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Cundrie opened the cap of her estrogen shot, preparing to stick the needle to the back of her thigh. Usually, Marcus would help her with this but since Marcus got called by his publishers last minute... Merlin, she's scared. It's just a needle. She's been shot a few times, this isn't her first HRT shot. Take a deep breath in, Cundrie. This isn't so painful, it's like the bite of an ant. A small price for a big reward.

Is it really worth it? Is being disowned, seen as perverted, and attacked both physically and verbally by the Ministry, the very organisation they're a part of, worth it? What about the scar that they got? Other girls don't have such scar, how will they ever hope to convince the world that they're feminine when the scar on their hand proves otherwise?

But isn't this what she wants? For her outside to match her inside? She wants this, doesn't she? She doesn't want to be referred to as her deadname anymore, she hates seeing the lack of breasts on her chest or how there's too much skin on her genitals or how there's a weird lump on her neck that other girls don't seem to have. She wants to be one of the girls, and isn't this what she has to do to be accepted as one of the girls?

Cundrie closed their eyes as they stick the needle in with no doubt. Quick, don't think about it. Cundrie pressed the syringe as to let the liquid be injected in, quickly removing the needle as soon as the syringe is empty. Cundrie rubbed the spot with alcohol, pressing a sheet of dry tissue that's already folded in the wound to let it dry. Cundrie takes the tissue away from their thigh as soon as they feel the time's been enough, looking at the blood on the tissue.

Now, onto the clothes. Cundrie took their gaff from the sink and started to tuck her penis in before wearing it, then they grabbed their breast form and tuck it in her breast form bra, before slipping on the straps and hook the hook. Cundrie took a pair of creme leggings and laid it open before she wore it, moving on to prepare their next clothes. She opened the zip to her flowy lapis lazuli maxi dress, putting it on, and zip it up. She grabbed her brown wool jacket and wore it on top of her dress. She took her bracelets and started putting them on, one of them had been a leather bracelet with flower pendant whilst the other one had been braided leather bracelet. Cundrie grabbed a leather watch and put it on her right hand.

Taking off their cateye glasses, they started to put on some makeup primer on her face before applying foundation. They returned their glasses to apply vibrant red lipstick, then took it off again for the next step. They grabbed some shimmering peach eyeshadow and applied it to their eyes before grabbing a black eyeliner, applying it to the puppy eye, and used the mascara to accentuate their lashes. Cundrie grabbed their buffing brush and place it to their blush compound, applying it with upwards blush stroke. It's a good thing that Cundrie had facial feminisation procedure so their fat facial distribution resembles a cis woman's already, one step checked. Once done, Cundrie wore their glasses again and grabbed a brush, brushing their wild hair.

Cundrie grabbed a foundation bottle and looked down her hand, stopping. Cundrie closed her eyes as she remembers her previous attack. The Wizengamot decides that Dolores will have to pay them 150 galleons. No other punishment. She doesn't get fired, no demotion, 150 galleons for a permanent transphobic scar! Cundrie opened the foundation bottle and squeezed out some of the contents on the scar, rubbing it as to blend it with her skin. Cundrie grabbed some baby powder and applied a soft layer on her foundation-covered skin to protect it from being smudged.

Cundrie got out of the bathroom, her makeup and dirty clothes at hand. She navigated herself to her room (technically it's the guest room, Marcus lets Cundrie stay there) and placed the makeup on the shelf beside her bed. Cundrie dumped her dirty clothes on her bed and cast a simple laundry spell to clean her clothes again, before folding it and placing it in her wardrobe. Cundrie pulled open her rolls of socks and wore a pair of white cotton one, before grabbing her leather clutch purse, placing her wand and her money bag in.

Cundrie stepped out of their room, heading for the shoe shelf. They opened their shoe shelf to take out a pair of brown laced boots with an inch of heels and slip their feet into them. They know with their height they shouldn't wear heels, but they like the feminine feel heels gave them. It affirms them as feminine. So what if other girls aren't usually this tall?

Cundrie went for the fireplace, grabbing a handful of floo powder. Entering the fireplace, she threw the floo powder harshly whilst saying 'Vertic Alley!'. Green flames engulfed Cundrie as she closed her eyes as to calm the dizziness floo brings. Cundrie can feel the hard ground underneath her and she can guess that she has reached where she needs to go, a fireplace in Vertic Alley. Before clearing little soot on her dress and boots, she ducked as to avoid running into the top part of the fireplace (damn being 186 centimetres and the extra inch).

Cundrie walked on the streets, bypassing a few stores. Cundrie entered a white building with the sign 'Confident Speakers Speech Therapy' and entered the outlet. As soon as they opened the door, they reached to the reception where a receptionist already sat around there.

"Welcome to Confident Speakers Speech Therapy! How may I help you?"

"Hi, I'm here for the schedule for vocal feminisation for Percival Weasley?"

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