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Dear family...

"Dad, can we just skip 'dear family'?" Bill requested. Arthur rolled his eyes.


"Did you just say that to annoy him?" Charlie asked.

"Why, yes!" Arthur grinned. "Yes, I did."

"Continue it, love." Molly kissed his cheeks. Arthur grinned wider and continued.

This is my first Christmas without you. I said it before, I'll say it now, I'll say it whenever. I miss you so much. I hate to spend this amazing day without you. But if I go home, I fear- no, I know- you won't accept me home. I fear you don't love me anymore. I fear if you do love me, you don't love Molly. It's better this way.

"It's not better this way-" Molly sighed. "Why do you doubt? We love you and we'd love your daughter." Charlie kissed her cheeks.

"After we read this, we'll correct this wrong," Charlie promised. Molly nodded. "You'll meet your first grandchild."

Oliver visited my flat and I made the two of us hot chocolate, holding Molly in my lap. We swapped gifts between us. I got Molly a new rattle and Oliver new robes. Oliver got a jumper for Molly and a kilt for me. He mentioned that the kilt is of his family pattern. He's such a cute friend!

"He's definitely hitting on our brother-" Bill chuckled.

"Friend my arse-" Charlie snorted.

I nearly cried as I noticed that I got a Weasley jumper from you, Mum. I'd hate to send it back, but it's so painful. Too painful. It brings so many memories to keep it. Too much. I'd love to see Molly wearing with the letter 'M', but I wish we're in different circumstances. I wish I would just let you know about her.

"Aww!" Ginny squealed. "Will you make little Molly a jumper, Mum?"

"I'd love to." Molly grinned. Yes, she'll make a tiny pink jumper with the letter 'M' on it. The letter would be yellow. She'll also pamper her with fudge. Poor kid with be spoilt rotten!

We spent the whole Christmas together, just the three of us. Well, until Molly yawned and almost fell asleep on my lap. I carried her to bed. I'm really proud to say that I'm not as clueless about taking care of her as I was in the beginning.

"He's so responsible." Bill smiled softly. He remembers all the time Percy had gone through shit (not too much) and even as a little boy, he always owned up to it all.

Molly said her first word today! It was 'Dada'. I swear I've never grinned this much in my life. I'm so proud of her, she's certainly grown. I remember when she was a teeny ickle baby girl with little wisps of red hair, unable to talk at all. Until she has today. I'm most likely ranting right now but I don't care, Molly started talking!

"Aww!" The family cooed over the third son's obvious excitement.

"I can't wait to meet my granddaughter!" Molly grinned. "I will be the first to hold her!"

Nobody fought. When it concerns children, nobody would dare cross Molly Weasley. The consequences are far too... dire...

(Last time someone did was a fellow Order member. It was the time of the First Wizarding War and she suggested that Bill, Charlie, and Percy be hidden in different homes; hers, Gideon's, and Fabian's. Needless to say, no one dared to propose the idea of separating children to Molly Weasley afterwards.)

When Oliver left, I thought about all of you, especially Bill and Charlie. We were so close before. Maybe I drank something other than lemonade tonight because my memories of us are resurfacing, memories I'd rather forget because it brings too much pain.

"What is it?" Charlie asked, sitting closer.

We were mere children, I don't remember the exact year but we don't seem to be any older than ten. Mum sent us away because she's tending the little one (Ron and Ginny). I actually regret going, I remember how clueless I was when my Molly was born, confused whether to use cotton nappies or one use nappies, I didn't even know there are so many kinds of nappies!

More laughter erupted from the family, especially from Arthur. Being an older sister, Molly was pretty familiar with them, even from early on. But Arthur, being the youngest brother in his family?

Yeah, he was clueless. Terribly and it was humiliating.

I didn't know anything. Dad, when Bill was born, did you feel what I feel? Were you clueless like I was?

"Yes, I was," Arthur admitted. "I had to be taught by my own parents."

Bill, you offered to teach me how to climb a tree, as you taught Charlie. I was so happy, I took it immediately. You said you wanted to take a drink and you went inside. I waited out for quite a while, but you don't seem to walk out. Nonetheless, I waited. Until Dad called me in.

Bill sheepishly grinned as the rest of the family is glaring at him.

I taught myself how to climb. I don't mind at all that I wasn't taught, I'm a fast learner and I am capable of teaching myself as I did teach myself how to read, write, comprehend illusive theories, and many other things alone. However, I want to spend more time with you. I'm not close to any of my younger siblings. Maybe to Ginny at first before she started idolising the twins and ignored me.

Ginny chuckled as the rest of the family glared at her this time. Bill sighed in relief as the glares shifted from to him to Ginny.

To Mum, yes, but I'm thirsty for a company my own age. Always have and always will.

"Is that why-" Ron trailed off, thinking if that may be one of the reasons why Percy decides to aide Penelope in conceiving little Molly, even if neither did expect it.

Of course, what did I expect? I'm the worthless Weasley, the forgotten Weasley, the meaningless Weasley. I've been cruel to you, even though I didn't want to, but I didn't seem to have a choice. It's not even that this job is so important I'm willing to ditch you for it, I did it all for her welfare.

"You're not forgotten-" Molly sniffed. "Or meaningless. Or worthless. Come back."

"We'll patch this mess up." Ron kissed his mother's cheeks.

I'm just going to sign this off, I need my sleep so I can prepare for Molly's wails later at 3 AM.

More laughs are heard from the family.

Percy Weasley.

Attached to it were two separate pictures as there were in the letter prior. The first picture was taken in front of a Christmas tree with Molly and Oliver, smiling together. The second one was Percy feeding Molly, baby food all over her mouth.

Molly cried.

"I don't understand," Molly sobbed. "Why didn't we suspect an ulterior motive? We should know that Percy would never turn against his family like that."

"After this, we'll right this wrong," Arthur promised. "We'll go to his flat."

"We don't even know where he lives now-" Molly sniffed again.

"Well, no-" Charlie shook his head. "But he mentioned Oliver Wood a lot, reserve keeper for Puddlemere United."

"Oliver is a good friend of ours," The twins said. "We can coax him into telling us where Percy currently lives."

"I've done my turn," Arthur declared. "Who's next?"

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