Bea vs Illya Von Einzbern: Strongest Servants

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Junko: You don't always need fancy powers to be the best in the family. Sometimes you need raw muscle! With a dash of fancy powers.

Monika: Like Bea, Stow-on-Side's Gym Leader in Pokemon.

Junko: And Illya Von Einzbern, the Homunculus Einzbern of Fate Stay/Night.

Monika: The stage is set and the combatants are ready.

Junko: It's time for a raging Death Battle!

It was the middle of the night, in an abandoned ancient ruin deep in a random forest. Bea was training, striking down a large tree.

Bea: Hah!

She kicked the tree nine times before stopping and placing her palm on it. Without turning around, she spoke.

Bea: I know you're there. You can come out now.

After speaking those words, Illya's bright red eyes opened up as she emerged from the shadows.

Illya: Oh? So you noticed me. That's quite an impressive feat, but you're in my territory and I'm going to have to ask you to leave.

Bea: Really? And who's going to make me?

Illya smiled and stepped aside.

Illya: He will.

Berserker then went out of his spiritual form, towering over Bea who only smiled.

Bea: Impressive. But I'll do you one better... come on out, Machamp!

She threw a Pokeball and out of it came Machamp.

Machamp: Machamp!

Machamp made the first move, dashing at Berserker and punching him in the face. It had no effect as Berserker swung his axe sword. Machamp blocked it but was still sent flying back through a bunch of trees before sliding onto her feet. Berserker then dashed at her and swung his axe sword again, but Machamp caught his arm.

Machamp: Machamp!

She lifted him up and threw him across the forest. As he flew, he cut down a tree and kicked it at her. She dodged it and dashed at Berserker while he slid on his feet.

Bea: Quickly, use Fire Punch!

Machamp: Machamp!

As soon as Berserker looked up, Machamp's fist was engulfed with flames as she punched straight through his chest, already taking one of his lives. The round healed almost immediately and Machamp went for another punch. Berserker dodged it, spun behind her, and hit her with a heavy backhand. As Machamp staggered, she turned around to see Berserker swinging his axe sword. She swung two of her fists and they clashed, creating a shockwave around them.

Illya: It's no use, my Berserker is unstoppable!

Bea: We'll just see about that. Machamp, use Knock Off!

Machamp: Machamp!

Machamp knocked Berserker back and he swung his axe sword again, but this time Machamp slapped it out of his hands before hitting him with an uppercut. He was unphased as he hit her in the face, then Machamp punched him in the gut. Berserker and Machamp slowly started speeding up their strikes, eventually hitting each other with 500 punches per second. Each one caused a shockwave that shook the forest. 

Berserker: RAAAAAGH!!!

Berserker grabbed onto two of her arms, but she quickly held on and used the other two to strike him in the chest several times. Berserker hit her with a headbutt and knocked her into the ground hard enough to make a crater. 

Bea: No!

Berserker then grabbed his Axe Sword again and swung it but Machamp dodged the attack.

Machamp: Machamp!

She went for another powerful punch, but Berserker blocked it.

Bea: Don't give up! Use Ice Punch and follow it up with a Cross-Chop!

Berserker pushed Machamp back and swung his axe again, but this time Machamp ducked under it.

Machamp: Machamp!

She struck him in the chest, freezing it before going for a Cross-Chop that split his body open, taking away a second life before he healed almost immediately. She went for another punch but Berserker reacted quickly, dodging it and swinging his axe sword, sending her flying past Bea and into the side of a mountain. 

Bea: Machamp!

Bea quickly ran towards her Pokemon as Berserkeer did the same. Bea saw this and quickly got between them before pulling out two Pokeballs and throwing them into the air.

Bea: Hitmontop, use Triple Kick! Pangoro, use Bullet Punch!

She summoned two Pokemon. The first one went for three kicks but Berserker swatted him away. The second one then hit him in the gut with a powerful punch.

Pangoro: Pangoro!

He went to slash at him, but Berserker blocked it and swung his axe sword, sending the Pokemon flying.

Bea: Machamp, return! Falinks, come on out and use Megahorn!

She returned Machamp to a Pokeball and threw another Pokeball. This time, a Falinks came out, charging straight into Berserker's chest before running off into the forest and splitting up as Berserker chased them. Bea watched them go before turning towards Illya, who fired a massive beam of light at her. Bea quickly dodged before dashing at Illya and going for a kick, but a barrier got in the way.

Bea: What the?!

Illya: Poor thing, you thought you could get the upper hand by attacking me, but it was I who had the upper hand all along. 

Bea: Tch! Just who are you?

Illya: Your worst nightmare!

She fired a giant laser at her but Bea quickly dodged it before throwing two Pokeballs. Out of them came Grapploct and Sirfetch'd.

Bea: Sirfetch'd, use Brick Break!

