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"My head hurts."

It's the next month, Marcus has been busting his arse harder and gotten 43 Muggleborns in the camp, they're mostly either prostitutes, workers of Imaginative Publishing Company, Ministry workers, or their old Hogwarts friends/acquaintances, but other Muggleborns are there too. Cundrie insists that he rests but he wouldn't. 'I killed a man, let me redeem myself this way' he said.

It was in the middle of the night when Cundrie woke up with a pounding headache. She's been very nauseous and her feet and hands have been swollen. Marcus sighed but turned to face Cundrie, his face still obviously sleepy.

"Do we need to wake Isabella?" Marcus offered. Isabella is a Muggleborn who had been a healer before the decree.

"Yea," Cundrie answered weakly, still closing their eyes. Merlin, it feels as if the whole ground is spinning underneath them. They can hear a sigh and footsteps sounding lower and lower until they can't be heard completely. Marcus is gone.

Merlin, what is happening to her? Her head feels so pathetically in pain. There's nothing she wants more than to crawl to her mother's hands, asking for her opinion. Is she going to die? She doesn't want to die alone. Molly has seven kids, she went through seven labours (should the birth of Fred and George be counted as one birth process?). She can answer, can't she? She has a kind heart.

But why would she kick them out for being trans feminine?

"Hello, Cundrie." A Latina petite woman approached Cundrie in their shack, Marcus behind her. "I'll do a simple blood pressure reading spell, ok? Just relax."

"Alright," Cundrie said weakly. Isabella muttered a spell and Cundrie felt tight in her arm. Cundrie remained still, remembering not to say or do anything. "Your blood pressure is high, 150/90. What seems to be the issue?"

"I-" Cundrie stopped, headache. Damn it. "I've been having headaches, like the Earth's moving with me whenever I move. I've been feeling pain below my ribs, like here-" Cundrie points at a spot below her ribs weakly. "I've been very nauseous, my feet and my hands had been swelling."

"Can I ask for a urine sample?" Isabella asks, taking out a disposable cup from her medical bag and handing it to Cundrie. Marcus held out his hand at Cundrie and they stood up, taking the disposable cup and slowly walking to the bathroom. Before they reached the bathroom, they can hear a stream of clear water spilling all over to the ground and looked down, and look up to Marcus again, weak face meeting a face of terror.

"You need to go back to the bed. Help me," Marcus said, panic in his voice. Isabella ran to Cundrie's side, both holding her hands as they help her back to the bed, the disposable cup long forgotten. Cundrie drops to the bed, Isabella and Marcus working together as to put the pillow behind Cundrie and stand it up.

"Keep pushing, Dri," Marcus said, holding Cundrie's hand tightly. Cundrie closed their eyes, all their powers directed to help pushing the baby out. After a couple of pushes, Cundrie stopped.

"Shit, I'm so tired-" Cundrie took a deep breath in. "I can't do this."

"Hey, you can," Marcus encouraged.

"It's the fourth opening, still a long way to go," Isabella said, looking at Cundrie's hole. "Would you like to feel the baby's head?"

Cundrie nodded and Isabella guided Cundrie's hand towards her own vagina, to where the baby's head lies. Though it's wet and greasy, Cundrie smiles at the feeling. That's her daughter. Her dearest daughter that she'll hear the sweet cry in some hours later. She can feel tiny bumps there, the baby's hair. Cundrie pulled her hand up, looking at the yellow-ish grease. That must be the greasy substance, what is it? The liquid was clear when the water broke.

"You'll hold her in your arms, Dri," Marcus said, holding Cundrie's hand again. "You need to push her out so you can hold her in your arms! You can do it."

"Shit!" Cundrie cursed, pushing more. Marcus widened his eyes at how tight Cundrie's grip on him is, but it must be nothing compared to what she's feeling. Cundrie takes a deep breath in as they stopped, taking a rest.

"Rest first," Isabella says to Cundrie, checking the vagina. "It's already the sixth opening, just four more!"

"I can't do it, I need painkillers," Cundrie begged to the healer, Marcus rubbing their fingers gently as to soothe them. "Please! You must've had some in your bag! I can't do this anymore!"

"It's just a few more, Dri-" Marcus kissed Cundrie's fingers. "It's not so far away, now!"

"Push again!"

Cundrie yelled, scratching repeatedly to Marcus' hand that some of it bleeds. What can he do but to stay and give his hand, when his sister is facing even worse pain? He couldn't imagine being her, and right now, he's grateful he's not her. This whole giving birth thing seems so nasty that he's grateful he never had the ability to do it and will never grow a uterus. Why did Cundrie do it- he'll never understand. She could lose it and never go through this.

"Stop, rest first," Isabella commanded. Cundrie stopped, taking deep breaths in as they rests. Isabella checked the opening, the eighth opening.

"What time is it?" Cundrie asked. Marcus shook his head.

"Don't know exactly, it's evening-" Cundrie nodded, holding Marcus' hand.

"Push again!"

Cundrie screamed as they pushed, gripping on Marcus' hand so tight he felt as if his hand will break. Isabella smiled.

"It's already the tenth opening, just the baby and you're done!" Cundrie smiled weakly, good. They feel as if they can't do this anymore.

"Push again!"

"Get out!" Cundrie yelled, pushing. Now, the baby's head can be seen. Cundrie takes a deep breath in and kept pushing.

From the top of their legs, they can see a baby being lifted up.

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