The First Meeting

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June 21 Fantasy On Ice Sapporo.

It was a typical Tuesday night.

Lexi was sitting in her room on her laptop typing up an essay for her English assignment.

When an annoying beep vibrated her phone.

'Who could it be so late at night?' She mumbled to herself.

To her surprise it was Adam, THE guy.

Adam : Hey, I just wanted you to know that I've arrived and I'm so excited for this ice show!!

'Oh lucky guy, rubbing it in my face. I haven't even realise that it's already the day.'

Lexi : lucky! I wish I could be there...tell me how it felt okay, I WANT A FULL REPORT ON SHOMA'S NEW FREE SKATE

Adam : okay, okay chill

Lexi : sorry, it's just that I've been wanting to see a live figure skating event since ages but no such event has been held in Britain :(


On the otherside of the world, Shoma Uno was sitting on his hotel bed. He had just arrived at his competition venue and was about to go check out the rink and city but he got a reply from his text earlier.

Lexi : sorry, it's just that I've been wanting to see a live figure skating event since ages but no such event has been held in Britain :(

Shoma hesitated as to what he was going to say. He just met this girl back in Britain around a month ago.

'what should I reply?' He muttered.
But Lexi had sent another message.

Lexi : who do you most want to see?

Uh...what should I say? Me? That would be abit self absorbant but then we would have more in common to talk about.

Adam : Shoma Uno

Lexi : same!!! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH

Shoma took a moment to put his phone down, take a deep breathe and smile.

So she is my fan and she loves watching me...

He was smiling giddily to himself when he picked up his phone again.

Adam : yep, him and Yuzuru are fantastic. I love watching them

Lexi : you're so lucky you get to see one of them!!!

He hesitated to ask this next question but eventually sucked up the courage to.

Adam : exactly how big of a fan of Shoma are you?


I am? Shoma thought to himself for a minute.


Shoma blinked for a while before letting it sink it.
So she really loves watching me and she has a crush on me and my smile makes her melt...

He stopped breathing for a moment and imagined what it would be like to have someone crush on him and melt everytime he smiles. Uncontrollably, his heart beats faster and his stomach gets jitters.


9th August

Adam :'ll never believe this.

Lexi : what, its 6 am here

Adam : sorry but i just thought u might like to know that I'm in Britain.

Lexi : !!

Adam : if you wanted to finally meet again...?? Isn't it your birthday tomorrow anyways?

Lexi : omg, why are u here not that I'm not excited? And yes it is.

Shoma had came to watch a stage performance of Fantasy on Violin and Orchestra which is his short program music for this season. But of course he couldn't say that, so he had to lie partially.

Adam : I came here to visit my great aunt again who is sickly.

Lexi : I'm sorry, but do you have time to see me then?

Adam : yes, I'm about to turn 19 I can go to places myself ;)

Lexi : I-I don't know about this, I mean, what kidnap me or something??!

Shoma was taken aback by Lexi's response. No one had ever said such a thing to him before.

Adam : you can bring a weapon with you for all I care but I promise you I won't hurt you

Lexi : tomorrow at 2 at The Park.

Adam : sure thing.


10 August.
Lexi woke up extremly nervous that day. It was her birthday and she would be having the biggest surprise in her life. Having celebrated it with her family in the morning, she prepared herself for the meeting.

Before leaving her house, she grabbed a spray bottle of deodorant. It's as good as pepper spray afterall.

She walked to the park hesitantly but still arrived 15 minutes early.

She climbed a tree and sat on top of it to spot Adam and know if he was an abducter.

To her surprise, Shoma Uno appeared walking by the sidewalk towards the middle of the park.

Lexi was so surprised to see Shoma Uno walking in the same park as her. In the same country and state and city as herself.

Her's eyes popped out and she fell out of the tree.

Shoma who heard the sound of distress came to her.
'Are you okay? Are-' He stepped back himself seeing the girl.

She's ...Lexi. The girl with the ginger hair. It feels like ages ago since we met.

Lexi got herself sitting up but then shifted back when she saw Shoma Uno sitting in front of her, facing her and staring at her.

She grabbed her deodorant spray bottle and aimed it at him.

'You! Sh-shoma Uno?'

He broke into a smile.
'Yes, that's me, also known as Adam. Happy Birthday Lexi-chan'

That first sentence made Lexi swallow hard and almost fall backwards again.

'W-what?! Prove to me that you're Adam! How can you possibly be Adam? You-you're Shomajesty!'

'I'm what?' Shoma blinked.

'Uh nothing how can that possibly be true!!! Its not but...'

'Hey, calm down Lexi-chan. I am Adam. The guy you met about two months ago.'


Shoma bent down and pulled Lexi up and they walked off around the town for abit.

'Remember that afternoon? That rainy cold day when we met by the crossing down at Alfred? I was the guy in the sunglasses and mask.'

