Soundtrack of their lives

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Cause you're the reasons of my life
Everything is full of you.
It filled with to overflowing
Not even one thing.
It can't be completed without you.
You're the last piece

Dear diary,

As we walked hand in hand along the beach, the warm sun shining down on them, both couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia. It had been almost a year since they first met, and their relationship had been a whirlwind of adventure, laughter, and love.

As they settled down on the sand, he pulled out his phone and opened up a playlist that was dear to both of them. It was a shared playlist that they had created together, filled with songs that held special memories for them.

'Remember when we first made this playlist?' Neil asked, a smile on his face.

Avi nodded, a fond look in her eyes. 'Of course, it was the soundtrack of our lives.'

They had spent hours curating the perfect playlist, adding in songs that they both loved and that reminded them of each other. It had become the backdrop to their many road trips, lazy days at the beach, and nights spent dancing in each other's arms.

As the first song started playing, Avni closed her eyes and let the music wash over her. It was a song that he had introduced her to on their second date, and it had quickly become their anthem. They both sang along, their voices blending together perfectly.

As the playlist continued, they reminisced about the memories attached to each song. The time they got caught in a rainstorm and danced in the rain to 'I'm Yours' by Jason Mraz. The road trip to the mountains where they belted out 'Don't Stop Believing' by Journey at the top of their lungs.

But as they reached the end of the playlist, Avni couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. This playlist, once the soundtrack of their lives, was now just a reminder of what they once had. Their relationship had hit a rough patch, and they had been drifting apart lately.

Neil noticed the change in her demeanor and squeezed her hand. 'What's wrong, love?'

Avni took a deep breath before speaking. 'I just miss how things used to be. This playlist was our thing, and now it feels like we're losing it too.'

Neil's heart sank at her words. He knew they had been struggling, but he didn't want to lose what they had. 'I know things have been tough lately, but I promise to work on us. We can't let our shared playlist become just a memory.'

Avni looked at him, tears glistening in her eyes. She knew he was right. They couldn't let their love fade away. With a determined look, she pressed play on the first song again, and they both sang along, their voices stronger and more passionate this time.

As the last song faded away, they shared a heartfelt hug, both silently promising to never let their love die and to keep adding new memories and songs to their shared playlist.

Weren't we this sorted Neil? We did have differences but didn't we promise to work hard? Didn't we promise to stay patient? Didn't we promise not to let our love die? Then why did we end abruptly?

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