Chapter 7

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Jimin didn't knew why he was doing this to himself again, ripping his own heart open and letting it bleed red was something that was not what he wanted yet he couldn't help it.

He had to burn himself in pain to relive every moment the constant reminder...the pain was what held him understand that it was all a reality and not a dream.

Tracing his own dagger that was pushed into his heart he was ready to push it deeper.

Dear diary,

I almost confessed to her today through my letter sorry to tear one of your precious memory out of your life but I let it go to waste.

I couldn't do it so here I had made a bad decision of my life yet again.

My finger tips are bleeding yet again but to be honest it doesn't hurt that much, maybe I am kindled up with pain.

I feel sorry for my guitar it's stings must of hurt with the way I let myself drown taking out my pain.

Staring at it again I can see the blood move down to the wooden fiber. I hate myself for doing the bad things to me but it's too late when I get conscious of my surroundings.

It's bad I am unaware of my own self somehow.

I don't know who invited me but I found myself with a invitation of a party.

I don't wanna go but what will I do in these four walls? Punish myself for something I had no control over is just a sad thing I guess.

It's not I stomped on my own happiness...I don't even know what true happiness is...

Then I guess I will see ya later diary.

Jimin sighed seeing the entry and the rain storm taking over.

Looks like this visit to hospital will be delayed for now.

His eyes yet again locked on the small diary pressed against his chest providing him warmth yet reminding him of cruel times.

"I remember that day so clear," he whispered to the invisible companion resting his wild painful soul at the window frame.

Jimin's butler knocked on the door softly and opened it making sure not to disturb his master.

The caring elder looked at the frozen sculpture of his young broken yet so beautiful.

He didn't had any child of his own, after his wife passed away in merely three years of marriage he couldn't let go of her and embrace the fact that he will love her and only her till last breath.

Looking at Jimin it hurted his heart to see the young man suffering so much.

"Master your appointment is cancelled due to storm coming in the city, it's better if we wait until it has passed it," he said softly.

Jimin didn't said anything, neither did he moved from his place or even seem to be breathing at that point.

"Okay," he whispered back turning away the pages yet again.

The old man looked at the book and his eyes softened.

"Young master you shouldn't be reading that, you have a lot of work," he said only to get waved away by Jimin.

Closing his eyes he hopped down the memory lane again leaving the old man sighing and waking out of room.

The room was filled with deafening noise with sweet scent of poisonous drinks more like what humans like to call relievers of their pain to escape their reality, there Jimin sat on a red chair with his own golden poison in hand swirling it softly making the ice crash with glass making softly sound.

He had no idea what brought him here but it was anything but the idea of fun or the hot hormonal bodies pressing against each other their eyes filled with lust.

The room was packed with people yet why did he felt void in this crowd... emptiness filling up his heart which was quite the irony.

Meanwhile he didn't knew the girl who made his life restless was sitting in the same room with her boyfriend's arm wrapped around her body.

His soft touches of affection made her chuckle and snuggle closer to him feeling his warmth.

Taehyung kissed her side of forehead softly spoiling his princess with every happiness, he loves her there was no denying that and she loves him the same it was quiet a shock when they confessed their feelings for each other at the same time.

Time was in their favour and there they are in each other's arms intertwined with a string of love whose color was still blooming red.

Karey who was sitting with them was too busy glaring at the girl's brother Jeon Jungkook, who was busy flirting with a girl and the mere though of it made her want to punch him and that girl both.

Does this boy not see or is he really that idiotic? She thought in her mind as her hand squeezed hard at the can making it burst and the liquid explode and trickle down her soft skin.

Sook jumped at the sound but soon the couple got what happened and Taehyung sighed helplessly while Sook felt sorry for her.

"You know he won't magically know your feelings why don't you go and confess?," Sook said softly trying to help her friend's love string to get caught with her brother.

Karey snorted at the said and turned to Sook.

"Your brother is a whore," she said bluntly.

Taehyung bursts into a fit of laughter at her comment.

It was no lie thought which made Sook a little sad, she didn't liked it when someone called her brother that but it wasn't exactly a lie...

"Oh come on Kare just go and confess who knows that he might like you too," Sook spoke making Karey roll her eyes at her.

Karey wanted to ...but she was afraid not because of rejection but the fact that he night accept her just to keep her heart even when she won't be able to make him happy...that's what she feared Jungkook may be a playboy and run around from responsibilities but he was a loyal friend and could break anyone's jaw who tried to mess with them.

"Hey guys," Jungkook said as he came to the table with the girl wrapped around his arm.

Oh how much Karey wanted to break that arm of his, she looked away acting uninterested.

"Guys meet my girlfriend Mira and Mira meet my friends Karey and Taehyung, Sook is my sister and Taehyung's girlfriend," He introduced them not noticing how heavy the atmosphere on the table was.

"Hello am Mira it's nice to meet you all," she said softly her voice sounding sweet.

Sook bite get lip anger taking over her yet it was technically not the girl's fault, she must not even know the reputation of her brother.

Taehyung's eyes took in her small form, the soft curls on her long hair, her soft caramel skin with a hint of blush decorating her cheeks and bloody red lipstick, her black dress was tight and revealing some of her cleavage.

