You're My Mirror

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Just a warning : you might wanna get a defibrillator beside you first before you read this x_justafangirl_x


(Shoma's pov)

Arriving once again at Britain, I'm so excited.
Not just to get my new exhibition program choreographed by Christopher Dean, but also to see her again.

I've got it all planned out. How exactly I'm going to swoop in and steal her.

When coach and I have met with Mr.Christopher, we talk and discuss alot and I remind myself that I have to thank Lexi for the improvement of my English and my better ability to converse.

I stay in Sheffield for a week from 12th May to 20th. Then when it's all done. I leave coach and take a train down to Huntingdonshire.

As we get closer and closer to the town, my heartbeat picks up and I just know I can't wait to see my ginger British friend.

I send her a text to remind her that I'm coming.

When I'm standing in the middle of The Park, I see a blur of orange hair bouncing towards me and my smile automatically appears.

'Shoma! So glad to see you here again. I've missed you. I really wish you could've come sooner.'

'Lexi-chan, how've you been?'

'I'm good. Miss seeing you performing.'

When she says that, my heart sparks and I just know that I miss her so much too.
'Well I've missed seeing my ginger friend too.'

Once we get caught up with each other, she takes me around the town and shows me around. I take this as a break to relax from all the stress and pressure from skating. I love skating still, but I also love Lexi-chan. She's so joyous and transparent. All her emotion is projected on her face and you just know she's telling the truth when she's telling the truth.

I listen to her complain about school to me and talk about her friends and her skating.

I love hearing her voice. The way she's like an angel.

'So then, at Sicily, this Jeremy guy I met said "you're beautiful" .' She sighs dreamily but I'm frowning.

Jeremy? Who is this guy? Why is he flirting with my Lexi-chan? When did I start calling her my Lexi-chan?

When you fell in love with her.

Oh, that's right.......

'Shoma. Shoma! Shoma Uno?'

'Huh?' She's staring at me with a tilted head and all I can think about is how cute she looks that way.

'You seem lost. Did I talk to much and lose you in my words? Sorry.'

'No no no, it's not you. I'm sorry. I just got distracted cause I saw a bird.'

'Oh, and are birds very rare in Japan?' She laughs.

'Now you're just teasing me.'

'Well yes. Anyways, you wanted to go to the lake?'

'Yes, lead the way, Captain.'

'All aboard!'

We've reached the lake. And it's gorgeous.

'It's beautiful.' She comments.

'It's not the most beautiful thing here.' I say staring at her. The words come off my tongue so easily and unconsciously that I wonder if I'm making it too obvious that I truly am in love with her.

'What is then?' She looks at me.

I mentally facepalm.
'Nevermind. Nothing.'

To my fortune, she drops it.

''s your skating coming?'

'I mean...well, it's good I guess. I'm getting my quad flips. And I think I might have a shot at the Olympic Team.'

'Pssh! Shot at the Olympic Team? You have a shot at standing on the Olympic podium!'

Her words touch me so much.
'What would you do if I won?'

'The Olympics? I'd scream. Call you and scream in your ear. Demand you to come to Britain so I can congratulate you properly or fly to Koreo to do that. Then I'd die.'

I laugh at her responce.
'Really? You want me to win that much?'

'Of course! You're my favourite skater! I wish you'd win but even if you didn't I'd still be proud of you for trying and never giving up.'

She is a really dedicated fan.
It's like I've got no pressure to do well in front of her. Obviously I hope to give her the best performance but even if I don't, I know I'll still have one supportive fan.

Spending a whole afternoon with her was one of the greatest things ever. I felt so relaxed. It feels like she's the other half of me. And when she's gone, I just don't feel the same.


Soon enough, it's the day I leave for the airport back to Japan for more ice shows. She has skating at 6am that day. And I'm leaving at 9am. This will be the last time I see her in a while, so I walk with her to the bus stop that takes her to her rink.

And like three months ago, we stand by the crossing of Alfred Street. Just me and her. There's a silence while I wait with her for her bus.

When the bus arrives, she waves a goodbye and smiles before walking up the steps to what feels like the end of our relationship.

