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The sweet cry of the baby can be heard from all over the shack and Isabella went to clean the baby first, but after she was cleaned, she was immediately returned to her mother for the golden hour. After cleaning the baby and handing her to Cundrie, Isabella cleaned Cundrie's vagina. The baby squirmed in Cundrie's hold and Cundrie yanked her dress, letting her right breast out.

"Come on, baby. Here's Nommy's milk," Cundrie said, directing their breast at the crying baby. It didn't take long before it was the right position, the baby's mouth aligns with the nipple and starts sucking the milk out hungrily.

"Slow down, baby!" Cundrie chuckled. "No one's gonna take the milk away from you!"

"She's going to need a name," Isabella said. Cundrie looks down to the baby, staring at the beauty that is sucking on her breast.

"Lausanne," Cundrie decided. "Lausanne Marcie Weasley."

"Marcie?" Marcus' head perked up, hearing the name that sounds so similar to his. Cundrie nodded, looking up at Marcus.

"Marcie," Cundrie confirmed. "Would you like to meet your namesake, Lausanne?"

"Why would you name her after me?" Marcus asked. "It's a beautiful name and I'd be honoured, but why me?"

"Who else has stood by me since day one?" Cundrie asked back, looking at Marcus with hope in their eyes. "You love me and I love you, and you'll love her too. I want you to be her family, too."

"That's a beautiful name, Lausanne Marcie-" Marcus kissed the top of Lausanne's head, the baby let go of her mother's breast and Cundrie fixed her dress.

"Lausanne-" Isabella takes out a quill and starts writing it, but stopped. "How do I spell the name?"

"L-A-U-S-A-double N-E," Cundrie answered. Isabella nods, writing it with her quill.

"Lausanne Marcie Weasley, born to Cundrie- umm-" Isabella dropped her quill again, looking up at Cundrie. "What's your middle name?"

"It's Eilianna," Marcus interrupted. "E-I-L-I-A-double N-A."

"Thank you." Isabella continued writing. "Date is 31st October 1997. The hour is-"

"22.38," Marcus answered, checking his watch. Isabella notes it down too, subtracting it to an hour as the time of birth.

"The sex is female-" Isabella kept writing before putting down her quill. "Can I take the baby so I can weigh it?" Cundrie nods and slowly hands Isabella the baby. Isabella places the baby on a space on the bed and using a spell, floats the baby so low above the bed, displaying the weight to be 2.9 kilograms. Isabella notes it down before putting down the baby, handing her to Cundrie again.

"Do you want me to put down the father's name?"

"No," Cundrie quickly answered. Lausanne is theirs, Oliver had no right to take her from them. Xe was never there when they were pregnant with her (not that xe knew, but still. It was because of xe's actions that made them unable to tell xem), xe doesn't need to be there now. Marcus pressed Cundrie's shoulders gently and Cundrie sighed. "This isn't definite, right?"

"I can't go to St. Mungo's and I'm the one who holds this record, so you can still change your mind if you want to put the father in the birth certificate or if you want to put the father's last name as the baby's last name instead of yours," Isabella said, looking at Marcus, raising a brow. Marcus sighed and rolled his eyes.

"I'm not the father," Marcus confirmed. "We've never dated and we're not dating. You know, Dri-" Marcus turned to face Cundrie. "Not that I don't love her, but you should probably consider not naming the baby 'Marcie' because it sounds so much like Marcus that people will think that she's mine. I would very much appreciate not having that mental image flashing in my mind, thank you."

"What? But you're not her father!" Cundrie exclaimed. "You're Uncle Marcus, uncles aren't the fathers also! It doesn't work that way! You'll be fine, Uncle Marcus. No one would think that you're Annie's father once Annie talks and she calls you Uncle Marcus."

"My apologies for making assumptions," Isabella nodded, rolling the parchment scroll and putting it in her bag. "Congratulations, Cundrie. Do you want to keep the parchment scroll or should I keep them?"

"You can keep them," Cundrie answered. "Thank you. And I'm sorry for yelling at you."

Marcus chuckled. "You should be sorry for scratching the shit out of me, I was bleeding-" Marcus shows the scratch wounds and Cundrie bit her bottom lip.

"I'm sorry, Marc."

"You should get some rest, Cundrie," Isabella said. Both Cundrie and Marcus looked back at Isabella again, who stopped just before the door. "For you to heal faster."

"Thank you, Isabella." Isabella left the shack, leaving Cundrie and Marcus with Lausanne.

Cundrie is no longer only responsible for themself, now. They're also responsible for another life for 17 years. Cundrie felt like this person that they're holding is so familiar yet so foreign. They knew this baby just came out of their vagina after nine months and ten days but who is this person? Who are you? Cundrie can't believe how much love they felt in their heart, yet how much they don't know about the person they love. Is that love, then? Is that truly care if they don't know who is the person they're caring for?

"Isabella is right, Dri," Marcus said. "You should rest, I'll watch over Annie."

"But what if she-"

"If she needs milk, I'll wake you up," Marcus continued. "I learnt how to change nappies with you, remember? I won't like it, but I'll do it. Consider it my first day as an uncle."

"But you'll be so tired-"

"And you're so tired now, aren't you?" Marcus asked. Cundrie sighed, true. "You just pushed a baby out of your vagina, give yourself some rest. Let Uncle Marcus watch over Annie tonight."

"Wake me up if she needs milk."

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