Help, Teasing, & Re-births

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It's a bright and warm day, and I've just woken up. I can smell food cooking and someone moving about in my apartment. Who on earth can that be? How did I get home, the last thing I remember was being caught at the guild and being questioned, giving orders... I listen more carefully to the voices in my home, gasping I realize who it is. Gajeel!? Oh my God! Did he sleep here!?

As I began to panic and blush my crush came into the room and watched me bemusedly, unnoticed until he spoke. "Hey Shrimp, breakfast's ready, come on. You need to eat."

Looking up at the deep gravelly baritone of his voice I see a surprisingly gentle smile and amusement in in his eyes. Nodding I get up and, still in my clothes from yesterday head into my bathroom to freshen up before proceeding out to the dining area. Of course I was blushing the entire time, a fact I'm hoping he didn't notice. I sit down across from him and begin to eat, surprised and delighted by the amazing taste of his food. Man can he can cook! I wish I could tell Lu-Chan about this. The universe seems to have heard my thoughts, because no sooner had I thought that than a new letter appeared before me. I opened my eyes wide in shock, never had the letters appeared in front of me while I am awake. Gajeel seemed surprised too.

"Gihi, looks like BunnyGirl decided to drop some of her mysterious act." He was staring at the letter having recovered from the mild shock as I picked it up and got ready to open the letter. However, I really need to talk to him before my work begins...

"Gajeel, uumm... er... I, um i- I need to ask you some stuff... ummmm" I am blushing furiously as he smirks at me.

"Gihi, go ahead Shrimp. What is it?" he is smirking more and more, with mischief and a bit of startling seriousness in his eyes

"W-well um, why are you here? N-not that its not nice, and this food is fantastic, but, umm..." his smirk is bigger now and I'm redder, averting my eyes I continue, "y-yesterday, you wouldn't l-le-let go of my waist and n-now you are in my home, and cooking, and and... ugh! I'm confused. Can you explain? Please?"

He pulls my chin up so I see his face, full of warmth and amusement. "You have not been taking care of yourself, and had us all worried. I do not like being worried Shrimp. Because of this you'll pay the price, you ain't gonna be left alone anymore. I'm not letting ya outta either my or Lily's sight."

I'm completely shocked, I can feel my jaw dropping as I stare at him while he laughs at my reaction. Oh kami how am I going to concentrate on anything with him around, and wait OHMIGOD he usually talks to me more than others but that was a lot to say, and he was showing clear emotion! WHAT'S GOING ON!!!!!!??? Does he like me? OHHHHH I need to find Lu-Chan so we can talk! He once again snaps me out of my mental panic by asking about the letter.

"Oh, right! Lu-Chan's letter!" pulling it out I read aloud, if hes gonna be here from now on there's no sense in hiding anything from him.


Ohayo Levy-Chan!

How are you, I know you're getting closer to finding the truth. The last clue is a bit hard to decipher and I am moving things along here faster than I thought I could, soooo I decided to give a little extra help this time! The item attached to the letter should help Levy-Chan, its spelled to be concealed so you need to say aloud a secret we shared, the one about who I like. When put in a certain spot on the book's spine it translates and highlights (the important bits) of the book. Say hi to Gageel for me before you kick him out to say the secret! I heard he made a move, eh? ( ;


I am blushing worse than before while Gajeel grins, I was so caught up reading the letter I forgot it was aloud, and that he could hear it! I hastily kicked him out as requested and whispered the secret name to the letter. A flash of light and Lucy's magic energy revealed a pendant, I study it as I call Gajeel back. It is a transparent opalescent blue crystal with a faint golden glow around it that can be worn from a delicate chain, seemingly made of starlight. I find the pendant glows brighter as I place it around my neck before settling down, chain adjusting to a perfect length for me. I feel warm, protected. I think Lu-Chan spelled it to protect me... I grab the book and move the pendant around the spine, it glows brighter as I get to the top center of it and clicks into place with a blinding flash. I smile at Gajeel and settle into reading as he pulls me to a couch to lean against his large frame.


Today is the day, I'm so nervous! Today is the day I go through the ritual, the day I become whole and almost safe for my Earthland family. I dress quickly, a simple white Greacian style dress with a golden pin on it, the pin symbolizes who I am and came into being as I was born, made of my magic. It is pure magic manifested, looking golden with a soft glow, it is a sun, star embossed in the center, and cradled by a crescent moon. My hair is left wild and down with a circlet with the same symbol adorns my head and plain sandals grace my feet. This is how I shall appear to my people later on, the dress will alter itself to fit my new personality, age, wisdom, and style as the ritual goes on, and when it is done I shall be my full self again, both parts of me as one, Goddess and mage. I enter the ritual chambers, I had bathed in sacred waters and only drank of the sacred spring yesterday and today. I am ready as I stand in the center of the group. The leaders of each race of my people are here to witness my return, as are my Mother, both Fathers, best friends, and the Fates. A magic circle blood of my and my blood parents is drawn. I sit in the center and meditate, my powers flowing around me, playfully whipping my hair and clothes about as it rises to its' full potential and begins to gently coax the seals on the rest of my power to open. As time passes the seals open one by on, falling off and releasing me, filling me with my lost pieces. Throughout the rites I feel my power showing my life above me for all to see in a 3-D hologram, starting with why I have the seals.


