October 26, 2023

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I know I haven't talked to you since July but I don't know, I feel empty and this all just doesn't seem worth it, y'know?

Is it good there Zianca, wherever you are? Is it?

I hope it is

Also, your old friend contacted me. I had to tell her you were dead, that you've been dead for a long time. It wasn't how I thought my night was going to end. I didn't think I'd ever have to do something like that, but I did.

I hope you knew how much people loved you, when you were reaching the end. I hope you knew that you were loved, by Ren, by Nathan, by all your Wattpad friends. I hope you thought of us, because we think of you. I hope... I don't know. I just want you to have known that there were people who loved you, because it seems like a horrible thing to die thinking no one cared about you at all.

Anyway, I should go now. I need to do things, but I just needed to talk to you again. I'll be back another day.

I love you. Bye for now.

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