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"Skipping 'Dear Family...'," Bill said as he opened the next parchment.

"Boo!" Fred made a thumbs down with George.

"No fun!" George booed.

Another birthday without you. Two years away from you and not a day has passed when I don't miss you and I don't wish to go home to your arms. I love you lots.

"I thought-"

"Percy hated us."

"Apparently he doesn't," Arthur said.

Little Molly won't stop babbling and jumping. It's so cute. I love seeing the grin plastered on her face. However, I absolutely loathe her tantrums. How do you deal with seven separate tantrums, Mum? I can barely survive with one!

Molly laughed as she read the paragraph, absolutely adoring this Molly already. Actually, the whole family has laughed again. It's really unexpected for Percy to get someone pregnant before marriage, but it's really amusing to see him so lost.

I've grown accustomed to feeling everything's in my control that I hate being out of control like nothing's in my grasp. Mum, Dad, if you ever feel it in your hearts, please give me some lessons on how to take care of a small human. Oliver taught me how to be a parent and how to deal with her tantrums, and he doesn't have a sibling!

More laughter erupted from the family.

It's really offensive! I'm really grateful for his help. He told me he did many babysittings in summers when we were still in Hogwarts to get extra galleons. He told me I don't have to be the best at everything, being good in one thing and digging it to be the best is great.

"It is-" Charlie smiled.

I think I should make my emotions my enemy.

"Why is that?" Arthur asked.

I think I like Oliver.

"Called it!" Ginny whistled.

"They were just roommates, how can you possibly tell?" Ron asked her.

"Even better! Midnight snogs?"

"Who would snog Percy?" George asked.

"Forge, Percy has shagged," Fred reminds him. "He most certainly has snogged."

"Did he get Penelope to bend for him or did Penelope get him to bend for her?" Charlie asked, grinning wildly. Who knew Percy had such an adventurous life?

"Who else did he shag?" Bill asked, obviously interested too. "Penelope, Oliver-"

"Excuse me, can we not?" Molly asked. It's really weird to hear your little son snogging and shagging someone else. Even weirder to hear your other children gossiping about your third son's sex life.

But I still can't move on from Penelope! That'll be a disgrace to her memory.

"Perce, she's dead..."

Molly, what do you think? Of course, you can't answer, you're a toddler. Wait, you can't answer. Which means you're most likely not listening to me. Which means I'm having a one-sided conversation. Which means I'm probably going nutters. What?

"You're nutters from the beginning, don't flatter yourself-" The twins snickered.

Bill, something quite similar happened to you, right? Lend me a hand here!

Bill slapped his own forehead. Why here, where everyone can read it?

"Bill!" Molly glared. "Care to explain? What does he mean by that?"

"Not now," Bill fussed, mentally noting to castrate his second younger brother.

Molly is staring at me straight ahead, her eyes huge. She's so cute. She's a beautiful baby.

"You're a beautiful baby too-" Molly grinned, remembering his childhood.

She learned how to say more comprehensive words! She said 'I love you' and 'I love chocolate'! But why chocolate? I don't really like chocolate, except hot chocolate. How did Ginny manage to brainwash my daughter to like chocolate without ever seeing her? Explain yourself!

"Hey, normal people like chocolate!" Ginny laughed amusingly.

"But Percy doesn't like chocolate," Arthur countered.

"Exactly," Ginny finalised, hinting that Percy might not be normal. Bill coughed, nudging her, reminding her that he's not a fan of chocolate also.

Maybe I should tell you this in the beginning. Seriously, why do I keep doubting myself?

"What is it?" Charlie asked.

You remember Cornelius Fudge, don't you?

Gruff grunts were heard from the family.

He found out about my biggest secret, Molly's existence. He turned to the worst, giving me obscene amounts of work and telling me not to ever take breaks except for weekends, threatening to tell the press about Molly. My Molly. My girl. If the press catches wind of it, he swore the Aurors will take her from me. I'm not ready for it. I don't want it.

"WHAT?!" Molly shrieked. "THAT LITTLE-"

"Shh-" Arthur covered her mouth. "Calm down, dear."

I'm glad he's off now, but Rufus Scrimgeour doesn't seem to be better than his predecessor, making false pretences that the Wizarding world is safer in his hands. He kept asking me to visit you, no doubt trying to know more about the Order through me.

"You're not wrong-" Arthur shrugged.

Scrimgeour doesn't seem to be aware of Molly's existence, which is good. Upon hearing what happened with Fudge, Oliver's mum, Lucy, offered to sit for her whenever I have to go to work. She says it's her token for being Oliver's closest friend.

"Friend?!" Ginny roared. "She thinks they're just friends?! Seriously I can hear wedding bells from here!"

"Dibs on first toast, bitch." Ron slammed on the sofa.

"RON!" Arthur yelled.

"Don't you dare-" Ginny pointed at him, growling.

"MOVING ON!" Bill hurriedly picked up where he left off to stop the madness.

Speaking of Oliver. I... I think I like him. I think I do. But he's so... you know... straight!

"Straight my arse-" Fred snorted.

"He's as straight as Draco Malfoy," George continued.

"But he's gay," Ron countered.

"Exactly." The twins grinned.

Oh right, it's my birthday. I should describe my birthday instead of... you know... Lucy made me a caramel cake, I celebrated my birthday with the Woods today. Lucy and Oliver are so nice. Lucy is so welcoming, she kept asking me to come by her house and offering to watch over Molly for me. It's nice to not spend it alone, unlike last year.

"And whose fault is that?" Fred huffed.

"Shush!" Molly glared.

I mean, I had Oliver in my hands last year,

"Quite literally-" Fred and George laughed.

Nothing can ever replace the happiness I feel when I celebrate it with you, Mum, but Lucy is surely a welcoming mother, I'm pretty sure she comes a close second. Although, she seemed to really think that Oliver and I should be dating.

"I had enough." Ginny slammed on the sofa and stood up.

"What is it?" Ron asked.

"I had enough of this... this..." She's at a loss of words. "THEY'RE SO GAY!"

"Sit down," Arthur commanded. Ginny complied without question.

Lucy agreed to sit for me as Oliver took me walking around. We grabbed some coffee and sat together. Oliver asked me to move in my flat since rent is pretty expensive and my flat is closer to both our works than his flat is. There's this stupid feeling in my guts again, I feel crazy about him as I was with Penelope before.




I think we're more similar than we think. He's a really friendly guy. Anyway, maybe I'll sign this letter off, it's quite late. I miss all of you, even the twins.


"He misses us?" The twins snatched the letter from Bill, who lets out a cry of protest and tried to take it back.


"But he hates us!"

"Don't snatch the letter like that!" Arthur hissed. "You may tear it! Give it back!"

The twins reluctantly did what their father told them to do and give the letter back to Bill, who lets out an 'oh' as he noticed that it's the end.

"Also skipping him signing off."

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