Chapter Eight

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"You gonna tell us who she was?" Jermaine asked Leo as the boys were finishing up their lunch. He had wanted to ask as soon as she ran off, but he didn't have the same first hour as Leo, so he had to wait for lunch, right before fourth hour.

Leo tossed a fruit snack in the air, catching it in his mouth. "I thought I told you her name was Lisa?" After a pointed look from his closest friend, Leo shrugged a bit, "Just a cute girl I have class with." Jermaine saw in the simple shrug that his friend was lying, "C'mon man, you introduced her to us, using our nicknames." Leo went to interrupt him, but Jermaine threw a fry at his face to keep him quiet, "And that means you expect her to be around long enough to have to know what we're called amongst us. I know the move, man. Uncle J taught it to you."
     Looking at the clock across the room, Jermaine saw that the bell would be ringing in a minute, and he wanted to check his locker before fourth hour again. "I'll see you in class, I gotta do something first." He said quickly before running out of the cafeteria.
     As fate would have it, Lisa was turning the opposite corner, just as Jermaine was rounding his. He trekked to his locker, his heart beating wildly. He would probably never admit it, but getting Elle's letters gave him this funny feeling in his stomach, like he was in an elevator or on a rollercoaster. He didn't know why, but he liked it.
     He looked at the clock on the wall when he heard the lunch dismissal bell ring. Opening his locker as quickly as he could, he grabbed up the pencil-drawn polka dotted envelope, put it in his pocket, and ran down the hallway, hoping to get to class early.
     Jermaine was running one way, and just like normal, Lisa was running towards traffic, remembering that she was thinking so much about giving J his letter, that she didn't stop at her own locker.
     Rounding the corner, Lisa smacked into Jermaine, shooting her hands out to his forearms to steady the both of them. "I am super sorry. I wasn- hey! You're Leo's friend, uh, Maine, right?" Jermaine tore his eyes from the clock and looked at Lisa, "Uh, yeah. Yeah, I'm sorry about that, I was in a rush to get to class." He said, trying to politely mention his rush so Lisa would release his arms.
     Instead she smiled, the deep dimples in her cheeks surprised him, "I should be the one apologizing. This is the second time I've run into you." After a while of Jermaine standing awkwardly, Lisa remembered that he said he was rushing for class. "Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry! You're in a rush! Go, go!" She said releasing his arms.
     With a polite nod of his head Jermaine walked to class, knowing he'd have to wait until he got home to read yet another letter. At least Leo didn't lie about her being cute.

*   *   *   *   *

     Since it was a really nice day out, Jermaine made his way to the always empty park down the block from his house to read his letter. He tossed his backpack onto the floor, hastily throwing on a pair of basketball shorts and a t-shirt before running outside, hoping he'd be at the park before his brother got close enough to the house to see him leaving with an envelope folded in his hand.
     Arriving at the park, Jermaine made his way to the blacktop that once bustled with basketball players. When the heat from the sun was beating on his head and the heat from the pavement was burning his exposed legs, then he opened Elle's letter.

     Dear Stranger,

Of course I like what you write! I'd probably like anything you do, I mean, you haven't complained once about my references (you've referenced my references, but haven't complained) or rambling.

I'm glad you seem to be finally loosening up a bit. I was wondering when you'd see that you've got a friend in me. (I haven't watched much Toy Story, so I may just reference multiple songs... I don't know) (sweet solid molasses, I said I was gonna stop talking to myself)

You know you can change the topic right? I mean I enjoy your letters, (and I mean this dearly) (that one was a reference to you!) but you seem to answer or mirror what I write. I want to see inside of your mind Jay. I want to see beneath your beautiful (is that another really awesome reference made by me? I think it is! Three references in three paragraphs? C'mon, you've gotta give me that one.)

And on something else entirely, I don't want to be able to know you in person for just a week. We definitely won't have any time to become real best friends in that time.

Thanks, too for what you said about the swimsuit model thing. It really... Let me know I was in the right track. I knew I was single. Teenage boys just feel physically and mentally intimidated by me. It makes so much sense!

Inferior boys. Pshh.

Welp, I can either deliver this letter... Or eat it. And I'm getting dangerously close to the latter, so, until later, Dear Hook/Uncle J.

Love, Elle.

Rubbing off? No no no, the power to make pop culture references was in you all along. I just awakened the powers in you, young one. You are welcome.

Now, Love Elle

     Jermaine laughed reading the letter. He was really beginning to wonder why she was single. She seemed charming and funny. The only explanation he could think of was that she really was an imitating swimsuit model.
     He put the letter in his pocket once again and laid back on the burning blacktop. It burned, but in a good way, like the birds beating in his stomach and chest. As he lie there, Jermaine closed his eyes, enjoying the warmth and thinking of Elle.

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