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Dear Molly...
I need to write this letter for you because I'm dropping you off to Lucy's care because I'm going to fight in the war and I want you to have something from me, lest I die in the battlefield.

"So he-" Fred paled, remembering himself being pulled from that crumbling wall, wanting to thank his hero but his hero has already fled.

The day you were conceived, it was purely unintentional. None of us was actually ready to have you. But we never regretted having you amongst us. Your mother Penelope was very diligent in raising you, even more so than I was.

Molly bit her lip as she remembered the little girl's dead mother.

Penelope never gave up on you, never once thought you shouldn't exist. You should've met her, she'd really love to meet you. But Penelope once told me to cremate her body if she dies, so I did. It's what she would've wanted, even though it tears me to say this.

"You did the right thing," Charlie said.

I never mentioned to you about my other family. I do have them. I actually named you, Molly, after my own mother, Molly. She and my dad, her husband Arthur, would've love to meet you.

"You're not wrong-" Arthur smiled solemnly.

I also have six other siblings. Isn't that a lot? Yes, it is, I hope you can meet all of them. There's Uncle Bill, Uncle Charlie, Uncle Fred, Uncle George, Uncle Ron, and Aunt Ginny.

"Uncle Bill!" George grinned. Bill scowled.

"I'm not old!" Bill huffed. "Don't call me uncle!"

"You're married."

Uncle Bill is so cool.

"Yeah-" Bill flipped his hair back and let out finger guns.

"Shut up-" Charlie nudged at him.

He's a curse-breaker in Gringgots, Molly. He is exceptionally caring and quick-thinking. He had been Prefect and Head Boy too, you know? I idolised him so much during my childhood. I really miss him. Bill, if you ever meet Molly, please treat her with great kindness. For her sake and mine.

Bill bit his lower lip as he remembered that he didn't really look for Percy during his estrangement. He remembered cursing to no end as Percy didn't attend his wedding or when he's in St. Mungo's when he was attacked by Greyback. Merlin, he feels so guilty now. Percy misses him?

He has a wife, Aunt Fleur. I don't really know much about Aunt Fleur, but I know that she had been brave and kind. She's also French and she was a contestant for Tri-wizard Tournament against Harry Potter.

Bill sighed. He misses Fleur, when will she be back from France?

Next on the line, Uncle Charlie! He's a dragon tamer. Yes, the fiery red breathy scaly thingies. He can tame them and make them follow his command.

"You're flattering me-" Charlie laughed.

He was Gryffindor Quidditch Captain, Oliver idolised him so much.

"Perhaps too much-" the twins sniggered.

He's so brave, selfless, dedicated, he's a lot of things at once. I'd say he wasn't the smartest, but hey, he's family.


Next, we have Uncle Fred and Uncle George. They're pranksters, like you. I think you would've loved meeting them. They also have a knack of driving your father insane. Promise me that you'll never team up with them, Merlin knows what you three could've done. You inherited your mother's mischievous nature.

"For that reason-"

"We will."

They actually sent Aunt Ginny a toilet seat one time.

The twins snickered as the rest of the family glared at them.

"I was horrified," Ginny said.

They own a joke shop, Weasley Wizard Wheezes. You should really go there. Wait, no. You shouldn't go there. Why am I encouraging my own daughter to be a prankster? Fred, George, if you as much touch her red hair, you'll catch these hands!


"Scary." The twins snickered more.

Next up, Uncle Ron! Now, Uncle Ron and Aunt Ginny are still in Hogwarts so you probably won't meet them unless it's Christmas or summer break.

"Wrong!" Ron said, having finished school.

Uncle Ron. He's very selfless, strategic, humble, and genuine. He also likes to get in trouble, he's a trouble magnet. He FLEW a CAR to Hogwarts instead of MAILING the school that he missed the train AT TWELVE. Please don't follow in his footsteps. Don't fly a CAR at TWELVE. Just owl the school!

By now the whole Weasleys are laughing, reminiscing how Ron flew the Ford Anglia car with Harry to Hogwarts, getting that howler.

Aunt Ginny is spectacular. My favourite sibling.

"I thought we don't DO favourites!" Charlie glared. Ginny blew a raspberry.

"I am his favourite sibling!"

Aunt Ginny is also trouble magnet, even though she didn't get into as much trouble as the twins got themselves in.

"Not as much as I'd like-" Ginny scowled.

She's the only female sibling I have. She's very fierce, honest, genuine, caring, protective, and funny. You'd love her.

"You WILL love her," Ginny corrected.

She once sent a Valentine letter, it was so funny.

"SKIPPING THAT PART!" Ginny yelled, skimming through the letter.

Her brothers laughed.

Ginny, if you ever meet Molly, please love her as I love you. Please take care of her as I'd take care of yours.

"I will."

I really wish you'd know more about them, you'll definitely love them if you meet them. I'd love for you to meet them, but I don't know if they'll forgive me for the mistakes I did or not. Molly, whatever mistakes you'll make in the future, I'll always forgive you. You're my daughter and I love you. Never doubt that.

"We will," Fred promised.

"You're our brother," George added.

"We forgive you," Fred said.

"Wow, FINALLY! After so long!"

I also need to tell you something.

"Stop being so dramatic!" Charlie grunted.

I'm dating Oliver Wood now, you'll have an amazing stepfather. He's a really nice guy, he and his mother helped me raise you. Remember Lucy Wood? Most likely not, you're a little baby then. But Lucy, Oliver's mum, sat for me whenever I needed to work and Oliver gave you a bunch of presents.

"Called it!" Ron grinned.

"Wedding planner!" Ginny yelled.

If you want to meet them, just yell 'The Burrow' via floo. They'll think you're lost. If they ask, just tell who you are, my daughter. Floo back to where you originally come from, just let them know about you. I can't tell them about you myself, they're no doubt so disappointed in me.

"Oh, Percy," Molly started sobbing again. "That's not the truth. I'm so proud you took responsibility."

I love you so much. The day you're born, you're such a little baby. You look so much like me, with my untameable red hair, my long nose, my freckles, and my lips. Your brown eyes, they're so much like your mother's. I wish you could've met her. I really need to go, now. I love you so much, I'll never forget you.

Percy Weasley, your father.

"I think that's it," Ginny said. "Well, does anyone want to meet Percy?"

"Good thing it's the weekend," Bill said. "He can't run from us if we visit his flat."

"But where does he live?" Ron asked. "We don't know where his flat is, you know how secretive that man is."

"I can ask Lucy Wood," Molly volunteered. "Lucy and I, we're still in touch."

"What about Cornelius Fudge?" Charlie asked.

Chills ran down Arthur's spine as he remembers what the name did to his third-born son.

"After we meet Percy, we can put him on trial," Bill decided. "Of course, if Percy is willing to take him down. We can't do much if he doesn't want to."

"We'll gift him our products," George volunteered.

"I'm sure he'll love breathing fire-" Fred laughed.

"Molly?" Arthur called. "Please talk to Lucy. We'll visit our son and our granddaughter."

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