Yuji Itadori vs Denji: JuJutsu Devil

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Junko: I know that sometimes you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain, but when the villain is already trapped inside you, what else are you really going to do about it?

Monika: Like Yuji Itadori, the Grade 2 Sorcerer in JuJutsu Kaisen.

Junko: And Denji, the Chainsaw Devil of Chainsaw Man!

Monika: The stage is set and the combatants are ready.

Junko: It's time for a Death Battle!

記録: 20XX年8月10日

(Log: August 10th 20XX)


(A destructive battle broke out between Sukuna's Vessel and the Chainsaw Devil)

In the middle of Tokyo, everything was peaceful until a small building blew up and Denji was sent flying out of it. He crashed into a car as innocent civilians all ran away. He then looked up to see Yuji recovering fast.

Denji: Damn, you're pretty tough.

Yuji: Sorry, but you're one Cursed Spirit I can't allow to get away.

Denji: Cursed spirit? The hell are you talking about? Well, whatever, Makima asked me to kill you and that's exactly what I'm gonna do!

Denji pulled the starter cord on his chest and transformed into the Chainsaw Devil.

Denji: Now shut up and let me kill you!


Denji ran after him and swung the chainsaws on his arms. Yuji dodged his strike and punched him in the gut, then hit him with an uppercut before kicking him into a truck. Yuji dashed at him and went for another powerful punch, but Denji blocked with his chainsaws. He then kicked Yuji back. But Yuji only slid on his feet.

Yuji: (This one's tough. Better up my game!)

Denji: That's some fancy footwork you got there, but I'm still way stronger!

He started throwing cars, and Yuji quickly dodged them while running after him. He gets in close.

Yuji: Black Flash!

And goes for a powerful punch that caused Denji to cough up blood. Yuji then went for another punch, but Denji quickly dodged it and swung his chainsaws. Yuji ducked under and punched him again before hitting him with a roundhouse kick that dropped Denji to one knee.

Yuji: Take this!

He went for a powerful punch but Denji quickly got back as Yuji punched the ground. Denji then kicked Yuji square in the balls.

Yuji: Ack! D-Dam... w-wha- you- geh!

Denji: You know what they say! All's fair when kicked in the balls!

Yuji: Nobody says that!

Denji swung one of his chainsaws and Yuji dodged before kicking him back in the balls.

Denji: Gah!

Yuji: How do you like it?! Back Flash!

He punched Denji through multiple buildings. Denji managed to slide on the road and looked up to see Yuji already on his tail.

Yuji: Black Flash!

He goes for another one but this time Denji dodges out of the way as Yuji makes a massive crater. Denji was about to strike again but Yuji kicked him in the face, sending him flying into the air. The chains from Denji's chainsaws then went down and wrapped around Yuji's foot.

Denji: Get over here!

He pulled Yuji towards him and kicked him back into the ground hard. He then came down and swung his chainsaw but Yuji jumped up and dodged it, getting ready for another powerful punch.

Yuji: Divergent Fist!

He hit Denji with a punch that delivered two impacts, with the second one sending Denji flying once more. As Denji slid on his feet, Yuji dashed at him and went for a drop kick. Yuji blocked with his chainsaws and knocked him back before swinging them. Yuji dodged both swings. Once Denji went for a third, Yuji did a backflip and dodged that as well. Denji was about to go for a fourth strike.

Yuji: Black Flash!

Yuji hit him with an uppercut and then a roundhouse kick that sent Denji crashing into a semi-truck. Yuji then dashes at him and goes for a powerful punch. Denji dodged it as Yuji dented the truck. Denji then thrusts his chainsaw, but this time Yuji dodges as Denji pierces through the truck. But Denji wasn't done as he grabbed the truck and rammed it into Yuji, sending him and the truck crashing into a nearby building. before Denji could say it was done, scissors started to appear around the truck as it blew up. Yuji came out of the explosion as his wounds began to heal.

