Chapter Nine

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Was she hanging out with Leo? Check. Did she get the okay from her mom? Check. Did she have a letter from J coming? Check.

Lisa knew she was going to have a great day. She didn't drive to school that morning, her car practically hovered. As she walked up to the school, she could feel her blood pumping. Everything would be perfect. It had to be, so of course it would be. That's how things work with her.

She didn't even hesitate before she ran to her locker. It's not like she ever didn't run, but she usually thought about it first. She sped to her locker and opened it quickly, throwing her backpack inside, making the exchange as rapidly as she could, so she could be stepping away from it as Leo and his friends turned the corner.

J said he was friends with Leo, and all of his friends seemed to have nicknames, so she was no closer to seeing who J was, if he was even one of those friends, but she definitely did not want him to see her if he was.

"Lisa!" She heard Leo yell as he saw her 'casually' leaning against the wall, panting slightly. She slipped the envelope, plain brown, in her back pocket and pushed away from her previous post, "Leo, fancy meeting you here." She smiled as she approached him.

He laughed, revealing that adorable smile she loved and threw his arm around her shoulder, "Eh, I come for the company." He smirked at her. Lisa couldn't stop the giggle leaving her lips, having to make it a chuckle on it's way out so she wouldn't seem like some crushing school girl.

Was he... flirting with her? And she was successfully flirting back? She discretely gave herself a pat on the back before he began talking again, "So are you cool to hang today?" He asked as they went down the last step, so they could meet Gina at the door.

Lisa opened her eyes wide at her friend, using their facial telepathy to scream in excitement with her from down the hallway. "Yeah, I invited Gina, if that's cool. You said I could bring a friend, and she's just about my only one. Hey, GINA!" She yelled, realizing too late that she had just yelled in Leo's ear, "Oh my goodness! I am so sorry, I wasn't even thinking. I am so sorry." She apologized as Gina laughed, making her way to them.

"I know she looks cute and quiet, but she's got quite a set of lungs on her." Gina chuckled as she stopped in front of her best friend and said best friend's 'High School Love Leo', who was still wincing a bit from Lisa's yelling. "I am not that loud!" She exclaimed, realizing she was doing nothing but proving Gina right, who was smirking at her friend, "Really Lis?"

"You know what Gina, just, let me do introductions okay? Okay. So guys, this is Gina. We like to call her Gene Bean. Gene Bean, this is Leo, Chief, Michael, and this beside me, who I seem to run into all of the time, is Maine. Gene Bean and the Musketeers. I feel like this is a historical moment. Really monumental." Lisa said, wiggling her eyebrows at Gina.

The girl shook her head at her best friend and grabbed her arm, pulling her from Leo, "Mhm, sorry to ruin the moment, but I have to get her class. We'll see you all later though, right?" Leo nodded, "I can take everyone in my truck, then drive you back to your cars." Lisa nodded, hand in her friend's, "See you later. I'll try not to knock you off of your feet today Maine." She smiled as she began running up the stairs, dragging Gina with her.

"Did you see that!? Two days in a row, Gene Bean. Two! And he laughed at something I said this morning. I think we're meant Gina. Really, it's meant to be." Lisa breathed as they stopped running. "I don't think that makes fate Lisa. Now let's go to class please." Gina panted. She didn't run to class... Or to anywhere, so being dragged up three flights of stairs was definitely not her cup of tea at 7:55 in the morning.

Lisa shook her head, "I tested out of my first two classes. I have a two hour study hall block now. I have business to attend to, but I'll text you!" She yelled, running off and leaving Gina to walk the rest of her way to class by herself.

*   *   *   *   *

Lisa went up to the library and went out to the terrace so she could feel the warmth of the sun as she read her letter. She went over to the very edge, sitting so one of her legs were hanging through the bars and over the edge.

     Dear Elle,

You like my writing, I'm starting to enjoy your references. What were you saying about that wedding earlier?

I don't know if I'd say we're friends yet, I mean, Elle. I don't even know your name. And if it's any consolation, I don't mind you talking to yourself either.

I don't really know how to change the topic without asking about something that will make it easier to identify you. Which I see will be sooner that I had earlier suggested. Maybe we can save that bridge for when we get closer to it.

You know, with all of this self hyping, I'm going to be super surprised if you aren't actually a swimsuit model. I might cry. Actual tears. Not manly ones either. Cute ones that get me clothes, like girls do.

If you are going to refer to me as a pirate, can I please be Jack Sparrow? That, now that is a real pirate. And Johnny Depp is indefinitely better than whoever you're referencing. Unless Johnny Depp plays him too. Then he's obviously amazing.

I don't really want the powers of pop culture referencing, so... I'll just, give that right back to you. Actual young one.

Love, J

     Lisa smirked as she read the letter. She was definitely rubbing off. Whether he wanted to admit it was his thing, but she was rubbing off. Picking up her notebook and pen, she began to write to him just that.

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