Don't Go Anywhere

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I know Evgenia isn't in COR, but I don't care 😝 and I know it's not certain COR will move. Still hope you enjoy it x_justafangirl_x also there's alot of switches in pov. Like alot, alot.


(Shoma's pov)

What used to be Cup Of Russia is now moved to Britain due to the doping scandal. I shouldn't be, but I'm rejoicing over that.

My mind just can't help but picture a certain ginger haired girl smiling at me.

I should meet up with Lexi-chan after the competition. Before the gala. I didn't think that my chance to see her again would come so quickly.

Few days later...

(Lexi's pov)

I sit in my room wondering what to wear to my day out with Shoma tomorrow. I'm so excited. It's our first date!! Ahhhh!

I wonder where we'll go. He told me to meet him by the underground station on the Upper East Side by nine, so what could he be planning?

'Hmm, maybe this one?', my friend, Chloe suggests.

I try it out but it doesn't really suit me, or so she says.

'Hmm, Lexi, your clothes style has changed quite abit, eh?'

'Uh...' I look down at my feet.

'It's almost as if you're liking Evgenia's style?' Caitlyn widens her eyes at me.

I'm embarrassed beyond words so I just look down and bit my lip.

'Look, Lexi, Shoma loves you as you are right now. Not as Evgenia.'

'Yeah, but.... he's loved Evgenia for so long and I can see why. She's so mature and cool.' I sigh.

'He did say he loved you.'

'I know, but I can't help but feel jealous. And now I hate myself for feeling jealous and hating Evgenia. I just feel so insecure. She's someone he's loved for so many years. It would be impossible to just move on so easily. Plus she's here at the competition for the Grand Prix series. What if he sees her and then decides that he still likes her?

'He doesn't! He won't. He loves you!'

'Lately, I've become really selfish...'

'But that's only natural! It would be abit weird if you didn't.'

'It's just like, I feel like saying-'

'"Don't love any other girl but me", right?'

'Maybe...', I sigh, reflecting of her words.

'Anyways, lets not talk about this now. Tomorrow's the big day!'

'Gosh, you make it sound like I'm having a wedding!' I laugh.

I want tomorrow to go exactly as planned!


It's nine already. Where is he?

Maybe I should call him?

Nah. He'll be here. He promised. The train he took from his hotel is probably just late or something.


(Shoma's pov) (still the night before)

I walk down the busy streets at this late hour to go back to my hotel room, but on the way there, I see a familiar figure stumbling down the street.


'Shoma? Hiiiii'

She looks high. Oh no, what happened?

'What's wrong? Are you okay?'

' you wanna know all about it don't cha? Hahaha like I'd tell you...'

She's definitely wasted.
'Is it....Alex?'

That made her quieten. That boy....what has he done to her?!
' should... I KNOW ttthat h-he would...would..' she stuttered and before I could say 'Blimey' (a word I acquainted from Lexi), she's fallen over.

Gosh, this girl....going around fainting after competitions. Ah, better take her back to my room and hope she wakes up soon.


Mhm, I roll around on the couch as the sunlight starts to stream in. I'm sleeping on the couch because Evgenia is sleeping on my bed.
Seeing her drunk and wasted last night was a bit scary.


When I open my eyes, the magic ends and all my worries from last night return. But they're is not half as worrying as the big thing happening today.


I promise her I'd meet up with her on a date today.
I race around the hotel room getting dressed when I see a note on my fridge.

Dear Shoma,
I've gone back to my hotel.

I dial Lexi's number.
She picks up almost instantly.

'Shoma-kun? When are you coming?'

'Ah, sorry. I'll be there in a bit.'

'You overslept didn't you?' I can hear the laugh in her voice.

'Ahaha yeah.'

When I grab my sweater and run out the doors to Trafalgar Square to catch the train, I stop to catch my breathe for abit and my eyes spot Evgenia-chan.

What's she doing here? I thought she went back.

I walk up to her. She's sitting on the bench slumping her shoulders in the most miserable way.

'Evgenia-chan! What's wrong?'

'Alex....he's...fallen out of love with me..' she cries.

My heart aches to see her cry.

But luck has to not be on our side again and rain soon starts pouring.

Am I surprised?

Should I be surprised?

Lexi-chan did tell me that the first rule of living in Britain is to carry an umbrella with you wherever you go.

'Get out of the rain. You'll get sick!'

I take cover under a shelter of a bakery.

But she's still sitting there. As if she couldn't care less if she got pneumonia.

She almost faints but I catch her before she slips off her chair.

'Woah. You've got a fever now, Zhenya.' I announce as I touch her burning forehead.

I have to take her back to the hotel.


She's waiting.

But this is serious.

So I dial her number again.

'Ah, where are you now, Shoma-kun? Are you almost here?'

'I...I'm sorry, Lexi-chan. I can't come.'

She stays silent for a while.
'Does this have something to do with Evgenia?'

I don't respond to her question.
'Just go back, Lexi. I can't make it.'

'I knew it. You still prefer Evgenia! Don't you? You still choose her!'

She hangs up right after.

(Lexi's pov)

I knew it! I always knew it. I can't believe I was feeding on false hope all this time. I should have known that when he said he loved me, he was just trying to forget Evgenia.