Denji: The hell? You can heal without blood? Now that's just not fair!

Denji ran at him and swung his chainsaws but Yuji ducked under it and elbowed Denji in the face. Denji then spun around and swung his chainsaws but Yuji ducked under it again. He punched Denji in the gut, then hit him with an uppercut and went for a kick to the face. Denji caught Yuji's leg, spun him around, then threw him away. As Yuji slid onto his feet, Denji chased after him and went to thrust his chainsaws. Yuji dodged to the side and went for a punch.

Yuji: Black Flash!

He punched him in the gut, causing Denji to cough up blood.

Denji: Stop doing that!

He started swinging his chainsaws rapidly but Yuji dodged each strike. 

Yuji: Don't like it? Well, you're gonna hate this!

Denji thrust his chainsaw but Yuji ducked under it and punched him in the gut.

Yuji: Dismantle!

The punch was strong enough to blow open a massive hole in Denji's chest. Denji coughed up blood as Yuji was about to take his fist out, but Denji managed to grab his arm, preventing him from doing so.

Yuji: What the?! Let go!

Denji: That all you got? Try this!

He then pierced Yuji through the chest with his chainsaw. Yuji coughed up blood as Denji laughed.

Denji: Ha! I was told you were a challenge, but you were just pathetically weak!

Lines suddenly started to grow on Yuji's body as he smiled.

Sukuna: Weak? I'm not so sure about that.

Denji: Huh?

Grabbing Denji's arm, he pulled the chainsaw out of him and the wound healed almost instantly. Denji could immediately tell this was no longer Yuji, but someone else entirely. 

Denji: What? Who the hell-

Sukuna pushed him away and Denji rolled on his feet, dashing back at him and swinging his chainsaws. Sukuna casually dodged and Denji slid on his feet before dashing at him again. He thrust a chainsaw again but Sukuna grabbed his arm and smashed him into the ground.

Sukuna: Pathetic. You're the kid Itadori's been struggling with?

Denji slowly stood up.

Denji: Heh, I get it now. You're the real one I'm after, aren't you?!

Sukuna: Yeah? And what of it? You wouldn't be able to get it done with how pathetic you are.

Denji: Oh yeah? We'll just see about that!

He dashed at Sukuna and swung his chainsaw, but Sukuna dodged it and ripped off his left arm. Sukuna then swung his right but Sukuna easily sliced it off then kicked him away. Denji slid on his feet.

Sukuna: Hmph. Now what are you going to do with no arms?

Denji: You bastard... I've still got the chainsaw on my head!

He charges at Sukuna as Sukuna effortlessly lifts his hand expecting to block it, but instead, his entire arm was cut off. 

Sukuna: What?

Denji: Hah! Dumbass! You were so focused on my head...

Sukuna turned around to see that Denji had summoned a chainsaw on his leg.

Denji: That you didn't see the one on my foot!

Sukuna: Tch!

Denji turned around but immediately his upper body was sliced off as Sukuna swatted him away like a fly, sending him into a nearby building, causing it to crumble on top of him. 

Sukuna: I expected better.

Just then, a black shadow appeared behind him. 


Sukuna: What?

He ducked as the buildings around him crumbled, killing hundreds of people. He looks up to see that Denji has turned into Pochita. He smiles and begins to laugh.

Sukuna: This is what I'm talking about!

Pochita dashed at him and swung his chainsaws but Sukuna quickly dodged as Pochita went for a downward swing. Sukuna blocked it with his arm and punched him in the gut, causing a massive hole to form, but said hole regenerated almost immediately as Pochita sliced his arm off. Said arm healed as well and Sukuna went for another punch.

Sukuna: Black Flash!

His punch sent Pochita flying through several buildings and before he could hit the last one, Sukuna appeared above him and kicked him into the ground, creating a massive crater. Sukuna landed on his feet, looking at the debris.

Sukuna: C'mon, don't tell me that's all you've got!

