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"This specific letter is kind of smudged," Charlie noted. "Though I'm pretty sure I can read it."

"Please," Ginny begged.

Dear family...

"Again with the 'dear family'?" Bill sighed in frustration.

"You wrote 'dear diary' with every admission," Charlie reminded him. "What is up with that? A diary is a lifeless object."

"Umm-" Ginny hummed, remembering a certain NOT lifeless diary.

"Right, sorry Gin."

When I get to Lucy's flat and meet Molly, I have to be honest, hot tears trickled their way down my cheeks. I thought any of you wouldn't be that rude to me. I thought being years away from you means at least we can bring our differences to halt and act like civilised human beings, but I was wrong. What can I ever expect from the twins?

"It's a joke!" Fred defended George and himself.

"Which resulted in him feeling unwelcomed!" Molly twisted Fred's ear, remembering George lost one of his so instead she opted for kicking his shin, his well-and-healthy shin.



I can't feel comfortable in my own childhood home, I really can't take off the stress I carry each day. But seeing Molly's excited face as she meets her daddy again brought a smile on my face. Molly, you're my home. I can only feel happy in your hugs. I can only feel safe with you. It's really pathetic if you see it, me crying freely in Molly's embrace, barely even saying 'hi' to Lucy or Oliver.

"Oh, Percy..." Molly started crying. Arthur patted his wife's back.

"We'll fix this severed tie," Arthur promised her. "Our son will feel at home with us again."

I barely even cleaned the mashed parsnips flung at me when I let my arms be wrapped around Molly's body. It hurts. It really hurts. Lucy kept offering eggnogs for me to drink or water or some other liquid but I can't bring myself to drink anything and be happy. I know I should be used to it by now, but I'm not. I've not gotten used to it.

"And you shouldn't-" Ginny sobbed as she cried too.

I really can't do this anymore. Lucy said she loves Molly like her own daughter and she'll always watch over her whenever I can't so I know that she's in safe hands. Please Mum, if you ever read this note, promise to love Molly as you've loved me. Please.

"Percy?" Ron's face grew worried.

I've prepared poison for me to drink tonight. I think it's really poetic to do it tonight when it's my favourite holiday to spend.

"What is happening?" Arthur asked, afraid for his third-born son.

Mum, please don't cry. Please just move on, go through Christmases with smiles and grins. I know I'm your least favourite son, but you're my favourite person. I'm sorry I broke your heart a million times, I'm really sorry to break it again one more time. But after this one time, that's it. I won't break it again.

"Break it again-" Molly sobbed. "Just break it again, as long as you're safe. Break it again and again and again all you want, as long as you're safe and happy."

Dad, I know I sever the most ties between us, but I love you. I do. Never think I don't. After I die, don't think I don't. I'm just tired. I'm so tired. I'm sorry I hurt you, I promise this will be my last time.

"No, Percy-" Arthur lets himself cry reading that passage. "I never think you don't."

Ginny, I love you. You're my favourite sibling ever. You don't make fun of me, unlike our siblings. Yes, you were surprised when you caught me snogging Penelope and when I admitted my bisexuality to you, but you didn't make fun of me. And you never. You always respected me like you respect Bill or Charlie or any of our other siblings.

"And I'll do it again," Ginny promised. No one in that family seemed to not be crying, even the twins who are the most distant to Percy.

Molly, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I have to leave you. I'm really sure if your Mummy is here, she would be very proud of you. I'm really sorry, I love you. I really do. Never doubt that.

"I'll make sure she'll never do," Fred promised.

I wish I can say goodbye to you, I really do. I wish I can hug you right now, kiss your cheeks goodbye, but I can't. I'm stuck here without you. When I drift off, my last thought would be of your welcoming arms.

Percy Weasley.

"That's it?" Bill asked, wiping tears off his eye. Charlie shook his head.

"I figured it's too painful to read it," Charlie answered. "Especially since he mentioned he wants to do... THAT..."

"Just read it-" Ron looked down. "We'll never know."

Charlie complied.

Dear family...
I am put under 72-hour watch. Turns out I failed in killing myself, Oliver found me holding the bottle I've prepared earlier and brought me to St. Mungo's. Molly hasn't stopped crying ever since. It broke my heart to break hers this much. I promised I'll never hurt her, but I've done the exact opposite.

"Oh, Percy-" Molly hasn't stopped crying since she found out her son's previous plans to kill himself.

I regret ever breaking your hearts as I've broken Molly's earlier. Lucy had to carry Molly away from me to let me rest. Oliver had insisted upon staying, saying I need help and company. Oliver decided that he'll move into my flat, making sure I will never feel alone again. How I wish I could've seen you, Mum. If I really die tonight, I want at least one look to your face.

Molly froze as she reads the line.

Oliver told me how he made sure no one will ever get wind of this. That no one will ever find out unless I say it myself. It is good. I think that's for the best, for no one to know what happened to me. What happened to Perfect Prefect Percy. There's a part of me that wishes you would know, but I know you shouldn't. You wouldn't care much, now that I'm still alive.

"I'd love to know-" Ron frowned.

It breaks my heart, the whole ordeal. I know I'm so selfish, wanting to leave Molly behind like that, but I'm just tired. I'm tired of living. I'm tired of feeling like rubbish. I'm tired of being unseen. I'm tired of being a joke. I'm tired of feeling tired. I'm tired.

"We can get you help-" Bill sobbed.

Where am I going with this? Nowhere, I'm sure. I'm going nowhere with this. I guess. I've made sure Ollie sleeps now, it's 12 AM. He agrees to accompany me here, Molly and Lucy are in the Woods' house. Ollie begged me to sleep, and that's what I'm going to do.

Percy Weasley.

"Ginny?" Charlie called. "It's your turn now."

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