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Cundrie forcefully pushed herself off of Oliver before apparating away from Amber Cottage alone to London, the capital city in the Muggle United Kingdom. It's the only place she can currently think of, since she was there last Ministry meeting, exactly before the Palace of Westminster. Cundrie backed away before she was hit by a red bus that's about to run by her, walking around the pavement.

Where will they go, they have no idea. They just need a moment truly alone. No Oliver, no Marcus, and certainly none of those blasted Weasleys they're forced to share a name with forever unless they get married quick. Cundrie's mind immediately went to Oliver, would Oliver want to marry Cundrie? Cundrie would do anything, just get rid of the stupid name! They don't even care! They're fuming, anything seems so much better.

Cundrie enters an alleyway and rests her back against a wall, letting her tears leak out as she let out a sob. Why? Why couldn't they just accept her? Is it so hard of a task to do? All they had to do is just changing the name and pronouns in referring to her, for Molly changing the letter in the jumper she makes. That's it! The rest is all on her! So why is it so hard for them to accept her? Why is kicking her out of the family easier for them than accepting her?

Why can two people who are completely unrelated to her accept her and love her so much easier than her own flesh and blood can? Shouldn't family love each other no matter what? Where's Bill? Where's Charlie? Where's Fred? Where's George? Where's Ron? Where's Ginny? Where's Molly? Where's Arthur? The man she looked up so much didn't even know the attack that happened to her. What kind of father doesn't know that?

"Hey, Girl-" Cundrie looked up to see someone in their mid-20s, crouching down next to Cundrie. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"Nothing," Cundrie lied, wiping the tears off their eyes.

"Come on, don't lie to me. I know you're itching to tell-" the person nudged Cundrie's side, smirking playfully. "I'm Sam, by the way. He/him."

"Cundrie, she/they," Cundrie introduced herself. Sam nodded.

"Do you want to go to my flat, Cundrie?" Sam asked. "It's just there-" Sam pointed to a building nearby- "I noticed you were crying here and I came to see you, it's cold and you can use a tad bit of warmth. I got beer."

"Sure." Sam stood up, outstretching his hand for Cundrie to reach, which she did. Sam embraced Cundrie and Cundrie let him, not that she'd have the energy to say or do anything else anyway. As soon as Cundrie and Sam entered the flat, Sam directed so Cundrie sits on his bed.

"Don't mind that it's small-" Sam chuckled, directing for the mini-fridge. "I only have a studio flat."

"It's ok, thanks," Cundrie thanked him, her voice still hoarse, taking the opened can of beer. Sam holds one for himself, making a 'cheers' gesture.

"Cheers." Cundrie takes a drink of her beer. Sam takes a seat next to Cundrie, putting his hand on top of hers.

"What's wrong?" Sam asks as he slowly touched their chin. Cundrie shook their head, drinking more of their beer. "Tell me, I won't judge."


"Cross my heart and hope to die-" Sam made an 'x' over his heart. Cundrie doesn't understand but they think that's a Muggle phrase. Cundrie sighed, they won't meet him again anyway.

"When I was 19, I was kicked out from my family for coming out as transgender," Cundrie confessed. Sam raised a brow as Cundrie drank more. She had to twist the truth a bit for the next part as she can feel a prickly feeling at the edge of her eyes. "I met them again to boast the fact that I have legally changed my name and I have finished my gender transition, but they still weren't accepting. What was I thinking?"

"I'm sorry, it couldn't have been easy-" Sam shook his head. Cundrie finished her drink, wiping the tears off their eyes but more kept coming. "I got more, do you want?" Cundrie nodded and Sam left for the fridge, soon returning with an opened can of beer. Cundrie wasted no more time as she took gulps after gulps like a very thirsty camel.

Cundrie weakly leaned their head towards Sam's shoulder, taking deep breaths in and out as they try to regulate their breathing. Cundrie felt a soft kiss on their forehead and fluttered their eyes open to see Sam kissing it.


"Calm down, no more crying," Sam said, wiping Cundrie's tears away. Cundrie leaned back to the bed back-first, Sam heading for the fridge again. "You still want a beer?"

Cundrie nodded, forcing herself to sit up as she takes the can off Sam's hand, drinking it and putting it down at the half-empty mark. Cundrie laid down again, feeling weak and exhausted. Sam sat next to her and kissed her lips.

"You're so pretty," Sam complimented as soon as they parted. Cundrie only looked up to him with her big blue glass eyes as Sam flipped Cundrie's body around, pulling her dark blue long sleeve top and plain white jumper, and her jeans off her. He also pulled her boots and socks off her, unhooking her bra. He pulled her underwear hardly, and with an effort he finally got it.

"You're so sexy, Cundrie," Sam whispered, his hands going from her face to her neck to her boobs, stopping there as he grabbed them and jiggle them. He started to kiss her hungrily, entering his wet dick in her vagina with ease. Cundrie didn't say anything, just laying down limp as Sam kept digging his nails in her, moving up and down faster and harder. Cundrie froze, it's like she's paralysed.

Will it be like this the whole night?

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