Just then, several chains came out of the debris to strike at Sukuna. He dodged them not really caring that several innocent civilians were getting slaughtered along the way. Once he got a clear view of Pochita, he took aim.

Sukuna: Dismantle!

He unleashed a slashing wave that destroyed everything in its path. Pochita blocked it with his chainsaws and pushed it behind him, causing it to slice a whole building in two. Sukuna then dashed at him.

Sukuna: Domain Amplification!

He surrounded his body with the power of his domain as the two clashed. Sukuna then elbowed Pochita in the gut but Pochita took it and went for a downward slash. Sukuna dodged it as Pochita stabbed the ground. He went for an upward swing that unleashed a massive wave of destruction toward Sukuna and sent him flying back. Sukuna slid on his feet and Pochita was already right in front of him, slashing his chainsaws and cutting open Sukuna's chest. As that massive wound healed up, Sukuna punched Pochita in the gut. Pochita went for another strike but Sukuna dodged and kicked him away, sending him flying through buildings.

Sukuna: Come at me, Hero of Hell!

Pochita attached his chains to several buildings and sent himself flying towards Sukuna.

Pochita: RAAAAAAAGH!!!!

He swung his chainsaws and Sukuna just barely managed to dodge as his arm was cut clean off. Pochita then slid on his feet and turned around only for Sukuna to kick him into the ground hard. he then healed his arm as his legs were cut off and he was sent flying. He healed those too and looked down to see Pochita jumping at him and swinging his chainsaws. Sukuna caught his arm.

Sukuna: Cleave.

And with a swing of his other arm, he cut Pochita clean in half. He then punched the Chainsaw Devil high above the city. But Pochita wasn't going to give up that easily. He ripped his heart out and threw it down. His body started to reform around his heart as he was whole again and swung his chainsaws, landing on his feet and cutting off both of Sukuna's arms. They healed almost instantly as he hit Pochita with a double punch that knocked him back. Pochita caught himself and dashed back at him and the King of Curses placed his hand on the ground.

Sukuna: Spiderweb!

He used Cleave on the ground, causing the earth beneath them to shake and crumble as Pochita lost his balance. Sukuna then hit him with a bicycle kick and sent him flying again. Pochita stabbed his chains into the ground and launched himself back at him, growing four arms and swinging two of them. Sukuna jumped up and spun between the attack, easily avoiding it before landing on his feet. Pochita swung his other two arms but Sukuna dodged his attack and punched him through his body before picking him up and tossing him to the side. As soon as Pochita recovered, Sukuna punched him again and sent him crashing through several buildings that collapsed on top of him. Pochita came out of the rubble of the collapsed building and started walking towards Sukuna.

Sukuna: Hehehe... ehehehe... AHAHAHAHAHA!!! That's it! This is what gets my blood pumping! I hadn't felt this great since the Heian era! 

Pochita growled as Sukuna looked down on him.

Sukuna: However, all good things must come to an end. You had this coming. Domain Expansion, Malevolent Shrine!

Suddenly the entire area around them became Sukuna's Domain. Pochita roared and dashed at Sukuna while everything around him was getting ripped to shreds. Pochita was healing through his own injuries as Sukuna grew two more arms and two more eyes.

Sukuna: Stand proud... you are strong. 

Flames started to form in Sukuna's hands and took the form of an arrow.

Sukuna: Open... Divine Flame!

He fired the arrow straight through Pochita's heart, and it burst into a massive pillar of flames. Pochita roared and tried to charge through the flames, but the fire engulfed him and slowly burned him to ash. Eventually, the flames completely surrounded him and once they dispersed, there was nothing left. Sukuna smiled and started to laugh.

Sukuna: Hehehehehe... AHAHAHAHA!!!

The lines on his face disappeared as the Domain did too. Sukuna had turned back into Yuji, who passed out on the ground.

Junko: Damn! Talk about a war!

