me so happy to be her older brother. You know Tikky also has a crush on Bryon, the Rebellion leaders's adopted son."

"Does Red and Blue Leader know about this?" He had a strange feeling they know.

Tomi giggles behind his right hand, "I think Dad doesn't know, but Mom has that feeling they're gonna start dating soon enough." He could only imagine the talk his mom might give to his dad about letting Tika be able to date. She is the only girl in the family and a very precious one to all the boys in the family.

Her being hurt, crying, or broken down in any way shape or form would result in instant deadly parents and siblings.

"Tika deserves a lot of things in her life with our family after being without us for fifteen years..." He lowers his hand and smiles again. "In all personality she's the sweetest sister I could ask for."

"Do you guys talk often?"

"On a daily basis, we share a few classes together too so we see a lot of each other through out the day, somedays more than."

Duke hums as he's writing all this information down. Now he had to go throw in the older sibling.

"Let's move on to talk about your older brother. I'd like to know him a little better from you. I know your brother tends to keep to himself, I've seen it during the sessions between us while your with Dr. Grace."

Again, the same reaction, Tomi became quiet. Dr. Duke already knows from the other soldiers that Tomi likes talking a lot about his older brother, but right now it's different. His voice when he did speak became soft spoken with a cover up of happiness when it was actually leaking sadness.

"Tormy's a good brother... He's always been there for me since we met." The demon closes his eyes as he goes through his memories of his loving brother, both good and bad. "My brother has always been selfless with me and I loved him for everything he has done to help me."

Duke hums as he watches Tomi hug himself and closing his legs facing the other way signaling he was closing off by being uncomfortable talking about his brother.

"I wish he had been more selfish in the past for himself..."

"Selfish? Torm wasn't selfish before?"

Tomi opens his eyes but keeps his gaze trained to the floor. "I said before didn't I? Torm's always been selfless with me. Never once have I seen his selfish until recently."

"Are you okay with him being selfish?"

This time Tomi looks up to meet Dr. Duke's gaze.

"It's about time he should."

~+Timeskip: Leader section lobby+~

After paper work and meetings throughout the day were finished. Tom and Tord finally brought their children to the lobby to have a talk. Although, Asher and Will has to go roam about since this is a family matter after all.

Tika felt awkward sitting between her brothers because of the fact that Torm's literally glancing at Tomi ever few seconds while said demon is looking down to the floor with loosely crossed arms.

"Okay kids, we have news for the three of you." Tord says with a soft smile resting on his lips after saying those words.

"Good or bad?" Torm asks looking at his parents.

Tom chuckles, "Good news actually. We're having a small family vacation, the five of us going to Red City."

The teens all lit up with excitement hearing those words come from their mother's mouth.

"We're going out?!"


"How long?!"

The three of them were all curious as to why they were talking this trip in the first place, but they didn't care. They get to spend time together with their parents for their first time without them working!

"Well we're staying for four days at the most, your father booked us a hotel room and everything to go along with it." Tom told them. "But on the first day I have to go do something, so I won't be back until later in the day. All three of you will be with your father for the day to have some bonding time."

'It seems logical since dad is usually the busiest person out of all of us.' Tika thinks to herself while looking at her dad.

Tord grins, "I know I haven't been around a lot to spend time with any of you and I'm sorry for that. I've just been so busy with work..."

Tomi laughs, stepping closer to his Dad to hug him tightly. "We get it Dad. You have the army and work to think about." He looks up at Tord with an understanding expression. "Just seeing you throughout the day is enough."

The leader pats his son on the head gently.

"Thanks for understanding."

Torm crosses his arms, trying keep a boiling temper down when he sees this affectionate action Tomi's displaying to their father. He shakes his head before looking to his mother, "When are we leaving?"

"Tomorrow morning after breakfast, you "grandparents" so to say, are driving the plane since they need to do some work over there for a bit." Tom tells them as he hugs Tomi when he moves over from Tord to him.

"Aren't we suppose to call grandma and grandpa uncles?" Tika says remembering the two older men.

"Uncle Pau and Uncle Pat insist we call them that because they don't want to feel old yet." Torm says with a tired sigh. Then again, it's been awhile since he's seen the two older soldiers around the base. Last time he had seen them had been around 3 months ago. "Where are they anyways?"