Little Lucy in her Goddess form at age two runs to her smiling mother. Mama! Mama! Somebody just tried to grab me! The child spoke animatedly with no fear as she described to her now worried mother how she was on a walk with Jude but wandered off by accident. Someone had seen the girl's power and otherworldly beauty and decided to kidnap her. Several times similar to this event showed rapidly, but not just in Earthland, in all realms they visited someone tried to take the young girl. The images slowed and the final kidnapping attempt showed with Lucy just giggling delightedly over her antics as she teleported around in colorful stardust trails. Her would be captor soon falling over from dizziness and fatigue when she stops and says, kidnapping is not nice and you should never try again with an adorable pout. She walks over and pats the woman's head, healing her headache, smiling a wise and gentle smile, like that of an indulgent mother before walking away, fading to stardust as she did to tell her own mother of the latest attempt. It was then with Lucy being two and a half that she and Lucy's father, already divorced but friends, decided to seal the powers and send her to live with her new Step Father and Layla as a human child in Earthland.


Next comes all of my life in Earthland, all the way up to the present over the course of a full 24 hours as the seals were slowly shed. I can feel the ritual ending, the blood on the floor is glowing intensely as the final images fade and the last seal dissipates while I glow in a blinding light that looks like it holds then entirety of the cosmos and pure magic. When it is over I stand, waiting for a reaction from those around me. My people have tears in their eyes and look in awe upon me as I stand, fully their Goddess once more, and they kneel slowly staring at me in joy and adoration as I smile at them.

"Please, you have seen my life and should know I'm not one for silly formalities with those who mean so much to me. Stand up, you are my people, my children, wards, and hopefully friends now that I can freely traverse the worlds again." As I say this I look into the eyes of each kneeling creature, smiling my warmest and most welcoming smile as they rise and grin widely back. Their faces show even more love and admiration, along with hope and joy at my actions. I wave at them as they turn to leave, "I'll see ya later guys!" They chuckle lightly at m exuberant tone and energy as they walk out the doors.

Next thing I know I am enveloped in a warm group hug and the tearful but happy chatter of my friends and family. I exit the room with Mavis afterward and go to my room, I feel right again. My peoples' rulers welcomed me with joy and trust, and my body, soul, and mind are once more complete. I can feel the prayers and life forces of my subjects and can easily manage the sensations now that my power and the missing reflexes and control have returned to me. I say goodnight to Mavis, though it is early morning now, and enter my room, feeling the warmth and coziness of my earliest home surround me. Though I still feel incomplete. I will, I know, until Levy and I bring the others here and I can begin to return proper order and balance to the worlds.

I walk to my mirror to see my new attire, I stare at my dress, now as short as my miniskirts in the front with golden, blue, and cosmos colored trim on the edges while they lengthen down to my feet and almost touch the floor in the back. The fabric is light and billowy but clearly durable and is perfect to fight in. The same trim is woven in delicate patterns around my waist and the dress's collar. The detailing shows my insignia and the various creatures that I rule over in intricate scenes. In many places I am shown with a gentle loving smile with them, and my loved ones at various points in my life showing all sides of my nature and past. The top is simple as well, coming up and hugging my curves like a second skin, it fluidly flows over my torso, ending in a sweetheart neckline with two delicate starspun strings going to a halter around my neck from the far sides of the trim. I have a delicate gossamer scarf that looks like the universe in coloring, nearly translucent draped in the crooks of my arms, lightly attached to my wrists by the same material as the trim. My sandals have a slight wedged heel on them now and the pendant made of my magic, symbolizing my status as Goddess has been strung on a chain of starlight and moonbeams about my neck like a choker. I do not take notice of my own body only the dress, I wonder even though my new looks are normal to me how will my friends see me now? Now that I look like the Goddess I am, though I don't look TOO different now...

Oh well, I am just glad to be myself again, and the dress is amazing, so simple in design but the trims... just wow. I'm so tired I gotta sleep, later on I have to address the rest of my people and put my plans to action. With thoughts of my impending future I lay down in bed and promptly pass out within seconds, dead to all worlds.

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