I walk slowly towards home. It's still raining. I didn't bring an umbrella. I'm almost completely soaked but I don't care. I've got bigger things to worry about right now.

I can't fight the tears anymore. They stream down my face like water until I can't even tell if they're rain or tears.

Why did I believe I ever had a chance over someone he'd been crushing on for four years?

(Dan's pov)

Agh, it's raining again. Bloody Britian.

I walk a few paces forward and I see a figure flopped on the pavement.

Eh? Isn't that....Lexi?'

'Ooi! Lexi!'

When I've reached her, I see her face.

'Are you crying? What happened? Are you okay? You're soaked! Lets get into some shelter.'

I urge her but she doesn't budge.

She drops her bags she was holding and continues to get soaked.

'What happened? I thought you were suppose to meet with that guy today? How was the date?'

'Non-existent.' She mumbles weakly.

I can't help just staring at her helpless face.

I hug her from behind and she doesn't try to let go.

Moments later, we're sitting infront of the fire at my house.

She's dried up and I offer her a warm mug of hot chocolate.

It just pains me to see her like this.


The next day.

(Shoma's pov)

I spot that boy by the edge of the park.
'What is it? I got your note to meet me here.'

'You!' He comes at me and grabs my shirt, which takes me by surprise.

Isn't he Lexi's crush? Dan?

'I thought you told her how you felt about her? So why was she crying yesterday? Why was she soaked in the rain and crying?!'

Lexi....was crying?

Oh no...I know I promised her we'd meet for our date but things came up. Evgenia came by the night before looking distressed, so I let her stay over for a bit, but then she left in the morning and got a fever in the rain.

For a second, I just stand there letting him grip my shirt in anger because I don't feel like I have a right to say anything in defense.

Then he lets go and gives me a stare of absolute disgust.

'No. I won't let you have Lexi.'

This ticks me off though. The fact that he can decide who she gets.
'Only she can make that choice.' I glare back at Dan, 'I'm not backing off either.' I say again, fiercely.

'Well it's a bit too late for that.'

I'm riled up at this guy. How dare he choose who Lexi-chan gets to be with. Lexi can choose for herself who she wants.

(Lexi's pov)

I walk across the park, taking a nice long stroll.

It's beautiful.

I spot a dying flower withering.

Because of this, I suddenly feel so heavy hearted. Why? These few days have been hell. It's so hard to stay mad at Shoma but I can't forgive him either.

'I'm not backing off either!' I hear a voice shout strongly.

'Well, it's abit too late for that!' Another voice says.

Despite feeling heavy hearted, I look up.

Shoma...with Dan?

'Hey!' I yell at them for shouting.

'Lexi!' They both look at me in surprise.

Shoma grabs my hand gently.
'Come, I need to talk to you.'

But Dan isn't one to let this slip.
He grabs Shoma's wrist to stop him.
'You broke up, didn't you?!' He shouts at Shoma that I get a little scared.

'We didn't break up!' Shoma yells back.

And continues to pull me along.

I don't know what to say to him.

We keep walking til we're out of the clearing.

'Where were you last night?' Shoma asks and I can't read his expression.

'At Chloe's.' I answer in a whisper, 'were you worried about me?'

'Not really.'

His response really angers me.
'I didn't think so. It's got nothing to do with you anyways.'

'I'm sorry...I didn't keep my promise.' He blurts out. 'Evgenia was drunk and was stumbling down the street looking distressed. So I had to help her. And she stayed over. She and Alex apparently broke up. Then she was soaked and got a fever.'

'Right. Of course, she comes first.'
I storm past him, angry.
As his girlfriend, should I not be of a higher priority?

But he grabs my arm and pulls me back, his other arm around my shoulders, hugging me securely. His warmth spreads from my chest to my cheeks.

I'm frozen in my place. What should I do?

His arms are stronger than they look and his hold is firm.

I can hardly breathe. And it's not because he's hugging me too tight.

'Stay right here.' He whispers in my ear, 'don't go anywhere.'

I'm still frozen but I have to say something.
'I love you.' So much it hurts alot.

He pulls away just slightly so we can be face to face.

In case he didn't hear it the first time, I repeat, 'I really l-'

Before I get to finish my sentence, he leans forward and cuts me off with a kiss.

But this isn't the type of kiss when you want to shut someone up. It's the kind that's full of desperation and longing.

My heart has stopped and I'm no longer living. I'm floating. It's like he's extracted my heart right out of my chest.

When we pull away, he looks at me again and says, 'I know.'


'Look, I'm not very good with words, atleast not this type of wording, and I just want to make sure that...I got the message across.'

'You did. Loud and clear.' I smile.

His message from I can tell : he loves me and he cares for me more than Evgenia or anyone else. He wants me and he's sorry.

'You don't have to worry about Evgenia. the only girl in my heart. I'm yours only.'

My heart is now thumping like mad.
' my heart, there's only Shoma.'

(Shoma's pov)

In my heart...there's only Shoma...

Gosh, this girl...I can't even express how much I love her. Once I was in an unrequited love situation, but now that I'm in a mutual relationship, I feel so happy.

As I bring myself to fall asleep that night, her words echo again in my head.

It doesn't matter if Dan likes her or what, or if Evgenia has now broken up with Alex, Lexi's mine and I'm her's.


And that's the end!!! Really really hope you enjoyed this Lexi. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN!

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