Tord decided to answer him since he is the one who give his parents their missions. "They'd been in one of the American Red Army Camps for the past few months to help discuss and lead troops to gain more group. From their recent report it seems everything is going steady that we might have America in about a few months from now. That is if the president decides to finally surrender."

"And there he goes..."Tom said seeing Tord breaking down into a fuse. He knows his husband had been taking care of reports, reading them over to keep up with updates of new information. Tord gets worked up on how stubborn the president could be even though they, the ones on defense, are losing land.

"I need to send a new rotation soon so we can bring back the wounded and soldiers who have been on their field long enough back here to rest." Tord says as he gets back to his work mindset.

"Hold on, who's going to be in charge of the base while we're gone?" Tomi questions now holding his Mom's hand.

From there Tom and Tord continued to answer their questions to make sure the children know what's happening while using this as a review for themselves to make sure they're not forgetting anything.

Patryk and Paul are definitely in charge of the base while they're away, but since they are flying them over to America, Zack and Reggie will temporarily hold the fort for the time being along with the rest of the Patrol department. Once the two red soldiers are done with their errands they'll fly back to the base to resume their duties.

On the night of the fourth day, Tord already booked a medium sized cargo plane to be used to head back to the Red Army Base that he will be driving while Tom is his copilot. It'll be stationed by a nearby small Red Army Base near the city.

By the time everything was in order, Tord dismissed the teens from their conversation. Tom continued to talk with Tord about a few more things in quiet voices while the kids were heading their rooms to get their clothes packed before getting some sleep.

Tomi was about to follow after Tika but got held back when someone grabbed his wrist.


The little demon looks back over his shoulder to Torm who has a soft, yet unsure expression on his face. "Where are you going? Our clothes are in our room."

Now that Torm thinks about it, he hasn't even seen his brother come into their room to get any change of clothes. However, Tomi actually has been coming into the room only when Asher and Torm aren't in the room.

"Oh... yeah..." Tomi says, turning around.

Torm didn't let go of his brother's wrist to lead him to their room. It didn't take a minute to get there anyways but it felt longer when it's just the two of them.

They enter their shared room and tension is just filled the space.

"Can you let go? I need to go to my closet..."

"Oh, yeah..." Torm didn't want to let go of his brother. He really didn't want to because he was afraid. The Devil lets go of of the Demon, Tomi moving away to his closet to go pack his clothes as fast he could.

Torm goes to his closet to pack some clothes for the four day trip along with one more outfit just in case something happens one of the days they are there.

What are you doing?! He's right there! Talk to him!

His doppleganger has quickly materialized in front of him but Torm walk right through him.

'I want to but-'

But what?! You won't get anywhere if you don't talk to him!

The look alike gives him a look of disgust as he reforms himself back after Torm had walked right into him. He stands behind the devil while Torm is getting his clothes together to put in his travel bag.

Torm's doppelganger crosses his arms and turns away from the other.

Like I said before, you're a failure. You can't even restore a bond that breaking under pressure

Torm pauses putting a clean shirt away.

It's like you don't love your brother anymore...

Meanwhile Tomi is dealing with his his own lookalike. His doppleganger bouncing around while Tomi is putting his clothes away in his back pack.

You're not gonna talk to Tormy?

'He doesn't want to talk to me...'

A hmmm sounds from his lookalike as he continues to pack.

It didn't look like that to me

He was sure for a fact Torm was holding Tomi's wrist to not let him get away, his digital eyes expressing an undertone of wanting to talk to his little brother.

Tomi you should talk to him


Even talking mentally his voice sounded weak.

His flinches when he feels a hand placed on his shoulder. He looks back to see Torm looking down at him with some seriousness to his expression.

"Tormy... what-"

"Tomi." He says firmly in a way that makes Tomi shiver. "Can we talk?"

This is your chance

Both doppelgängers said to their respective hosts in sync.

Tomi tried to play a fake smile like always for his brother. "Sure Tormy! What do you want to talk about?"

No! Tomi!

His doppleganger whines as he is already close to hitting his head against the wall. He didn't want Tomi to keep up his facade of being okay.

Tomi gets up on his feet when Torm offers him a hand up. The devil leads his brother to the bed to have him sit down on the end.

"Tomi, you've been distant lately... Is everything okay?" Torm asks looking down at his brother who in return looks up at him. He doesn't even think to let go of his brother's hands.