Sirfetch'd: Sirfetch'd!

Illya: Sorry, but you can't even touch-

Before she could finish her sentence, Sirfetch'd swung his lance and broke through her barrier. 

Illya: What?! Tch!

Illya summoned her Familiars that turned into swords and fired at them, but Grapploct swatted them away before wrapping his tentacles around her arms, legs, and neck. He held her up as Bea threw a Pokeball and brought out Hawlucha.

Bea: Sirfetch'd, use Meteor Assault! Hawlucha, use Flying Press!

Both Pokemon charged at Illya, who had red markings appear across her body.

Illya: Do you think it would be that easy? Come to me... Berserker!

In the distance, you could see Falinks being sent flying away as a massive burst of destruction was charging towards them. Berserker Hercules, in the blink of an eye, grabbed Illya onto his shoulder and charged straight through them all, sending them flying into the ground. Hawlucha tried to go for a poisonous strike, but Berserker swatted him away as Bea took out a Pokeball that grew in size.

Bea: Alright Machamp... time for round 2!

She threw the Pokeball and out came a Gigantimax Machamp. 

Bea: Now use Max Strike!

Berserker tossed Illya to safety as Machamp stomped his foot and the ground erupted from under Berserker, creating an energy blast that took one of his lives. Machamp then summoned a giant fist that struck him into the ground and blew up in his face. As soon as Berserker started to stand up, a cacoon of darkness started to surround him.

Bea: Finish him off with a G-Max Chi Strike!

All four of Machamps fists were engulfed with Chi as she went for a massive strike with them. As she did, Illya dashed at Bea and went for a punch. Bea saw it coming and blocked it before going for a kick, but Illya ducked under it.

Illya: Take this!

She punched her in the gut and sent her flying behind Machamp. The giant Pokemon struck down on Hercules, creating a massive crater. But Berserker jumped out of the debris and ran up Machamps arm, jumping up and stabbing her in the eye before bringing her down onto Bea, squashing Bea's legs.

Bea: Gah!

Berserker then took Machamp's massive head and ripped it off before throwing it away. The Pokemon's body returned to normal size as Illya looked at Bea, summoning a blade above her and bringing it down through the head of the Pokemon Master.

Illya: As I said, nobody is stronger than my Berserker.

Junko: Well, that's what we get for putting a fighting type against a ghost type.

Monika: This match was... a lot closer than we originally anticipated. Through feats and scaling alone, Machamp and Berserker were pretty evenly matched in terms of strength. And as far as speed was concerned, Machamp was faster but not so much that it would turn the tides.

Junko: As far as experience was concerned, both were pretty similar in terms of that too. Illya was smarter though while Bea had the numbers advantage with her extra Pokemon. 

Monika: But what really set them apart were their powers. Bea's Pokemon made up for Bea's own lack of powers, but Illya had plenty of ways to slow them down or even put them to sleep. 

Junko: Well even then, Berserker's Noble Phantasm was the real problem.  

Monika: Right. Most of Bea's Pokemon weren't strong enough to hurt him. And even though Machamp could take a few of his lives. Bea had plenty of her own win options, most would involve taking out Illya first, but with a servant like Berserker Illya managed to get on top.

Junko: So while Bea was definitely the Noble Champ, she just wasn't able to go Berserk on an opponent fated to win.

Monika: The winner is Illya.

Winner: Illya Von Einzbern


+More Hax

+God Hand

+Tougher Servant

= Experience

= Berserker and Machamp were near equals in strength

- Slower

- Outnumbered

- Less stamina

- Less hand-to-hand combat experience compared to Bea

Loser: Bea

+ Faster

+ Better training physically

+ More Stamina

+ More Pokemon

= Experience

= Strength of Servants

- Less hax

- Not as smart

- God Hand

- Weaker Pokemon minus Machamp

Junko: Next time on Death Battle!

Luz Noceda vs Anne Boonchuy

(The Owl House vs Amphibia)

Kokonoe's Trivia: Battle #182

-This battle is brought to you by SaberQueen123

-Connections: Both are small girls with ancient family backgrounds of different practices (Martial arts and magic). They tend to hide their true emotions towards others and show their real emotions to those they deem their allies. Both also have bulky, muscular, inhuman, almost-naked powerhouses of incredible strength to fight by their side.

- This is Pokemon's 4th loss and Fate's 6th win

- Machamp was picked among a bunch of other contestants including Akuma and Hulk, but Machamp felt like his closest match so long as Bea was the trainer

- Originally, Bea was going to only be given Machamp, but we decided to give her all her Pokemon in the event that Illya decides to fight too

- This is another matchup that was suggested a long time ago, ever since Goro vs Machamp

- This was actually a lighter version of the original death, as the original was a lot more darker, with Illya turning Bea into just a head and locking her in a dark room with all her dead Pokemon.

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