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"How many are they already?"

"165 Muggleborns, now."

It's already May, as reported, Marcus and Cundrie have gotten 165 Muggleborns and there are 33 tents, now. Cundrie is working harder to keep getting the resources coming like food and water and Marcus keeps finding more and more Muggleborns, with Cundrie to give him ideas on where they are. Not only Marcus and Cundrie, Penelope often gives them ideas too with other Muggleborns like Margaret, Isabella, Arya, and Mabel.

Little Annie is already seven months old. She doesn't respond to callings from her mummy, she's not startled by Marcus' thundering steps when he's about to leave to find a Muggleborn or Cundrie's thundering steps when she's in a hurry around the shack, the camp isn't exactly quiet. Two days ago, Isabella came to the shack to check at Annie. She confirmed that Annie has sensorineural hearing loss. Cundrie also went to Harley, a deaf Muggleborn, and asked about BSL. So far, she can do fingerspelling and introduction.

"Which areas haven't we searched?" Marcus asked himself, looking at the map of Wizarding Britain. Cundrie walked closer, still carrying Annie when they hear a bang. From the door, they see Penelope, holding a radio.

"The final war!" Penelope exclaimed, rushing in. Cundrie and Marcus turned to face Penelope, eyes wide. "The war with You-Know-Who! It's happening!"

"Where?" Cundrie asked. Penelope puts down the radio on the table.

"Hogwarts," Penelope answered. "Marc, we should go and get the other Muggleborns to fight with us. We should go to help them, some of them would help."

"Me too." Marcus turned to face Cundrie, gripping her shoulders.

"No, you stay here. Annie-"

"Not all Muggleborns will fight, anyway!" Cundrie fought. Marcus sighed, looking down. "I can entrust her in their care. I have to fight!"

"We're going to need all the manpower there is, Marc," Penelope interrupted from behind. Marcus nodded.

"Very well. Pen, you mobilise the Muggleborns who can fight with me. Dri, you find someone to watch over Annie and join us, we meet in front of the shack," Marcus commanded. Both Cundrie and Penelope nodded, running to do their respective roles.

Cundrie took a duffel bag and used the packing spell to pack Annie's clothes and nappy, inserting Annie's bottles also on top. Cundrie closed the duffel bag and slung it across their body, carrying Annie, before rushing out of the shack. Margaret. She shouldn't be fighting, she's about 130 years old, nearing the end of the average wizard lifeline. Annie should be safe there, Margaret loves Annie.

"Marge?" Cundrie called, opening tent #13. Margaret looks up, sitting on her rocking chair.

"Yes, Cundrie?" Margaret's face lights up already, seeing Annie with Cundrie. Such a sight warmed Cundrie's heart.

"Can you watch Annie for me? It's already war against You-Know-Who, I'm going to fight." Cundrie requested. Margaret excitedly nodded and Cundrie hands Annie to Margaret, dropping the duffel bag nearby. Margaret kisses Annie repeatedly in excitement. Cundrie made a mental note to still keep in touch with Margaret after this.

"Stay safe, Cundrie-" Margaret kissed Cundrie's forehead. Cundrie closed their eyes.

"I will-" Cundrie waited until Margaret herself moved back from Cundrie, a gesture she desperately misses feeling from her mother. When Margaret does, Cundrie bowed down to Annie and plants a soft kiss to her cheeks.

"Be good to Auntie Marge," Cundrie advised, though they knew she'd not hear. Annie laughed at the kiss and Cundrie laughed too, but they knew they have to go. How can nomies do this? How can parents do this? Cundrie turned their back and left the tent, ignoring the sounds of Annie that is starting to morph into cries.

Merlin, how can she do this?

Cundrie moved forward, going back to tent #1 to tent #33, joining Marcus and Penelope as to persuade the eligible Muggleborns to come and fight for the war in Hogwarts. So far, there are 120 Muggleborns, including Penelope.

"We can all apparate, yes?" Marcus asked, using 'sonorus' to amplify his voice once they all round up in front of the shack. There had been murmurs of 'yes'. "Good. Apparate to Hogsmeade, there's a portrait of Ariana Dumbledore and we enter Hogwarts from there. Wait for me to lead, Aberforth knows me. Quietus."

"Let's go-" Cundrie holds Marcus' and Penelope's hands, and together they apparate away to Hogsmeade, Marcus hurriedly entering the building as soon as they've arrived, Cundrie and Penelope following. Marcus had a talk with Aberforth before Aberforth nods, showing the way to the portrait in Hogsmeade.

"Are we all here?" Marcus shouts after a while. After several 'yes's, the portrait opens, Marcus leading the way with Cundrie following, Penelope behind her. The other painting on the other end opens up, letting them all leave to reveal who Cundrie remembers to be either Ron's or Ginny's schoolmates, with Ron, Ginny, Harry, and Hermione themselves here.

"Cundrie," Ron said. Cundrie said nothing. "Why are you here? Who are they?"

"We're here to fight for the war against You-Know-Who," Cundrie answered truthfully. Ginny seemed shocked by the answer. "These are the Muggleborns Marcus have found with me, 120 of them will be fighting with us. Let's go, what's the plan?"

"I plan to confront Snape in the Great Hall, that's also where the Order will meet-" Harry answered, taking over. "I know one of his Horcrux is Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem, but I don't know where it is. But it's somewhere here. By the time I've confronted Snape, he would've alert him."

"So, what do we do?" Penelope asked.

"You wait for my signal, you put protective spells all around Hogwarts, make sure no one else can come in. When his Death Eaters destroys the shield, which will happen, fight like hell to injure as many Death Eaters as possible," Harry answered. "Can you do that? Are every one of yours here? We could use 120 people."

"They're all here already," Cundrie confirmed. "Alright, do your part."

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