'...I guess it kinda makes sense... I mean you still speak in that heavy Japanese accent. And no wonder I thought you felt familiar but couldn't quite figure you out.'

'Yes, see? It makes sense. Plus, if you remember, I said my favourite figure skaters were Daisuke Takahashi-san and Evgenia Medvedeva-san.'

A bugging question kept bothering Lexi that she had to ask it.
'You like Evgenia?'

'What? No. Where did you here that from?'


Shoma looked at her in suspicion but then shrugged it off.

' are you?'

'I'm good. Well a bit shock. And by a bit, I mean alot. But, this is still extremely hard to process.'

'I'm sure. Don't worry, I'm not going to attack you so you can put the deodorant down.' Shoma chuckled.

This must be one of the strangest events in my life.
Lexi thought.

She's always dreamt that she'd meet him someday from a fan meeting or after a competition, but this? This is totally uncalled for.

There was an empty sort of silence lingering around their atmosphere.

Lexi was walking few steps behind Shoma, unsure of what to make of this strange encounter.

How could it be that he still remembers me?
Hmm.... I'm not that special. Just another fan.

Is he really Shoma though? What if he's wearing a strange disguise, or maybe he's someone trying to kidnap me and pretended to be my favourite skater?? Then he would need to be a stalker....

'uhm, I understand if you're uncomfortable right now. can go back if you want. I'm sure this is very unusual and strange for you.' Shoma shifts on his feet awkwardly.

Somehow, she can't stifle the laughter and is caught in a fit of giggles in front of her long-time-athlete-crush.

Oh, boy. He must think I'm so rude and obnoxious right now. After all, Japanese are all about manners and stuff.

'What are you laughing about?' He looked over at her curiously.

Shoma looks at her in the most amusing way, like she's grown a beard.

'Uhm nothing. You're just so awkward and it's so funny!'

When she's realized what she said, she apologizes immediately.

Gosh, he must think I'm extremely rude now.

'Ah don't worry. I've been called that multiple times in my life.' He laughs.



'Also...I don't mean to be rude or insulting, exactly did your English get so good? I mean, one minute you're speaking rather fluently and another you're saying "Hello everybody, I will speak in Japanese only, sorry." '

Shoma bursts out laughing.
'Well, you know when I went to America to train with Coach Alex for a bit in June/July, I had to learn English despite refusing to in the beginning. And I guess I got better at it slowly cause I really had to speak it everyday.'

' learn fast. That's impressive.'


'Uhm...what I said earlier....about Evgenia...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to just blurt out random things like that.'

He gives a slight sigh but still smiles when he replies.
''re right.'

'Huh? I am?' Lexi was bewildered.

Could it be that.... Shevgenia is true? Maybe it's one-sided and unrequited?

'For the longest time, I had a crush on Evgenia-san. I don't think she ever knew. But well, she's always liked Petrov. She told me so...'

Lexi did a double take.
Woah, I actually guessed right.
Aww...poor Shoma.

'Uhm, anyways, I'd prefer it if you kept this a secret. I wouldn't like half the world to know about this.' Shoma looked down half embarrassed.

'Of course I won't tell anyone. Trust me. But...may I ask why you told me this? Why would you confide in a random fan about your secret?'

'I don't know. I just felt like you wouldn't betray me and you're a great secret keeper. Besides, you're not just a random fan. I might consider me more of a friend even if we just met for the second time.'

Lexi's face broke out into the brightness smile anyone could manage.
'You know, you'll never know how happy that has made me. It feels like I've known you my whole life just from your skating but now, it's different.'

Shoma stared at her sunny smile and the peacefulness in her eyes and knew she could be trusted.

For some strange reason, he felt himself relaxed with her.

She's just not the type of fan who panics him or freaks him out. But more like, the extremely caring and supportive if not a little overprotective type.

They continued walking along the blossoming flowers in the park.

If this isn't the best birthday present ever....I don't know what is.

Lexi was still smiling to herself and seems lost in her own world when the little droplets fell.

'Uhm...Lexi-chan? It is going to raining.'

She was still fantasizing.


'Huh? Oh no. It's raining. Uh, we should go back now.'

' was great seeing you again. Thanks for letting me confide in you. And please, it's Shoma the friend, not Shoma the stranger.' Shoma waved to his new friend.

'...yes. Thank you for making this day the best birthday in my life, Shoma the friend!' Lexi giggled. 'Also! Shoma the friend, it's "it is going to rain" not "it is going to raining" '

'Yes, teacher!' Shoma laughed as he starting running back to his place.

When he stopped in front of the doors of his temporary hotel room, his mind replayed the whole scene with Lexi before him.

It is different now.

He smiled as the girl with the ginger hair flashed before his eyes.


Tadaaaa hehe hope you liked it Dear Lexi :))

Shoma being as awkward and cute as ever.
And you being as fabulous and nice as ever.

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