Letters To Lexi

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Okay, so this has Dan in it x_justafangirl_x and I don't mean to insult or offend him or anything, im sure he's a real nice guy, but in an Alexoma story, he can be the antagonist for a bit. Hope u dont mind.


(Lexi's pov)

I'm laying in bed wide awake again. I can't believe this has happened.

He...likes Caitlyn.
My eyes water up again as I lie in bed trying to forget all the drama around me and just get a good night's sleep for once this summer.

I had just a tiny crush on him at first. But now, I think I actually like, like him.
Besides that, Shoma....I miss seeing my favourite skater. He's such a joy to be with. I miss him to bits. I love him too. And I'm also confused because I don't know how I can have a crush on Dan when Shoma's already taken up my heart.

Maybe because I know there's such a low chance that Shoma will like me back, and much higher chance with Dan. Well, that's what I thought.

Now I'm almost sure that he doesn't like me back. Great, I'm crying again. I thought I had a chance with him and perhaps he'll actually see me for real instead of as just a friend, but I guess not. Now I know I've been living on false hope. I was probably just wasting my time waiting for him like I waste my time waiting for Shoma. Well, in that way, Shoma and I are similar. With his one-sided love for Evgenia and mine for Dan.

Shoma... it's a quarter after one, Shoma will be awake.

Maybe, he'll be free to talk? Cause I just need him now. He said if I ever just need someone to talk to, he's only one call away.

Since we talk quite often now, I don't suppose he'll be grumpy if I just called him to hear his voice.

After two rings, he picks up.
'Hello, Lexi-chan?'

'Shoma...' I don't want to burden him with my problems but I can't help it.
Hearing him just makes my heart ache knowing that he'll never love me back and he'll never know. Even Dan doesn't.

'What's wrong? What happened? Are you okay?'

'D-Dan...he..he...he said...he doesn't...' I can't continue because I just can't tell Shoma about it and I can't get it out.

'Dan? Who's Dan? What's he done?!'

His concern voice touches me but I know it's only temporary.
'My heart...h-hurts', I stutter and I feel a lump in my throat and my eyes moisturizing with tears.

'What did Dan do to you!? I'll kick him if he deserves it!'

He's so cute. It really makes me smile.
'It's not Dan. I mean, he kind of likes my best friend which hurts, but I'm just a bit shattered. Dan's the crush.'

'...right, the crush.' I don't know why, but he seems rather upset to say that. 'Did he...reject you?'

'Not exactly but he just keeps me waiting. And you know, waiting is the most torturous thing.'

'Oh, I know.'


'Well, listen. If he's making you wait more than you already have, then just let go of him. He obviously doesn't deserve an awesome girl like you! You're amazing and any guy would be lucky to have you. If Dan doesn't want you then he's just plain stupid and blind to miss what's right in front of him.'

I can't help but smile at that. It's not that Dan was mean to me in anyway, he just kinda friendzoned me.
You're amazing and any guy would be lucky to have you...

Shoma...why do you have to be so sweet?

'Thanks for being a friend, Shoma. You've made me feel way better. Thank you for caring.'

'You're welcome. I do care and I'm so glad you called me. I'll always be here if you ever need a friend to talk to at ungodly hours.'

I smile, but I know he can't see it so I say bye again and hang up.

(Shoma's pov)

Oh my poor Lexi-chan...
Why and how dare you do this her, Dan!! Whoever he is...

She's so in pain and I can tell through her voice.

I wish she'd knew that I will always care and be there for her.

She really is amazing, one of a kind girl that I will not let go of without a fight. Even if she chooses this Dan guy someday, I'll make sure she doesn't slip through. Because I'm not stupid or blind and I know that Lexi-chan is special to me.

If she's so special to you, why couldn't you tell her that, huh Shoma? You coward. You could have told her your feelings for her but no, you couldn't and you let her friendzone you again.

Yeah...I am pathetic. Now I'm stuck in this friendzone again and again.

Why can't she see that I love her? Why can't she see the truth, that I can take away her pain and give her all the love she needs?

