Chapter 8

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Jimin's finger refuse to stop reading all the agony and pain that he was going through.

It was so fresh as if it happened yesterday.

Dear diary,

I finally mustered up my courage to go to college again and this time I ain't backing out, nothing can stop me from loving her and I won't let her boyfriend get in my way.

No more crying or feeling pain, even if she ain't mine I will make sure she is going to be happy.

Sook smiled softly making Jimin's heart flutter although he ignored it for now.

"You dropped this," she said as she held out a notebook.

Jimin smiled softly.

"Thanks," his body froze when he noticed it was no ordinary book but his diary.

No don't hurry and take it normally or else she would think something is wrong with it. Jimin convinced himself in his mind although his heart was racing with fear spiking inside his body.

What if she read it? He questioned himself in mind as his finger grabbed the soft covered book and Sook kept smiling at him.

It was impossible to know what's on her mind...maybe she didn't because if she did she wouldn't have came to give me this. He thought trying to be on rational did but his imagination was taking him way too far.

"It's okay btw I got the sweater back in great condition thank you," her smile reached her eyes and if only he could click her picture or just tell time to stop for a while he would love to admire her.

"Babe," a deep voice cut in shattering Jimin's attention and a hand wrapped around Sook's waist making her chuckle.

A soft and delicate kiss on cheek by none other than her boyfriend made Jimin look down.

"Who is this?," Taehyung asked raising an eyebrow at her.

Sook chuckled at his overprotectiveness.

"Taehyung this is Jimin my classmate and Jimin this is Taehyung my boyfriend," she said and didn't that hurt like thousand of paper cuts making his heart bleed once again.

"Ah nice to meet you," Jimin said shaking his hand with Taehyung.

"Nice to meet you too," Taehyung said as their hand interlocked and he swore Jimin almost squeezed his hand too hard at a point making him wince.

"I should get going," Jimin said with a nod.

"Why don't you join us? I mean you are always alone come with us," Sook insisted.

He knew he shouldn't take up her offer, he knew he would regret it yet ...

Here he was sitting on the table with Taehyung, Sook, her brother Jungkook and his girlfriend Mira with a glaring and upset Karey.

Great now this is something he can't do...interact socially.

What do he do?

Talk? About what?

"So Jimin I heard you play, what do you play?," Mira asked her arms wrapped around Jungkook which a certain someone was not liking at all.

"I ...umm yeah I play guitar, piano and well violin," he said making all girls at table gasp in surprise.

"You play guitar?"

"You play piano?"

"You play violin?"

All three woman asked together.

Taehyung and Jungkook raised their eyebrow at it.

"Oh come on playing piano is so cool," Mira said already impressed with Jimin.

"Yeah but violin damn that takes talent," Karey said.

"I play violin too," Miral said and Karey rolled her eyes.

"Violin is not that impressive," Karey said making Jungkook roll his eyes at her statement.

"But guitar is so romantic I love guitar," Sook said and Jimin smiled at her.

"Really?," He asked a little hope in his heart was trying to seek in which he pushed away.

Not now, not right now. He thought to himself.

"Yeah I love it so much can you play for me someday?," She asked.

Oh only if she knew how many lyrics she had slipped in of his songs, how many tears he had shed singing her name and how many strings he broke trying to sing more just to hear her name again and again.

"Hey I am your boyfriend," Taehyung reminded her making her chuckle.

Jimin looked down a little sad at the thought though he was getting used to it now.

"Who can't even play guitar," Sook remarked making him pout.

"Jimin shi you know you can come down to my place we hace great collection of instruments handmade and unique you won't find them anywhere else in Korea," Mira said as Jungkook stroke her back.

"Really? I would love to check them out sometimes and maybe get some new strings for my guitar too," he said remembering how his strings broke down blood coating them.

He shook his head to clear his thoughts.

"Do come by," Mira said as she placed a card at Jimin's side.

"We can get your guitar some good strings and also maybe play something together," she offered.

Jimin gulped dryly but nodded.

"You must play a lot are you planning to go into a music company?," Sook asked and Jimin gave him her whole attention.

"Not particularly, I am actually a management student, my parents are hoping for me to take over the business," he said with a sigh.

"Oh you have business?," Taehyung asked and he don't know why that annoyed Jimin to the core.

Dude I am trying to talk to the love of my life can you just shut you bloody mouth for now? He thought to himself.

"Yeah kind of," he replied trying his urge to curse at the annoying human.

"Hey if you have time can you teach me to play guitar?" Taehyung asked.

Ha in your dreams bitch you won't be even able to do a cord right. He thought.

"Well I am not so sure about that," Sook cut in laughing at him.

"I can play good if I try," Taehyung said only for Karey to burst into laughter.

"Yeah right," she said.

"Hey are you mocking me?," Taehyung asked in a challenging voice.

"Oh please Taehyung you suck," Jungkook cut in making everyone burst into laughter except the poor guy who pouted.

Maybe it was not that bad of an idea to join them. Jimin thought.

"Awee come here," Sook said and she pecked Taehyung softly who smiled and kissed her.

I take that statement back, this was the worst idea ever.

Dear diary,

I sat with Sook today and her friends they were nice... except well Taehyung I don't like him at all.

He was literally all over Sook like dude I got it she is yours no need to show it that much it was so annoying.

Although I would say that it felt good talking to people after a long time and not about business or work...just random stuff.

I smiled a lot today especially when karey was ready to pull off Jungkook's hair for teasing her.

That was funny.

Mira is nice too she told me she would show me her most beautiful violins from grandfather's collection and also gave me some strings for guitar.

Jungkook asked me to come to game next time and he would show me some great ways to play basketball.

Taehyung was being annoying as I said and Sook...well she is still the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.


Are they something along the lines? I don't know but they are someone near the line I guess.

Except Taehyung that is.

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