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"Disciplinary hearing of the 31st of October into offences committed by Ms Dolores Jane Umbridge, Senior Undersecretary For the Minister against Mr Percival Ignatius Weasley, Junior Undersecretary For the Minister."

Cundrie sighed as she looked up, seeing Cornelius as one of her judges. She had a feeling that she will regret this, but Marcus insisted that she must press charges for the transphobic attack. Cundrie turned her head to see the door, knowing that Marcus is beyond that door, but not allowed in. She could really use his support, now. Why wouldn't he be allowed in- it'd be nice to have some support.

"Mr Cornelius Oswald Fudge, Minister of Magic, please read the charges pressed by Mr Percival Weasley against Ms Dolores Umbridge," the interrogator continued. Cundrie turned their head to the side to see Dolores, sitting next to them on her own seat, only looking down.

"The charges made by Mr Percival Weasley, as the accuser, against Ms Dolores Umbridge, as the accused, are as follows-" Cornelius coughed as he looked down to a parchment scroll in front of him. "Dolores Umbridge supposedly forced Percival Weasley to write a transphobic term, 'dickgirl', with a Blood Quill numerous times to the point of the wound settling down to a scar. Hearing the accuser, Mr Percival Weasley, please describe the full event to your knowledge."

"I was writing a report for Minister Fudge when Ms Umbridge came to my office," Cundrie recalled, avoiding to look at Dolores or Cornelius as they keep looking down to recall the event. "She requested that I bring the report to her office so that she can take a look at them, and I did. She- when I put down the report at her desk, I saw a blank parchment scroll and a single sharp black quill on the desk, but no ink nearby. The door shut behind me and Ms Umbridge told me to sit on her seat, and when I do, she used the Sticking Charm to glue my skirt to the chair. Madam Umbridge showed me a crumpled note containing that word and forced me to write that word with the quill on the parchment scroll multiple times, threatening me with her wand if I refuse."

"Was the word a transphobic slur, 'dickgirl'?"

"Yes." Cundrie swallowed their saliva as their voice went steely.

"Will you show us the scar?" Cornelius asked, his face showing hints of disinterest. Cundrie lifted her hand high, showing the new scar that reads 'dickgirl' that's already browning against her pale skin. An interrogator took a picture of the new scar.

"Put your hand down, Mr Weasley," Cornelius instructed. Cundrie followed, twiddling with their fingers on their lap. "Is it true that you're a pre-transition transgender woman?"

"Yes," Cundrie answered simply. They're not only a transgender woman, but a transfeminine bigender. Not that they'd spend the Wizengamot's time listening to their lecture when they know the Wizengamot had no interest in listening.

"And to your knowledge, is Ms Umbridge aware of that fact?"

"Yes-" Cundrie nodded. "I'm already out to the whole Ministry."

"Has she ever hinted that she was transphobic before the attack?" Cornelius asked. Cundrie sighed, nodding.

"Just before the attack, I recall her saying to me 'Are you glad that there aren't any perverted freaks in the Ministry?', implying that transgender people are just perverted freaks," Cundrie recalled. "She also said to me, 'why can't they accept the body that they're born with?', implying that transgender people are ungrateful people and that transgender issue can simply be solved by 'accepting the body we are born with'."

"Are there any witnesses to the attack that you can bring forth?"

"Not to the attack, but to after the attack," Cundrie confirmed, nodding her head. "Marcus Flint, my roommate. He's right outside of the courtroom."

"Summon him to testify," Cornelius instructed to one of the interrogators. An interrogator nodded as they left the courtroom, another interrogator preparing a seat for Marcus to sit on. Soon later, the interrogator returned with Marcus behind them, Marcus sitting on the seat.

"State your name and your relation to Mr Percival Weasley."

"Marcus Vulcan Flint," Marcus answered. "I'm Cundrie's roommate."

"In court, you will refer to Percival Weasley by his legal name and legal gender marker as this is a legal procedure," Cornelius said, glancing up the scroll. "Mr Flint, please state your relations to Mr Percival Weasley."

"I'm his roommate," Marcus answered. Cundrie can sense Marcus' seething anger, he's always so overprotective of Cundrie since they crawled to his cottage four months ago.

"Since when have you been his roommate?"

"Since June, after he came out and got disowned by his family," Marcus answered, hints of venom evident in his voice. Cundrie closed their eyes, wanting to forget the event. They were not their family anymore, as far as they know. Families don't abandon another.

"Can you describe how you found out about Mr Percival Weasley's scar?"

"I reached home from my job to see Weasley with a bottle of Murtlap essence, I fetched some sterile cloth and soaked it in Murtlap essence before tying Weasley's hand with it," Marcus recalled. Cundrie sighed, remembering the event. "He didn't want to show it but I urged him to. After he did, I pressed for the whole story and then urged him to press the charges."

"Can you describe what does the scar look like the first time you see it?" Cornelius asked.

"The wound was blood red with blood continuously leak out of it, the skin around it so red," Marcus recalled. "Even a whole bottle of Murtlap essence can be red with how much blood that leaked out."

"Thank you, Marcus Flint. You may be excused." The interrogator walked beside Marcus' chair, Marcus standing up.

Marcus leaned to Cundrie and whispered, "good luck" before continuing to walk out, another interrogator taking the seat away.

"Moving on to hear the accused. Madam Dolores Umbridge, please describe the full event to your knowledge."

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