I was in the middle of eating dinner but she called and I left the table to take the call because I'm just a sucker for her and I really wanted to hear from her. But now I don't feel like resuming eating dinner anymore. I just lost my appetite thinking about her.

She makes me go crazy...and even makes me lose my appetite. I could spend all day worrying about her if she doesn't reply my text in an hour.

Could I...possibly be...in love with her?

Maybe I really am... I mean...this feels sorta like when I was in love with Evgenia...

Dear Lexi,
If you were mine, I would hold you so tight and never let you go. I'd be your healer from all this heartbreak and I'll be right here for you. Even after all this time...Always ❤

I can't stop thinking about her. If we were living different lives, I might get to be the one to be by her side forever.

Dear Lexi,
In another life, you would be my girl. We'd keep all our promises, it'd be us against the world.

If only our Worlds collided more often.

I'll just have to hope that she'll someday realize that I'm her cure.

Dear Lexi,
You've got something I need. And in this world full of people, there's one I love so much. If we're only here once, I want to live with you.

I wonder if she ever thinks about me as much as I do, her. I know she's a big fan of mine but has she ever loved me?

Dear Lexi,
I can see the stars, over North Japan, I wonder do you see them too? So please open you're eyes and see, the way our horizons have met, and all of the lights will guide you to me.

We're almost like star-crossed lovers. Except that she doesn't like me back. She likes Dan.

Dear Lexi,
I'm lovesick, and I just can't be healed. It happened so quick, now I'm head over heals for you, cause you're the love of my heart. You're the match and we're the spark, we're fire, we light up the dark.

I'm in a seriously sick zone. Can't get her out of my head...

Dear Lexi,
Lexi, Lexi, Lexi, You're the one for me.

This is when I realize that I really must tell her. Eventually, but I must. Someday, when I see her again, face to face, I'll tell her.

Dear Lexi,
I'm hopelessly in love with you...forget about Dan, you're all I need.

I call Sota because I can't do anything and I just need to talk to someone about this "illness" of mine.

'Yes, Shoma-kun?' He grumbles.

'Are you busy?'

'Just texting someone.'



'Okay, that's not the point. Can you help me with something?'


'I think, I'm sick.'

'Whatt?! Oh no, why?'

'Not that type of sick, but like, lovesick. Do you ever get that feeling where you just like someone so much it hurts?'


'Well, remember Lexi-chan? The girl with the ginger hair I told you about last time?'

'Oh, the cute one? With the cute British accent?'

'Ye- wait, how do you know she has a cute British accent? You've never met her...' I'm suddenly sidetracked. She's MY Lexi-chan, how the hell does he know about her?

'Because you tell me time and time again?'

'Oh...well, anyways, yes. That's her. She's got a crush on someone else. And the awful guy dares to keep her waiting! I'm so angry at him. How dare he do that to my Lexi-chan? How could he hurt her?!' I get almost too angry that I punch my pillow.

'Woah, calm down there, Shoma-kun. I know you love her, but she isn't yours yet, and she's allowed to have her crushes. And this idiotic jerk can go away for all I care, but she still likes him, which means, no, you can not fly to Britain to punch him, because she cares for him obviously. And don't be so negative. Although it may hurt that she's hurting now because that stupid headed ding dong doesn't like her back, this might be your chance to swoop in and steal her. Then, she'll realize how much you love her and will obviously love you too. I mean come on, she's a fan. These fans love us.'

'And you know all that because??' I must admit, those are rare words of wisdom from Sota.


I smirk. "Nothing" never means nothing.
'What, don't tell me you've got a crush on a fan too?'

'What?! No!'

'Oh? Then why so defensive?' I laugh.

Now, I do have to plan on how to swoop in to snatch her. But how to make it happen?


Hehehe lots of Alexoma feels here and IM NOT OFFENDING DAN OR ANYTHING PLS DONT BITE ME. And I'm sure Dan does like you ;) not Caitlyn (just a random name I used, that I thought you mentioned was your friend before) #AlanIsStillReal

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