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February comes, it couldn't have been better.

Annie is so cute with her blabbers and her wide brown eyes. She resembles her nopa so much, it's impossible to deny. Xyr almond-shaped brown eyes, xyr snub nose, xyr brown hair, xyr thin lips, it's like Annie decided that Cundrie is too ugly and chose to have all of Oliver's genes completely. Hey, baby, is that what she was thinking back in their uterus? Does she think her nommy to be too ugly?

Cundrie kept persuading Marcus to slow down. 'You got nothing to prove' Cundrie persuades. 'One man you killed compared so many of the Muggleborns you saved is enough.' But it seems that Marcus isn't listening to Cundrie's advises, still going away almost every day, coming home with one or two new Muggleborns every time. Now, it's already 93 Muggleborns and 19 camps. Not that Cundrie's complaining, the Muggleborns who are mothers help Cundrie with Annie.

And there's Penelope.

Oh, sweet Penelope. Not only she's helpful with Annie, but she's a great lover as well. She truly cares for her, she's a great listener, she's a good kisser, she's good in bed. But she's not Oliver. She's not Annie's nopa. She's not the one who Cundrie wants, Oliver is. But Oliver isn't here, she is. Oliver doesn't care about Annie, she does. In these times, it's best to not imagine what could've been. Annie doesn't need that.

"Take a break, Marc," Cundrie stood up from their bed, Annie asleep next to them, rushing to stop Marcus from taking his jacket from the hanger. Marcus looks back at Cundrie.

"Let me go."

"You need rest, Marc!" Cundrie insisted. Marcus sighed. "You need to stop forcing yourself like this. It's alright to have a break, y'know! Who are you doing this for?"

"I'm doing this for them and myself, you know that-" Marcus shrugged and sighed. "I killed a man, Dri. Let me redeem myself this way. Muggleborns are being hunted with that decree, we can help them. We should help them."

"What you did wasn't right, but you have redeemed yourself," Cundrie confirmed. "93 Muggleborns is a lot. You deserve a break, a week break. If you're tired, it won't do good to yourself."

"But the Muggleborns-"

"Next week, you're tired and in no condition to find more." It's true, there had been eyebags under Marcus' eyes and Marcus looks sluggish. "I'll go, ok? We got Alex Graham next. Antaburgh, right?"

"No-" Marcus shook his head. "I can't let you go. Annie needs her mother."

"I'll be fine, I'll be careful-" Cundrie pats Marcus' side as to calm his innards, but Marcus shook his head only.

"No, I'll ask Mabel instead-" Marcus shook his head. "I can't let you, Annie needs you. Mabel is fit, she's a good runner and duelist. I'll ask her."

"I'm not an invalid just because I'm a mother, Marc!" Cundrie exclaimed. "I can still do shit! Annie will be safe, I'll give her to Margaret."

"What if she needs milk? You should be there with her, she's four months old! Margaret can't produce milk herself, she's not a mother to a baby!"

"There are bottles, you worry too much!" Cundrie exclaimed. "She'll be fine, there are her nappies and her bottles, I can rely on Margaret. You need to rest."

"Fine-" Marcus lets go of the jacket, heading back to his bed to rest. Cundrie heads back to her bed and lifts the sleeping baby. Annie stirred up, making noises.

"Shh, sleep again, Annie-" Cundrie pats Annie's back gently and repeatedly, hoping that she'll sleep again with the move. But it doesn't happen, Annie yawned and made more noises. Cundrie sighed, she'll have to give her to Margaret wide awake. Cundrie checked the two lines in her nappy to check if it's yellow or blue (yellow is empty, blue is full).

"Let's get your nappy changed, ya?" Cundrie spreads a pastel green bed pad all over her bed, putting Annie on the centre. Cundrie prepared a container filled with wet cotton balls and a clean cotton nappy. They pulled off Annie's trousers and took her nappy off to reveal that yes, it is already pretty full. Cundrie cleaned Annie, making sure that none of her poop stays before throwing away the used cotton balls.

Cundrie places the cotton nappy and spreads it above the bed pad, moving Annie there. She folds the bottom flap up to secure it to place, tie it with the ties from the side flaps with a butterfly knot, then pulling back up her trousers. Placing pillows around Annie, Cundrie takes the dirty nappy and heads to the bathroom where she transfers the poop to the toilet and flushes it, then puts it on the sink, where she fills it with water. Casting a simple 'Scourgify', the sink becomes full of soap and the used nappy washes itself.

Once it's done washing, Cundrie drains the water and rinse the nappy with clean water as to rid it of soapy water. Casting a 'ventus calidus', a gust of hot air came out of their wand and dried the nappy. Folding the nappy, Cundrie placed it in a wardrobe full of Annie's things, taking another nappy. Cundrie went back, carrying Annie up.

"Let's go to Auntie Marge, yeah?" Annie continued to make voices, Cundrie preparing for the bottle and the nappy. They went out, heading for camp #13, where Margaret should be. Yes, there's her, talking to her mates.

"Hey," Cundrie greeted, entering the tent.


"I'm going to find another Muggleborn, usually Marcus does this but he's tired and he needs to sleep, would you watch over Annie for me for a moment?" Cundrie requested, patting the baby. Margaret's face lights up, looking at Annie.

"Don't you worry! Auntie Marge will watch over Annie!" Cundrie hands Annie to Margaret, which she accepts wholeheartedly. Annie squirmed in Margaret's embrace and cried. Margaret swung her back and forth. "Go, she'll be safe."

"Thank you."

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