I don't want her to leave. I don't want to leave her.

When the bus drives a way, I panic and I run after the bus waving at her. She's waving back with the same expression I project on my face. Desperation.

She runs up to the bus driver and the next thing I know, she's running out of the bus towards me.

As soon as I register this, I sprint towards her too and envolope her in my arms.

For a second, everything seems right.
Everything is the way it should be.
Me with her.
Her in my arms.

But then it all goes wrong so quickly.

She steps back and speaks.
'I really have to go, Shoma-kun. I can't make the bus stay any longer for me. I'm really gonna miss you and I hope you don't forget me soon. I'll call you. Goodbye!'
And runs off to catch the still-waiting-bus.

I don't know what to think. It's happening too fast. I'm losing her too fast. I'm about to cry because I don't know what to do.

Just as the doors open for her and she steps in, my life flashes before me.

That's it, then.
No more Lexi-chan.
She's gone forever. I'll never see her again. I'll always be incomplete until the day we meet again. Which is going to be never.

Because it takes me 3 seconds to realize that I don't want a life without the other half of me, I don't want to be regretful for the rest of my life for letting the one person who makes me complete slip away just like that, before I know it, I'm screaming in a last ditch effort.


But just as I say it, the doors of the bus closes and she turns around, having heard what I just scream, with a shocked face looking out the transparent doors. But in no time, the bus has whisked her away from me and I'll never know her response.

I slump down against the side walk and I have no idea what I just did.

I've never felt so desperate to make someone stay before and I've never in my life done something so crazy and on the fly. Except maybe changing my planned Quad Toe to a Quad Flip midway through my program in Team Challenge Cup.

Now I don't how to go on. Lexi's gone. What if I really never see her again? I think I might just cry.

Let your heart go on.

I can't. She's here. In my heart. And she's taken up all the space in my heart.

Oh my gosh, what am I going to do?

For a second, I'm just so lost. Everything happened too fast. One minute she was in my arms, and the next minute, she's running away from me.

After I walk on the side for a bit, I've cleared my mind.

First, go back to coach.
Second, fly home.
Third, call Sota-kun about what to do about Lexi-chan.
Fourth, call Lexi-chan.

There, all planned out.


Things never quite turn out as planned.

When I'm at the airport ready to catch the flight home, I hear a voice.
Her voice.

(Lexi's pov)

I'm running around the airport like a lost child but I just have to find him. I have to tell him. I'm praying that he hasn't left and I'm begging God to let me find him.

Thank God I manage to get out of skating class earlier than usual.

When I run by the check-in counters, I spot an all too familiar figure.

It's him!

'Shoma!' I yelled.

He turns his head.


In another second, he's running to me. The whole airport stops for us and everyone stares at the star-crossed lovers.

He stops right in front of me.
Then he stares into my eyes and I melt at the sight of them.

He leans forward and kisses my cheek.

I smile so wide and I hug him again. I don't want to let go this time. I wish he didn't have to leave. I wish we stayed like this forever.

But ultimately it's him that lets go this time.
'I hope you know I'm not the type who just hits and runs. I hope you don't give up on me because distance means nothing when someone means everything. You mean everything to me and I wouldn't have it any other way. I won't give up on us. I promise.'

I'm close to tears when he said that. I'll miss him so much. But because I don't want to make this any harder for him, I don't say that.
'Never let go of that promise.' I tell him.

'I'll never let go, Lexi-chan.'

And this time, it's a plane that whisks Shoma away from me.

I waved until I can't wave anymore. And now I'm just lost in everything that happened so quickly.

A man walks up to me.
'Are you okay, miss? You look like you're about to faint.'

'Yeah... I'm fine....'


Lexi: meant that right?

Shoma: of course. Did you?

Lexi: yes

Shoma: :))

Lexi: Have a safe flight!

Shoma: I'll call you when I've reached home

Lexi: you don't have to

Shoma: but I already miss your voice ❤❤

Lexi: ❤ okay then


Kyaaaa did u need to use the defibrillator? Shoma confessed!!!!!

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