'No!' Tomi thought screaming in his head. He wasn't fine, he wanted to cry until this ache in his chest went away. For the love of god he wanted to hug brother until everything felt back to normal. "Everything's okay Tormy, why wouldn't it be?"

It hurt Torm to see his brother happy like this. He had a feeling there was something going on with his brother he isn't seeing properly. Torm squeezes his brother's hands in his own.

"Tomi don't lie to me."


Torm leans down and hugs his brother tightly. "It hurts Tomi, it hurts so much... Why are you avoiding me? Did I do something wrong?" Tomi could feel his brother's trembling body against his as he continued to speak. "Please don't lie to me Tomi... please... I know you, you know me..."

The devil's doppelganger stayed quiet as he watched his host crumble before his brother.

The pressure is just too much for him.

He pulls back and cups Tomi's cheeks. "Your big brother's worried about you."

Tomi eyes widen at the weak smile as the tears that had collected in the corner of Torm's eyes behind his goggles finally slid down his cheeks.

"I'm... sorry... *hic*" His voice stained because he could feel himself about to cry too. "Tormy *sniff* I'm sorry..."

Torm presses his forehead against Tomi's as he closes his eyes. "What kind of brother am I... I was being selfish I almost forgot about you."

Pale hands place themselves on top of Torm's before Tomi shakes his head. "No no no Tormy, it's my fault- I'm the selfish one!" The demon admits  looking at his brother guiltily. "If I hadn't- If I hadn't kept you so close-"

"I rather be close to you than far Tomi!" Torm remarks as he lets more tears fall from his eyes. He slides down until he's kneeling on the floor in front of his little brother. "I made a promise to you first before our sister- before all these new people came into our lives."

Tomi could never forget his brother's promise to him. "To protect me no matter what the cost..." Never as along as he lives. The light haired brunet holds his brother's hands and takes them off his cheeks to place them on his lap.

Torm looks to the side, "I do this so you can be happy, your smile always makes my day along with our sister and parents."

Tom and Tord, their parents, make up the build of the family foundation and support. Torm would be the walls that protect those kept inside, such as the heart and soul. Tomi in other terms would carry the soul while their little sister carries the heart.

If one of the two were to be hurt or missing the whole building would in shambles until the one missing is returned.

"I don't want to lose you..."

Tomi's expressions softens watching his brother continue to cry on face down on his thighs.

'Ah... Maybe Tormy has really been selfish all this time.' He thinks as he pets his brother's head to comfort him.

Torm's just been showing it in a different way that has to do with you... Although he cannot harbor the selfishness towards him forever.

"Tormy, I've been so scared you would leave me all alone, you know?" The devil opens his eyes when Tomi starts talking but he doesn't look at him yet. "You've been with me since we first met up to now." He could feel fresh tears collecting in the corner of his eyes.

"You've taken care of me during the hard times and been by my side without complaint. So..."

Torm look up at his brother's face smiling with pain.

"Do you know how hard it is for me to let you go?"

He had to let go of Tomi's hands to bring them up to wipe away those painful tears.

"I'm doing my best now to make sure you're happy too." Tomi pushes his brother back a bit to give him room to stand up. The devil keeps his eyes forward to the place Tomi was just sitting while Tomi walks around him to hug him from behind.

Tomi's doppelgänger watches with pity.

Tomi, it's time to go

Tomi knows it's not his place to hug his brother up front anymore. He has Asher to fill in that space now.

"Good night Torm." He lets his brother go and exits the bedroom to head to their sister's room. Tomi opens the door almost bumping into Asher who was just about to open the door to come in. "Sorry..."

"It's no problem." Asher replies in awe as Tomi walks pass him. Although he was surprised to see leftover tear trails from crying.

He turns back to look in the room to see that Asher is kneeling a little across from the foot of his bed. "Torm?"

The raven hair teen walks over to his boyfriend to see him crying. "Torm?!"

Torm's digital eyes had turned a light blue while tears continued to drip off his cheek.

"A-Asher?" His voice sounded so broken, so tired... so weak.

Asher could nothing but hug his boyfriend tightly in his embrace. Torm rested his head on Asher's shoulder, hands clutching the back of the teen's jacket.

"I'm a bad brother aren't I?"

"What? Torm you're not a bad brother!" He remembers the look on Tomi's face when he exited he room. "What did he say..."


"What did that short stack say to you Torm?!" His hugs Torm tighter to keep reassure the devil he's here.

There's no response.