She was beautiful neitherless to say.

"I am going to get some drinks," Karey said leaving the table not caring how rude it sounded or how bad it made her look.

Taehyung and Sook sighed and Mira blinked and look down.

"Am I interrupting your time with friends?," She asked softly to Jungkook whose eyes softened.

"No you ain't don't worry about them," he said making her seat down with them.

"Hello Mira am Taehyung," Taehyung held his hand out and a soft smile made its way to her lips.

Atleast not all of them were hating her. She thought as she shook his hand.

"Am Jungkook's sister Sook," she said and shook her hand. Mira softly nodded at her.

Jungkook wrapped his arm around her shoulder pulling her closer trying to make her comfortable.

Jimin's eyes found the gorgeous woman of his dreams right in front of him making his eyes widened, he wanted to jump on his feet and embrace her in his arms telling her how much she means to him yet he couldn't...

The way Taehyung had wrapped his arms around her giving her soft kisses brushing his long finger at her silky hair and rosy cheeks, everything about her just made her look beautiful yet Taehyung was tarnishing her beauty.

He shouldn't be the should be me.

One drink, two, three ...he lost count after that but the burning sensation in his throat by the venomous alcohol was addictive... beautiful, tainted yet so good to crave.

His eyes felt heavy under alcoholic effect yet he continued to stare at the beautiful woman in front of her.

He hated the way she was happy with someone else yet ...he could do nothing.

"I need to use bathroom," Sook whispered in Taehyung's ear making him smirk.

"Are you inviting me or something?," He asked with a flirty tone making Soon blush and smack him in chest.

Taehyung chuckled at her.

"Don't take too much time or else I would come for you," he said nibbling softly at her earlobe making her gasp.

"Taehyung," Sook pushed him away making him chuckle as she rushed away the blood creping at her cheeks giving it a rosy texture tempting to bite.

Sook walked to the bathroom on first floor not knowing a pair of eyes were still following her.

Taehyung sat awkwardly at the couple making out at the opposite couch.


Sook sighed as she fixed her hair and makeup smiling after applying the blush on her checks when suddenly darkness engulfed the room, she looked around scared because of sudden black out when the sound of door closing made her turn around.

The tall figure stood in front of her made her smile softly.

A soft blush rose her cheeks and the figure stared at her.

"You couldn't stay away from me huh? You are such a pervert," she said making the man in front of her stare at her with devotion in eyes yet she was oblivious to everything.

Jimin's eyes traced her figure with helpless eyes.

He loved her, he loved her so much yet he couldn't do anything, helpless pathetic little human is what he felt.

He yearned to touch her yet he knew it was too selfish for him to ask that, he would tain her beautiful soul.

Without his mind knowing what he was doing he had already embraced her in his arms.

He swore it was the best feeling ever, her in his arms was best thing that happened to him.

Sook furrowed as she felt a difference in the touch of man, Taehyung feels different her mind said yet she kept quiet.

Jimin inhaled her scent cherishing it knowing it won't last long.

His lips resting at the crook of her neck as he ran his nose at the skin making Sook shiver.

The soft scent of flowers made him want to steal more of it.

He inhaled the scent placing a soft kiss at her neck making the girl gasp and breath heavily under the sudden intoxication.

"You don't know how much irresistible you are," He said as he licked at her flesh sucking gently on it, the words held much more truth that she could detect.

For her it was Taehyung holding her but for was his whole world.

His passion, his love.

Everything he ever wished and prayed for in life.

Running his soft fingers at her curves Sook furrowed as his touch felt too unfamiliar to her body.

Parting from her he cupped her face softly meanwhile Sook was positive something was different.

Jimin be a little I can't's my only sorry. He debated in his mind yet he lost to his heart.

Slowly he pressed his lips to hers, his heart filling up with a lot of emotions making him tear up, her lips felt so soft just like he imagined soft pink lips like rose petals.

Jimin kissed her passionately yet Sook never responded her body shaking feeling scared.

It was not Taehyung, it can't be him.

Jimin moved his lips softly his mind drifting to the tune he first played when he saw her.

Sook felt the stranger kiss her, though it was neither forceful or harsh on contrary it made her feel an unknown beautiful sensation in her body.

Lips pressing against her she felt his one hand reach up and pin both her hands making her gasp a little. 

The little opening did nothing but drove Jimin to lose his mind as he pushed his tongue in her mouth.

Soft caressing her tongue with his he let his desires take control.

The alcohol doing nothing but pushing his brain to shut down any sense and give in his desires.

Sook tried to resist but it was too intoxicating.

The way his tongue was caressing hers, how his hand traced her skin as if worshipping it resulting in goosebumps rising at her body.

She felt helpless as her hands were pinned down leaving no option but let the unknown stranger devour on her sweet juices.

Jimin pushed his tongue running it at her lower lip and biting on it softly.

Even if she wasn't his...

Jimin grabbed her waist pulling her closer their body pressing together and Sook swore she could feel the build body under his clothes.

Jimin felt her struggles die down as a soft moan left her lips.

