Coronation Day

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"Ah... Levy-chan... LEVY- CHAN... LEVYYYYYYYY WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!" I hear a familiar voice calling me over and over, but I'm so warm, I don't want to get up... "LEVY GET UP!" UGHHH, its Lu-Chan... I KNOW she wont go away. Better just get up *sigh* Metalicana kept me up WAY too late talking about Gajeel as a kid... I sit up and stretch with a yawn,

"Good morning Lu-Chan... wh-" I yawned loudly, "what time is it?" I slowly blink my eyes open to see my sister standing next to me with a bemused grin on her face. "Ugh, why are you looking at me like that?"

"It took almost twenty minutes to wake you up, AND you have bed hair" she giggled as she turned around to walk towards the door. "I'm goin' to get dressed, get ready then come to my room. We'll have breakfast and a tour."

"Mmmkay, Lu-Chan. Sounds good." I get up and a few hours later the tour is over, and I'm meeting Lu-Chan's friends and family again. Luna, Stardust, Jude, and The Fate sisters I've met, and see before me. Next to the Sisters and holding Jude's hand stands a gorgeous and regal blonde woman. She wears an elegant, yet simple, golden gown and a tiara with a moon on it. Beside her stands a silver haired man in a gray suit and silver tie. The tie has a sun embossed on it. The woman, that must be Lady Layla! Wow she and Lu-Chan look so similar. And that man. He looks familiar, but why? Lu looks nervous too... WAIT HOW IS JUDE HERE!!!!!!!???????

"So Levy, you still need to meet some of those present... I'm sure you've figured out who the woman is. That is my Mother, Goddess of the Moon and Light in the Darkness. My Father Jude, well, his spirit. This realm is connected to the afterlife, and those married or close to gods are allowed to live with us. Though they are all welcome for visits at any time. The man is... well, this is Dinesh, God of the Sun and Heat, and... my birth father." She ends on a quiet and timid note, looking worried and shy.

"Lu-Chan, thank you!" I yell and launch myself at her before turning to her parents, "Mr. Heartphillia, its good to see you again. Layla-Sama, I have always wanted to meet you! Lucy talks about you, and did she show you the letters she wrote to you? It's wonderful to finally meet you in person!" Finally I turn to the final stranger, Lucy's biological father. "Hello Kami-Dinesh-Sama, it is a pleasure to meet you. I'm glad to get to meet someone so important to my sister."

The three smile at me and step forward, before I know it I'm stuck in a group hug that Lu-Chan soon joins, at the same moment all three parents state, "Well if you are Lucy's sister, you must be our new daughter!" I had tears in my eyes, I can barely remember my own parents, they are just a faded memory. An old cabin filled with books, the smell of ink and old paper all around, mixed with lavender and trees. The trees and lavender must have been them, and the books are why I've always been such a book worm. As everyone pulls away Layla steps forward,

"Levy, we have one more surprise for you. Close your eyes please." I did as told with a smile and Lu-Chan grabs my hand, I smell... No, it can't be, books, lavender, and trees!? Is is it....

"Open your eyes Levy" Lucy squeezes my hand gently. I open my eyes to see a lovely woman in her late twenties, 5 ft, dark purple hair that's almost black, and eyes like mine. Next to her, a hand on her waist is a 6'5 man with blue hair and amethyst eyes. They are staring at me in wonder, pride and love clear on their faces as I stumble forward.

"M-mom, da-ad? Is that y-you?" The people nod and I fall into their open arms, all of us crying as my mother hums a familiar tune. Hers was the voice I heard before.

"Levy, you grew up so beautifully! We watched over you and missed you so much. We would have come to visit like Mavis, but you need to be dead for at least 30 years before Kami-Sama-Hades allows that."

"D-don't worry about it" I hiccupped, "I get to see you again, and hold you both, and hear you speak to me. That is all I ever wanted." I turn to look at my best friend, sister, and favorite goddess. "Lu-Chan, thank you." I smile at her, and she grins back.

"Don't thank me! Uncle Death met you last night and decided you were worthy of a reunion, you left him quite charmed." They're all laughing now, guess my face is funny shocked. Then I notice a man with bright orange hair in all black, a cloak, and a skull in a river sewn into his tie. "THAT is Uncle Death Levy."