Torm closes his eyes behind his goggles. He shakes his head before coming to stand up on his feet.

"I just wanna sleep..."

That was the end of the conversation.

~+Morning: Plane Hanger+~

Breakfast had been really awkward. Torm slowly pushed his food around while keeping the color of his eyes blue without knowing it. Tomi on the other hand ate quietly, too quietly, trying to avoid the looks his parents and sister were giving him.

Tom asked Torm what was wrong but he told his mother not to worry about it. Without a doubt, Tom worried about it since breakfast.

Now they were at the hangers waiting to board their plane for the Red City.

Soldiers around them were trying to make sure everything is accounted for before the plane takes off.

Tika comes over to her older brother, Torm, to hug his arm. "Torm..."

The older sibling turns his head a bit to look at her with silence, he doesn't speak, but he brings his free hand up to pat her head. As if he's says with his action 'I'm okay'. She hums while keeping her arms around her brother's left arm.

"Make sure to talk to me too Torm... please..." She already has talks with her demon brother. Torm doesn't talk to her as much about his problems, not even with Asher from what he heard the raven said to her.

"I know Tika." His voice is so soft spoken when she hears his brother's words. He leans down to kiss her forehead.

The soldiers placed their bags in the back of the plane while those staying behind said their goodbyes.

"Take care Tomi, please come back safely." Will said to his little charge patting his head.

Tomi smiles the best he could while Ace give one of his usual silent nods in agreement with Will.

Tika ran to her favorite dog, after letting go of her brother, getting down on her knees to hug the oversized beast tightly. "Sorry we can't take you with us Seth. I wish we could bring you, but dad and mom are scared we might lose you." Seth barks and licks his mistress's cheek in comfort in a way to tell her it's okay.

"Don't cause too much trouble Devil. I'm not gonna be there to stop you if you do."

With a small, half hearted smile, Torm chuckles as he turns around looking at his boyfriend. "As long as you don't miss me too much."

Asher gives his love a light kiss on the lips before backing off. "Take the time to relax..." He glances over to Tomi who is still saying his goodbyes with Will and Ace from a few feet behind Torm. "If possible, spend time with your little brother."

Torm's eyes widen at the suggestion until they lower with a sadden expression. "Yeah..." The raven holds the devil's hands giving them a light squeeze in comfort.

"Kids! It's time to board!" Tom calls them from the bottom of the stairs to enter the plane.

"Coming!" Tika replies giving Seth one last hug before running over to her mom.

Asher and Torm share one last hug before they go their separate ways for the next four days.

Tomi pulls Ace and Will down by one of their arms and gives them goodbye kisses on the cheek. He moves away from them giggling leaving behind two pink messes behind.

Torm, Tomi, and Tika climb up the stairs waving one last goodbye to the group. They enter the plane while Tom closes the door behind them after getting in himself.

The soldiers move the stairs away and by the door another soldier signals the pilots to head out.

Patryk talks into the mic to get word that they're clear to fly out. Paul is checking that all the gears and switches were turned of flipped in the right direction.

"You're clear for take off from the Red Tower."

"Everything seems in order, clear from the Blue Tower."

Patryk gives the thumbs up to Paul who nods as he starts driving the plane out onto the runway.

Meanwhile the Lawson has taken their seats in the midsection of the plane.

Tika sat between her brothers, Tomi by the window and Torm by the aisle. They parents sat on the other side of the plane near the front, still visible from where they're sitting.

The plane ran down the runway, picking up enough speed to get up into the air.

"Hmm..." Torm hums glancing to his brother and sister looking out the window.

'This is our first time ever exploring some place outside the base together...'

Tika smiles as they fly above the clouds with awe. "It's so pretty!"

Tomi enjoys the view as well as he rests his elbows on the arm rest, placing his hands on his cheeks to watch the scenery go by.

'A whole new experience...'


New Chapter!!!

Hope you guys enjoyed this new chapter, to be honest I kinda cried while writing this ^^' no idea why haha...

Anyways if you have yet to join the Amino, check out it out by Typing in Dear Daughter Eddsworld!

Any questions? ask me on Amino, insta, email, or wattpad on an in line comment here as always ^^


Now for the real deal (*''*)

Fanart! I give you guys the Hall of Cute and Laughable Fanart! *I got some more but I'll put it in next chapter*

-lizzieandlilahvlogs on insta









-andrea.pufka on insta


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