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Dear family...
I hope this letter will find its way to your hands.

"It certainly did," Arthur commented.

I will record what I want to say in this piece of parchment. I want to say them all. I want to talk to you, but I seem to lose the bravery each time. It's easier like this, to write, even though you might not read it at all.

"That's him, alright," Bill commented. "Conveying his feelings in a written letter."

I don't know where to start. Maybe I should start with my relationship with Penelope Clearwater, my girlfriend. Ex-girlfriend as of now.

Chuckles from Bill, Charlie, Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny are heard. Molly and Arthur sighed in sadness as they noticed when he wrote 'ex-girlfriend', they remembered the time where their son described her oh so fondly to them.

As you know, my position in the ministry was not confirmed then, what with me being 18 when I entered. But it is as of now. We've been in a relationship since I was 16, so we've been a little around 2 years together. She's an orphan.

"Aww, two years." Charlie grinned.

How do I say it?

"Say what?" Ron asked.

I know you're disappointed in me. I'd be disappointed too if I were in your position. I know I should've considered upon the prices I'll pay. I know I'm reckless, that it's really whimsical to hear this from me, but I got her pregnant.

A stunned silence falls from each every one of them.

I didn't believe it myself at first, but after some explaining, I started to understand the fact. I'm really sorry to say it. I helped her with it. That's why I work so hard in the ministry. I need to pay for her and our child. I will do everything I can to be a good father.

"Aww, Percy." Ginny grinned.

Penelope has given birth to our daughter a little ago. 17th of June 1995, to be exact. Her name is Molly Penelope Weasley. I really wish you could've seen her. She was so cute, with wisps of red hair, the lovely arc of her eyebrows, her brown eyes, cute long nose, and cute wide lips. Penelope mentioned that Molly really looks like me. I attached her picture here.

Molly's eyes glinted with pride as she realised Percy's daughter is named after her. From his description, little Molly really does look like him.

The process of my daughter's birth was complicated as Penelope died right after, my Molly is now motherless and I need to take care of her. I really wish I have a clue. I hate to be this confused as I have to raise her alone.

More silence.

It hurts me to say all I said. It really hurts. I don't want to do what I did, to hurt you the way I did, but if I have to do that for Molly's sake, I'll go through it. Whenever. I love her so much. I love my little girl so much. Please don't get offended, but if I have to choose, I'll always choose my daughter.

"But you don't have to choose, Percy-" Arthur sighed sadly.

I've been promoted as Junior Secretary For the Minister. It pays well and I like that job. Minister Fudge made me send those letters. He made me disown all of you. Truthfully I really hate what I did, but if you ask me if I regret it, I'd say no.


The smile plastered on my daughter's faces as she's safe under a roof and fully fed reminds me that it's all worth it. I wouldn't trade her for the world. She's mine and I'm hers. I hate celebrating my first birthday without you.

"Percy's always so clingy when it's his birthday," Bill reminisced.

Oliver came to my flat and bought me a vanilla cake with the numbers 1 and 9 lit as the candles. My little Molly eyed us in surprise. I really wish you could've seen her. I often wonder to myself, how did a boy so ugly meet a goddess and have a beautiful daughter?

"Don't say that, Perce," Molly reprimanded in between reads. "You're not ugly."

It's really nice to reminisce with such familiar faces (since I have to get away from you), tell stories between us. I attached the picture of the three of us. Oliver had given me a book about teen parenthood and a ride. On a broom.

Laughter erupted from the family as they read that particular paragraph.

He knows about my fear of heights. He promised to never let go of me. He promised if I ever fall, he'll catch me. I put Molly in daycare on the ground floor of my flat. I sat on the front and together we flew. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face.

"I'm glad he's happy." Arthur couldn't help but smiled as the thought of his son happy, even if it means without him.

Oliver took me to the Eiffel Tower, just the two of us.

"Is he-" Fred started.

"Flirting-" George continued.

"With our-" Fred also continued.

"Big brother?" George finished.

"He can't be, he's straight!" Charlie countered. "Right?" The twins gave him the 'are-you-serious' look.

"He's a twink," Fred said.

"The term is 'twank'," Bill corrected.

"The term 'twink' may be derived from the term 'twank', no one knows for sure."

"I caught him kissing a boy in my first year," Ron added.

"He admitted that he's bi to me," Ginny also added.

"Really?" Everyone faced them both. "Why didn't you tell?"

"You didn't ask." Ron shrugged.

"He begged me not to tell," Ginny answered. "And to let you think that he's straight."

The trip was fantastic. France has always entranced me. The culture, the language, everything. It's really amusing. Oliver brought me home safely and I took Molly back in my arms.

"He's definitely flirting with him."

"Definitely a twink." Charlie grinned. He's making fun of his brother later with that.

I showered my little girl with kisses and hugs. I really need to work again tomorrow. I hate to admit this, but being just with Molly in the flat doesn't quite feel like home as it does with you all in the Burrow. Hopefully, I just need time to adjust, but I'd appreciate it better if you'd just meet her.

"But I don't want you to adjust-" Ron frowned. "We'd love to meet her."

Why am I so scared of the idea of letting you meet her?

"I don't know, you tell me!" Fred snickered.

Well, maybe because I don't want to disappoint you further. I've always been the disappointment, there's nothing special about me. Everything I've done, Bill has done first. Charlie's the wonderful dragon tamer (I think you'll love taming Molly),

"Did Percy just joke?" George laughed.

The twins are jokers, Ron is a sweet companion, Ginny is the only girl, and what am I?

"You're our brother..." Ginny trailed off.

I'm going nowhere with this, I'm just going to sign it off and continue grieving about Penny before I have to sleep for tomorrow.

Percy Weasley.

Attached to it are two pictures. One was a picture of Percy holding baby Molly, completely entranced, the other one is a picture of Percy, Molly, and Oliver. Molly smiled in happiness as she's being carried by Percy. It's true, the resemblance between Molly and Percy is really uncanny.

"I'll read the other."

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