Chapter Seven

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Lisa woke up on Monday morning more excited than she had ever been for school. All weekend all she could think about was getting J's letter. He was a mystery man, something new and fresh and exciting.

After showering and throwing on tan school pants and a plaid shirt, she ran outside, cursing her car for moving too slowly for her liking.

It took a wicked five minutes of tapping her steering wheel and yelling at old lady pedestrians from her window, but she finally pulled up in the school parking lot.

Lisa knew Gina would kill her for going in without her, but who was she kidding, she couldn't wait, not any longer, so she sent her a quick text saying that she would be at her locker.

After tripping up the stairs, she pushed open the doors and ran up to the third floor, where her locker was. Lisa finally arrived at her locker, out of breath and furiously spinning her lock. She had to try seven times before she actually got her locker open, she was moving so quickly.

The whole struggle felt worth it when a plain brown letter fluttered to the ground in what felt to Lisa like slow motion.

Completely disregarding any need for materials or the students looking at her like she was crazy, Lisa slammed her locker closed and began walking away. Before she could open the letter, she heard a voice call her name. Leo's voice, in particular.

"Lisa! Hey Lisa!" She turned around to see him and some of his friends approaching her. Quickly, she folded the envelope in half and shoved it in her back pocket just as he caught up to her.

"Hey Lisa." He said, slinging an arm around her shoulders as they walked. "Hey Leo. How was your weekend?" She asked, dying on the inside. Her mom and Gina were definitely going to hear about this physical contact. "Good, good. Oh, these are my comrades here. My mates, my chums, my musketeers. Over on that end with the crew cut is Chief. Beside me with the dreads is Michael, and right beside you is Maine."

Lisa said her hello's to each of them, wondering why the introductions were necessary... At least until Leo spoke up again. "Me and the guys were wondering if you'd wanna hang out tomorrow. You could bring your friend if you want."

For a moment, Lisa just held her breath, waiting on him to push her to the ground and yell 'psyche' in her ear. But it never came, so she nodded, "Yeah, we'd like that a lot." She said in a casual voice that made her high-five herself when she'd gotten home later that day.

As they made it to the first floor, Lisa saw Gina walking through the front doors, her mouth hanging open when she saw her best friend under the wing of her crush. "I uh, I gotta go. I'll see you later Leo. Musketeers." Lisa reluctantly pulled away from Leo and ran to Gina, pulling her back up to the third floor, "We have to hang out with them tomorrow." She said as they made their way to first hour. Gina finally closed her mouth, "Duh we have to! I want to know the conversation word for word too."

Lisa sat down for lunch and pulled the letter from her back pocket, easing the burn it was creating. After checking to make sure no one was creeping over her shoulder or going to make an attempt to sit with her, she opened it.

     Dear Elle,

We hadn't thought about weekends, I think that was probably for the best. I mean, if you were more excited for school, then it was for the best.

Also, I don't mind that you like getting my letters. At least someone likes reading what I write.

Whether you choose to believe it or not, I am just an average teenage boy with average teenage boy weaknesses. Like your teenage girl obsession with references.

I was in fact wondering about your situation. I'm glad I know the reason now because I was genuinely scared for my sixty year-old self not being able to read your letters. And despite my burning desire to brag about you to my children, I have a feeling my wife won't enjoy it. I also feel like my nonexistent crew mates will understand too.

And don't worry about the Greek opinion poll. I have that in the bag. I go from zero to hero real quick.

On the topic of our meeting, I'm thinking about... A week before the seniors graduate. Or, you could just come up with really, really convincing pirate stories about me.

And, just to let you know, you don't seem that bad. You being single may be because guys can be pretty intimidated by swimsuit models.

Love, Uncle J

I just realized I made a reference to a song while commenting on your pop culture references. You're rubbing off already.

Lisa couldn't have been happier with the letter. All she could think of was how at ease J seemed in his sarcastic and joking words. She was rubbing off indeed.

Seeing that lunch would be over in fifteen minutes, she pulled a notebook and envelope out of her bag to write and deliver J's letter before lunch was over.

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