Illya Von Einzbern goes berserk in Death Battle

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Name: Illyasviel von Einzbern

Origin: Fate/Stay Night

Height: 4'4"

Weight: 75 Ibs

Gender: Female

Age: 18 years old

Series Record: 5-3

Classification: Homunculus, Holy Grail, Magus, Master



Illya's Feats:

-Head of the Einzbern Family

-One of the most powerful Mages in Fuyuki

-Outsmarted Rin on numerous occasions

-Managed to summon Berserker and endure the pain of fueling him

- Killed Shirou, Saber, and Rin on multiple occasions

- Trapped Shirou in a doll in one bad ending

     *Has some brutal bad endings

Berserker Feats:

Fate Route:

-Gravely injured Saber with a single blow, thus defeating her during their first fight and almost killed Shirou Emiya, who only survived thanks to his healing factor

-Killed Shinji Matou, Rider's Master, after she was defeated by Saber

-Killed Archer EMIYA after engaging him in his own Unlimited Blade Works reality marble

-Almost defeated Rin Tohsaka, Shirou Emiya and a weakened Saber, though was killed by Shirou's summoned Excalibur

Unlimited Blade Works Route:

-Fought on par with Saber even while being barraged by Archer's projectiles

-Fought against Gilgamesh for an extended period of time, managing to catch him off-guard, although it ended with his death

Heaven's Feel Route:

-Defeated Saber and delivered a deadly wound to Shirou Emiya

-Fought on par with Saber Alter, although was defeated

-After being Blackened and corrupted by the Holy Grail, fought against and nearly killed Shirou Emiya despite the latter having a power advantage, losing only because he refused to deliver the finishing blow

-Got the batteries for Illya 

        *Though not the proper ones

Fate/Grand Order:

-Assisted Ritsuka Fujimaru's other Servants in defending a village from wild beasts

-After having his full Madness Enhancement restored by Fujimaru, killed a dragon and an onslaught of enemies after the group was ambushed

Monika: Born to Irisviel von Einzbern and Kiritsugu Emiya, Illya Von Einzbern is the half-homunculus daughter of the Einzberns, one of the founding families of Fuyuki's Holy Grail War system. 

Junko: She would have a pretty normal childhood... up until her parents would leave for the Fourth Holy Grail War and never came back. 

Monika: As a result, she would be told of her Father abandoning her and betraying the Einzbern family, which technically wasn't wrong. As a result, she ended up hating her father and despised anyone bearing his name.

Junko: So you could only imagine how pissed off she was ten years later when she learned she had an adopted brother named Shirou Emiya who was a participant in the Fifth Grail War. With her hatred and need for revenge as well as the fact her family wanted her to win the Grail War, Illya would become a Master in the Holy Grail Wars and her family would make sure she had the strongest servant.

Monika: Before the Grail Wars even started, she would be forced into learning magic and summoning Berserker Hercules. But don't let that have you underestimate Illya herself.

Monika: She's incredibly strong, capable of punching Toga across a street or effortlessly closing a church gate with wires. She was faster than Shirou, who could keep up with most Servants like Medusa and Lancer. 

Junko: Her durability is also nothing to scoff at. Even Rin acknowledges that she could easily get up moments after being knocked unconscious. Illya can withstand the sheer pain of simply fueling Berserker. She can even keep fighting after getting mauled by wolves. She's outrun True Assassin, hit Shirou with a 236-hit combo, and even proved to be faster than Shirou on multiple occasions. The same kid who proved to keep up with most Servants.

Monika: Right, despite her size Illya is incredibly dangerous.

Junko: Despite her youthful appearance and bratty nature, Illya takes after her father in that she's a pragmatic, remorseless killer when she puts her mind to it. True to her lineage, she is a genuinely stellar magus, overwhelmed Rin, a recognized genius in her own right, in their encounter with her familiars and easily controlling the ferocious Berserker.

Monika: She's incredibly stealthy, being able to hide her magic presence so nobody would sense her presence.

Junko: She's capable of absorbing magical energy, firing a giant laser from her hands, and sensing the magic power of others. Her heart has been compared to a nuclear fusion reactor and her mana pool is gigantic. 

Monika: Illya is an incredibly powerful magus, showcasing the potential that far outstrips every other Master in the Holy Grail War's past, present, and future. She even has her own Bounded Field.

