Sisterly Love & Teary Reunions

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Ah FINALLY! I sighed as I stood up and stretched, I have just finished reading the book from Lu-Chan. The task was SO much easier with that gift she sent, she's so sweet... I can't wait to ask how that crystal works too. Gajeel isn't home, and Lily is asleep on my bed, they unofficially moved in, I don't know how they manage it though since men aren't allowed in Fairy Hills. Well except Happy, because in his words he is "just a cat". Anyway they managed though I had a major and constant blush on my face for most of the week Its finally died down though and I'm used to them.

Better tell Lily I'm done and see if he wants some lunch, personally I could use a snack... buuuuut first I wanna reread those letters and check them to the book, I am 99% sure that Lu-Chan is the girl, well GODDESS in the book. OH MY GOD LU CHANS A GODDESS!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm suddenly snapped out of my epiphany by a bright flash of light and the feeling of floating, in the background I can hear Lily yelling for me, but it seems so distant and whatever I'm in is so warm and comforting and... familiar. I just close my eyes and smile Lu-Chan, I can feel you. Is it you? Are you carrying me? I feel so much love, and warmth, theres a voice here too it, it sounds like, like im not sure she sounds... so nice. Not Lu-Chan, someone older...

The light stops and the warmth and floating feelings dissipate as the strange and familiar voice drifts away. I open my eyes slowly to see a beautiful meadow, there are river sounds nearby, and a castle can be seen in the distance. As I'm looking around a dragon lands in front of me and before I can even scream she lands and a beautiful lilting voice sounds, "Please don't freak out! Are you Levy? Levy McGarden? If you are, oh I hope you are! Lu is so excited to introduce us to you! The Royal family and advisor Mavis sent me to get you, the castles a long walk after all."

"U-Um, you know Lu-Chan? And y-yes I am Levy. Sorry to be so rude, we just had a um... less than great introduction to dragons in the flesh. So what is your name?"

The dragon looked surprised, she is absolutely beautiful even with such a silly expression. Just as I'm about to get a better look at her an exceed pops onto her head.

"This absent minded Dragon is Stardust, and was supposed to stop earlier and change to human form so I could fly her the rest of the way and not scare you. Oh and I'm Luna. We're Lu's oldest friends as well as her companions, partners, and emissaries to our races or will be when we're older at least!"

I look at both as Stardust grins sheepishly, their coloring is similar, golds and silvers and the same symbol on their bodies... I wonder what that symbol means. "Well, its great to meet you then! A friend of Lu-Chan's is a friend of Fairy Tail, and more specifically me!" I could see both of them smiling even more at my reaction and easy trust, they look at each other and seem to have some silent conversation before turning to me. At the same time they speak

"Well hop on and lets go!"



I get off of Star, as I've been told to call her, and enter the castle only to see a beautiful blonde woman. She gorgeous, her long blonde hair seems to shimmer with silver and golden flecks throughout its length. It goes down to her ankles in light waves, her eyes are bright brown soulful orbs and her pupils seemed to be made up of the cosmos rather than plain black. Her creamy skin seemed to glow with an ethereal light, she looks a little taller, more mature, and unearthly in her beauty and new clothes, but its clearly my best friend. I found her.

"L-Lu, Lu-Chan?!" I can feel the tears rolling down my cheeks as she shoots me that classic signature smile I missed so much, "LU-CHAN!!!!! I missed you so much! I'm so glad, I, I found you..." before I could say any more I launched myself at her, unsure if I was dreaming or not, I needed to feel her warmth, my best friend, the girl I see as my sister, my Lu-Chan.

"I missed you too Levy-Chan, so much. So, so much." I can hear the tears in her eyes, her voice's delicate wavering as she closes her arms around me. "I knew you would find me, I can always count on you. I'm so glad I have a genius, beautiful, and caring best friend like you!" We part just enough to look into each other's eyes and smile our watery smiles. When we part the rest of the way we kept our arms linked, clinging to each other after far to long apart. We finally notice the group of people around us, most of them have gentle love-filled smiles and tears in their eyes. I scan the crowd while Lucy begins introductions. I know that no mater how long I stay we wont let go of each other, not until I am snet home and even then we will be able to call each other now that I know. I will never lose her again. My greatest support, my honorary sister, my best friend.


"I'm back Shrimp, hey Lily GiHi" I jump in through my Shrimp's window, she doesn't seem to get that she's mine yet, but ill clear that up when she has her sister back. She Misses BunnyGirl to much to start anything, and I miss her too. She forgave me so easily, she's a good friend and stronger than people give her credit for. I sniff the air, something feels off, My Shrimp's scent is old, where is she?

"Lily, where's the Shrimp? I brought her her favorite ice cream and she needs to eat."

Lily comes over, sword on his back, looking ready to leave and fight at any time. "Don't you mean YOUR Shrimp?" He grinned and chucked darkly at whatever face I made. "To answer your question she disappeared in a flash of light, It looked like the night sky mixed with Lucy's Spirit magic. It looks like she finished the book and a note dropped from the light. I was waiting for you to read it."

