One Call Away

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(Lexi's pov)

I'm taking a walk on the hill by the park. It's way after hours and the sun has set.

I just had to leave the house. I felt so stuffy in it all day preparing for mid-terms.

As I look down from the hill, I can almost see it playing in my head. That time we met. That fateful day. When he appeared right before my eyes and I, embarrassingly fell and looked like a clumsy person and accused him of being an abducter.

Wow, he must've thought I was absurd.

Shoma...I wonder if I ever cross his mind. He's always on mine especially now that the new figure skating season is about to begin.

I wonder how he'll manage. I wonder how his quad flip and triple Axel are. I wonder how his short program will look like. I wonder if he'll have a deep V illusion mesh lavender short for his short program costume. I wonder if he's ever going to just forget about me.

Perhaps I'm too greedy, and I want too much of him.

But, since I've met him in person, and now I know that he came to Britain and thought of visiting me. And we've been chatting together for a while, with me still thinking he was Adam, not Shoma, kinda gives a little more hope that he might be the one.

Is he the one?

I hope so.

The whole scene that day replayed before my eyes as I imagined realizing he was Shoma Uno for the first time.

As the memory dissolves, I sit on the hill and rest against a tree.

It's a full moon today. How beautiful. And the stars, I can count them.

After a tiring day at skating and studying for the most part, I close my eyes to rest for a bit and take in nature's beauty.

There are some things that people ought to appreciate more in this world.


I can even hear Shoma's voice saying my name.

We haven't texted in a while.
Maybe I should ask how he's doing? But then I don't want to bother him or be a nuisance. Besides he'd probably be thinking of Evgenia rather than me.

Maybe I should wait for him to text me?
Will he ever?
I often he text's Evgenia....

Okay, okay, stop thinking about that!
Think about other things.
There are other stuff I can use to distract me from this missing-Shoma dilemma.

Think about....the stars. Yes the stars are nice and beautiful. They're so bright. Like Shoma's smile. How I melt everytime I see him smile. Which is not that often because he doesn't smile very widely alot. But he's just not the super smiley type. But I am.

Stop it, Lexi!

Right, I'm not suppose to talk about Shoma.

Okay uhm....uh...ooh these roses are gorgeous. They look like a stunning red in this moonlight. Almost like Shoma's new Tango costume. I can imagine him being a cute little red rose dancing on the ice. Ahh....

Great. I'm reminded of him yet again.

Okay...what about...the sky. The sky is good. It can't possibly remind me of Shoma. It's so nice and cool. Someday I want to touch the clouds in the sky from a hot-air balloon or something. I wonder what that would feel like. Probably like water vapour and cold air. Like at the rink. The rink is always freezing but you can also feel warm from all the jumping and spinning. And my hair gets all frizzy and my face turns red like a tomato.
Like Shoma's. His hair gets so curly and messy after he skates and then he goes all sweaty and red.

Oh gosh, clearly this is not working.

You know, maybe I should just go home and try to get some sleep instead of reminding myself of how my everyday life connects to Shoma in everyway.


(Shoma's pov)

It's so early here and I've just woken up for skating practice at 6am.

My dream last night was quite bizarre though.

There was an old lady, a gun, a cat and an orange involved. No matter how hard I try, I just can't pull all the pieces together and form a logical theory. Urgh, this frustrates me but I can't lie in bed any longer because I don't want to be yelled at by coach for coming late, something I've never done before.

Even at training my mind is trying hard to pull together my dream from last night. I was quite sure it was a good one but the gun suggests otherwise.

'Shoma-kun! Focus! You're messing up the transition into your triple Axel.'

Oops, better focus now.

But my mind is restless.
It had something to do with Lexi. I'm sure of it. She was in my dream and...something happen. I don't know why I'm so concerned but it just feels like something might have happened to her, like it could be a bad omen or something.

I should ask her.
Well, we haven't talked in weeks. It's gonna be weird. I'll just wait for her to text me.

But what if something did happen to her, huh? Then she won't be alright.

Oh yeah. No, I can't think that. She's fine. She's alright. I'm just overly superstitious. I don't even know what my dream was about. It could've been about her buying me an orange as a gift and there was a cat who belonged to an old lady who has a gun.