Junko: An entire forest all to herself! She can sense anyone entering before they come in and can see them or even speak to them from her castle. She always knows when someone is coming in and out. On top of that, she has electric traps laid out which she can activate anytime.

Monika: And she has her Mystic Eyes.

Monika: Many mages are capable of using their eyes for certain affects, kinda like the sharingan from Naruto. In Illya's case, she can use her Mystic Eyes to paralyze her target, put them to sleep, hypnotize them, knock them out, show them past events, transfer one's consciousness, skewer their vision, and divert their attention from herself.

Junko: So basically the Sharingan...

Monika: Her main source of combat, however, are her familiars.

Monika: Like her mother's wire-based magic, Illya can turn strands of her hair into high-performance familiars resembling doves through a technique called Engel Note: Angel's Poem. The bird's names are Storch Ritter: Knight of Stork and they can fire energy bullets called Zelle. The technique itself is called Elfen Lied.

Junko: She can even change their form, turning them into wires to entangle foes such as Rin or True Assassin. She can turn them into a sword projectile called Degen, which is powerful enough to pierce through Rin's barrier, which is strong enough to deflect magic from Caster! Illya can even turn them into a barrier of her own, blocking projectiles from Rin whose own energy bullets could bypass even Berserker's defenses!

Monika: Speaking of Berserker, it's about time we talk about Illya's command spell.

Junko: What the hell?! Aren't Command Spells supposed to be on your hand?!

Monika: Not in the case of Illya. You see, Illya's body comprises 70% magic circuits, giving her an extreme amount of magical power at her disposal. These also act as her Command Spells, allowing her to control the normally uncontrollable Berserker.

Junko: Standing at 8 feet tall, it's the big dog, Hercules motherfuckers!

Monika: Illya, at first, not only distrusted Berserker but also hated him, as he did not obey any of her commands. That would change, however, when Illya got herself lost in the snowy desert not far from the Einzbern castle during one of her tests, after which she would become a fully-fledged Master. Lost and on the verge of death, she was attacked by a pack of wolves. As they mauled her, Berserker unexpectedly appeared in the blink of an eye, slew the beasts, and saved his Master from certain doom. This was the start of the two's bonding, as Illya would soon trust Berserker with her life and go on to use him in the approaching Fuyuki Holy Grail War.

Junko: To nobody's surprise, Berserker is incredibly strong! The guy can literally destroy mountains and deflect Saber's own Excalibur blast, which was a weaker version but even a weaker version is enough to destroy a meteor that nearly destroyed the planet! He's even stronger than Gawain, who could clash with high-tier servants like Karna!

Monika: His speed is nothing to scoff at either, being able to keep up with the likes of Saber Alter, who can react in nanoseconds. And she's considered slower than the original Saber, who he easily overwhelmed. And like all Servants, he follows the same physiology.

Monika: Servants are essentially copies and avatars of Heroic Spirits from the Throne of Heroes. The Throne of Heroes is located within the The Root, which exists completely outside of space-time. The Swirl of the Root exists outside and beyond everything completely, transcending all reason, logic, theories, and dimensions within the Nasuverse. It is the source of all things but is also the complete void of nothingness at the same time.

Junko: So when a Servant 'dies', their memories and experiences are recorded to the actual Heroic Spirit that exists within The Root. So when they die they don't actually die. But for this Death Battle, the goal is to kill the Masters, not the actual servants/pokemon.

Monika: Servants can enter a "Spirit Form" when wanting to avoid contact with the outside world. They can also All Servants are also able to resist spatiotemporal distortions, such as when battling against dragons in Fate/Grand Order, who can collapse space-time with their mere breath and presence. On top of that, Servants can see, interact, harm, and even kill ghosts and souls. This goes even further to allow them to affect the conceptually non-existent body of Kama, like how Yagyu Munenori was able to attack her, despite Kama being non-existent in nature and her body being the concept of nothingness.

Junko: They don't need to breathe, eat, or even sleep. They can even resist the effects of poison or Tiamat's Sea of Life, which affects the souls, minds, and bodies on a conceptual level.

Monika: Speaking of which, Berserker has a few skills that help him in battle. one of which is his Madness Enhancement.

Monika: This is the Class Skill that Hercules has as a Berserker. This strengthens a Servant's physical attributes in exchange for their mental capabilities and sense of reason. But as discovered by Dr. Roman, the Madness Enhancement on Heracles is actually quite weak, leaving some of his reasoning intact, though only enough to avoid attacking civilians.