I just nodded and grabbed the note from him, it had a strange seal on it, golden rimmed blue wax with a crescent cradled sun with a star inside was imprinted. Lily moves and stands on the table as I sit next to it,

Ohayo Gajeel, Lily,

Levy-Chan is fine! Shes with me and my family so don't worry. She will return before long to explain more but for now relax and PLEASE PLAN THE DATE ALREADY. I swear everyone who knows anything about dragon slayers BUT her realizes what she is to you! Okay see ya later Minna!

Love, Lucy

"GiHi, Guess I better get plannin' huh Lily?" As I turned to my Cat he just grinned and put his sword down. I put my Shrimp's treat in the freezer and munch on some iron, time to think.

Meanwhile at the Guild a letter arrives in the guild with the same wax seal, the master opens it and immediately shows it to Laxus, and then the rest of the guild.

"LISTEN UP BRATS! I HAVE NEWS ABOUT LUCY!" The guild immediately falls silent as the master and Laxus grin, "She is safe, and has Levy with her. When Levy gets back she will let us know how to get Lucy back, but for now LETS PARTY!" as he finished he motioned Laxus forward and he quickly delivered a personal letter to Wendy, who teared up and smiled as she read it. Under the party noise Laxus could hear her quiet voice "I miss you too Lucy-Nee" and smiled as he walked away, Lucy is always so good to the younger members, well to all members really.

The party spread through magnolia, and joy all over Fiore as friends of the guilds and of the Heartphillias hear about the new hope and quickening pace of their beloved friend's return.


I'm sitting with my best friend in my room, Mavis beside me and we just finished explaining everything, most of which she predictably figured out herself. I'm so glad to have her back! Especially since I need the support as I enter my coronation, soon I will be fully myself once more not only in being and body, but in title and responsibility as well. I am terrified, I know I can do it, no matter how daunting the task so long as I have my family, my Fairy Tail, beside me.

"Levy, the first step is done, and the second begun."

"I know Lu-Chan, but for now lets get to the party and tomorrow you get coroneted. I can't believe they pushed it back to have a party for my arrival! Is that really okay?"

I just look at her worried adorable face with that 'the hell of course its fine' look and we all crack up, and finally prepare for the party.

An hour later we enter the ballroom decked out in my colors and Levy's Orange as the announcer calls our names, "welcome Her royal highness Princess Lucy Divina, Goddess of The Stars and Mystic Creatures" "Welcome Lady Mavis, Spirit Advisor to the Princess" "Welcome Lady Levy, Our Guest of Honor for the Night, the Honorary Sister, and Best Friend of Princess Lucy"

We descend the stairs in our fine clothes, Mavis is in an all white Grecian gown that trails to the floor but flairs gently as she moves, her customary wings are accompanied by a small hair dress with the FT insignia, and her hair is down with small braided in pearls dotting it. I wear my Goddess dress and will until I am coroneted, and Levy, Levy looks amazing. She is in a pale orange gown that looks almost white in the right light, it's fabric looks sheer and light, flowing like water around her but isn't see through, it's a simple design a halter that hugs what curves she has and is slited up to mid-thigh on the right touching the floor on all sides if it weren't for the wedged shoes she wears. Her hair is left free in its natural waves with her new insignia placed in a small tiara symbolizing her status as my sister upon the crown of her head. It's a book and quill with my own sign engraved in the book, as if written by the quill. Gajeel would fall over drooling and nosebleeding if he saw her! I cant wait until the next party with them, itll be so funny!

"So Levy, ready to meet your duture inlaw?" She blushes bright red and tries to shush me as I laugh and we split from Mavis, (Shes met everyone else in Lucy's family/Friend groups already).

"L-LU_CHAN whaddaya mean!"

I grin evilly as I hear a GiHi sound behind us and Levy freezes, I turn us around, "Hiya Metalicanna! Guess who this is!"

He grins and bows while taking Levy-Chan's hand, "you must be the lovely Levy who stole my dense boy's heart. It's a joy to meet you Lady Levy"

She looks surprised at us, "YOURE GAJEELS DAD, AND WE ARE NOT TOGETHER, AND, AND, AND WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!" We cant help but laugh I'm nearly rolling down the floor, and he and Igneel ARE rolling down there!

"I-I t-to-told you Not to be so p-polite Uncle! Sh-she expected someone l-like G-Ga-GAJEEL BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!"

"Y-YOU WERE RIGHT!!!!!!!!" once we calmed down to a now irate Levy we explained "I'm usually like my son but I wanted to make a good impression on my future daughter in law. I also got you a book on this realm, I heard you enjoy reading"

Luckily that did the trick Levy hugged Metalicana and they hit it off as he reverted to normal and we all enjoyed the rest of the party. I'm so glad my sister is happy.

Tomorrow, tomorrow the next step begins...

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