Chance encounters

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It had been years since they last saw each other, but the memories of their time together still lingered in their minds. They had been inseparable, two halves of a whole, until fate pulled them apart. But even after all this time, fate seemed to have other plans for them.

Their paths crossed unexpectedly one day, in the most unlikely of places. She was rushing to catch her train when she suddenly bumped into him. The shock on their faces was evident, but it quickly turned into a bittersweet smile as they recognized each other.

For a moment, they stood there, lost in each other's gaze, reliving the memories of their past. But reality soon set in and they both knew that this was just a near-miss, a chance encounter that was not meant to be.

But fate had other ideas. The next day, they found themselves in the same coffee shop, standing in line right next to each other. It was as if the universe was playing a cruel joke on them, bringing them together and then pulling them apart again. They couldn't help but strike up a conversation, catching up on each other's lives.

As they parted ways once again, they both couldn't shake off the feeling that they were meant to keep crossing paths. And sure enough, it happened again. This time, they found themselves at a bookstore bumping in the romance section. They shared a knowing smile and he turned into literary section.

There was a sudden downpour. As I hurried through to seek refuge in the canteen I saw him having tea . It was as if the heavens wanted us to keep us in proximity. Raindrops became silent witnesses to our nearness, and for a moment, the world blurred around us. As the rain stopped I rushed to my scooter to get over with this lingering silence and awkwardness. But alas fate had other plans. My vehicle didn't start as the water had entered inside it's engine. I immediately opened ola in my phone but couldn't book a single rickshaw as roads were flooded and the rates were skyrocketed.

He pulled his car in front of me and silently towed my scooter. I hopped in his SUV hoping he doesn't strike any conversation. He took the driver seat and turned towards me scolding 'this is the reason I insist you to buy a car. It's not like you don't know to drive. You're wasting your license!'.

I immediately turned defensive 'Cars are just another way to blow your money Neil. You have to pay for maintenance, insurance. I'm good with maintaining my scooter.'

Neil just blew air to release his frustration 'this is what I hate about you Avni. Being frugal is one thing and being miser to a point where it's disadvantageous to self is another. See the condition of your scooter. It has lived it's life for 10 years. Why don't you at least buy a new one.'

I tried to reason 'How can I give it yet when it is running just fine. I don't know how to give up on things easily.'

He just shook me 'But you know how to give up on people.'

I stared away from him shifting under his gaze uncomfortably. Hot tears made their way down. He made me to face him and stared into my eyes intensely as if trying to find answers. Time froze and the only sound was that of the car engine. A sudden jolt brought us back into reality.

Neil ran his fingers through his hair and went to check. He had stopped the car in the middle of the road leading to traffic jam. Though he had parked towards the left the car being an SUV took up mammoth space in that narrow lane. He apologised and swiftly drove towards her apartment but stopped in the parallel lane.

My stomach twisted into a knot dreading the upcoming conversation. Neil turned off the ignition and stared at the street in silence with his arms crossed. I couldn't help but close my eyes and recall our moments in this very lane under the soft glow of street lights. We always lost the track of time sharing how our day went to being silly by pulling each other's legs on our silly mistakes to making deep conversations.

But today it was different we were just shifting in this unnerving silence. It was the longest 15 minutes I have ever had with him beside. He cleared his throat ' So Avni, where were we? When you're too stubborn to give up on your dying vehicle, how come easily gave up on me and gave up on us'

I reasoned 'It wasn't my fault alone Neil. It takes two to tango.'

His reply was confident ' I'm all ears. I want to know where I went wrong. I had been trying to have a meaningful conversation with you but you have closed yourself up. Insaan apne sar deewar par phode par ye na jaane Avni kyu naraz ya dukhi hai'

I let a heavy breath which I was holding back 'Are you playing dumb even now Neil. What we shared Neil was more than solid. We were able to finish each others sentences and even our thoughts on many things were aligned but yet you didn't understand why I was upset'

Neil clenched his fists 'I'm not a god damn mind reader'

I touched his arms 'This temper of your's is something I was unaware of Neil. I was unable to handle it. This side if yours was unknown to me. This devastating temper. If it was not for your father'

He cut in between 'I have heard this a lot. I just wanted to know why you chose to leave me'

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