Junko: Then there's his first Personal Skill, Battle Continuation!

Junko: This skill makes it possible for Heracles to fight even after receiving deadly injuries! Letting him stay alive as long as he doesn't receive a decisive fatal wound! His second Personal Skill is Bravery!

Junko: This lets him resist mental interference such as pressure, confusion, and fascination. It also increases damage dealt in melee combat. Though it's mostly nullified by Mad Enhancement. 

Monika: His third Skill is his Divinity.

Monika: This is the measure of whether or not the user has Divine Spirit aptitude. Heracles is the son of Zeus and ascended to godhood after death, granting him a high rank of Divinity, allowing Berserker to break through powerful defensive Noble Phantasms.

Junko: His final Personal Skill is his Mind of the Eye!

Monika: Eye of the Mind(Fake)...

Junko: Whatever!

Junko: This is a natural instinct possessed by Heracles, comparable to a Sixth Sense. It lets him calmly analyze his battle conditions and make complex battle decisions without falling for feints. It's also not affected by his Mad Enhancement skill.

Monika: His main weapon is his axe sword.

Monika: A giant weapon made of rock, carved from the foundations of a temple. It's powerful enough to withstand strikes from Saber's Excalibur and deflect powerful Noble Phantasms, such as Archer's Calabdolg and Gilgamesh's Gate of Babylon weapons. He can also use it to perform Nine Lives: Shooting the Hundred Heads.

Monika: The ability Heracles used to slay the Hydra in life. Heracles continuously swings his weapon faster, soon reaching speeds that make the attacks seem instant, effectively striking the enemy a hundred times before finishing with a powerful downward strike.

Junko: It's a Phantasm capable of adapting its appearance depending on the situation and weapon used. A technique that "exterminates no matter how many times his opponent resurrects". Its power can range from Anti-Unit to Anti-Fortress, and yet that's not Berserker's Noble Phantasm.

Monika: No, his Noble Phantasm, and what makes him so dangerous, is his God Hand: Twelve Labors.

Monika: A blessing and a curse given to him by the gods for completing the Twelve Labors in life. This Noble Phantasm turns his body into armor that acts similarly to a Conceptual Weapon, granting him immortality and invincibility.

Junko: Yeah, anything that's lower than an A-Rank won't even scratch him. In other words, if it's not your best it ain't doing shit.

Monika: It also grants him 12 lives, one for each labor. In order to permanently kill Hercules, one must kill him 12 times over or hit hard enough to get rid of multiple lives at once. Thus granting him a healing factor fit for the occasion.

Junko: Cut him in half, burn him to bones, or even tear him to pieces, Berserker will regenerate until all twelve lives are gone. To make matters worse, he becomes resistant to whatever kills him so it would be nearly impossible to kill him the exact same way twice! This guy is basically the Doomsday of the Fate series!

Monika: But even if Berserker isn't enough, Illya still has one more ace up her sleeve. That being the Dress of Heaven.

Monika: The Mystic Code of the Einzbern Family,  summoned through the sacrifice of Leysritt, which allows for the use of the Third Magic, Heaven's Feel, the materialization of the soul itself. This will enable her to transfer the souls of others into new containers, trapping Shirou in a doll in one bad ending and, in the True Ending of Heaven's Feel, rescuing his soul from the destruction of his body and giving him a temporary, small body made from bits of her own. She cannot use the full power of the Third Magic, instead of wielding an incomplete replica. 

Junko: Theoretically, it could be used to achieve true immortality by materializing the soul, preventing it from dispersing and returning to Akasha.

Monika: But even then, none of this means Illya is unbeatable.

Junko: Yeah, Illya can often be a little too overconfident and childish at times. This often leads her to let her guard down and lose against much more powerful foes. And while she's fast, she does lack stamina so she doesn't do a lot of running.

Monika: Right. She may have Berserker to protect her at all costs, but sufficiently powerful attacks can take off multiple lives at once, potentially even killing him twelve times over instantly. 

Junko: But so long as Illya has the strongest servant, she can always brush past these weaknesses and be considered the strongest master.

Illya: I'll show you a miracle. It's an application of the magic I showed you earlier, but this one's amazing. This is the sorcery everyone wanted to see, after all. You said an older brother protects his younger sister, right? Yeah. I'm the older sister. So I have to protect my younger brother.

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