"It's a pleasure to see you again Princess Levy, I am sorry but its time to return home. Sakura, Lance please come. You may see each other whenever you like after Princess Levy completes her mission." With that he turns to bow at Lu-Chan's parents, "I will take my leave your highnesses, please help the Princess explain to her new sister." My parents had said goodbye and I can feel the tears on my face, but I am happy none the less. I will help my sister, my new family, and get to see my parents more all at once. I am so happy. The three walk to a black gate lined in skulls that appeared in the far corner of the field we were in and disappear into it. This meadow is the same I arrived at.

"So Levy, I have a few more things to tell and give you before you go home." Lu-Chan gives me a cloak, necklace, ring, and key, all with her insignia and colors on them. "these are enchanted and blessed by me, they will help you later. Each will mark you as my sister, ambassador, and protectorate. You must show them to the guild and show them all your note and the book. Afterwards, tell them what you saw here that you are comfortable sharing. If they believe fully in me and who I am they will see the gate you open with this key. After that happens I will inform you of the next step. Keep trying until it works, okay?" she looks concerned.

I answer with a bright smile, "No problem Lu-Chan! I'll get it done, and we all love and trust you, they won't be hard to convince!"

"Time to go sister, I will see you soon okay Levy-Chan!" Lucy is smiling as she fades, her godly visage blurring as the lights carry me home.



I am fixed up now, make-up and hair done as it was on the night I returned to my powers. I walk slowly to the doors as they open, blinding me with daylight. I walk to the center front of the Dias and smile at my people. My family and close friends are behind me to the sides. I spread my arms in welcome and incline my head, everyone who has been kneeling, bowing, and curtsying since I entered rises and gets comfortable. I look behind me, take a deep breath as I see my family's face, and turn to the crowd with steadies nerves. I look out upon them, Fairies, Selkies, Mermaids, Exceed, Unicorns, Fae of all types, Dragons, Spirits, and all the magical creatures you could think of are before me, my people.

"Welcome, my children I have been gone far too long. I am sorry, I trapped you here and no one could explain." I look around, they all look back with love, trust, hurt, and confusion. "I had to live as a human to grow up safely, now, however I can defend myself, and more importantly, you. I locked you all away to save you. Non-magicals feared and attacked you, the deaths attacked me. My heart ached and body fell to pain and convulsions with each one. I sent you here to be safe, I sent you to where I thought you would be best off and I couldn't reverse it when the danger passed..." I am crying silently now, as are many of my watchers. "I... I am so sorry, you all left family back there, I know, friends, children, loved ones. I wish I didn't have to, or that I could have fixed it sooner. But I am back now, but only if you wish it. I love each and every one of you, and that is why I ask you, choose me or another to be your protector, your patron, your Goddess." They fell one by one into their original positions showing me deference and respect silent as I stood, watching, waiting, crying, and feeling their love.

"Let your voices be heard, leaders come forth" My mother's voice rang out and each leader came up and declared their fealty to me. Carla's mother came last with a gentle smile to me,

"I am glad you are back Lucy"

I only nod, speechless as she returns with the others to the crowd. I curtsy low to them as my mother comes towards me.

"Princess Lucy, Goddess of the stars and magical beings, do you swear to protect and love those in your protection?"I answer in, head down, "With my power and love I swear"

"Do you swear to right the imbalance of your domain and return your people to their homes?"

Once more I answer, "By my Honor and Spirit, I so swear."

She places my crown into my hair before speaking once more, "Then rise Goddess, your people have chosen you and are thus bound as you are to them, to love, protect, and aid. As Queen of the Kami's I grant you rank and right as befits your birth once more, welcome back my daughter, now greet your people." I rise as she backs away, smile and enter the crowds to reacquaint myself with my beloved people.


As I exit the vortex strong arms grab me and set me into my bed.

"GiHi, welcome home Shrimp. You need to rest. We can talk to the guild tomorrow, and after I need to talk to you alone. Got it."

Gajeel he spoke while tucking me in and sat next to me, I just know I'm blushing. He still has my hand and doesn't seem to plan on letting go. He also guessed my plans and cut them off before I could state them. I smile lightly at him as I drift to sleep... I could almost swear I heard him say something about me as I drifted off...


I watch as she falls asleep and can't help but whisper, "soon you'll know Levy, you're mine. My Shrimp..."

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