Chapter Ten

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Jermaine stood at his locker while everyone filed out of school. He had already told Leo and everyone else that he'd be out late. He wanted to read his letter before they all went to hang out. He practically had to.

The envelope was decorated again, this time in flowers and birds. Whoever Elle was, she was a great artist, and she had already given him five sure fire clues:

*She was a junior

*She had third hour with Leo

*Her locker was 2312

*She was a great artist

*She had dimples

He told himself, and Elle, that they'd both keep their identities anonymous, but honestly, he wanted to find out who she was, despite the anonymity. He smiled imagining a blue eyed, black haired model as he gingerly opened the envelope.

Dear Stranger,

I've been waiting on you to ask about the wedding.

I was thinking that we could do it gray and beige since those are kind of 'anonymous' colors. Though your suit should be white, with beige accents, because, that's the obvious choice.

I also think we should have a red velvet cake. Shake it up a bit you know.

And we're gonna have to take the beads out of your hair, (you can be Johnny Depp) but it'll be beautiful.

Ahh, we're like a match written in heaven. (Wink wink so hard I am winking and this punny pun I incorporated)

We can learn our names the day of the wedding. Reveal them in our vows and exchange our first letter, and everyone will wonder why yours says Leo, and we'll tell them our story as we slow dance to Everybody Knows by John Legend. (because we started with me thinking you were Leo...then a pirate) (not gonna think twice about talking to myself now that you have revealed your infatuation with it)

And on the topic of bridges, do you have any talents? Like, what do you wanna be when you grow... upper?

You are in luck. I am an fact a swimsuit model. I talk like this cuz I can back it up. (Beyoncé reference, right thurr) (And a Chingy reference? I am rolling on a river) (I'm going to stop myself before you go into reference overdrive)

Besides, I don't cry cute, girly tears. My tears are ugly and puffy lipped. Doesn't get me anything but a promise of eternal loneliness.

I'm sure yours are gorgeous though.

You're probably secretly twelve. So according to me and science, you are the actual young one.

Love, Elle

P.S. Johnny Depp does not play Killian "Hook" Jones on the show Once Upon A Time. Definitely not. Completely different talented men.

Now, Love, Elle

P.P.S. I really need to stop doing this.

Really now, Love, Elle

Jermaine's smile got wider. He put the letter into his pocket and slammed his locker shut just as Lisa was rounding the corner at break neck speed. She skidded to a stop, smiling brightly, "Hey, Leo asked me to come get you. Said you were taking too long."

Looking at the clock on the wall, Jermaine saw that it had only been five minutes and Leo was just being a baby. He nodded in answer to Lisa who was patiently and quietly singing a song, tapping her foot along to the beat of the music. Jermaine chuckled, seeing that she desperately wanted to run or move, but was waiting on him.

"What are you singing?" He asked as he jogged over to her. "Oh, it's uh, called The "I" In Lie. Patrick Stump sings it. Amazing artist, really." She said before singing again. Jermaine could tell she wasn't doing it to be rude, she just needed something to do and singing was on her mind, his older sister was the same way, when she was home.

"Sorry, I shouldn't be singing, we're walking and should be talking... Uh, do you know what we're doing? None of the other guys will tell me." Lisa asked, rubbing her bottom lip. Jermaine smirked at her, enjoying the conversation already, "Oh, then why would I? That's part of the bro code, you know? Thou shall not tell outsider what is going to happen during their insider initiation."

Lisa chuckled, "Well, you should tell me because we've connected in ways they haven't. Our foreheads have caressed each other's in a rapid and painful motion, I've had to hold you up in your time of vulnerability, you've had to lift me up when I got down, I mean, we connect nearly everyday, and that means something to me, Maine."

Jermaine couldn't help but laugh at her dramatics, "All of that is just code for the times you have ran into me and caused pain to both of us." Jermaine mused, this girl with the head full of curls had captured his attention.

He was so betwixt that he would have run into the door if Lisa didn't rush forward to open it. The two laughed at the boy's distractedness as they climbed into the back of Leo's pick-up truck. Jermaine's eyes met Leo's in the rearview mirror and he nodded in Lisa's direction. Leo had one a great job picking that one.

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