Adventures Everyday

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I love all the roads we will walk together.
I love all the sceneries we will see together.
I love all the questions we will shyly ask each other
and all the answers to those questions.
I love you in all those moments


From lazy Sundays to spontaneous road trips, every mundane moment seemed to sparkle with the magic of "us."

On those lazy Sundays, we just enjoyed simply being together. We cocooned ourselves in blankets, entwined in a dance of limbs and laughter, and the aroma of coffee accompanied our conversations. Breakfast was a leisurely affair.

Whether it was tackling household chores side by side, experimenting with a new recipe that ended in fits of laughter, or collapsing onto the couch for a movie marathon, each shared moment added a stroke of 'us' in daily routine. It was within these unhurried hours that our connection deepened, and the ordinary transformed into something extraordinary.

A mere mention of a road trip could turn this slow paced comfort into adventure with wind tousling our hair as we chased the horizon . On those winding roads, we discovered the beauty of the unexpected—the charming diners with mismatched chairs, the hidden waterfalls, and the panoramic landscapes.

Even the ordinary became exciting. Grocery shopping turned into playful cart races and dancing in the aisles. A simple walk in the park became a series of leg pulling and laughter, sometimes it was deep as we bore our hearts with each other.It wasn't just about the grand adventures but the daily rituals that became sacred—a stolen glance across the dinner table, a shared smile during a mundane task, or the warmth of your hand reaching for mine in the quiet of the night.

Every shared cup of coffee, every spontaneous adventure, and every mundane task became opportunities for connection and every small gesture added a spark of us turning ordinary into extraordinary. It was our safe heaven we laid foundation in those shared moments. It was then I realised that we found love by simply being together and sharing our routines.

As I reminisce those days I'm still wondering what made us slip when we had laid such a strong foundation. Weren't we the one's who finish each other's sentences? It was actually a reason to leg pulling by our family. It was a skill that they had developed over the years of being together and it always amazed their loved ones. However, little did they know that this skill would lead to a series of hilarious and embarrassing moments for them.

It all started when they decided to attend a family gathering together. Neil's parents were hosting a barbecue and all of their extended family was invited. As soon as Neil and Avni arrived, they were greeted with warm hugs and kisses from everyone. But as soon as they started talking, their family members couldn't help but notice that they were constantly finishing each other's sentences.

'Hey, Avni , how are you-' Neil's sister, Rhea, started but was interrupted by Neil finishing her sentence, 'Feeling better after your flu?'

Neil and Avni burst out laughing as Rhea looked at them with a confused expression. 'How did you know I had the flu?' she asked, bewildered.

'We just know each other so well,' Avni replied with a smile, causing everyone to chuckle.

As the day went on, Neil and Avni's family members started to make a game out of it. They would purposely start a sentence and wait for the couple to finish it. And every time, they were right on the mark.

'Hey, Neil, do you remember-' his cousin, Rishi, started but was cut off by Avni finishing his sentence, 'The time you got lost in the mall?'

Everyone burst into laughter as Neil's face turned red. 'Okay, okay, enough of this game,' he said, playfully rolling his eyes at her.

But the fun didn't stop there. Avni's parents also joined in on the leg-pulling. During dinner, her mom asked, 'Avni, do you remember when-' but before she could finish, Neil chimed in, 'You burned the chicken ?' And her mother added 'burnt the skillet too'

Her parents couldn't stop laughing as Avni buried her face in her hands. 'I can't believe you remember that,' she said, trying to hide her embarrassment.

But the real challenge came when their friends joined in on the fun. They would purposely try to trick the couple by starting a sentence and then changing it halfway through. However, to everyone's surprise, They were still able to finish each other's sentences, even if they were completely off track.

At one point, Avni's best friend, Sakshi, started a sentence with 'Remember the-' but stopped midway and said, 'No, nevermind, you'll never guess it.'

But before she could even finish, both exclaimed, 'The time we accidentally got locked out of the house and had to climb through the window?'

Sakshi's jaw dropped in shock as everyone around them burst into laughter. 'How do you two do that?' she asked in amazement.

They just shrugged and shared a knowing smile. They had always been in sync with each other and finishing each other's sentences was just a natural part of their relationship

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