"Don't moan like that sweetheart," He whispered against her lips.

"I might lose my control," his deep raspy voice send shiver down her spine and she couldn't figure out if it was in a good way or bad way.

Pressing his lips with her firmly he gave her no chance as he let go of her arms and grabbed her leg pulling her body closer to his.

My forbidden sweet dream. He murmured under his breath as his lips and tongue explore every inch of Sook's mouth. 

Oh the way he wanted to touch her, tease her, hold her, stay with her.

In the end it was all a bittersweet reality he lived in.

He bit on her lip a little harder than he intended to making her whimper softly.

Alcohol making him blind at the moment he pulled away letting her breath as his lips moved down to kiss her neck, nibbling on it.

Sook wrapped her around his neck.

Jimin thrust at her making both of their lower body rub against each other.

"Ahh fuck," Sook moaned softly her hands finding their way in his hair pulling him closer.

Jimin grabbed the back of her neck pulling her closer as he licked and sucked harshly on her skin making her moan softly.

This isn't Taehyung.  She thought. 

"Let me go," she protested softly but her whisper came our too weak between her moans as he repeatedly started to thrust faster dry humping her faster.

She didn't knew what it was, but the feeling was too good. How his body was rubbing against hers.

His movements started to get rougher as his lips sucked on the tender skin where he had bited making a huge love bite.

His tongue caressed her smooth pale skin as his hands moved down to cup her clothed core under her skin.

"No. Stop," she spoke but Jimin paid no heed to her words as  at this point he just wanted to live in this sweet dream. He didn't knew if it was a sweet dream of his or cruel reality.

His fingers circling at her inner thigh Sook felt an unknown pleasure run down her body.

Her body arched pressing against his tighter as she closed her eyes a soft moans leaving her mouth yet again as Jimin slide his lips up to her jaws sucking and kissing her skin.

His fingers move closer and closer to her clothed core as his lips founds her yet again.

Both of them kissed each other their mind holding nothing but the touch of each other.

A sharp gasp left her mouth as his fingers run at her clothed folds carassing them gently.

Taking his time he rolled his tongue with hers as he thrust his fingers up and down her folds almost making the girl lose her mind.

His touch...

Too good.

He thrusted his fingers faster grabbing her waist pulling her closer.

His lips dominating her in every sense.

Her attempts to get away falling weaker and weaker.

He sucking on the tip of her tongue making her whimper softly against her lips.

His fingers moving faster filling her body with pleasure.

"No. St...ah," she protested weakly against him that he didn't let her finish as he slides his index finger at her folds rubbing in circular motion drumming against her soft folds.

She wanted to run away, she wanted to scream but it all died down against his touch.

Her knees almost gave up the support making her cling onto Jimin's shirt firmly supporting herself.

His lips yet again captured hers as they moved in a sync.

Too drunk on the feeling Jimin moved his hand up to trace the band of her underwear and in that split second Sook's mind cleared up to grasp in the situation.

A stranger was all over her. The thought made her scared.

"Sook," she heard in a very familiar voice at the back of her voice.

His image came into her mind.


How can she do this to him?

His mental image of smiling at her made her heart ache and before she knew insticts kicked in.

She pushed him away with all her strength and just ran.

Tears filled her eyes as situation started to make a lot more clear in her head.

She kissed a stranger back not only that let him all over her.

Taehyung...I....I betrayed him.

She thought as she kept running never looking back.

Jimin who was too stunned at what just happened stare into the blank wall as he let the situation sink in and the harsh reality stabbed in his chest making his heart bleed.

She belongs to someone else...he is hurting her.

He hurted her.

Stumbling ro the wall he rested his face againt the cold tile, he couldn't believe he let his emotions run wild.

And just like that he also ran away, away from his feeling, away from rejection, away from hurt, away from his love.

That was the first time he found lyrics to his tune, the lonely piece of music finally started to come together that he wrote from the shattered glass painted to his bleeding heart.

I'm sitting alone, only my mind wanders
Since when did you start hurting me?
See, you don’t even know.

You're hurting me too cause you're mine
I just want to blow your mind
We're drifting apart again
"I don't even feel it" That's what I say
But to be honest that's not it.

He messed up, it wasn't suppose to be like this.

His promise to himself was too hard to keep because his love for her was too much.

I promise to never hurt you again, I promise to always be by your side yet never let you see me, I promise to protect you with my life because you make my heart beat, I promise to take care of you even if it was him you will go with, even if it was him who made your heart beat even if it was him who will hold you in arms when you break down yet I promise it will be me who will do anything in my power to put that smile back on your face that you won't know would be from me.

Even if it was him who has your heart I promise that it would be me who make sure it won't break and if it did I will make sure to gather your pieces and hold you, I promise to love you with every cell in my heart and till I take my last breath...the only woman I would love would be you.

Cause I can promise you my love for you ain't a flower that will dry up, my love for you is like that paint that even if you had painted me black I would gladly accept it not trying to change it,'s you.

I am sorry. I am sorry I hurted you but I love you Jeon Sook and I always will.

Happy promise day to my dear friends.

Stream promise.

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