Wow, I'm a genius. What a brilliant logical theory, Shoma.

Anyways, I can't seem focused or able to get my mind off her.

I'll text her during break, just to make sure she's okay.

She better be.

She will be.

Okay, stop worrying and try to focus.

Now, try some quad Salchows.


Yes! Clean landing!

I should tell her that I can land quad Sals now.

I'm gathering speed for a quad flip when I turn and switched to a front inside edge, and I have to stop because I see Kanako-chan in my jumping path.

She's wearing an orange shirt, I noticed. It looks very much like the shade of Lexi-chan's ginger hair.

I turn away and try to shake it off and continue to focus on training and not Lexi.

I try my step sequence in my free skate since I fell on it in Fantasy On Ice.

Lexi-chan said she likes my new free skate but thought the fall was really random. I remember her telling me that after I gave her a full report as Adam.

I'll make sure not to fall on that again. I hope she will be impressed with my short program atleast-

Oww. Did I just fall on a three turn?! Oh dear, I'm really losing it.

You never know how much it hurts when you fall on an easy skill.

Coach is yelling at me again. Argh, gotta gain my concentration back again.

Come on, don't think about her. Think about..... Takahashi-san. If I want to get like him, I should start developing my own style as myself rather than having people call me Dai 2.0, like how people call Sota, Hanyu 2.0. Ah speaking of bro, I want him to have a great Senior debut this year. I hope Lexi-chan has another fantastic season too this year. I haven't seen her skate but she must enjoy it so much. She's just so hardworking and a joy to see. When will I see her again? Sigh.

'Shoma! What are you doing! I asked you to do your Short Program step sequence not the long!'

Oh no, coach must be frustrated with me.

Gosh, I have to stop losing myself. But I can't help it, every turn I take, she appears before my eyes. The the more time passes, the more anxious I am to take a break to ask her if she's alright.

Time couldn't be passing slower. Finally the long awaited break has come.

I change into less sweaty and stinky clothes while having my lunch.

I sit with my team mates and sneak my phone out.

You have no new messages.

Darn it, so she didn't text me.

Okay, fine. I'll text her.

No, but I don't want to sound so desperate.

But you are desperate.

I am.

You know what, I'll call her.

I dial her number before I can regret it and stop myself.

'Hello? Shoma?'

'Lexi-chan! Are you...okay?'

'Yeah, why?'

'Uh, nothing. I just thought I might check up on you cause I haven't heard from you in weeks.'

'Thank you. I appreciate it.'

'Well, why haven't you been texting me?'

'Ah, I didn't want to be a bother to you. Sorry.'

'You're never a bother to me. Please. Get it right. I like talking to you. And if you ever need someone to talk to I'm only one call away.'


I smile at her saying my name. It's music to my ears and before I can say anything my whole table is looking at me like I've gone bananas.

Ryoji smacks my shoulder.
'Uno-senpai? I've never seen you smile so wide before. Who are you talking to?'

'U-uh....uhm, just my friend.'

Kanako raises an eyebrow at me.
'Really? Your brother, Itsuki told me to watch you today, cause apparently you were mumbling 'Lexi-chan!' and screaming in your sleep last night. Who's this Lexi-chan?'

'l-l-like I said. Just a friend. You don't know her.'

Oh no, I'm in trouble. I mumbled Lexi's name in my sleep last night? So I did dream about her.

Lexi speaks on the phone again.
'I have to go sleep now. Goodbye, Shoma. And thank you for worrying about me.'

'Oh, goodnight! Sleep well! And don't ever think you're a bother to me. I told you last time, it's Shoma the friend, not Shoma the stranger.'

'Haha okay, Shoma the friend. And good luck for Japan Open! I'll be watching.'

'Thank you. Take care, Lexi-chan.' I hang up after that and I'm still smiling. But my smile is soon replaced with a frown as I face six pairs of eyes that stare at me in disbelief and shock. I just ignore them. Now I can relax knowing she's alright.

...missing someone can be so tiring. Thinking about them day and night....I wonder if she ever thinks about me?

(Lexi's pov)

He....was worried about me?
Awwww now I'm so happy I don't think I can sleep.

He called to check up on cute.

Maybe he actually cares about me?


:)) AlexOma on point!

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