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Both Marcus and Oliver ran up to Cundrie as soon as they see her apparating in front of the cottage, looking like an absolute mess. Cundrie's eyes are bloodshot, her nose blotchy, her body shivering, her walking staggering and reeking the smell of alcohol.

"Cundrie, what happened ter yaouw?" Oliver rushed to ask after giving her one big hug. Cundrie can only stare at xem with her big blue eyes, unable to produce an answer. "Where did yaouw goo? Am ya hurt?" Oliver looked down at Cundrie's very messed up clothes, xyr eyes glossing with concern. "Who hurt yaouw?"

"Oliver, give Cundrie a break now," Marcus interfered, pulling xem off them. They've never felt so grateful for Marcus' interference. "Let Cundrie rest, we can ask later. Do you want to shower first or sleep it off or-"

"Shower," Cundrie answered in a small voice, they felt so dirty. Marcus nodded and stepped aside with Oliver, letting Cundrie step in the cottage. As soon as Cundrie stepped in the cottage, they take some new set of underwear, pyjamas, a towel, and a makeup remover before rushing to the bathroom.

Cundrie grabbed some tissues and started soaking it with the makeup remover, removing the layers of her makeup and the foundation covering her scar. Cundrie immediately looked away as she filled the bathtub with water, pressing the soap and mixing it in before entering in, laying down weakly to the side. Her mind occupied with a single main thought: what can she do? Would her family care? Would they still be her family? Would they care if she tells them the story of yesterday?

Cundrie's mind wandered to Marcus and Oliver. Would both of them listen to them? Would both of them care? The answer should be yes, Marcus is the one who took them in after they got kicked out and was the one who encouraged them to press the charges against Dolores for the attack. But will they still care, now? Will they still view them as the person they are? Will they still love them? Cundrie felt so ashamed.

Slowly but surely, Cundrie cupped her hands to the soapy water and lathered herself, letting the soapy water wash over her body. Cundrie laid down the bath wall weakly, looking down at the scar on their hand. No, no, no! No other girls have that scar! No other girls walk around with the word 'dickgirl', it's not normal! It's not right! Cundrie stood up from the bath to the sink, looking at Marcus' things for his razor.

Ahh, there it is. Cundrie grabbed it and went back to the bath, running it everywhere over their scar. Don't care that it hurts, don't care that it looks messy. Just get rid of the shit! No other feminine people have that, so why does Cundrie have that? Penelope doesn't have that, last time they meet her. Ginny doesn't have that. Their mother doesn't have that. So why do they? Why must they?

Why stop there? Why even bother with the hate the world gives them? Why not just end it all right then and there? Cundrie has the appropriate tool right in their grasp, don't they? In one swift motion, Cundrie pressed the razor deep in her wrist, letting the blood leak out, letting her know that she only hit the veins and not yet the artery. She would've, had she been strong enough. Cundrie dropped the blood-stained razor, hearing it drop to the ground.

"Dri?" Cundrie heard a knock on the bathroom door and sat up in shock. "You've been in there for like an hour and a half. I'm worried, can you step out for me? We don't have to talk if you don't want to."

Cundrie laid down the bath again, it's only Marcus. He'll understand. He'll understand if she doesn't step out, if she can't step out again. He had been so supportive of every choice Cundrie makes, right? And this is a choice that she's making. If Marcus had been so understanding then, why wouldn't he be understanding now? It's what she wants, isn't it? It's what she wants.

Cundrie can hear the door unlock, they guess that either Marcus or Oliver used the 'Alohomora' spell. They can hear a few shuffling and a gasp, some panicked orders of "get her up!" and "what does we does?!" can be heard. Cundrie can feel a few hard smacks to their face whilst whispering over and over, "get up!", forcing them to open their eyes wider in protest.

"Marcus, grab anny loose-fitten clobber ter cover 'er!" Oliver commanded, panic evident in xyr voice. Oliver lifted Cundrie up the bath to the sink, leaning her to the wall and grabbing the towel, drying as much as xe can. Xe stopped a moment and stared at the cuts Cundrie made, one on her wrist and couple on top of her scar that only grew redder, still visible to see.

"Dri, why?" Cundrie can only look at xem emptily, no energy to answer. Marcus returns with some loose-fitting short-sleeved light pink t-shirt with light blue short trousers, both Marcus and Oliver worked together to put them on Cundrie.

"Oliver, get her out. I'll conjure a Knight Bus," Marcus commanded before Marcus ran out, Oliver following whilst carrying Cundrie in a bridal position. As soon as they reach out, Stan moved to the side whilst Marcus ran back to where Oliver is to help xem get her in, Stan getting a bed ready. Oliver and Marcus place Cundrie on a bed before they enter themselves, Marcus saying "St Mungo's!"

"Stoy with us-" Oliver kissed the top of Cundrie's forehead as xe ran a hand through their damp locks, feeling the unsteadiness of the bus. As soon as the bus went to a stop, Oliver lifted Cundrie again in a bridal position and let Marcus down first as to alert the nurses of the hospital.

"Lay her here."

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