Monika: This was an interesting matchup that could have gone either way depending on how you view it.

Junko: Denji definitely had an edge thanks to his chainsaws. If he wanted to, he could have ended this by cutting off Yuji's head or cutting the guy in half. But at the same time, Yuji was a lot tougher and much stronger than Denji. They're relatively close in terms of speed but Denji is a tad bit faster. Not fast enough to make any meaningful difference though.

Monika: Yuji also has much better training and a larger variety of techniques. But the real difference comes with Pochita and Sukuna.

Junko: Oh yeah! Once these two hit it on, we got into some real action!

Monika: Physically, Pochita held all the advantages against Sukuna. He was stronger, faster, and way more durable while Sukuna had enough hax in his pocket to eventually overwhelm Pochita. 

Junko: The two even have ways of just one-shotting each other. Sukuna can easily destroy Pochita's heart while Pochita can just as easily cut off Sukuna's head without fear of their respective healing factors getting in the way.

Monika: Right. And Pochita probably would have won, if not for Sukuna's Domain Expansion. Something that Pochita has no answer for and allows Sukuna to rip him to shreds without the need to get in close.

Junko: I guess that's what you get for bringing a chainsaw to a JuJutsu battle. This fight was just too good to bark for.

Monika: The winner is Yuji Itadori.

Winner: Yuji Itadori

+ Stronger

+ More Durable

+ Smarter

+ More Hax

+ More experienced (Sukuna)

+ Better Healing Factor than Denji (Sukuna)

+ Ass Guy (Yuji)

= Speed (Yuji/Denji)

= Healing Factors (Sukuna/Pochita)

- Smaller weapon arsenal

- Weaker Healing Factor than Denji (Yuji)

- Less experience (Yuji)

- Physically Weaker than Pochita

- Less Durable than Pochita

- Slower than Pochita

Loser: Denji

+ Larger arsenal (Mostly chainsaws)

+ Better Healing Factor than Yuji

+ More experienced than Yuji

+ Physically Stronger (Pochita)

+ More Durable (Pochita)

+ Faster (Pochita)

+ Boob guy (Denji)

= Speed (Denji/Yuji)

= Healing Factor (Pochita/Sukuna)

- Weaker than Yuji (Denji)

- Less Durable than Yuji (Denji)

- Not as smart

- Less experienced than Sukuna

- Less Hax

- Weaker healing factor than Sukuna (Denji)

Junko: Next time on Death Battle!


Aigis vs Ramlethal Valentine

(Persona vs Guilty Gear)

Kokonoe's Trivia: Battle #186

Connections:  The connections between Yuji and Denji are that both are the main protagonists of new generation Shounen manga series that have become extremely popular and have an official anime adaptation from Studio MAPPA, both are orphaned easygoing teenage men living in urban Japan who gained supernatural powers and eventually joined a high-level government agency, (Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College and the Public Safety Devil Hunters), devoted to ridding the devilish creatures made from negative human emotions that infest their world, (Curses and Devils), both became fused/merged with one of these creatures in a life-or-death situation (Sukuna the King Of Curses and Pochita the Chainsaw Devil); giving them their powers and finally both get drafted into their organization after getting personally recruited by one of the most powerful and feared, (also fan-favorite), characters in their world (Satoru Gojō and Makima).

- Ass guy vs Boob guy

- Gege Akutami and Tatsuki Fujimoto, (the authors of both Jujutsu Kaisen and Chainsaw Man respectively), are good friends, enjoying and taking inspiration from each other's manga and mentioning each other frequently, (Fujimoto even jokingly called Chainsaw Man a Jujutsu Kaisen rip-off when the anime got announced).

- This battle is brought to you by Xeno_670 and Captain_Valkyrie

      *This is the first matchup in a long time to be asked by two people, making it a must for this season, though it's not the only one with more than one request

- This is JuJutsu Kaisen's first win and Chainsaw Man's second loss

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